Blank Fields In Crosstab Query Based On Previous Query

May 31, 2006

I am trying to help someone with a complex problem (so it seems to me) but I will first ask about what should be a simple thing....

First goal: to COUNT the number of times a TYPE of visit is made.
There are several different TYPEs but only interested in tracking 2 of them.

When a crosstab query is created - if one of the 2 parameters are not "met", a blank is returned. I have been reading posts about using NZ and IIf IsNull, etc to get past that - but none of them make any sense to me and the Access help suggestions do not work. Hope someone can make it clear with this information: (can't give more specifics to keep privacy intact)

The SQL was written by Access not by me. :)

Here is an example of the Crosstab SQL (which is using a previous query):

TRANSFORM Count([qryTest2.TYPE]) AS CountOfTYPE
FROM qryTest2
PIVOT qryTest2.TYPE;

qryTest2 SQL: (Grouping by to remove dups)

FROM tblM LEFT JOIN tblC ON tblM.[M#] = tblC.[M#]
GROUP BY tblM.CID, tblM.[M#], tblM.LNAME, tblM.FNAME, tblM.YMDBIRTH, tblC.ClDOS, tblC.TYPE
HAVING (((tblC.TYPE)="Out" Or (tblC.TYPE)="In"))

Thanks for you time! :)

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Queries :: Average Calculated Field From A Previous Query - Crosstab Data Type Mismatch

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to construct a crosstab that averages a calculated field from a previous query. It is returning a "Data Type Mismatch" message.

The field I am trying to average is a subtraction of dates to find total days. I assume my field is not a number so I have tried to wrap it in CDbl() to change the type.

The formula is

CASE_DAYS: CDbl(IIf([Actual Close Date]-[Creation Date]>=0,[Actual Close Date]-[Creation Date],""))

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Crosstab Query Based On Crosstab??

Sep 21, 2007

Hi all, I am utterly unsure if what I want to do is even possible:

I have two crosstab queries, qryRewCOCredit and qryWrapCOCredit which show the changeover (CO) times for the specified machine when they are NOT zero. (all zero entries don't show up).

There are many cases when there is a CO for the Rewinder on a specific day, but not for the Wrapper, and vice versa.

I want to make another crosstab query which performs a calculation. To keep it simple:

If (RewCOCredit>WrapCOCredit) Then
Else 'WrapCOCredit>RewCOCredit

Please help!!!

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Dynamic Query Based On Anthoer Crosstab

Aug 29, 2005

I wish to use the results of a crosstab query in another query which will make table. The trouble is the field names are not always the same in the crosstab.
The results are coming from a normalised table so if there are no records for a particular field then that field will no appear in the crosstab.

I need to make my 'make table query' (qryTabletImport_CollarMakeStaging) account for the missing fields names when it tries to make the new table. Since I have made the make table query with all availble field names I get this error when some are not present.

<the jet engine doesnot recognise 'qryTabletImport_CollarConvert.Hours' as a field name or expression>

(because the field Hours doesn't have any data in the normalised table)

make table query - qryTabletImport_CollarMakeStaging
Crosstab query - qryTabletImport_CollarConvert
normalised table - tblTablet_HOLEDETAILS

Hope this makes some sense to someone.
I am ok with vb so am willing to go that way but getting my head around which way start is another issue


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Reports :: Updating Report Based On Crosstab Query

Apr 19, 2015

I've got a self updating crosstab query, its essentially a monthly summary and every month a new column is added (one corresponding to the current month, i.e., next month the new column will be may, following that the new one will be june, etc)

I've designed a report to be based on this query and i tested it out by manually adding data for next month into a table, the query auto updated however the report remained the same (ended in april instead of adding a new column for may).

Just curious if there is a way to automatically add these new columns to the report every month or will i have to do so manually?

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Crosstab Query Sometimes Loses Fields

Nov 20, 2007

Hi Folks
Not sure if this should be in the Queries or Reports forum?

I have a MakeTable Query which selects data between 2 dates to create the following Table.

IncID, IncType, IncDate, AggType
15, Agressive, 23/02/2006, Verbal
23, Agressive, 14/05/2006, Threat
72, Agressive, 18/11/2006, Physical
89, Agressive, 20/12/2006, Verbal

I then have a crosstab query that counts the different "AggType" like this.
(This data is output to a report as both data and a chart)

Verbal, Physical, Threat
2, 1, 1

This all works great IF the date range is large enough that all 3 AggType fields are included. BUT, I my date range was from 01/05/2006 to 31/05/2006, I would only have 1 record (23, Agressive, 14/05/2006, Threat
) so the crosstab would result in ONE field only. (Threat)

The problem is that my report is looking for 3 fields (Verbal, physical and Threat)

How can I stop the report from giving an error if fields are missing from the crosstab result?


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Module To Send Information To Excel Based On Crosstab Query

Feb 10, 2012

I am writing a module to send information to Excel, and the information is based on a Crosstab query. But I keep getting a "syntax error in the TRANSFORM statement".

