Big Trouble: Lose Data In Synchronizing
Oct 22, 2004
This is very bad. We're losing data changes when we run a synchronize on an Access database.
A client wanted to use replication so he could have several people using the same database and then update everyone's changes. (It turns out that he's not used that feature.)
The client was unable to get the replica to work on his machine, so he uses the master version.
Instead, we've used replication to allow me to make changes in the database structure while he makes changes in the data. (Obviously, it would have been better to split the database in two parts, but it's too late for that now.)
Here's my process when I need to update his copy:
1. Synchronize between my master and replica.
2. Copy master to CD-R. (We're not on a network.)
3. Synchronize between client's master and replica.
4. Send a copy of master to client.
5. Open my new version of master on the client's computer and synchronize with his replica copy.
When we do that many of his recent changes disappear.
Why is that? They don't even show up as conflicts.
What are we doing wrong? Are we totally abusing the concept of replication or what??
I'm stumped. I appreciate any suggestions or thoughts.
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Jan 17, 2012
I have a form and one of the text fields I need to verify against data in a table. I think the best way is to check the field once it loses focus on that text field. If the data is not in the table then the user is prompt with a msg "Invalid data, Please try again". I'm using Access 2010 to develop. I need query to run the validation.
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Mar 14, 2006
I have a form which is linked to a query. The main form which calls this form sets the filter for the query. This works fine and I can navigate all the filtered records.
The problem is when I go to add a new record the filter information goes away.
For backround this is DB for project information. The user clicks a button to view notes on the project. The notes are stored in a different table and the project_id is the common field which links the two together. I want this to function where the user can open the subform read the notes and add a new one if needed.
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Jul 31, 2012
I'm saving links to a combobox in a form, but each time I close out of the form and reopen it the Combobox doesn't keep the list of data I entered before and only keeps the last selected one in its drop down menu.
Is there a way to make the Combobox store/keep the data?
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Nov 22, 2004
I have a form with a text box from a table (cus. ID) and when I input that cus.ID into that text box I would like for that data to be stored in the appropriate table (customer) and also in the bridge table (customer purchases). Is there any way to input the data once into a textbox on the form and have it recorded into two different tables? Please let me know. Thanks
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Oct 23, 2006
I'm trying to import about 18 excel spreadsheets into one database in Access. I've been using "get external data" to import the spreadsheets as tables, and the first 8 of them worked fine, but now I cannot import any more excel files. The only error message I'm getting is "An error occurred trying to import file 'C:....xls' The file was not imported." And this error pops up after I have gone through all of the importing steps. Did I exhaust Access's resources? It's not a format issue, and I've restarted, etc. I'm at a loss.
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Jul 21, 2005
I have a Button, which update various data into a table in a form. If i called a requery (me.requery) then, the the coursor move up to the first entry.
Whats the problem with this?
(Sorry for my bad englisch)
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Jan 21, 2008
I always feel as though I'm asking a stupid question but here goes. I am making a database with sub tables and sub forms, and working from "Access 2003 inside out". When I open table properties and enter a subdata sheet name and fill in child and master links everything seems fine until I try to save it. I open the table properties window again and the sub data sheet option has returned to "auto". Am I doing something stupid or is there a bug in my system?
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Jun 20, 2005
I have a form to edit records. When I open the form I am not able to change any of the fields until I edit a date field that has a calendar popup on the "on click" event. After that all of the fields are available for editing. Any ideas??
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Jun 7, 2005
i have a form (frm1) and subform (sfrm1) that when a room number is double-clicked in the subform another form (frm2) and subform (sfrm2) loads. frm1 has building info and frm2 is used for inspection info. if a room has never been inspected then when frm2 loads the field [room] will be empty. however, after the first inspection the room number is obviously entered for frm2.
