Bit Of A Quandry

Apr 26, 2005

Been awhile since I have been in the forums, but I was hoping to receive some enlightenment on a problem. I have a system that requires some simple data filtering/cleaning before it goes to processing. I have created 3 queries (the ones starting with ~) and need to have these fire in thier numbered order on the open event of the param form. Problem is that the original developer has his module load at that point so....

Should I alter the module to handle this, and if

Should I run it after the module and just refresh the form?

Note, that when this exceutes, all warning need to be set to OFF since this is automated overnight, and executed by macros.

Please let me know any thoughts you may have, all are appreciated.

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Combo Box Quandry

Jan 23, 2006

ok, so I felt like being slightly poetic.. :D

On to the problem. I have a form that's fairly complex and drives a report our sales and management departments use to determine a lot of business decisions. The form has a couple of date fileds and 10 combo boxes. Each combo box get's its list from a query of various product/accounting tables so that all unique posibilities for each catagory to select from are listed. So far everything works wonderfully, if slow due to the number of queries and form options to check when the report is run.

My problem starts when one of our managers wanted to suddenly get results for all SKU numbers that start with a certain string. Basically he wants to do a wildcard criteria in a combo box, which of course doesn't work even with Limit to list set to no or false. This sku list has thousands of choices in it, any ideas on how to incorporate the ability to search with a wildcard (eg. "ADD*") or by the combo box listing in the same report?

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Query For Late Payments - Partial Payment Quandry

Jan 4, 2008

Hi all:

Well, as part of my new job I get to revise a current database for a client and I am hitting a brick wall in my mind at the moment and could use some ideas thrown my way on how to deal with it.

First of all I have two tables -

Table AR_Due
AR_Due_ID - Autonumber (PK)
Entity_ID - Long Integer (FK)
AR_Due_Amt - Currency
AR_Due_Date - Date/Time
AR_Due_Waive (boolean and if checked the amt due is forgiven and not due)

Table AR_Pay
AR_Pay_ID - Autonumber (PK)
AR_Due_ID - Long Integer (FK)
AR_Pay_Date - Date/Time
AR_Pay_Amt - Currency

Now, I have to pull all AR_Due where the payments are late (past the AR_Due_Date) and have no in the Waive column and, if partial payments were made those payments can't be past the due date or else they need to be included as late (that's my main issue - trying to figure out the logic on that one).

So, any ideas on how that might be best accomplished? I need a report that shows all late payments (not counting lates more than two years ago) including any where there were partial payments made but the total partial payments were not made before the due date.

I'll take any ideas, although I might not be able to use some of them due to having to follow certain standards here (don't know all of them yet but I've kind of figured a few out based on the existing db). And, I didn't put this all together so there are some things I can't change (at least at this point), but I'm happy to get any ideas that might spark the "aha" moment :).

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"Check If File Is Open" Quandry.

Jun 16, 2005

Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Set objExcel = New Excel.Application
Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = objExcel.Application.GetOpenFileName("Select CSV file, *.csv", , "CSV file")

MsgBox "File is currently open. Please close and re-run this program.", vbInformation, "Program Error"
GoTo end_:
Set objworkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(strFileName, , False)
objExcel.Columns("A:B").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
objExcel.Range("A5").FormulaR1C1 = "Account No"
objExcel.Range("B5").FormulaR1C1 = "Invoice No"
objExcel.Range("A6:A" & Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row).FormulaR1C1 = Range("D1").Value
objExcel.Range("B6:B" & Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row).FormulaR1C1 = Range("F1").Value
objExcel.Rows("1:4").Delete Shift:=xlUp

objExcel.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close True
MsgBox "CSV file formatted.", vbInformation
End If

Set objExcel = Nothing
Set objworkbook = Nothing

Hi there,

I use the above code to open any CSV file, format it as required, then close/save it.

What I need to do is to find out if the file I have selected is already open and, if so, not to proceed with the code (see If "FILE NOT OPEN" line above).

I have tried several statements but am having no luck.

Thanks in advance,

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