Function Edt_Royalties() As Integer
Dim AplicExcel As Excel.Application
Dim Planilha As Excel.WorkSheet
Dim stArq As String
Dim DB As Database

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Adding Fields To Crosstab Query?

Oct 9, 2014

I have created a crosstab query that I will use in a subform and a subreport. However, Access won't let me add the fields to the query that I need to link the subform to the form. Is it possible to add fields to a crosstab query?

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Problem Running A Query Based On Date Criteria Over Previous 7 Day

Mar 19, 2008

Hello All,

I do hope somebody can help this newbie :)

Please except apologies if I sound a bit ignorant with this but I'm complete novice with Access...

Basically I have a table with the fields Name - Date - Location I need to extract info from the table based on the location field.

i.e. return Name if a specified location exists and another specified location does not. This was real pain in itself and in the end I had to run two seperate queries which returned NAmes where each of the chosen locations exist. I've then created an additional query which compares the two sub-queries and iliminates Names that appear in sub query 2.

I do hope this make's sense I'm starting to confuse myself.....

Anyway, my problem is with the date field... I have to specify a date in order to get the correct info as the results may change on a daily basis... i.e. somebody may use both locations one day, but just the one location the next. However the eventual report which I need to generate is based on criteria over the previous 7 days, although if I use this criteria in my query in completely messes up the results.

So, what I was hoping that I could do is somehow automate my query to run 7 times (once for each of the previous 7 days) and then to combine the results of the 7 queries into a single query or report...

Failing that, could anybody think of any simple way of achieving this... or will be a case of having settle for a seperate report for each day?

Any help would be hugely appreciated... once again apologies for the explaination... It porobably makes no sense at all.



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Modules & VBA :: Loop Fields Of Crosstab To Create Query

Nov 22, 2014

the below code works fine if i run a crosstab on a whole table however if i pass criteria to the crosstab e.g between [forms]![form]![txtstartdate] and [forms]![form]![enddate] it fails and returns null for every field? even though if set docmd.runquery "qryReductionByPhysician_Crosstab" this opens with the relevant data?

Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qryReductionByPhysician_Crosstab")
indexx = 0


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Blank Fields In Query.

Oct 28, 2005

Hello, I have a table (Projects) with original projects and amended projects. All information regarding each project is inputted in the fields for original projects. Only limited fields are inputted in amended projects;new loan amounts or a new closing date may arise infrequently for amended projects. When there is a new closing date for an amended project, and it becomes part of a query all other fields are blank for that record, How do I populate the original project data into the blank fields of an amended project. I frequently have to create queries based on the fiscal year of closingdate field and I need to know the commitmentdate (field) and other dates that are in the original projects records. I hope this is not confusing thanks in advance. :confused:

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Query Displays Blank Fields

May 19, 2006

I have a query that gets data from a table now not all fields are filled in, in this table, and the query only shows data that has all fields filled and i need it to show them all

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Queries :: Crosstab Query That Keeps Each Contract On One Line And Separate Fields For Each Contact

Jun 4, 2014

I have two tables, and I'm trying to create a crosstab query...I think. One table is Contracts, one is Contacts. Each contract could have multiple contacts, but they are numbered (1, 2, 3...etc.) based on importance. I want to create a query that keeps each contract on one line, and separate fields for each contact and each field of the contact. So a contact will have Title, First, Last, Address, etc. So I want my query to show as follows:

ContractX Mr. James Mrs. Sally

I of course need this to be dynamic, so if a contract has 9 contacts, there are fields up to Title9, First9, etc.

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Query To Exclude All Blank Fields In Each Record

Nov 29, 2006

I have a simple dbase that lists individual staff members' qualifications, skills and hobbies.

One person may have 20 qualifications and another may have 1 or none.
I have a separate field for each qualification.

Is it possible to write a query that only returns fields that are not null in each record so that the subsequent report is not full of blanks? I know I can use Can grow - Can shrink on the report but I'd rather eliminate blanks via a query if I can.

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Forms :: Display Data Based On Previous Record But Not All Fields

Jan 22, 2015

There is a form which the user fills in 8 fields and saves it. Once saved, a new record opens.

However, I want to modify the save button to save the previous record and display a new record with only a limited no of fields to display from previous record, say 4 fields display from previous record, and the user fills the remaining 4 and saves it. Thus, the save cmd should continue to display 4 fields from the previous record.Already tried below code for save button but it displays all data of previous record as it is, doesn't display blank space for combo.118 and text2

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
Combo118.Text = ""

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Query Linked To Form, Problems With Blank Search Fields

Mar 20, 2007

I have a query linked to some combo/txt boxes on a form so the user defines which categories he/she is looking for then presses button and query comes up with relevant results. This works fine if the user inputs information that is actually there, but if they leave it blank it goes all wrong.

The statements I have in the query are as follows:


I thought the solution may be along the lines of this but it does not work:

basically i want to make it so the user does not have to enter criteria into evey box, thus if every search box is left blank it would show all records "*"

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Access Critereia Query - With Blank Fields And Search Parameters

Jul 19, 2007

Hi everyone...

I'm a high school student working on an Access project for a summer internship. I needed your assistance in writing a criteria for a select query.

