Bug: Treeview Loses Check Marks On A Tab Control

Jul 18, 2006

If anyone wants to test this out to verify its a true bug it would be helpful:

Create a tab control.
Place a treeview control (with checkboxes = Yes) on one of the pages.
Populate the treeview.
Check some boxes.
Move to the next page of the tab control.
Return to the page with the treeview.
Viola! The checkboxes you checked previously are all unchecked.
(Not just visually, but property-wise as well).

One step forward, two steps back.

Actually, the work around is to remove the treeview from the tab control and then change the Visible property of the treeview to False if on a different tab page, and True if on the page you want it to display on. But c'mon why can't it work the way you'd expect it to work!


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Tab Control Loses Events..???

Aug 15, 2005

I have a form with a number of controls with code behind - this works as required.

However, recently I decided to use a tabbed control to hold the controls and simply cut/pasted these control onto one of the pages of the tab control. The events now no longer fire as they did and I have no functionality on the form - the code still exists in the design of the form though..... any ideas?

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Memo Control Loses Focus When Typing

May 10, 2007

I cant seem to type after a couple of lines as the page moves to the top, i have to keep pressing shift and F2 to complete the typing. Even with Shift and F2 box im unable to click enter to go to the next line as the box closes.

So if i start typing in the pic FM2 then FM1 appears automatically. Basically i cant use the memo control like a word document for my users.

Please help.

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TreeView Control

Oct 18, 2005

I just discovered TreeView Controls after browsing through this site today...in a word, awesome!

I've done alot of searching, and it seems that most of the discussion on TreeView is at a data level.

What I am wondering is if a TreeView can be used as a database navigational pane...ie switchboard, where the nodes are comprised of individual forms and/or reports, that when clicked, opens the associated form/report?

Does anybody have a sample db where this is being done or can somebody give me some tips on doing this?

I have a sample treeview.mdb in 2000, and I can freely create the parent and child nodes. That is the extent of my knowledge. I don't know how to make the nodes "actionable".

I appreciate all the advice!

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I Am Having Trouble With Recursively Viewing The Treeview Control

Mar 28, 2005

Reference: http://support.microsoft.com/Default.aspx?kbid=209891

Hi I am trying to create a treeview based on a table that I created. I am trying to create a treeview that fills the treeview recursively but for some reason I am only able to see the parent node and not the children

Here are the specs that I have so far

I have a table called "tblTreeview"
I have tree fields
I also have a form called "frmTreeview"
I named my treeview control "axtreeview"

here is the code that I copied off the link that I referenced at the beginning of this thread.

The only thing that is different is the name of the fields.

'--Beginning Code --
Private Sub Form_Load()
Const strTableQueryName = "tblTreeview"
Dim db As DAO.Database, rst As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strTableQueryName, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
AddBranch rst:=rst, strPointerField:="txtRelationship", strIDField:="txtID", strTextField:="txtNode"
End Sub

'================= AddBranch Sub Procedure ======================
' Recursive Procedure to add branches to TreeView Control
' ActiveX Control: TreeView Control
' Name: xTree
' rst: Self-referencing Recordset containing the data
' strPointerField: Name of field pointing to parent's primary key
' strIDField: Name of parent's primary key field
' strTextField: Name of field containing text to be displayed
'================================================= ============
Sub AddBranch(rst As Recordset, strPointerField As String, _
strIDField As String, strTextField As String, _
Optional varReportToID As Variant)
On Error GoTo errAddBranch
Dim nodCurrent As Node, objTree As TreeView
Dim strCriteria As String, strText As String, strKey As String
Dim nodParent As Node, bk As String
Set objTree = Me!axTreeView.Object
If IsMissing(varReportToID) Then ' Root Branch.
strCriteria = strPointerField & " Is Null"
Else ' Search for records pointing to parent.
strCriteria = BuildCriteria(strPointerField, _
rst.Fields(strPointerField).Type, "=" & varReportToID)
Set nodParent = objTree.Nodes("a" & varReportToID)
End If

