Breakdown Of Many To Many

Nov 6, 2004

I was wondering if somone could clear something up for me.

I understand that if there is a database with for example:

table_Customers(cust_num, cust_name)

there is a many to many relationship and so the inclution of

table_Order(hire_date, reg_num, cust_num)

would eliminate this.

I understand this but where I get confused is what would be done if a customer could hire out more than one car on the same order.

a Car can have MANY orders and and order can have MANY cars.

back to square one.

any guidence on this subject would be appriciated!


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IF Code Breakdown ANyone?

Oct 24, 2006

Ok I know people are tired of code breakdowns but I got this code in the company's database and it is suppose to calculate 2 days before the mailing date. now to Text98 is not suppose to land on a Saturday or Sunday. The problem is in the code it is somehow ending up with the same date as the mailing date. I didn't write this and I have a module from the good people here that I use for my date calculation but I am not allowed to add to the company's database. Though I can only edit.

Can someone let me know why this code is pulling the same date as the mail date?

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

If WeekDay(Mail - 4) = 7 Then
Text98 = (Mail - 6)
End If

If WeekDay(Mail - 4) = 1 Then
Text98 = (Mail - 6)
End If

If WeekDay(Mail - 4) = 6 Then
Text98 = (Mail - 6)
End If

If WeekDay(Mail - 4) = 5 Then
Text98 = (Mail - 6)
End If

If WeekDay(Mail - 4) = 2 Or 3 Or 4 Then
Text98 = Mail
End If

End Sub

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Date Breakdown Problem

Nov 3, 2007


I have the following situation:

I have two fields: Start Date and Stop Date and I need to create a procedure to break them down and create records.

Start Date Stop Date
01/25/07 03/05/07

01/25/07 01/31/07
02/01/07 02/28/07
03/01/07 03/05/07

Thank you in advance for any help.

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Queries :: Check If Period Breakdown Is Complete

Aug 31, 2014

I have 2 tables:

Each of the tables has fields for:

The logic behind the database is that each service is contracted for certain period, from StartDate until EndDate (if EndDate is not given - null - it means it is a permanent contract). For each service, we need to input prices. As prices may change during time, we may have different prices records for a service - we need to have the service period broken down into subperiods with different prices. So we need StartDate and EndDate for each period for which particular prices are valid (again, if EndDate is not given - null - it means the prices are valid "forever" into the future from the StartDate).

My problem is: I want to have a check that would return the number of services which period (tblServices) is not fully reflected in the prices periods (tblPricesPeriods). Those would be for example:

-gaps between subperiods (subperiod1 finishing 30.09.2014 and subperiod 2 starting 3.10.2014)
-service period (tblServices) limited by EndDate (not null), while prices period for this service (tblPricesPeriods) having null as EndDate
-start date for service (tblServices) earlier than earliest start date for prices periods for this service (tblPricesPeriods)

Preferably, I'd like to use a normal query for that (or set of queries), but I'm opened to other options.

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Queries :: Complex Query Sorting And Summing Amounts Breakdown

Jan 28, 2015

I have a shell of my database in the below link for reference. I am trying to create a query for a report that will allow me to track charges and payments per client. Each charge has a ChargeID and each payment has a PaymentID. Multiple payments can be applied to one charge so the same ChargeID can show up multiple times with a different PaymentID. Payments that are catagorized as Third Party Payments will have not only a PaymentID, but a TPPaymentID.

What I need to do in the query and final report is track the total charges (even though the ChargeID may show up multiple times, I only want the charge itself to be calculated once and the charge to only be listed once for each client) and track the total payments as well as sum the total payments for each charge for each client.

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Reports :: Display Breakdown Of Unique Reports In The Footer

Jun 16, 2014

I am trying to produce statistics reports in my database. The user selects the information they require in a form (date from, date to etc). A query then produces the results listing each job in turn which is what I want however at the end I would like to produce sub-totals for each client.

Depending on the criteria selected by the user, only some clients will appear in the list. Ideally I would like the footer to show something like:

Client 1 - 4 jobs
Client 2 - 1 job
Client 5 - 6 jobs
Client 6 - 17 jobs

I have tried using the field:


However this only gives the total number of jobs.

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