Bound/unbound Forms ?

Sep 27, 2006

Hi all,

My current database (built with a lot of help and sample code form this site..thankyou to all for their advice) tracks the escalations we receive into the business but as we have used it more and more I have started experiencing a massive performance issue.

I basically have a main table that captures the basic details, reference, product, escalation source, escalation reason etc, and these are captured from combo box selections (so only capturing the id numebr of the row in the combo box)

My main problem seems to be a table I have that we have linked, via the unique escalationID, that we cna add notes for each escalation.

So for instance a particular escalations can 1 or 50 notes (or more) depending on the work involved to resolve.

This table now has thousands of entries and is about 10Mb on it;s own.
It seems that when I open my bound forms the query is having to scan not only the main table, but also all of the notes in the journal table.

My question is,

Would I be better to -
1 - Use unbound forms and pull the data via a recordset call or
2 - could I use a query that captures everything for only the open escalations and then have my main form query that query or
3 - have the form load but do not link the journal table and have the form pull the data in seperately ?

Hope that makes sense and appreciate any help on this one.


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Bound/Unbound Forms

Mar 24, 2006

Please help,

I have a form with a subform in it. The main form has a combobox, called vendor. The subform shows all software.

When i select a vendor, i want only the software for that vendor to show in the subform.
What I am trying to do is set up the link child fields and link master fields so that this works. However, i am getting an error saying, 'Can't build a link between unbound forms'.

I have checked to make sure that relationships exist between the vendors and Software tables but the problems persist.

What should i do here???

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Forms :: Unbound Form With Bound Listbox

Jun 2, 2015

My code is not working.

1. The code below should equal the Current Month
2. It does not close the form if no data.

PHP Code:
If DLookup("[CurMonth]", "tblEmpEvaluation") = Format(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), Day(Date)), "mmmm ")
  DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEvalNotice"
End If 

PHP Code:
If DLookup("[CurMonth]", "tblEmpEvaluation") <> Format(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), Day(Date)), "mmmm ") Then 'No Data. NotWorking?
    DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmEvalNotice"
End If 

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Bound And Unbound Textboxes

Jan 19, 2006

hey all i was wondering, can a unbound text box be a bound textbox. I have just noticed that my unbound text box doesnt not save in the field in my table, that is because it is unboune right? but i need it to save to my table, and i guees the only way to do that is to save in in the save button right? thanks

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Bound And Unbound Textboxes

Jan 19, 2006

hey all i was wondering, can a unbound text box be a bound textbox. I have just noticed that my unbound text box doesnt not save in the field in my table, that is because it is unboune right? but i need it to save to my table, and i guees the only way to do that is to save in in the save button right? thanks

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Continous Form With Bound / Unbound Controls?

Nov 8, 2005

I'm having a bit of a problem - I built quite a complex db that works great and I'm comfortable with code and access. But, I've been working with ASP for a while now and I think it has made me a bit fogetful re: Access.

If someone can point me in the right direction conceptually it would be appreciated. My system is primarily built around scheduling and I have created tables and web forms to interact with my current access database to allow our recources to check and confirm their daily schedules online.

My problem is on the Access side. I need to build a dashboard using a form that queries the table that holds our resources status information and will display whether or not they've logged in and confirmed their schedule. As well, I need controls on this form to allow me to update their individual schedules if it has been changed. Most of this is no problem, the big problem I'm having is the display of information and form interaction... Can I use a continuous form for this?

When I try to use unbound controls such as images - hiding/unhiding images depending on a specific records value (for let's say a traffic light that shows whether a resource has confirmed their schedule) - it seems that I can't control images, checkboxes, etc. for individual records on the continous form with code as all these unbound controls defualt to the value of the first record.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Between Unbound And Bound Fields

Apr 21, 2015

I have 2 fields in an MS Access form "BTKForm" sending and picking up data form a bank terminal.

Code is executed by clicking a Button on the form.

Field 1, "IssuerID", is an Unbound field picking up a code from the bank terminal. It's numbers between 0 and 100, representing the Card provider.

Field 2 - "IsID", is a value field linked to a table.

I want to take care of (save) (copy) "IssuerID" in to "IsID".


