Bound Reports Crashing DB

Dec 1, 2007

I've redeveloped my DB so that all forms are unbound. I did this due to a multiuser environemt of 30 or more users.

I left all reports bound because there were fewer than 10 concurrent users running them at any one time.

But... I'm finding the DB crashes when a second user runs the same report concurrently. Maybe its data binding overload?? Would setting the underlying query recordset type to snapshop overcome the problem??

I appreciate any ideas

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Reports :: Bound Text Field - Displaying Data Horizontally

Jan 22, 2015

I have only one bound text field in my report. By default, it shows the results (150 records ) vertically. I wish to show them horizontally, 5 in a row. How to do this.

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DB Crashing

Jul 18, 2005

So here's my situation: Tonight I opened the file I was working on this morning (which was in perfectly fine state)...

I opened a form - CRASH!!
I press ALT+F11 to go to the VBA editor - CRASH!!
I open another form - it works fine... So i select a button and tried to edit the action script - CRASH!!
I relinked the backend file - CRASH!!
It seems everying I do makes the darn thing crash. :mad:

I tried compacting/repairing - no luck there. This is not the first time it has happened to me. I forgot how i managed to fix it the first time. Anyone with experience with this? Any suggestions?

I tried opening an older db file, and was able to access the VBA editor for that file. But it crashed again when i tried going back to the bad file.

If i recall correctly, I think this morning, when I closed my access file, I closed the Access Program long before I finally closed the VBA editor (didn't realize it was still around because the taskbar was a bit cluttered). Wonder if that caused it to go hay-wired.

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Access Keeps Crashing - Help!

May 1, 2005

I don't know if this is caused by Access (2003) itself, or somethign else, such as the JET drivers. Whenever I load up anything in Access it crashes saying I can repair it and restart access... no matter what I load.

Also, it seems other programs that connect to a database only retrieve 'nothing' from the tables and queries. I'm quite confused, any help would be wonderful right now.

Running on Windows XP SP2 with Access2003

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Database Crashing!

Feb 23, 2006

I've come across a problem with my database, I’ve tried everything I can think of, and I’m still no wiser as to what’s causing the crashes. I hope someone can shed some light on what the problem might be.

I've created a database that uses a switchboard to navigate through the various forms, the switchboard is loaded (using the start up options) most of the database objects are switched off (like display database window), apart from 'allow full menus' and 'allow default shortcut menus'.

This reason I’ve given you the above information is that the error only occurs when the database is loaded through the start up options.
If I open the database bypassing the start-up options this error doesn't occur.

Now to the error:

I have various forms that have a button that will attempt to send an e-mail, its set up that the email doesn't send automatically but allows the user to edit the email before sending.
When the e-mail is created using the code below, and the user decides to cancel sending the email by pressing the 'close' button on the email, the database will lock up.

The first error message I get is:

The sendobject action was cancelled
You used a method of the DoCmd object to carry out an action in visual basic, but then clicked cancelling a dialog box.
For example, you used the close method to close a changed form, then clicked cancel in the dialog box that asks if you want to save the changes you made to the form.

The second message is my error trapping for cancelling the email, and then after that the form loses focus and I can't do anything to the database. It's still running because I have a clock on my form that’s still ticking away.

The only way I can close my database is to 'ctrl alt del' and 'end task' it. When I do this I get another error message saying

You can't exit the database now
If you are running a visual basic module that is using OLE or DDE, you may need to interrupt the module

And then the database closes.
I've noticed the crash only occurs when the 'display database window' option is turned off.
When its on then my error trapping deals with the closing of the email.

Private Sub MailCreditReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_MailCreditReport_Click
Dim stDocName As String

If Me.Dirty Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If

stDocName = "rptCreditAuthorisation"
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName, acFormatRTF, , _
, , , , True, False

Exit Sub

Call ReportError
Exit Sub


Select Case Err.Number

Case "2501"
MsgBox "User cancelled Sending E-mail(s). Please Resend", vbExclamation, "Sending Stopped"
Exit Sub
Case Else
Resume Exit_MailCreditReport_Click
End Select

End Sub

I've tried various things with the code like DoCmd.CancelEvent, but nothing seems to make any difference.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Would Like Some Help With Crashing Database

Oct 30, 2007

I posted at the begining of this month with an URGENT post and had a lot of help off some of you guys. My database was corrupting and crashing and I had a lot of help of rural guy and others. By the finish of the two days I had compiled and decompiled my database and lots of other little tricks to try and make it a bit better.