' Find the first emp to report to the boss node.
rst.FindFirst strCriteria
Do Until rst.NoMatch
' Create a string with LastName.
strText = rst(strTextField)
strKey = "a" & rst(strIDField)
If Not IsMissing(varReportToID) Then 'add new node to the parent
Set nodCurrent = objTree.Nodes.Add(nodParent, tvwChild, strKey, strText)
Else ' Add new node to the root.
Set nodCurrent = objTree.Nodes.Add(, , strKey, strText)
End If
' Save your place in the recordset so we can pass by ref for speed.
bk = rst.Bookmark
' Add employees who report to this node.
AddBranch rst, strPointerField, strIDField, strTextField, rst(strIDField)
rst.Bookmark = bk ' Return to last place and continue search.
rst.FindNext strCriteria ' Find next employee.

Exit Sub

'--------------------------Error Trapping --------------------------
MsgBox "Can't add child: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "AddBranch Error:"
Resume exitAddBranch
End Sub

'--End Code--


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Control Treeview Is Missing Form ActiveX List?

Jun 21, 2014

I use Access 2010 on Windows 7 64b to create a form with a Treeview control. However, this control is missing from the list of controls activix. How can I add?

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General :: Link Parent / Child Node To A Control On Main Form In Treeview

Oct 7, 2012

I downloaded a sample treeview application I have modified most of its to suit my need, except one thing. I want link parent/child node the main form to the main form through a subform on the CategoryID.

The following is the original code where when a child not is clicked only pops up a "linked" msgbox. I need to modify the part of the code on the Select Case "C" in red:

Sub DisplayForm(i As Integer)
' for this Treeview I do not want a double-click on a parent node
' to open the applicable Category form, but pressing the shift key
' should open the marriage form applicable to the parent node. Shift
' or double-click on a child node should open the applicable
' offence form.

Dim strKey As String
Dim strTag As String
Dim strFilter As String

[Code] ....

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Check Box Control In Forms

Apr 20, 2006

please see attachment.
I created a small database to help explain my issue.

When I click on the check box in box 1(train), the text box turns blue...great...and even better the other records stay clear when I scroll down, which is what I want to happen.
But when I scroll back up, from dog to train, the blue in the train box has gone- not what I want!
I would like the blue to stay in every box that I click on. Any ideas?



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Check Existence Of A Control??

Aug 1, 2005


I have an ActiveX control which needs to be registered the first time a user opens the database on a machine.

Is it possible to run a query/autoexec or similar on startup which informs the user if this particular ActiveX control isnt registered?

Our company is undergoing an OS upgrade and it would be useful to inform the user to register the control if not done..

Thanks in Advance

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Forms :: Check Box To Lock Control

Jan 12, 2015

I have a check box on a form,that when ticked ,Iwant it to lock that check box (basically i dont want that info altered after this time) I know its something to do with the property but cant get it to lock the check box).

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Tables :: Setting Display Control To Check Box

May 17, 2014

I agree completely with everyone when it comes to not using lookup fields in tables.But does that extend to Display Control of yes/no tables? What are the problems with setting the Display Control to "Check Box"?

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Forms :: Check Box Control - Unable To Uncheck When Clicked

May 30, 2013

In a current form I want to display a checkbox that can be checked or unchecked. Based on if the box is checked or not, a value will be placed in a field when the record gets updated or created...

I have created a check box but when I click it, I am unable to uncheck it, Im pretty confident I can do the later part in coding it into the database... its just having the free ability to check it or not!

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Crosstab Query Sometimes Loses Fields

Nov 20, 2007

Hi Folks
Not sure if this should be in the Queries or Reports forum?

I have a MakeTable Query which selects data between 2 dates to create the following Table.

