Books For Access Developer...

Feb 16, 2006


I need some good books for Access developers.. I want to what Access really can do.. I know create tables and queries.. How about create stored procedures and triggers using VBA in Access? Or any other more complex tasks in Access. I want to know more about this.


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Access Books?!

Dec 14, 2006

Hello all Access gurus and wizards,
Hope this is the right area to post this...

Just wanted your opinion on a good Access book, possibly complete with training CD. I would like to have something that's pretty comprehensive in terms of topics, from basics to 'advanced'.

My background:

I've taken a couple Access online courses myself, so I'm pretty familiar with the very basics of it (creating tables from scratch, importing excel to table, linking text delimited, basic select queries and very beginning of action query like append query, forms, basic switchboard using wizard).

I've used access personally at work, creating some reports myself from scratch (meaning from linking stage to final report).

The only book I have is Using Access 2000 by Roger Jennings (I think it's by Que publishing). After I bought the book I realized it's more of a reference book for the experts, so I need something more 'down to earth' for somebody my level.

I personally would like to learn more about (or at least familiarize myself) with action queries, macros, perhaps just some basics about commands/VBAs (enough to at least know or benefit more from this great forum), linking datawarehouse, etc.

I came across 'step by step Microsoft Access'..I think it was $19.95, which I might purchase, but I would welcome additional comments/suggestions.

P.S. Bob Larson- I'm in Portland too.

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Access Books

Dec 12, 2007


I want to purchase an easy guide to Access 2003, does anyone know of any good books out there that are simple to understand??


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Tips Needed: Access Books, Graphs, PDF

Jun 26, 2005


I am about to start a project where I must link an Access front-end database to an Oracle backend. I have about a year of Access development behind me now, and now here is the next challenge.

What I have to do is create analyses of data and output the data mainly in the form of diagrams (i.e. graphs or charts). I have seen how this can be done with Automation in Access in a book by Alison Balter (Mastering Access 2000 Development), by controlling the Excel object etc.

Here are my 2 questions:

1. I am considering buying another book on Access now, something that will contain more examples/methods for presenting information as a graph with the help of Excel. Should I stick to buying an Access book, or should I look into getting something that is more Excel programming oriented, i.e. something like an “Excel programmers compendium”? Any recommendations/tips to get me started would be appreciated.

2. The users want the graphs that I produce to be saved as a .PDF automatically at the push of a button in the Access GUI. How is this done? Do I need special software, or can I use something like PDFWriter to automatically convert the Excel graphs into .PDF’s?

Thanks in advance for the tips and have a nice day! :)


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Looking For Access Developer

Jan 16, 2008


We are looking for an Access Developer for a small business. You must be in the New York City area and willing to come in for an interview. I will check this board every 1-2 days.

Thank you.

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Access Developer Extensions

Aug 29, 2005


I have an Access application I need to package for redistribution. Following the instructions on MSDN, I purchased Visual Studio Tools for Office 2003 to acquire the Access Developer Extensions which include the Package Wizard.

After installing VSTO, I found that Access Developer Extensions are not included. Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of Access Developer Extensions? Is the Package Wizard available for download anywhere? Perhaps someone with an MSDN subscription would be nice enough to make this available to me?

Are any instructions availalbe for creating an installation file for an Access MDE file and including the Access Runtime?


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Professional Access Developer

May 4, 2006

Is there anyone based in or near Nottinghamshire (UK) who would be interested in reviewing the current database system we use at our office? We are a skiing holiday company and the database is fairly complex.

It was created about ten years ago and over time has had various bits and pieces added on etc. and I am under the impression it is currently a mess!

I am looking for a professional database developer, not an amateur who fancies themselves as such! If anyone can help, please post your details and credentials and I'll give you a shout.


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MS Access Developer Icon

Feb 3, 2008

I have installed Access Developer Extensions and Access Runtime but still I can not see the "developer" option in menu. Can someone please help me to find this option.


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Access 97 Developer & Office XP

Feb 14, 2005

Hi Guys,

I hope I am in the right forum area. I have just upgraded to XP Home and have a choice of Office systems to install. However I have Office 97 Developer Edition that I use for Access Databases and this must be installed. I can also install either Office 2000 or Office XP Professional. What are the problems with having any of these combinations and Access 97 with the developer.