Public Sub TransferAmount_Click()
Set BAX = CreateObject("BankAxeptSrv.BankAxeptAutomation")
If BAX.Connected And BAX.LicenseVerified And Not BAX.BankMode Then
Dim amnt As Long
Dim cashb As Long
amnt = Round(Amount.Value * 100)

[Code] .....

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Addition Of Values In Two Unbound Textboxes And Assigning To A Bound Textbox

Apr 17, 2006

hello guys

i have values in two unbound textboxes and now i would like to assign the sum to a bound textbox. Also need AfterUpdate event too.

Can any expert help?

Thank you

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Forms :: How To Populate Bound Text Field With Text From A Unbound Text Field

Mar 22, 2014

I have 4 fields that are unbound on a form. img1 img2 img3 img4..When these are entered they are all combined and autofill another unbound textbox = imagename.. what i would like to do is from this unbound textbox 'imagename' ..i would like to populate a textbox that IS bound called FileName

[Event Procedure]
Private Sub imagename_Click()
Me.imagename = Me.FileName
End Sub

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Get Value From Unbound Text Field From FORM And Store Value In Bound Field

Nov 5, 2012

I've created a data entry form w/ 7 fields.... [f1], [f2], [f3], [f4], [f5], [f6] are bound to a table. While [f7] is unbound and has Nz function.

Now, the value of [f7] is the summation of [f1] to [f5], i want that what ever value is generated by [f7] will be stored on [f6] in both forms and table...

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Concatenating Values From Unbound Sources And Bound Sources

Jul 6, 2005

I know that it isnt advised to store the concatenated value but in this case, I have a memo field which is the description of a particular system component.

i have Unbound Combo Boxes for descriptive elements such as COLOUR, SIZE, CONNECTIVITY, MAKE.

ALL of these i would to store in a field in my table and called Description and separate them by colons or the actual words which describe the category.

Please Advise

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Pass Value From Unbound Textbox To Bound Textbox

Oct 26, 2006

Hi: There are two textboxs in my main form. One is bound and another is unbound. There is no entry in the unbound textbox as values come into automatically after entering some information in the subform. My question is how to i pass values from unbound textbox to bound textbox every time when the value change in unbound textbox i need to change the value in the bound textbox. When the form load there is already value in the bound textbox which i want to override based on the values from the unbound textbox.

Thank You.

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Bound Forms Novice

Jun 4, 2007

In the interest of speed in my current project, I'm working with bound forms, where in the past I have developed mainly using unbound forms. Hence, the word novice in my subject line.

Is there a way to do the following, and is it typically done?

The layout: A typical, record by record data entry main form, with a linked datasheet subform. The underlying query contains person's names and other associated data. The subform is a datasheet with an alphabetical listing of the person's names.

My goals (2 of them):
1. To have the datasheet subform go to the record selected on the main form.
2. To have the main form also go to the record selected in the subform.

The forms' On Current events conflicting with one another, as the subform's Current event fires whenever the main form's does.

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Still Struggling With Bound Forms

Jun 22, 2007

Can someone help, please?

I have a simple form to add a new record.

Form is
DataSource is a simple select query which includes all records in a table.

All I want to do is validate what is typed into the textbox.

I have the following code in the BeforeUpdate Event of txtTest:
Private Sub txtTest_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.txtTest = "Test" Then
Cancel = vbCancel
End If
End Sub

It works fine on an Edit but when I type "Test" into a new record and try to move or save I get the error: The value in the field or record violates the validation rule blah blah BLAH.

Why doesn't vbCancel kill this nonsense?

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Question Abt Bound Forms

Sep 16, 2005

Hi All,

I have a main bound form which has tabs.On some tabs i m calling the subforms which are also bound forms.

I am facing a problem in which access automatically saves the data eevn if u dont want to save it.In my subforms i have save button to save the data ..i am also doing some validations there

but if the user is filling some information and then he hits the another tab the data gets stored automatically.

is there any event for the form where i can undo if the user has entered some data..

my subforms are continous forms.

Thanks to all for their help.

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Forms :: Unbound Text Box Calculation Using Two Other Unbound Text Boxes

Jul 25, 2013

I am running in to a brick wall with this. I have an unbound text box with the control source set to =IIF([text42]=0,0,[text42]/[text44])*100 and in continues to return a #name? error.