IncID, IncType, IncDate, AggType
15, Agressive, 23/02/2006, Verbal
23, Agressive, 14/05/2006, Threat
72, Agressive, 18/11/2006, Physical
89, Agressive, 20/12/2006, Verbal

I then have a crosstab query that counts the different "AggType" like this.
(This data is output to a report as both data and a chart)

Verbal, Physical, Threat
2, 1, 1

This all works great IF the date range is large enough that all 3 AggType fields are included. BUT, I my date range was from 01/05/2006 to 31/05/2006, I would only have 1 record (23, Agressive, 14/05/2006, Threat
) so the crosstab would result in ONE field only. (Threat)

The problem is that my report is looking for 3 fields (Verbal, physical and Threat)

How can I stop the report from giving an error if fields are missing from the crosstab result?


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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box - Loses Value

Mar 21, 2013

I have built several combo boxes in other DB's but haven't had this happen before. I am adapting a template DB to work for me. The form is continuous and I added a field [CategoryID], I want the [ProductID] to filter based on CategoryID choice. Pretty straight forward and it works, but the [ProductID] field will not hold the text value. It's a number field to hold the ID value, and bound column is 1(Select query is ID,ProductName,StandardCost) with ID and StandardCost column widths set to 0cm. I can choose CategoryID, the ProductID combo filters correctly, then when I proceed to the next record, the ProductID goes blank.

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Access 2003 SQL View Loses White Space Changes

May 2, 2007


Is there a way to configure Access so SQL View saves white space changes to a query? By white space changes I mean tabs, spaces and carriage returns added to make the query more readable in SQL view.

For instance:

When I'm editing a complex query in Access, I space it out nicely like:

SELECT ((field1 * field2) + (field2 * field3)) / field4 AS [Weighted Avg]

FROM table1, table2, table3

WHERE table1.field = 'xxx'

or something similar, with spaces between fields, parenthesis, and carriage returns or tabs in between major blocks of logic to increase readability. It's simplified above but I hope you get the point.

When I save it and return to SQL View later, Access compacts the query to:

SELECT((field1*field2)+(field2*field3))/field4 AS [Weighted Avg]
FROM table1,table2,table3
WHERE table1.field='xxx'

The above example isn't so bad, but with multipe selects, joins and mathematical calculations using parenthesis, it becomes really unreadable after Access "compacts" it.

Any way to change this lovely "feature" ?



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Modules & VBA :: Requery Listbox With Value From Combo Box Loses Format

Mar 19, 2015

I have a listbox on a form with several fields, 3 of which are currency fields.When I filter the listbox using afterupdate from a combobox on the same form, the listbox loses the currency format on the fields.

Dim ListFilter As String
ListFilter = "SELECT [qry_inv_form].[inv_no], [qry_inv_form].[prop_ref], [qry_inv_form].[inv_date2], [qry_inv_form].[inv_desc_type], [qry_inv_form].[inv_net], [qry_inv_form].[inv_vat], [qry_inv_form].[inv_total], [qry_inv_form].[year_month], [qry_inv_form].[month_text] " & _
"FROM qry_inv_form " & _
"WHERE [qry_inv_form].[prop_ref] = '" & Me.cboprop & "'"
Me.inv.RowSource = ListFilter

I tried wrapping the fields in Format(fieldname, "Currency") but that came back with a syntax error.

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MultiTab Form Loses Size When Report Is Opend And Closed

Jun 24, 2005

Ive been searching for answers need assist.
I have a multi tab form with multiple sub forms and control buttons.
One of the buttons calls a report to come into preview mode.

the problem is when I close the report the multitab form loses its max size.
I have tried
docmd.maximize on the on open, on got focus of the form
and I have tried the
docmd.restore as well with no luck.

any suggestiond greatly appreciated.

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MultiTab Form Loses Size When Report Is Opend And Closed

Jun 24, 2005

Ive been searching for answers need assist.
I have a multi tab form with multiple sub forms and control buttons.
One of the buttons calls a report to come into preview mode.

the problem is when I close the report the multitab form loses its max size.
I have tried
docmd.maximize on the on open, on got focus of the form
and I have tried the
docmd.restore as well with no luck.

any suggestiond greatly appreciated.

