Bound Combo Box Query

Oct 13, 2006

If I want to be able to save new data to a field from a combo box, what code do I need.

I found the code below which said it was for an unbound combo box. Not sure what to change. I've set it as my event procedure for "On Not In List" and the query runs ok but nothing else seems to happen. Thats while I have nothing in the control source.

If I amend control source to be the field I want, (which is the same as what I already have in the row source, then it won't let me select anything from the combo box drop down at all.

Not sure what to do? Any ideas please??

Private Sub Combolook_NotInList(NewData As String, _
Response As Integer)
Dim ctl As Control

' Return Control object that points to combo box.
Set ctl = Me!Combolook
' Prompt user to verify they wish to add new value.
If MsgBox("Value is not in list. Add it?", _
vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then
' Set Response argument to indicate that data
' is being added.
Response = acDataErrAdded
' Add string in NewData argument to row source.
ctl.RowSource = ctl.RowSource & ";" & NewData
' If user chooses Cancel, suppress error message
' and undo changes.
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If
End Sub

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Adding (All) To A Bound Combo Box

May 24, 2005


I have a bound combo box on a form. The selections alow a subform to refresh limiting records to the bound combo box. I have been on the web a lot looking for a way to enable multi list selection or all on a combo box. None of these have worked for me. The selection combo box is a simple Yes or No. I would like to add all and have it return both types of records.

This is the sytax I have in the row source property for my combo box.

SELECT [Sales Master].[Accounting Comp Flag] FROM [Sales Master] UNION Select "All" FROM [Sales Master] GROUP BY [Sales Master].[Accounting Comp Flag];

This code allows the combo box to have an all selection but it does not retrieve any records.

If someone can find my mistake that would be great! Thanks!

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Text Box Bound To A Combo Box

Jan 24, 2005


This one is really confusing me!

I have a text box on a form that is bound to a field in a table that is populated by a combo box coded into the table whose data source is a select query.

Everything looks fine in the table, but when I display the data on the form it is displaying a different field of the source select query than the one displayed on the table.

Why is this, and how can I fix it?

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Using A Non Bound Column In A Combo Box

Nov 9, 2004

I have a combo box that has two columns, the second one is bound.

Is there any way to reference the 1st column (the unbound one).

What I actually want to do is have the 1st column show up as a status line message or as a quick help message when the combo text is mouse_overed. The problem is the combo box field is a date that is unique 99 % of the time but in that one percent the user needs to see the beginning of the 2nd column ( think of a persons doctors appointments, where one percent of the time a individual needs to visit the same doctor twice in one day , in which case the procedure and the date becomes the selection criteria (but I don't want to show the procedure and the date in the combo box because the procedure is so darn long.)

Confusing enough?

Any ideas?


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Forms :: Combo Box - Bound Option Not Available

Mar 28, 2013

I have tried creating a combo box in a form and as I have gone through the steps, the option to bind each choice that I created in my drop down box for the form is not an option, so how do I make each choice in my drop down box access the report I need?

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Combo Box And Bound Column Settings

Nov 21, 2013

I'm looking for a work around for getting the bound column setting for a combo box to work. I created a simple table with 2 fields that i have a combo box pointed to. My settings for the combo box are

Column count 2
Bound column 2

The first field is "Description"
The 2nd field is "ID"

I cannot figure out how to have column 2 to be the value that is left in the combo box once I have made my selection.

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Forms :: Filter Combo Box Value - ID Is Bound Column

Mar 15, 2014

There are 3 column in a combo box, ID is bound column

Part no ID Description
0040 1 class 40-1
0040 2 class 40-2
0040 3 class 40-3
0041 4 class 41-1
0042 5
0042 6

When key in part no 0040, 3 rows under 0040 will be listed out only, filter and match as value entered only. do not show others part no in the combo box selection.

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Combo Bound Column To Word Bookmark Conflict

Jul 6, 2005

Ok....Just when you think it's all running smoothly.... :(
I have a combo box, MDLastName, with a column count of 9, with column 2 displaying and all others hidden. The selection made with this combo populates 7 corresponding fields (first name, address, etc). It's working perfectly.

The first problem I encountered was with identical last names, but different corresponding data. When I selected Jones, for example, it would populate the first Dr. Jones and his info, listed in the table. However, if I selected the second Dr. Jones in the combo list, it was still populating only the first Dr. Jones' info. I resolved this by binding the fist column (ID, aka primary key), but still hiding all colums but column 2. First problem fixed..