so i have created a global variable that holds the value of [lab_room] from frm1 and is supposed to use this value on frm2 if the room has never been inspected - ie, [room] is null. however, the value of intRoom (global variable) is lost after is leaves frm1 and goes to frm2. below is my code:
modGlobal (module with global variables declared)
Option Compare Database
Global intVar As Variant
Global intRoom As String
Private Declare Function CoCreateGuid Lib "OLE32.DLL" (pGuid) As Long
Private Type GUID 'Memory structure used by CoCreateGuid
Data1 As Long
Data2 As Integer
Data3 As Integer
Data4(7) As Byte
End Type
Private Const S_OK = 0 'Return value from CoCreateGuid
frm1 subform double click event
Private Sub Form_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_DblClick
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim stMsg As String
'if the user double clicks on an area that has no lab_id associated with it
'prevents a null value for lab_id
If IsNull(Me!lab_id) Then
stMsg = "There is no lab associated with this room."
intRes = MsgBox(stMsg, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error - No Lab Selected")
GoTo Exit_DblClick
End If
'opens lab forms associated with this lab_id
intVar = Me!lab_id
intRoom = Me!lab_room
stDocName = "ehs_lab_safety_surveys"
stLinkCriteria = "[lab_id]=" & "'" & intVar & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
[Forms]![ehs_lab_safety_surveys].Form.RecordsetClone.Find ("lab_id = '" & intVar & "'")
DoCmd.Close acForm, "copy_lab_search_by_bldg"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_DblClick
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim strNewguid As String
'checks for null values of lab_id, room, id and safety_survey_date. if they are
'null or empty a value is inserted.
If IsNull(Me!lab_id) Or (Me!lab_id = "") Then
Me!lab_id = intVar
End If
If IsNull(Me!room) Then
Me!room.Value = intRoom
End If
If IsNull(Me!safety_survey_date) Then
Me!safety_survey_date = Date
End If
If IsNull(Me!id) Or (Me!id = "") Then
Set x = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
strNewguid = Left(x.GUID, 38)
Me!id.Value = strNewguid
End If
End Sub
can anyone see why the value is being lost from frm1 to frm2? i'm ripping my hair out trying to figure this one out....
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Jul 30, 2007
When I synchronize my replicas not all the data is being updated. What would cause this and how can I fix this?
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Sep 15, 2005
I've got a large Excel spreadsheet with contact information that I want to import into Access. Everything seems to import fine except for the two zipcode columns (a 5-digit zip and a 4-digit zip, both have leading zeroes in many entries). The problem is that in Excel the data are formatted with a special input mask that allows for the leading zeros to show. When I import them into Access, this formatting is not recognized and the zeros are lost. I've tried a few things, such as saving the Excel file as text and Dbase 4 and then trying to import them. In these cases the leading zeros are present during import, but are again dropped as soon as the import completes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Somerset, NJ
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Dec 21, 2006
hello. can anyone help me with replica conflicts?
i need to work with 10 replicas and synchronize with a master, but anyone can make changes and modify the records on the other replicas. is there a solution for that? why access doesn't recognize the changes as a conflict?
Thank you all.
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Jan 26, 2006
I'm a student learning how to use Access for my class project (Information Technology in a Global Society), and I chose to work with databases (even though, frankly, I'm technologically challenged). I've already finished making a very elementary database (tables, form, and a macro or two), but I was wondering if there's any possible way to synchronize the material in each table in such a way that changing the information in one would automatically update information in the other.
(I have one main table, and several other sub-ones with the exact same information but only parts of the main table. By this, I mean I created a main table with every student's Extended Essay topics, along with their supervisor as another field. Each supervisor oversees an essay for several students, so I created sub tables for each supervisor with the information of only their students.) What I'd like to know is if I can keep one main table with every supervisor's information and separate tables for each supervisor -- while, at the same time, having the main table update with the information that's added to the sub-tables by the supervisors.
I considered using Relationships, but after going through the threads here concerning relationship issues...I got even more confused.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
<3, Patti
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Feb 12, 2006
Hi, Could anyone please help me!
I am trying to create a sub-form which achieves the following.
When you select a vendor from a combo-box, only the software that is manufactured by that vendor appears in a data-sheet form view.
