Bring Form To Front

Sep 8, 2004

I'd like to know how to programatically bring a form on top of another one

I have two forms: Menu and Notice

in the onOpen event of the form Menu, I open the form Notice

problem is that even if Notice is the active form, it still hides under the Menu form...that's just weird...

Could it have something to do with the startup option in Access in which I tell to open Menu first, it looks like the startup event comes after the onOpen event.

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Bring Form To Front

Nov 16, 2006

Hello. Is there a VB command that brings a certain form to the front of the window?

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Forms :: Rectangle Bring To Front On Report

Jul 29, 2015

I have rectangle object positioned 'behind' several fields on a report....

I wish to be able to hide these fields depending upon access rights....

In code am I able to bring the rectangle to the front and thus hide the fields in question... to save writing a routine to hide each control individually...?

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Forms :: Bring Form In Front Of All Forms

Mar 12, 2015

I've looked for how to do but everywhere people asks how to bring a form in the front of all forms.I have a form emergent and modal. The program hides the access enviroment.But, when the form is loaded, it always appears under the window that I have active (whatever the window is, an excel sheet, internet explorer, etc).Is there any vba command to bring the form (or maybe the access application) to the front as the first visible window?

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Modules & VBA :: Bring Outlook (Select Names Dialog) To Front

Jul 18, 2014

I have written the following code to open the Outlook 2013 'Select Names Dialog' with a command button called 'btnTo' from an Access 2010 form, this code works fine to display the dialogue box but it is usually hidden and the user has to 'click' the icon on the task bar to show the dialogue box. I know that there is an API that will bring the dialogue box to the front but how to code the API to do this.

Private Sub btnTo_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnTo_Click
Dim olkApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olkSes As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olkSND As Outlook.SelectNamesDialog

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Bring Outlook GAL Dialog To Front When Calling From Access

May 30, 2014

I've written a function which opens the Outlook GAL dialog, allows users to select recipients and passes back a 2-D array (recipients and type i.e. To, CC or BCC).Here is the code :

Public Function GetContactsFromOutlookGAL() As Variant
Dim appOutlook As Object ' Outlook Application
Dim objNameSpace As Object ' Outlook NameSpace
Dim objSelectNamesDialog As Object ' Outlook Select Names Dialog


The only problem I have is that when I 'display' the SelectNamesDialog, it doesn't make it the active window and bring it to the front - it just opens the dialog in Outlook and you have to navigate to the main Outlook window to find it.I'd like for the dialog to 'popup' - ideally, without the main Outlook window dragging along behind

I believe it's possible (judging from this article) to achieve this using API's - specifically, a combination of FindWindow (to retrieve the window handle) and ShowWindowLong (to set it to a topmost window in front of all other windows).

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Using A ComboBox To Bring Up A Form

Sep 14, 2006

Okay I have 3 forms. I have one form which is called frmEndOfTrial on this form there is a combo box which has two values--> Accepted and Return for credit.

I have two other forms called frmAccept and frmRFC. I have dragged those two forms onto the frmEndofTrial form and set there visibility to No.

What I want to happen is that when the user clicks on the 1st or 2nd option that corresponding form opens below the combo box?

I've tried a few things here but can't get it to work. I'm pretty limited in knowledge on access. Right now on hte combo box events I have this code for the After Update event
me.sfrmRFC.Visible = True
me.sfrmAccept.Visible = False

I know this is not what I want and not finished cause if I click on either accept or RFC it just brings up the sfrmRFC. How can I do this???

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Select Data From One Form To Bring Into Another

Nov 27, 2006

I have one "Project" form with subform that displays "Contractor" details. The Contractors are stored in a table and they are associated to a table of projects (many to many relationship) through a link table.
When I am in the project form and have the contractor sub form tab "activated" I would like to go to the contractor form (press a button), select a contractor and link the contractor back to the project.
What is the best way to do this?
I have tried creating a macro but get stuck as I need to "pause" it whilst I select the Contractor... As you can see I am no whizz! What is the simplest way to do this?