Table1 has the following fields:
ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Org, Email, Status

Only "Email" is mandatory, ID is autonumber, the rest are optional.

I have to create a query that will allow users to search the table with any of the fields above. A user may search with only one field, e.g. all users where "org" = "YMCA"

Presently, I am using the similar criteria for all the fields:

Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![txt_FirstName] & "*"

The problem occurs when, for example a record exists with the following -
First_Name = Null or Blank
Last_Name = "Smith"

If you search for "Smith" in Last_Name, then the record does not show up, because First_Name in the record is blank.

How can I alter the criteria for it do search correctly?

I already tried:
Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![txt_FirstName] & "*" & ""


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Access Critereia Query - With Blank Fields And Search Parameters

Jul 19, 2007

Hi everyone...

I'm a high school student working on an Access project for a summer internship. I needed your assistance in writing a criteria for a select query.

Table1 has the following fields:
ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Org, Email, Status

Only "Email" is mandatory, ID is autonumber, the rest are optional.

I have to create a query that will allow users to search the table with any of the fields above. A user may search with only one field, e.g. all users where "org" = "YMCA"

Presently, I am using the similar criteria for all the fields:

Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![txt_FirstName] & "*"

The problem occurs when, for example a record exists with the following -
First_Name = Null or Blank
Last_Name = "Smith"

If you search for "Smith" in Last_Name, then the record does not show up, because First_Name in the record is blank.

How can I alter the criteria for it do search correctly?

I already tried:
Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![txt_FirstName] & "*" & ""


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Queries :: Cannot Edit Group By Query - Fields Reverting Back To Blank

Jun 8, 2013

I have a query where I group by EmpID, so duplicates do not show up. In this query I have two fields with no data. These fields are to be filled in after the query is run in a form. However, these fields are not editable due to the group by feature. I tried two unbound fields, which does allow me to type, but doesn't save the changes once I click out of the field. The field then reverts back to blank.

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How Can I Configure A Table To Auto Data Entry Into Fields Based On A Previous Field

Aug 31, 2006

My situation is this. I have 3 tables that I have imported from my mainframe system, between these 3 tables I have the data of product code, description,supplier code, supplier name, order method, and ABC code.

I am trying to create another table that I can capture daily Out Of Stock data for products.

What I would like to do is to enter the product number in the first field of my new table, and then the remaining fields will auto populate with the correct details based on the product data stored in the parent tables that I have imported.

How can this be done?

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Forms :: Access 2010 / Showing / Hiding Fields Based On Previous Entry?

Mar 26, 2014

I am using Microsoft Access 2010.

I have a form, having following fields

Nationality, Combo box, Options are Indian/foreign State: With list of States in India.

What I want is, when data entry operator , select, Foreign, State field automatically hides.

And when data entry operator , select Indian, State field shows in the form.

How this can be done in Access 2010

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Forms :: Disabling Fields In Access Based On Data Entered In A Previous Field

Sep 9, 2013

How to disable fields in Access based on data entered in a previous field? For example if "yes" is chosen from a drop down show "Date field" if "no" is chose hide "Date Field".

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Forms :: Total Query - Count Of Fields Based On Data In Other Fields

Jun 28, 2015

I have a query that creates counts of fields based on the data in other fields, basically it tells me that in a table there are two entries with value ABC????? and three of DEF????? , the query works perfectly.

When I create a form to display this data and base the form on the Query I keep getting a message box asking for the ID (key field) from the base table.

If I type * in the box (to denote all values) and press enter I get the results expected.

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Forms :: Way To Continue To Blank Form After Entering Information Into Previous Blank Form?

Mar 25, 2013

When entering information into a blank form, I would like to be able to continue entering information to another additional blank form after my last entry. Is there a way to continue to a blank form after entering information into the previous blank form? I would just like to continue without having to close the entire form and then reopening another form.

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Query Based On Value Between Two Fields?

Jun 2, 2014

using access 2010. I have two tables, an example of their structure is in the attached PDF, and in text below. I want to be able to join/ answer question between the tables like the one outlined below.

Reference Table: A table with the most likely pet based on income and location

Header: Country, State, Income Min, Income Max, Pet
Record: US , NY , 1 , 5 , Cat
Record: US , NY , 5 , 9 , Dog

Question Table: A table with income and location

Header: Country, State, Income
Record: US , NY , 5

What type of pet will the people in the question table have?

Answer: Header: Country, State, Income, Pet
Record: US , NY , 5 , Cat

The logic works like this:

Question Country = Reference Country
Question State = Reference State
Question Income >= Reference Income Min AND Question Income <=Reference Income Max

Obviously I am not working with cats and dogs but this is my table structure.

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Query Two Fields Based On One Criteria

Aug 21, 2005

Hi all,

I am endeavouring to filter a form based on the position of an individual.
I would like the users to be able to select their position and then any record where there is a match in the "Primary Responsibility" field or the "Secondary Responsibility " field will be displayed.

I have an underlying query that is populated by a combo box on an unbound form.

This has worked when generating reports for individuals but I cannot get the required result when using the form.

Thanking anyone in advance who can assist me with this.



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