I have tried to create a secondary form which shows all the software and saved this. And then created another main form which has a combo-box for listing and selecting a software vendor. I have then dragged the secondary form into an area of the main form. Now i am just trying to figure out how to synchronize the two forms so that when you select a vendor, only software manufactured by the vendor is shown.
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Mar 20, 2006
How do I make the name appearing in my combo box to change to match the name displayed when the record navigation buttons are evoked. Currently, when I use the navigation button, the form scrolls to the next record, but the name in the combo box does not change to match the new record?
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Jul 16, 2007
I have a database that is replicated and in my attempt to synchronize a message keeps popping up "Synchronization between replicas..... and ....... failed. The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
The problem is I don't know what field in what form or in which replica this is referring to. Please help!!!!
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Oct 23, 2006
I'm trying to import about 18 excel spreadsheets into one database in Access. I've been using "get external data" to import the spreadsheets as tables, and the first 8 of them worked fine, but now I cannot import any more excel files. The only error message I'm getting is "An error occurred trying to import file 'C:....xls' The file was not imported." And this error pops up after I have gone through all of the importing steps. Did I exhaust Access's resources? It's not a format issue, and I've restarted, etc. I'm at a loss.
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Feb 26, 2008
Edit:I just realised i had accidently writted the title as (to do with importing access data) it should read (to do with importing excel data)This is going to be a trick hard to understand question but I will try my best to explain itI have a database set out in the following way way it works is; Let's pretend Access Programmers is a company and working on different forums is a different jobSo on one record it would readJames.90| Access Programmers|Tables Forum| Wed=3= Mon=2Then the record below might readJames.90| Access programmers | Forms Forum| mon=5 tue=6So each record is one unique company,Project and CTR which the person has worked for that week meaning if you only work on one forum you would only write one record out each weekNow the data i am receiving is in an excel file where it's set out in a daily basis Where One Day Date|Name|Company|CTR|etcSo if a person works 5 days a week on 2 companies each day that is 10 records when it should only be 2 recordsSo to sum it up. My database is set out weekly and the excel data is set out dailyMy questionWhat would be the best way to convert this data into the database. Changing the database structure around is not an option and i can't change the format we recieve the excel data in. I can change it once i have the file thorough a converter but i can't change the raw source of the dataWhat would be a way to solve this problem because i am completly stummted and am open to any option of converting or anythingThankyou for your time. Also if you have trouble understanding what i mean Please say so and i will upload a copy of the database and a copy of the excel sheet!
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Dec 17, 2014
I have a form, with a subform,
When a user selects a record from the subform i use this to view the record in the main form
Private Sub Txt_Support_Name_Click()
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "ID =" & Me.ID
End Sub
However when i select the record from the subform, it populates the form as required, however then the top record of the subform is highlighted.
Any way to either - highlight nothing, or highlight the selected row?
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Feb 14, 2006
We have multiple users using the same database as local copies on each of their PC's. they are entering information in specifically assigned areas and no one is overlapping in their work areas. The users then synchronize to a master database that is on the network to transfer their info.
When synchronizing we are beginning to conflict errors, and the message is hard to decipher. Below is an example:
"Update/Delete conflict: Another replica also updated this record. This record lost the conflict. Either resubmit your update or delete the conflict record."
It then shows two columns. Column 1 has the option to "Keep exisiting data" an dcolumn two has the option to "Override with conflicting data".
Technically, when synchronization happens, data of the user who is synchronizing overrides existing data in the master database in the same record(s). In that spirit, what is the 'existing' and 'conflicting' data referred to in the message?
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Sep 26, 2005
Hi There,
I want to synchronize 2 comboboxes (actually 3, but let's start with 2)
On a form I have 2 comboboxes:
- CompanyType (FK fkCompanyTypeID in table Contacts)
- Category (FK fkCompanyCategoryID in table Contacts)
Let's say we have companytype CT1 until CT10.
For CT1, CT2 & CT3 I want to choose a catagory, so the combobox must be 'enabled'.
For CT4 until CT10 the Catagory combobox must be disabled, so that I cannot choose a category value.
Actually I want to choose 2 catgories (2 comboboxes) for CT1 until CT3.
