Bring Data From 3 Identical Backend Strctures Together

Jul 20, 2007


I have searched the forum and have found a lot of information however I am not sure just exactly what I am looking for.

Here is my situation.

It is a spilt DB.

I have a database with a form and a subform. The Primary Key in the form is unique to company A ie ID=CompanyA-1, CompanyA-2, and so on. There is a one to many relationship to the subform.

I have three of these databases in use, all identical execpt the Primary Keys. one is CompanyA, the others are CompanyB and CompanyC.

At the end of the month I want all companies, A,B,&C to send me their Backends so I can bring them all together into one database. The master database I want to bring all three backends into has the same Front End as the other three databases.

My question is what is the best way to bring all of the data together in one database so I can use the common front end to view it.

I am assuming that since the PK for each database is different they should all cometogether without much of a problem? If I can figure out how to merge them.


Fen How

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Queries :: Only Identical Data Listed From Tables And Not All Data

Sep 7, 2013

Attached you will find an example with the problem.

The query is only searching identical data between both tables.

I want it to show results from all users, with all the devices each user has.

What am I doing wrong with the query?

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Select Data From One Form To Bring Into Another

Nov 27, 2006

I have one "Project" form with subform that displays "Contractor" details. The Contractors are stored in a table and they are associated to a table of projects (many to many relationship) through a link table.
When I am in the project form and have the contractor sub form tab "activated" I would like to go to the contractor form (press a button), select a contractor and link the contractor back to the project.
What is the best way to do this?
I have tried creating a macro but get stuck as I need to "pause" it whilst I select the Contractor... As you can see I am no whizz! What is the simplest way to do this?

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Queries :: Joining Data That Is Not Identical

Nov 25, 2014

I have a question regarding making a query with joint data that are not identical, as I'm not sure whether it's possible.

I have to look at certain serum levels at te start of a new medication regimen, and serum levels after 5 years.

I have one database with:

Patient number
Start date medication
Start date medication + 5 years
And one database with:Patient number
Date of blood test
Serum level molecule A
Serum level molecule B

What I want to do is make a query where the patient numbers are joined. The problem is that the "start date of the medication" and the "start date + 5 years" are not identical to the dates of the blood tests. E.g.: I have a patient that started medication on 01/March/2006, but he has had blood tests done every 3 months from 28/November/2003 till now, and not on 01/March/2006.

I would need the results of the blood tests (of molecule A and B) at the start of the medication and after 5 years, but if the test date differs by a day, Access already sees they're not identical.

I would like to have access select a blood test date that is as close to the medication start date as possible, within a time frame of e.g. +3 and -3 months. Is this at all possible?

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Correct Join - Not Bring Required Data Back?

Jan 21, 2008

Hi ,

recently posted a thread about a union query. I have got over that hurdle now but face a new problem which is:

When I have created a right join to bring back data from a table, if there is no data it will leave the fields blank. Is there any way I could bring back the row data of the same table.??

Hope some one could suggest something.

Thanks again.

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Queries :: Bring All Data From Table And Print A Report

Dec 17, 2014

I create a query to bring data from a table and then print a report that display this data

I put a criteria on the cities field to filter this query. It will take the name of the city from a txtbox in a specific form

Everything is ok, but when i want to print all records with any city without filtering so the query. How can i do it

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Forms :: Bring Data From One Table Automatically Into A Form

Aug 13, 2014

I have a form and table called pcinfo-vendor that the customer enters some date that they need. They also need to pull up some vendor information from a table called vendorinfo Vendor name, Address, City, State, Phone #, FAX # and Email. How can I bring up the data from the vendorinfo table on to my form called pcinfo-vendor? So that the customer does not have to type in - Vendor name, Address, City, State, Phone #, FAX # and Email each time for every vendor.

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Queries :: Not Criteria To Bring Up Records - Multiple Fields With Data

May 30, 2015

I'm creating a query from one table using two fields that require certain records to NOT bring up records that have the following text:

One table, two fields

First field ECO LifeCycle Status Criteria is Not "ERP UPDATE" or "CANCELLED"
Second field ECR LifeCycle Status Criteria is Not "COMPLETE"

When I put the Not Criteria in the first field only I get a result.
When I put the Not Criteria in both fields I get no results.