I have heard that there may be licencing issues or I may have to install in a particular order. Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks


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Where To Get The Access 2003 Developer Extensions?

May 4, 2005

I forked out nearly £600 for Visual Studio.NET Professional Special Edtion, which was advertised as coming with the Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Office. Which it did. I checked the Microsoft site and they advertised the VSTO as coming with the Access Developer Extensions, so I went ahead with the purchase.

Now I've since found out that the Access Developer Extensions are yet again separate from all this, so I will have to spend more money. That annoys me but I can live with it (I've no choice really), but where can I purchase the Access Developer Extensions CD? I have scoured the web and haven't found a single source, but apparently it does exist. As an additional note, I am based in the UK.

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Looking For Experienced Access/MySQL Developer

Nov 10, 2005

I have an existing MS Access/MySQL app that I need an experience developer to develop further. The existing application is fairly complex, so experienced developers only.

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Using Access 2003 Developer Extensions

Dec 24, 2005

I've finally opened the Visual studio for MS Office systems tools box and found the access 2003 developer extension CD and loaded it,
I've been reading the overviews on the CD as always it sounds easy to use, how ever through experience on APPs that is not always the case.
Sure enough I was right again, Can any one help?

My problem is when I open the custom startup wizard or the custom package wizard it opens a form that is suppose to have templates to choose from so to get started, How ever there are no templates in the form the form is blank. Which leaves me stuck with no options to get started.
All I installed on my PC is the access 2003 developer extensions, did I not install some thing I should of?

Thanks; Any Help will be greatly appreciated.

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Access 2003 Developer Extensions

Apr 12, 2006

I wonder if it is necessary for the client machine in which a deployment (with runtime) is going to be installed, to have also installed any Access version or if the runtime deployment licence is enough.

Thank you,

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Access 2007 Developer Extensions

Jun 6, 2007


how and where can i download Access 2007 Developer Extensions?


does anybody knows when it will be released if not so.?

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Where To Get The Access 2003 Developer Extensions?

Jul 10, 2007

This is a repeat of an old thread but all the Microsoft links have been broken because of Office 2007

We are trying to deploy an Access 2003 runtime solution for about 6 users and I would *like* to download a free version of the Access 2003 Runtime. Any idea where I might get it from?

Failing that we would buy it but I want to know exactly what to buy/what works/etc Upgrading to Office 2007 is not an option at the moment.


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Access 2007 Developer Extentions

Dec 10, 2007

This may be a realy dumb question so before i ask it a will say i have just recently installed office 2007 with access and the access developer extentions but have been developing in access for over 10 years.

Now here i go. Just imagine im say this in a really slow dumb voice.

'Where do i find the "Package Solution Wizard" to create my MSI setup package?'

Now thats cant be too hard. I installed the package and the documetation suggests this: "To start the Package Solution Wizard, click the Microsoft Office Button, click Developer, and then click Package Solution."

But i do not see a "developer" menu item.
Maybe my dumb question should be "Why dont i have a developer option in my access menu?"

Any clues? :confused:

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Bug In Access 2007 Developer Extensions

Feb 20, 2008


As some of you probably noticed there is a bug in de access 2007 developer extensions.
When you package your solution and for the root install folder you select (all users) you get a warning when you startup your packaged solution.
When you select current user you dont get a message.

Does anybody know if this problem is solved by microsoft?

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Access 2007 Developer Extensions

Feb 27, 2008

A few days ago I had a Vista-crash. I reinstalled Vista (Ultimate) and
Microsoft Office 2007 Professional. Before this crash, I installed Access
2007 Developer Extensions and it worked perfect. But since I reinstalled
Office 2007, the Developer Extensions option doesn't appear anymore in the
Office button. I tryed with the Access Options - Add-ins - Manage COM Add-ins
- GO - Add - Program Files - Microsoft Office - Office12 - ADDINS -
AccessDE.DLL - OK. This was not successfull: Any suggestions? Thanks
Luc Ringoir
Belgium (Europe)

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Access 2003 Developer Extensions

Aug 31, 2005

I'm considering re-writing my access97 database to access 2003
and turning it into a self-executing db for distribution to computers that don't have any versions of access installed.