At the end of the two days the database was up and running but I had to delete three of my forms because the VB Script that was attached to them forms would not delete. I managed to get it working but I am now having further problems.

Althought the database is useable without these forms I can not re-create them. I have tried importing them into a new database, compiling them then importing them into the FE, but it still crashes. I have also tried just creating a new form and starting from scratch but it will not let me create a new form from scratch. It runs very slow and still crashes on development. my Back-end is working fine.

Does anyone know of any common errors that may be causing these problems. I am now in discussions with my boss because the only thing I can think of doing is starting my FE front scratch.

Any sugggestions

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Code Keeps Crashing Access

Feb 15, 2005

on a small scale this code works, but when my inventory table has all of the 2000 records it crashes, any ideas.
I can ftp my database if needed

Code: Dim ColorDim StartPointDim RsItem As DAO.RecordsetDim RsNewItem As DAO.Recordset 'Grab the inventorySet RsItem = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select ItemId,Description1,description2,quantityonhand from item")'grab the table that will have the new item and description addedSet RsNewItem = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from newitems") With RsItem While Not .EOF StartPoint = 1Start:'find out if the last numbers is numeric or notIf IsNumeric(Mid(Right(.Fields!itemid, StartPoint), 1, 1)) = True Then'see if the start point is the last letter or notIf StartPoint = 1 Then 'meaning there is no colour indicated at the end of item Else'add the quantity and the color to the newItem tableColor = Right(.Fields!itemid, StartPoint - 1)RsNewItem.AddNewRsNewItem!Description = .Fields!quantityOnHand & ColorRsNewItem!itemid = .Fields!itemidRsNewItem.UpdateEnd If Else'move the startpoint to the next letter in itemStartPoint = StartPoint + 1GoTo StartEnd If .MoveNextWendEnd With

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My Database Has Started Crashing! HELP!

Sep 22, 2006

I am a novice database user and I built a small job tracking database for a small construction company. For the last 2 days, Access has become very unstable and I am getting the "Sorry but Access has to close" message shortly after opening. I have tried the "repair and compact" utility but no change and it still crashes. Is there other troubleshooting procedures that I can use or can you recommend someone to do the repair work?

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MS 2000 Access Application Is Crashing

May 30, 2005

My MS 2000 Access application is crashing and returns a msg something like this: "Your Access application caused an error and Access must be closed"
This occurs only when I execute some forms; always the same forms cause the problem.
Somebody told me to copy the .mdb to another place in my HD and change the names of the forms.
I did it and it always works well!
Any good reason for that?
My app is not yet splited in FE and BE. Splitting would help?

Thanks a lot

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Access Crashing Upon Import Of CSV Files

Aug 23, 2005

Every time I try to import a CSV file into my Access database it crashes. I've tried repairing it but the repaired database crashes as well. Any ideas on what could cause this?


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Novell Server Crashing Because Of Access 97

Apr 27, 2007

Hi. I have been fixing up some access 97 programs on the computer systems at my work. The main changes I made was creating a search function using a query behind a form to search the database (no more than only 90,000 records). I am running a novell server. The data tables are in a database on the server. The access program on the desktops have their own access database program that use linked tables to the data tables on the server. The following is my issue:

Apparently, some of the changes I made to the searches caused the server buffer to become full and not flush itself. Anytime I was working on creating the fixes, it seemed to make the server crash. I 'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem with access 97 running on a novell server and causing any buffer issues. Any ideas on how to prevent the server from crashing?

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Access 2000 Crashing When Using Frontend - Help.

Jun 28, 2007

Hi all, 1st post. I'm and Access n00b I'm afraid, so take it easy. I normally use php/mysql, but have been roped in to fixing a broken access database.