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General :: Merge All Data To Identical Central Database

Jan 20, 2015

I have started working on an existing MS access application (Front-end & Back-end) built with VBA. The frontend linked to a back-end access database which contains only tables. Because of the nature of the work involving vehicles. Each user has their own copy of identical databases with their individual data stored in backend.

Right now we just copy each back-end database via ftp and store it as usr_backenddb_date.accdb Back end databases contain around 16 tables with most of them containing a autonumber field as a primary key. Further tables are connected with each other referencing the primary key as a foreign key .

I would like ideally create a function in vba that lets me select the database and merge all the data from that database to a identical central database. For the initial part, I am thinking of combining each individual table in each database and changing the autonumber field with SQL with possibly trying to cascade the change so the refrences remain intact.

Constant Access to one back end db via internet (or server) is not really possible as the users are able to connect to internet (network) only few times a day. There are over 100 backends (for each vehicle) with over 1000 records in each.

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Modules & VBA :: Archiving Data - Table Structures Are Identical

Jul 26, 2013

I'm trying to create an archiving routine as my database is becoming very large. For about 10 tables I want to shift certain records to an external database which would have the required 10 tables with the same table names and structure.

So far so good. I now want to automate everything using vba. I can see how to use the INSERT INTO statement but I don't want to have to name every field as there are hundreds. I just can't see how to do this.

If the table structures are identical how do I neatly shift a bunch of records from one to the other using code.

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Queries :: Comparing Data Differences Between Two Identical Access Tables?

Dec 10, 2013

I have two identical Access tables, for example tblDataYesterday and tblDataToday. The data from tblDataToday has updated data changes in it that are different from tblDataYesterday. I have a maximum of 100 fields to review. I want to compare the two tables and display in a query the differences between the data from both tables.

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Tables :: Merging Table Data Fields If Names Are Identical

Sep 24, 2012

Have 2 tables:

...TableA: 1 indexed field "Name" and many data fields in ~ 1000 records
...TableB: 1 indexed field "Name" and 2 data fields (DataB1 and DataB2) in about
~ 50 records

Tables currently have NO relationship set.

Want to add TableB data fields to TableA if Name are identical.

DataB1 and DataB2 fields are Not currently in TableA but could be added very easily.

Update (or whatever) will be done weekly where all previous data for DataB1 and DataB2 will be cleared from TableA before job is run.

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Cannot Access Backend Data

Feb 10, 2015

I have two laptop computers. Both have Access 2010 installed. Both computers are on the same Workgroup and each computer can access files on the other. Computers are connected with wireless connection. Computer 1 holds the backend data while computer 2 is used for data entry and connects to backend on computer 1.Both computers are used for data entry, and as I said, data is stored on computer 1 only.

Here's the problem. If I enter data on computers 1 and then open computer 2 I cannot access the data unless computer 1 exits and then reopens. If computer 1 does not exit and reopen I cannot access the data from computer 2. In addition, if I enter data in Computer 2 and save it then computer 1 can see the data and all is well. So, for everything to work I have to start the data entry in computer 2. If I start data entry with computer 1 then I have to go through the save and shutdown process.

I have tried requery and refresh, refreshpage, refreshrecord, etc, but with no success.

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Allow Users To Access Backend Data

Jun 16, 2005

Im totally new at all this stuff, so any help is appreciated.

i have a database with one table that has many different attributes and almost 3000 records. this is all i have done, i have simply been loading in all of the data to the table, now that that is done i need to allow users to extract the data.

so, what is the best way to build a front end that allows the user to easily extract data from the database? ideally, i would like to have some sort of front end that would have a text input window where they could search for records matching attributes in the table that match or are close to the text they type in, with some additional options for honing down the search terms with dropdown menus, radio buttons, etc.

the problem is i really havent a clue on how to do that stuff. can anyone just give some general, beginner type steps for things i should be doing to create that "front end" i am visualizing. THANKS!

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Frontend Showing Data / Backend Not Updating?

Jan 12, 2012

I have a backend-database on a network disk shared by 6 users. All users have a frontend client wich they use to administer the datebase. Everything in the frontend looks ok and they can query the latest data. However if I open up the backend database tables nothing has been updated since the middle of december. If i make a copy of the backend I can open it up and create new posts with ID-numbers that has already been taken by the frontend.