I was told purchasing Microsoft visual studio tools for office 2003, which has access 2003 developer extensions, could do this.

Does any body have any experience with trying to accomplish this? And if so, are there any tek-tips that you can recommend to make this maybe a little easier, I'm not sure what it will do to .mdb file?

Thanks--any suggestions will be much appreciated.

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Using Access 2003 Developer Extensions

Dec 24, 2005

I've finally opened the Visual studio for MS Office systems tools 2003 box and found the access 2003 developer extension CD and loaded it,
I've been reading the overviews on the CD as always it sounds easy to use, how ever through experience on APPs that is not always the case.
Sure enough I was right again, Can any one help?

My problem is when I open the custom startup wizard or the custom package wizard it opens a form that is suppose to have templates to choose from so to get started, How ever there are no templates in the form the form is blank. Which leaves me stuck with no options to get started.
All I installed on my PC is the access 2003 developer extensions, did I not install some thing I should of?

Thanks; Any Help will be greatly appreciated.

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Access 2007 And Access Developer Extension

Nov 29, 2006

Hello friends.

Do you know anything about a new Developer Extension for Access 2007 ?

Thank :) :)

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Access Developer Edition VS Access Runtime

Apr 4, 2007


I saw many posts in here. Most of the posts are said that we need to use Access Developer Edition to distribute the Access Runtime for our clients.

Can we just buy/use the Access RunTime Modules and unlimited licenses without using Access Developer Edition?

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Writing An Effective MS Access Developer Resume

Dec 11, 2006

After almost 10 years developing MS Access applications for the government, I'm attempting to write an effective resume to begin my job search. I've single-handedly designed, tested and implemented over 40 small to medium sized applications to handle everything from classified document management to personnel tracking to event planning. Most of these systems were fairly complex with pages of VBA code, automation and FE/BE structure to allow concurrent users.

I'm having a terrible time verbalizing the work I've done with Access while making it sound impressive to companies using larger, more robust systems like SQL Server or Oracle.

With the stigma that comes with Access, I would love to know how Access resumes could be written to accurately portray the ability to design logical schema, design intelligent interface and define system requirements while conveying that the skill to perform these tasks translates to other systems as well.

Can anyone here (PatHartman, ghudson, et al) provide:

A) a sample resume for an Access developer?
B) sample language to include in an Expert Access Developer resume?

I thank all of you, in advance, for your time and any assistance you can provide.

Happy coding!

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Microsoft Access And Visual Web Developer 2005

Mar 7, 2007


When I view my orders page, there is nothing displayed.

I have to query this by Orders.aspx?CustomerID=Sam to display Sam`s orders.

Is there a way that Sam can view all his orders as Sam is the username and the CustomerId?

I specified this query string, but to no avail:

SELECT DISTINCT [OrderID], [CustomerID], [OrderDate], [TotalPrice] FROM [Orders] WHERE ([CustomerID] = ?)


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Microsoft Office Access 2003 Developer Extensions

May 8, 2006

I'm trying to locate the Developer Extensions so that I can compile my Access 2003 application to distribute to my end user.

I'm getting totally lost in the myriad of documents and links on the MS website that keep sending my round in ever decreasing circles. I've downloaded Visual Studio Express - Visual Basic Edition but can't seem to find it in there.

Can anyone point me in the direction of the software that I need to be able to distribute my Access 2003 applications.

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Seeking Assistance Of Access Developer For A Small Project

Mar 30, 2007

Hi all,

I've read this forum for quite a while, but just now registered and this is my first post. It's full of great information and I really appreciate all I've learned!

I'm looking to contract / hire an Access Developer for a small project. Essentially, it's taking a CSV file, importing it into Access, then exporting the data within certain parameters into an Excel spreadsheet. There are a few other small details that pertain to how the data is handled in the actual db itself, but that is the overall picture of the project. It's rather small, but is above my Access knowledge level.

My most important goal is getting the DB functional, but then taking the finished product and breaking it down to learn from it.

Please PM me if you're available to assist on this project. Have a great weekend!

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