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How Can I Bring Column Value In Table To Checks Box In Form?

Jan 17, 2007

hi all ..

how can i bring data from column in table to form and choice from data by checks box ?

1- The column assortment table from kind "memo" . and that is my need.
2- It is possible to choice more 1 check box .

(URL address blocked: See forum rules)/download.php?i...ERYoQlEfFDyn8u

I am raring to your answer

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General :: Access Form - Scroll Box Does Not Bring The Selected Value Up

Sep 18, 2013

I have added a scroll list to my access form and although I can see the item I need to pick in the drop down list when I manually start typing it, the scroll box doesn't bring the value up and states that the value I have selected is not in the list (when it clearly is !!)

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Forms :: Bring Data From One Table Automatically Into A Form

Aug 13, 2014

I have a form and table called pcinfo-vendor that the customer enters some date that they need. They also need to pull up some vendor information from a table called vendorinfo Vendor name, Address, City, State, Phone #, FAX # and Email. How can I bring up the data from the vendorinfo table on to my form called pcinfo-vendor? So that the customer does not have to type in - Vendor name, Address, City, State, Phone #, FAX # and Email each time for every vendor.

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Modules & VBA :: Bring Up Msgbox If Certain Fields Blank And Not Run The Macro In Form

Jan 20, 2015

I have a form with various text, date and combo controls. There is a button at the button that runs a macro (Close NB) at the bottom. What I'm trying to do is bring up a msgbox if certain fields are blank and not run the macro. I only want the macro to run if all the fields specified have data in them.

The fields are :

The on click code is:
If (Me.cmb_cliname Is Null) Then
MsgBox "Please fill in the relevant details",
ElseIf (Me.cmb_Disease Is Null) Then
MsgBox "Please fill in the relevant details"

[Code] .....

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Filter By Form In Front End

Jul 20, 2007

I recently split my Access 2000 database and lost the ability to filter by form in the front end. I have the "Don't display list" set well above the number of records I have (by about 1000), and the "Show list of values in" options are all checked. These are the same settings as are in the back end, where I am still able to filter by form. Any known solutions out there?

While I'm doing this, can someone tell me how to set permissions for the front end where other users cannot delete data?

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Report To Front Of Form

Jul 24, 2007

Hi, how do i get a report to appear in front of a form that is set as Pop-Up? at the moment when the report is opened it appears behind the form.

I am using 2000 db for this,

I'm sure in 2003 you can select pop-up inside the reports, there must be a really straight forward way around this in 2000? (without changing the form)

thankyou in advance

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Modules & VBA :: Keep A Form At Front But Still Be Able To Use Other Forms

Nov 5, 2014

I am after a script to lock a userform to the front but still be able to work on other forms.

I have an excel userform in access which does this and better still it is like a sticky note as it stays on the screen even when going to another program, but as I am working in vba all day long, every time I change something the form closes, it works great when not using vba though.

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Modules & VBA :: Form Stays In Front When Table Opens

Jul 6, 2014

I have a Form with a control button that opens a Table using VBA code.

I have made quite a few similar databases before and usually when the Table opens it opens "above' or in front of the Form.

This time the Table opens but behind the Form.

I would like the Table to open and appear in front of the Form.

Is there a setting or something to control which displays on top?

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General :: Front End Support For MS Access Login Form?

Aug 3, 2015

I have created a Login form in Access Database in which the users can log in to enter the work information like how much time and which job they worked on particular day , this data is stored in a table . How can make the users to use this form , I dont want to access to be installed on every machine..I want to give something like a URL so that the users can use it..

which software I can use for creation of website so that it can be compatible with ms access ...I basically need to create a front end application and connect ms access my project in the back end scenario..

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One User Of Split Database Front-end Can't Launch A Form

Jun 25, 2014

I have a 2007 back-end db on a network share and around 15 regular users who access it through their own front-end db/interface. One user on Windows 7 is able to launch and use his front-end copy fine except when he goes to launch one form for data entry.