Ofcourse I have doublechecked that the clients are connected to the right backend file (there's only on backend file in the directory).

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Data Transfer To Restructured Backend Database

Sep 6, 2011

I recently added a field to one of the tables in my database. How can I transfer my existing data to the newly restructured backend?

Only 1 table has been changed to add a single new field.

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Tables :: Two Identical Database - Importing Tables By Linking To Data Source

Dec 3, 2012

I have 2 identical database in terms of structure but it differs in data.

Basically I would like to import data from subDatabase to mainDatabase and ensuring that there are no duplicate records.

I have used the "link to datasource method" through importing the tables to have the "updating" function.

However, this method also means that the records in mainDatabase are also imported over to subDatabase which I do not want.

Is there a method to ensure that the records are shared/update one way only? (i.e. import from subDatabase to mainDatabase and not main to sub?)

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Strange User Doesn't Get Backend Data

Feb 28, 2006

i have my database split (backend and frontend) - both are residing on the server in different folders...users can't have it on their desktop since we're running on a Citrix server and each user only has a thin client.

Now currently I've got 3 users to the system. 2 users can use the system simultaneously without any problems...however the other user loads the front end but the backend data (bookings, despatches, etc) simply does not load - cannot access any data..

has anybody had a similiar problem? pls help!

thanks :)

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Queries :: Insert Data Into Backend Without Major Bloating

May 1, 2013

I need to know the best way to insert data into the backend without cause major bloating of the backend. I am currently inserting about 20k records at a time using an INSERT INTO statement. The backend went from 83mb to 511mb trying to insert the last 20k records.

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Retrieve Data From Backend - Update Combo Box From Recordset

Dec 12, 2011

I have written code to retrieve data from a back-end, that is then bound to a form (late binding forms).

From the retrieved record set I want to update a combo box using 1 field from the data in the record set, only showing unique records in the list.

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Using A ComboBox To Bring Up A Form

Sep 14, 2006

Okay I have 3 forms. I have one form which is called frmEndOfTrial on this form there is a combo box which has two values--> Accepted and Return for credit.

I have two other forms called frmAccept and frmRFC. I have dragged those two forms onto the frmEndofTrial form and set there visibility to No.

What I want to happen is that when the user clicks on the 1st or 2nd option that corresponding form opens below the combo box?

I've tried a few things here but can't get it to work. I'm pretty limited in knowledge on access. Right now on hte combo box events I have this code for the After Update event
me.sfrmRFC.Visible = True
me.sfrmAccept.Visible = False

I know this is not what I want and not finished cause if I click on either accept or RFC it just brings up the sfrmRFC. How can I do this???

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Bring Value From Form1 To Form2.

Sep 20, 2006

Hi all,
(Refer to Figure1 pls) How can i bring the value from form1 to form2 after i click the save button?


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Bring Form To Front

Nov 16, 2006

Hello. Is there a VB command that brings a certain form to the front of the window?

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Bring Form To Front

Sep 8, 2004

I'd like to know how to programatically bring a form on top of another one

I have two forms: Menu and Notice

in the onOpen event of the form Menu, I open the form Notice

problem is that even if Notice is the active form, it still hides under the Menu form...that's just weird...

Could it have something to do with the startup option in Access in which I tell to open Menu first, it looks like the startup event comes after the onOpen event.

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Queries :: Bring 2 Tables Next To Each Other Without ID?

May 24, 2013

I`m trying to put 2 identical tables in terms of structure and layout with some identical values next to each other however I don't have unique identifier. I was thinking to import them and let access to create Id field and match them together but i wasn't successful because for some reason access changed the order of some rows. Good news is that when I import these text files into excel Im able to put them next to each other in order. How this could be achieved in Access?

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If Primarykey Value Exists, Bring Up Record

May 9, 2007


I am trying to figure out how to make my database check to see if the primary key value is a duplicate of anything ive entered previously and if yes, for my database to bring up that record instead of adding a new record.

I know how to do bring up records using a separate combobox (find) but I cant seem to do it using the primary key field itself.

Many thanks in advance.

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