Next, I have a Word Template document bookmarked to receive data from the form, frmDenial. I have all the coding working fine and dandy to insert the data from the fields on the form, save, and print. However, instead of inserting the text from the MDLastName, it is inserting the primary key (because it is the bound column in the combo box). Now, because of the first problem discussed above, I cannot change the bound column to column 2 (containing the data I need in the Word Template). How can I get the right info to appear in my template with the bookmarks?

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Bound Cascading Combo Boxes In Continous Forms

Jul 19, 2006

My goal is to have two combo boxes the first filters the second. it controls the semester that I am viewing. This works if i don't use continous forms but when i do it requeries every record in the form instead of the current record. I am not an access or vb guy but i have picked a lot up. please help!!!

I have attached a copy of my database.

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Forms :: Bound Column In A Combo Box - Transfer Two Values

Jul 9, 2014

In my form my combo box displays a list from a query called DORP-HDR that has 3 columns


and displays them like that is the drop down list

The form field that the combo is bound to takes the numeric-id field as its value. In the combo control wizard i nominated that value, and in the properties pane bound column value is 1.

and in the properties pane the row source is:


So far so good. I have created lots of combo boxes before like this.

But this time i want the second field in the list (CODE) ALSO bound to another field in my form . So I want the combo to transfer two values not one. How do i do this?

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Queries :: Can Add Checkbox To A Query That Is Not Bound To Table?

Aug 31, 2014

I have some VBA code that generates a query and saves it. The query is a list of people who will be sent a communication along with the formatting for the communication. After producing the query I want to look through it and decide if there is anyone I don't want to send the communication to. I can't delete records from the query without deleting them from the database or I would simply do this.

I thought I could add a checkbox in the query that I can tick to stop a communication being sent to that person. I only want the setting saved within the query and then when I have finished it be deleted along with the query.

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Forms :: Listbox Bound To Query - Select Only One Record

May 12, 2014

I have a list box bound to a query. If the list box retrieves two records, I am not able to select only one of them. If I click, it gets both records selected ( highlighted ). Is there any way I can select only one record?

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Forms :: How To Add A Search Box To Form Bound To Query Not A Table

Apr 17, 2015

I have a form based on a query. I'd like to add a search box to the top to look up values and then populate the rest of the form. I can't do it with the combo box wizard because the relevant (third) option doesn't show up, I assume that's because the form is based on a query not a table.

Any alternative method of adding a search?

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Changing Column Widths In Subform Bound To A Query Throws A Prompt

Aug 22, 2006

i have a subform on a form with Source Object="Query.myquery", my form is generating a sql string dynamically and assigning this sql string to the RecordSource property which works fine. But now if the user changes the width of the columns in the subform and close the form , a prompt is thrown asking if the "myquery" needs to be saved. I dont want to save the settings of "myquery" but at the same time avoid this modal dialog. If i use DoCmd.SetWarnings=False , i dont see the warning anymore BUT the query gets saved.

I am using "myquery" to just display column names in the subform when the forms loads and also without it i cant directly use RecordSource property in my code.

any suggestions?

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Combo Box Performs Query, Update Combo Box With Only Result?

Aug 4, 2006

Here's the deal:

I'm an extreme newbie, I do not know access very well, nor do I know VBA, I do know PHP.

I have a for in access that has 2 user input fields, one for prodid one for shipid. I have a combo box that upon entering data into the previous 2 fields, it does a query against an MsSQL database looking for a record that has both. In any case there will only be 2 outcomes, either 1 record, or null. I would like to have that same combo box automatically use the result as it's value so that users don't have to check the box, because they won't, and so that the rest of my VBA will be able to function properly.

Can anyone assist?


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Bound Checkbox

Aug 23, 2005

Hi everyone, I have a bound checkbox on a continuous form and I want the user to be able to select only one checkbox at a time. At the moment they can select as many as they like which is not what I want. Anyone know how to do this?