But I think that an explanation for the example above is sufficient for me.
Both comboboxes are filled by a Select Query, and the values are filled in a separate table. (Table CompanyType (PK pkCompanyTypeID) & Table CompanyCategory (PK pkCompanyCategoryID)).
Can someone please help me on this issue? :confused:
Thanks in advance for your reply,
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Sep 22, 2004
PROCESS AS DESIGNED: The user logs in and is given a form displaying existing records that are coded (by userid) for that user to update. From that list, the user selects a record and continues to a second form (the first form closes) which displays all the fields of the selected record which should/can be edited by the user (plus a few non-editable key fields). There is nothing tricky to how the records are selected for display. A simple query behind the first form selects data records using the userID number. The second form does a simple record select using the active record ID number on the first form. Nothing tricky -- no modules just queries, tables, forms and simple macros to string it all together.
The user can open/close these two forms as often as necessary and the record will continue to show up until a value is entered into a "completion date" field. When that field is no longer blank, the record will no longer be displayed for use.
PROBLEM: About 90% of the time, things work as expected. But 10-15% of the time, somewhere between opening the record in the second form and closing the second form, the edited record totally disappears (as if it were never opened, it isn't even system date stamped) and the input information is inserted instead into a brand new record.
Users can sometimes tell when the edit record is dropped during processing, because key fields displaying previously entered data go blank and the displayed recordID (autonumber) is changed. p>
ERROR PATTERN: NONE! It can happen as the edit record is first opening, in the middle of editing the form, or at the end when closing the form. It will happen on a specific PC 2 times in a row and the third time be fine. It has happened at multiple locations but not for all people and not consistently for the same person/same pc. The same record that failed can be re-selected and work just fine the next time.
I cannot reproduce the error myself. I have tested everything I can think of without causing the error. I can lose changes and avoid a system date stamp if I abort my Access sesssion, but that doesn't create/insert a new record with my new input. It just loses everything.
I have wondered if a momentary break in the network/communications could break the connection to the application to just enough that the form remains on the screen, but selected record is discarded. Input into the empty form would/does insert a new record.
I have asked the IT Operations group to investigate if a network/communication problem could be the culprit, but they haven't gotten far on this. I have never seen this happen before and am totally stumped but am desperate to resolve it before user confidence is damaged.
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Dec 8, 2014
I am developing a small database for use in a multi-user environment: I have split the tables off and am testing with two copies of the front-end on different machines. All seems to work well except on one form.
On this form, the value of a bound control (exposed as a number of radio buttons) is used to make related controls on the form visible or invisible. I use the AfterUpdate event to trigger appropriate VBA code to accomplish this; it works well.
However if two users have the same form open at the same record (unlikely, but not impossible), and User A changes the value of the control via the radio buttons, Access will eventually propagate the change to User B's copy of the form but the AfterUpdate event will not be triggered and the form becomes inconsistent. I understand that events are only triggered when a user makes a change to a control; how can I be alerted when Access makes a change?
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Jun 20, 2005
Hello. Recently posted for advice on building an access database on health service training. I had a lot of help but I suppose I haven't really grasped relationships yet. My database looks like this:
tb_staff containing staff_id, first_name, last_name, base, dept_ward, job_title
tb_courses containing course_id and course
tb_training_done containing staff_id, course_id, date_trained, trainer, venue
I have 1:M tb_staff to tb_training_done and the tb_training_done is linked to the tb_courses 1:1 - not sure if this is right but it's the only way access will do it.
Anyway, my idea was to use a form and subform to enter training done but after setting up the lookup it won't allow duplicate courses i.e. same course done each year. Can anyone explain how the lookup works? Where are the details of courses done stored?
Hope that's not too vague?
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Aug 6, 2007
im having a bit of trouble generating a field in one of my queries. i think its fairly simple, all i want to do is have the field in my query to show a date, that is just calculated by subtracting 5 days from the current day. i have something that looks like =Now()-5 but that doesnt work obviously. so im just asking whats the imput going to look like if you want to subtract 5 days from a date? oh and im using short dates for the date inputs
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