This form clocks and freezes the entire application. I sat with him and was able to determine that the issue is that the form_load code is never running. He clicks on the button to launch the form (done in vba) and the code never runs. If he opens the form in design view first then changes to form view, the code runs fine and there are no issues. This is his present work-around, but I had to give him an unlocked FE copy to pull it off (not ideal!).

I tried this with him on different PCs, with different front-end copies, and even in the back-end copy. Same result each time. None of the other users have this issue, and he can replicate this issue on different PCs. I'm at a loss for what might be causing this since it really seems so user-specific.

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Cannot Move Database Up To Front View Behind Form Switchboard

Apr 13, 2012

Hard to see the image but basically, I can't seem to bring the database behind the form to the front to view it when I click on it. I've never encountered this before.

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Bring Value From Form1 To Form2.

Sep 20, 2006

Hi all,
(Refer to Figure1 pls) How can i bring the value from form1 to form2 after i click the save button?


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Queries :: Bring 2 Tables Next To Each Other Without ID?

May 24, 2013

I`m trying to put 2 identical tables in terms of structure and layout with some identical values next to each other however I don't have unique identifier. I was thinking to import them and let access to create Id field and match them together but i wasn't successful because for some reason access changed the order of some rows. Good news is that when I import these text files into excel Im able to put them next to each other in order. How this could be achieved in Access?

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If Primarykey Value Exists, Bring Up Record

May 9, 2007


I am trying to figure out how to make my database check to see if the primary key value is a duplicate of anything ive entered previously and if yes, for my database to bring up that record instead of adding a new record.

I know how to do bring up records using a separate combobox (find) but I cant seem to do it using the primary key field itself.

Many thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Create A Navigation Form On A Split Database With Front End And Back End

Apr 4, 2013

I am trying to create a navigation form on a split database with front end and back end.But Access is not letting me drag forms or reports into the navigation form. Why?

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Modules & VBA :: Replace Line Of Code During Split Form Front End Deployment?

Aug 11, 2015

I have a database that I've split and have deployed to 7 persons.

The thing is, I have three (3) forms:

Form 1
Form 2
Form 3

...that require changing a portion of a line in each form's respective VBA codes. I need to change the directories to where an excel workbook is stored after exporting, and another is where same excel is moved to after being uploaded.

At the moment, during deployment I have to manually change the directories.

I was thinking of maybe a pop-up form with four (4) fields that allows the user to select his/her name at the start-up of their frontend app, and paste the directories in the other text boxes provided.

This information will then be used to replace the directories in the VBA.

If I were to make changes and have to redeploy, I would have to do everything manually again.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Unbound Form On Front End Of Database To Populate Backend Tables

Apr 12, 2015

Is there any particular reason I would choose to use

DoCmd.RunSQL "insert into...


CurrentDb.Execute "insert into.... ??

I am using an unbound form on the front end of my database to populate the backend tables (multiple tables). Some forms only have a few fields, while other forms have about 15 fields with 3-4 tables updating.

I am okay using the DoCmn.RunSQL , but I keeping reading on the forum that others chose CurrentDB.Execute and it has me thinking.

My database is stored on a network drive with only on front end.

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Bring Data From 3 Identical Backend Strctures Together

Jul 20, 2007


I have searched the forum and have found a lot of information however I am not sure just exactly what I am looking for.

Here is my situation.

It is a spilt DB.

I have a database with a form and a subform. The Primary Key in the form is unique to company A ie ID=CompanyA-1, CompanyA-2, and so on. There is a one to many relationship to the subform.

I have three of these databases in use, all identical execpt the Primary Keys. one is CompanyA, the others are CompanyB and CompanyC.

At the end of the month I want all companies, A,B,&C to send me their Backends so I can bring them all together into one database. The master database I want to bring all three backends into has the same Front End as the other three databases.

My question is what is the best way to bring all of the data together in one database so I can use the common front end to view it.

I am assuming that since the PK for each database is different they should all cometogether without much of a problem? If I can figure out how to merge them.


Fen How

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