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More With The Treeview

Jun 22, 2005

Still fighting to understand a darn thing about treeviews.
What I was hoping to do was create a kind of knowledge base that I could integrate into a larger database I'm using.
I wanted for each entry to have a category, short description and then longer details. Then for the treeview to display each item grouped by category.
So in the treeview, you'd click on Category 1 and it would display every knoweldge base item that is in category 1. Click on any of those nodes and have the subform change to display that knowledge base item.

I have NO idea how to design the treeview to do this. But have laid out the database to do just about everything else.

Any help?

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TreeView Of Directory

Feb 22, 2006

Hi All,

I've been trying to use TreeView control to display my computer's directories and folders just like Windows Explorer does.

Thanks to Popeye for reposting all the Treeview samples (samples posted before the site was hacked). Most or all of these samples, TreeView is used to display data out of tables. Mr. Ghuson posted a great example for browsing directory but it pops up a separate windows for browsing.

Now I'd like to somehow combine the two into one; browsing thru directories and folders using TreeView Control. Yes that I can browse and save all paths and directories to different tables and add them to the TreeView control but I'm trying to stay away from saving data to tables first.

Can this be accomplished? Can Windows Explorer be somehow embeded on an Access form or called? Any ideas, experts out there?

Thanks all in advance.

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Treeview Problem

Apr 25, 2005

Hey everyone,

I have a treeview control which is based on a table.

For some reason it won't fill properly, it doesn't add the nodes under the correct parent. If someone could look at the attached file and help me out I'd appreciate it.


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TreeView Code

Apr 29, 2005

This is the first time I've tried to work with a treeview control and it's very challenging. I've developed the branch building code in the form's module to a point where I'm confused on how to proceed. I've attached the database and a "readme" file to this posting. I hope someone can help me.


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Another TreeView Question

Jun 20, 2005

I need a help/pointer converting this cascading list boxes into treeview control. Please help. All the data I need to construct a treeview is already at category_info table, but unable to show it attrib_cde (parent), Stage (child of parent), and ID (child of Stage). Any help or a quick example is highly appreciated.


Attachment: AC2000 or AC2003

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Treeview SubChild Node.

Jun 24, 2005

Hi there,

I'm venturing into the abyss of treeviews and have read many threads on this subject. I have two questions to ask regarding the attached sample db, if anyone can help me please.

1) How can I adapt the existing code and create subnodes (or sub child nodes). For example, how can I create a sub-node of OPEN FORM2?
2) What is the syntax for an ONCLICK event, i.e. by clicking on OPEN FORM2 I want it to open FORM2?

Thanks in advance,

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Form With TreeView And Subforms

Feb 4, 2005

Hello all.

I'm really new at VB.
But I'm learning. I'm also learning to work around access too.
What I'm trying to do is have a Form with a TreeViewCtl that acts as a menu for other forms.
I'd like to have the TreeViewCtl open those forms in a subform so there is always just one form open at all times.
This way my "clients" don't get lost in the forms. Believe me, they get lost easily...

I already posted a question like this here:
But I'm not sure if this is a VB question (TreeViewCtl) or a Forums question...
A sample of what I'm trying to do is available at the link.
My TreeViewCtl works fine, but the forms open in seperate forms.
Sorry for the dbl-post.

Does anyone have any ideas?
I've been searching google for 2 weeks without any answers.

Thx for your time.

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Treeview Of Files With Filtering

Mar 12, 2006

Hi All,

I'm trying to create a form that is reading filenames from a certain folder on my computer.
The filenames have some prefixes - 'tu' , 'tc' , 'bf' , 'tf' and 'act'.
each filename that is read is being displayed (without it's prefix) in a list and has another attribute (type) that the prefix is inserted into it.

Does someone know how to start this kind of application ?

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