I am not sure how to get this expression to work. I have even tried to put =[text42]/[text44] and I still get the #name? error.

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Forms :: How To Autofill A Bound Text Box

May 29, 2015

Is there anyway or code to autofill a bound text/combo box for instance with the person who is working the database i have this code but doesnt work with bound boxes

Me![Agent] = Forms("loginform")![cbousername]

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Forms :: Combo Box - Bound Option Not Available

Mar 28, 2013

I have tried creating a combo box in a form and as I have gone through the steps, the option to bind each choice that I created in my drop down box for the form is not an option, so how do I make each choice in my drop down box access the report I need?

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Bound Forms In A Multi-user Environment

Mar 21, 2005

I have multiple users entering data on bound forms. I have three required fields, all in the first 3 fields of the form. My question is, can I program something to where Access will update the record, after the 3rd required field, so that other users are not having to wait to enter there new record?

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Bound Forms In Multi-user Environment

Mar 21, 2005

I have multiple users entering data on bound forms. I have three required fields, all in the first 3 fields of the form. My question is, can I program something to where Access will update the record, after the 3rd required field, so that other users are not having to wait to enter there new record?

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Forms :: Update A Bound Control From Subform

May 3, 2013

I have a Main form with several sub forms on it the tables behind each form are related tables. The user enters data on the main form with the exception of one bound control then moves on to enter data on the sub forms On exiting the record or the main form I want to take data from several of the sub forms and add them together and enter result in the bound form on the main form. Because this bound control is not used to enter data in there are no event triggers to code to get this done.

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Forms :: Filter Combo Box Value - ID Is Bound Column

Mar 15, 2014

There are 3 column in a combo box, ID is bound column

Part no ID Description
0040 1 class 40-1
0040 2 class 40-2
0040 3 class 40-3
0041 4 class 41-1
0042 5
0042 6

When key in part no 0040, 3 rows under 0040 will be listed out only, filter and match as value entered only. do not show others part no in the combo box selection.

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Bound Columns In Forms And Resetting Values?

Jan 19, 2013

I have a form for student attendance that is bound to a query and stores a temporary value for ClassesAttended in a StudentEnrollment table as faculty enters the attendance. They then run an append query to write the temporary records to a StudentAttendance table. Because the ClassesAttended field is bound, when the form is opened, it recalls the last number entered for that student in that class as entered by the faculty the last time attendance was updated. I tried leaving the field unbound, but the first value enter into the first record of the form is updated automatically to all subsequent records.

Is there a way to change the properities, use code, etc. to assigne a null or 0 to the ClassesAttended field when the form opens, without the first updated record to propagate through the reaming records?

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Bound Cascading Combo Boxes In Continous Forms

Jul 19, 2006

My goal is to have two combo boxes the first filters the second. it controls the semester that I am viewing. This works if i don't use continous forms but when i do it requeries every record in the form instead of the current record. I am not an access or vb guy but i have picked a lot up. please help!!!

I have attached a copy of my database.

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Forms :: ADO Bound Recordsets In A Form / Subform Scenario

May 22, 2013

I have a form and subform. The main form shows some customer details, and the continuous sub form shows that customer's charity donations.The code below runs when the form opens, and binds ADO recordsets to the two forms. The binding appears to be successful.

However whatever I do I can't make the subform update correctly to show the relevant customer donations. For example, when I use the **'d lines to update the link child/master fields, I get a "Data Provider Could Not Be Initialized" error.


Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rsCust As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rsDons As New ADODB.Recordset


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Forms :: Control Cannot Be Edited It Is Bound To Autonumber Field

May 17, 2013

I have written a code to look up by the unique reference number rather than use the wizard to avoid this error happening... The field is restricted to list only so you can't actually edit the number.For ease of use you cannot scroll by record and I need to filter by the ID. Is there an easy fix to this combobox?

Would creating a seperate query work? Is there another lookup code I could use where I don't need to have the combo box bound to the ID field since it's not being edited anyway? I had a go at one and although it would now let me select it wasn't updating the record, tried a few ways but it seems that it needs to be bound to the field.

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