I've got an Access database, and a fileserver is holding the data (mdb file), but I've got around 10 machines which access the database thru a frontend (mdb file).

Now, this has been working fine until today, where I am trying to view one table (Orders), and access bombs out. It shuts down instantly with no warnings. It does this on every machine, so I think it is a database problem. I can view the data if I open the standalone data file, but I cannot view the data thru the frontend.

I need to fix this asap... what's causing the crash? I didn't make the front end, but if I could look at the code, I may be able to see where it's failing.

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FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) Crashing Runtime Application

Jan 31, 2006

I'm attaching the code for a function that's attached to a button that allows the users to export data from a form to the directory and file of their choice.

This code works when we're just running Access, but we need it to function in runtime, and it just crashes with an entirely uninformative "runtime error" message.

I didn't write this code, but looking at it, it seems to be just a copy of what's in the MS knowledge base about the filedialog function.

I also never write my own applications using runtime (the program we're running this is was contracted for our lab), so I have no idea why this would be failing in runtime but not in Access. Can anyone help?

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Modules & VBA :: Build Event - Access Crashing

Jul 9, 2014

I am trying to build an event when I double click a field. As soon as I click on Code Builder, access crashes. It does this with every access database I open.

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General :: Module Crashing After Changing Window Mode In Macro

Sep 10, 2014

We have been calling a main form to manage yacht races using a hyperlink/macro from a selection form which lists all the yacht races ..The main form was too big to fit on some screens so we changed it to pop up mode to allow it to be resized and use scroll bars. this works well when the form is opened manually and all functions run just fine

the hyperlinik/macro for race selection had originally been set up to call the main form in dialog mode but we have had to change this as it disabled the resizing of the form and the scroll bars..The macro tool doesn't offer pop up mode so i selected window mode = normal and the main form opens with a resizable window and scroll bars but all the functions called from this module now fail (error message = use of null value or similar and all the functions go into debug mode - the server is down and i can't access the system to get the exact details)

If i change the macro in the selection form back to window mode = dialog the functions work but i lose the resizing of the main form and and the scroll bars.

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Calculated Field In Access Query Contributes To Crashing Excel Table Upon Import

Oct 24, 2012

I have a simple calculated field (As "Ratio") that is readable in Access 2010 query, but crashes in Excel upon importing/running the query in an .xlsx table.

ERROR MESSAGE in EXCEL: "The query did not run, or the database table could not be opened...check database your database administrator.."

I am simply taking the cost amounts of each project record (shown as "Record Cost") and dividing it by the "Total Cost" of that project to render "Ratio".

The Total Cost is retrieved from another table.

Testing scenarios:
If we exclude Ratio, the whole query import just fine.
If we filter the query to one project (i.e. "Project A") the ratio field imports fine.

However, the whole unfiltered query does not with the ratio!

Other testing scenarios:

If we use a constant for the denominator AS "1" in Ratio (i.e. recordcost/1) the whole unfiltered query and ratio field imports fine.

If we use a constant for the numerator AS "1" in Ratio (i.e. 1/totalcost) the whole unfiltered query upon import crashes in Excel.

This is a mock example of the dataset, the actual query has 50K+ records:

Project Service Date Record Cost Total Cost Ratio
A Welding 1/1/2012 $100 $120 83%
A Plumbing 2/1/2012 $20 $120 17%
B Welding 1/1/2012 $50 $75 67%
B Plumbing 2/1/2012 $25 $75 33%
C Welding 1/1/2012 $40 $61 66%
C Plumbing 2/1/2012 $21 $61 34%

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Bound Checkbox

Aug 23, 2005

Hi everyone, I have a bound checkbox on a continuous form and I want the user to be able to select only one checkbox at a time. At the moment they can select as many as they like which is not what I want. Anyone know how to do this?

Thanks for any help

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Bound A Form

Oct 13, 2006

I have a unbound form in my data base now i want to bound it to a table in the database .
how to do it

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Adding (All) To A Bound Combo Box

May 24, 2005


I have a bound combo box on a form. The selections alow a subform to refresh limiting records to the bound combo box. I have been on the web a lot looking for a way to enable multi list selection or all on a combo box. None of these have worked for me. The selection combo box is a simple Yes or No. I would like to add all and have it return both types of records.