Thanks for any help

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Bound A Form

Oct 13, 2006

I have a unbound form in my data base now i want to bound it to a table in the database .
how to do it

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Bound And Unbound Textboxes

Jan 19, 2006

hey all i was wondering, can a unbound text box be a bound textbox. I have just noticed that my unbound text box doesnt not save in the field in my table, that is because it is unboune right? but i need it to save to my table, and i guees the only way to do that is to save in in the save button right? thanks

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Bound And Unbound Textboxes

Jan 19, 2006

hey all i was wondering, can a unbound text box be a bound textbox. I have just noticed that my unbound text box doesnt not save in the field in my table, that is because it is unboune right? but i need it to save to my table, and i guees the only way to do that is to save in in the save button right? thanks

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Bound Forms Novice

Jun 4, 2007

In the interest of speed in my current project, I'm working with bound forms, where in the past I have developed mainly using unbound forms. Hence, the word novice in my subject line.

Is there a way to do the following, and is it typically done?

The layout: A typical, record by record data entry main form, with a linked datasheet subform. The underlying query contains person's names and other associated data. The subform is a datasheet with an alphabetical listing of the person's names.

My goals (2 of them):
1. To have the datasheet subform go to the record selected on the main form.
2. To have the main form also go to the record selected in the subform.

The forms' On Current events conflicting with one another, as the subform's Current event fires whenever the main form's does.

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Still Struggling With Bound Forms

Jun 22, 2007

Can someone help, please?

I have a simple form to add a new record.

Form is
DataSource is a simple select query which includes all records in a table.

All I want to do is validate what is typed into the textbox.

I have the following code in the BeforeUpdate Event of txtTest:
Private Sub txtTest_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.txtTest = "Test" Then
Cancel = vbCancel
End If
End Sub

It works fine on an Edit but when I type "Test" into a new record and try to move or save I get the error: The value in the field or record violates the validation rule blah blah BLAH.

Why doesn't vbCancel kill this nonsense?

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Not Sure If To Bound Form To Table

Feb 6, 2005

I have a database that has student table (I am not a student doing an assessment!) with a one to many relationship to coursebooking and then a course table that has a one to many relationship with the coursebooking table so coursebooking seems to be acting as the link table between the many to many relationship. (I didnt design it).

I am creating forms to make the booking process faster and to perform the correct sums to produce an invoice and update a financial transactions table along the line.

I have an entry form that creates the student, and then other forms synchronise to the master form and gather the data. I am now at the point of wanting to get product details so ex course A, taxi to school and enrolment fee and add these to the booking table.

Historically the process was messy and couldnt calculate course A cost (per week) times by number of weeks.

I want to be able to select the products from a combo to build up an invoice and then once acknowledged as details correct commit to the tables coursebooking and transaction table.

I am not sure how best to achieve this ie is it best to have a bound form to the booking table and add new records to it line by line or to use an unbound form and some kind of product picker and to see the products built up perhaps using vba and storing products in an array until ready to post.

Some advice would be most welcome.



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Question Abt Bound Forms

Sep 16, 2005

Hi All,

I have a main bound form which has tabs.On some tabs i m calling the subforms which are also bound forms.

I am facing a problem in which access automatically saves the data eevn if u dont want to save it.In my subforms i have save button to save the data ..i am also doing some validations there

but if the user is filling some information and then he hits the another tab the data gets stored automatically.

is there any event for the form where i can undo if the user has entered some data..

my subforms are continous forms.

Thanks to all for their help.

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Bound To Unknown Field

Oct 17, 2005


Have two controls GroupID and Shift which are linked with Criteria:

SELECT tblShifts.Shift, tblShifts.GroupID
FROM tblShifts
WHERE (((tblShifts.GroupID)=[Forms]![fmPersonalDetails]![GroupID]));

Have two other controls which are Position and Grade with same type of link.

Problem is When I try to edit the Shift control an error message comes up saying 'cannot edit bound to unknown field 'Shift'.

Have checked each of the property fields with the Position and Grade controls and are the same. Spelling is the same in the table. Are there any other obvious things I should be looking at because I'm pretty new to this and cannot find the solution.

Would be grateful for some input/suggestions.

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Control Bound To Field

Nov 25, 2005

In my Textbox Control source I have given a formula =[Product Price]+[Delivery Costs].
I would like to provide an option to ther user to overwrite this Textbox (Should able to input a value).
When I try to edit the calculated value on the form, I get a message "Control cannot be edited, bound to expression". What can I do?

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How Do I Make A Bound Form.

Feb 14, 2006

I have a form that has a subform in it. I want the key field in the form to dictate what fields show up on the subform. When I try to set the Link child and master fields, I get a 'can't build a link between unbound forms'. How do I make this subform bound to the form????

Thanks, JOe

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