This is the sytax I have in the row source property for my combo box.

SELECT [Sales Master].[Accounting Comp Flag] FROM [Sales Master] UNION Select "All" FROM [Sales Master] GROUP BY [Sales Master].[Accounting Comp Flag];

This code allows the combo box to have an all selection but it does not retrieve any records.

If someone can find my mistake that would be great! Thanks!

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Bound And Unbound Textboxes

Jan 19, 2006

hey all i was wondering, can a unbound text box be a bound textbox. I have just noticed that my unbound text box doesnt not save in the field in my table, that is because it is unboune right? but i need it to save to my table, and i guees the only way to do that is to save in in the save button right? thanks

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Bound And Unbound Textboxes

Jan 19, 2006

hey all i was wondering, can a unbound text box be a bound textbox. I have just noticed that my unbound text box doesnt not save in the field in my table, that is because it is unboune right? but i need it to save to my table, and i guees the only way to do that is to save in in the save button right? thanks

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Bound Forms Novice

Jun 4, 2007

In the interest of speed in my current project, I'm working with bound forms, where in the past I have developed mainly using unbound forms. Hence, the word novice in my subject line.

Is there a way to do the following, and is it typically done?

The layout: A typical, record by record data entry main form, with a linked datasheet subform. The underlying query contains person's names and other associated data. The subform is a datasheet with an alphabetical listing of the person's names.

My goals (2 of them):
1. To have the datasheet subform go to the record selected on the main form.
2. To have the main form also go to the record selected in the subform.

The forms' On Current events conflicting with one another, as the subform's Current event fires whenever the main form's does.

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Still Struggling With Bound Forms

Jun 22, 2007

Can someone help, please?

I have a simple form to add a new record.

Form is
DataSource is a simple select query which includes all records in a table.

All I want to do is validate what is typed into the textbox.

I have the following code in the BeforeUpdate Event of txtTest:
Private Sub txtTest_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.txtTest = "Test" Then
Cancel = vbCancel
End If
End Sub

It works fine on an Edit but when I type "Test" into a new record and try to move or save I get the error: The value in the field or record violates the validation rule blah blah BLAH.

Why doesn't vbCancel kill this nonsense?

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Text Box Bound To A Combo Box

Jan 24, 2005


This one is really confusing me!

I have a text box on a form that is bound to a field in a table that is populated by a combo box coded into the table whose data source is a select query.

Everything looks fine in the table, but when I display the data on the form it is displaying a different field of the source select query than the one displayed on the table.

Why is this, and how can I fix it?

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Not Sure If To Bound Form To Table

Feb 6, 2005

I have a database that has student table (I am not a student doing an assessment!) with a one to many relationship to coursebooking and then a course table that has a one to many relationship with the coursebooking table so coursebooking seems to be acting as the link table between the many to many relationship. (I didnt design it).

I am creating forms to make the booking process faster and to perform the correct sums to produce an invoice and update a financial transactions table along the line.

I have an entry form that creates the student, and then other forms synchronise to the master form and gather the data. I am now at the point of wanting to get product details so ex course A, taxi to school and enrolment fee and add these to the booking table.

Historically the process was messy and couldnt calculate course A cost (per week) times by number of weeks.

I want to be able to select the products from a combo to build up an invoice and then once acknowledged as details correct commit to the tables coursebooking and transaction table.

I am not sure how best to achieve this ie is it best to have a bound form to the booking table and add new records to it line by line or to use an unbound form and some kind of product picker and to see the products built up perhaps using vba and storing products in an array until ready to post.

Some advice would be most welcome.



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Question Abt Bound Forms

Sep 16, 2005

Hi All,

I have a main bound form which has tabs.On some tabs i m calling the subforms which are also bound forms.

I am facing a problem in which access automatically saves the data eevn if u dont want to save it.In my subforms i have save button to save the data ..i am also doing some validations there

but if the user is filling some information and then he hits the another tab the data gets stored automatically.

is there any event for the form where i can undo if the user has entered some data..

my subforms are continous forms.

Thanks to all for their help.

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