Build A Table Of Search Results
Mar 28, 2006
Using Access 2000 is it possible to specify a starting location ie (c:) and using VBA search every sub folder from this point for files ending .mdb or .xls?
I want to be able to build a table with an record showing the file name and directory for each file found.
Any help most appreciated.
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Apr 29, 2014
I have built a custom search form in a MS Access 2010 database so that users can find specific records to edit. After entering the search criteria and hitting a Search button, another form opens up that shows the search results. This second form includes a command button for generating a report of the search results.
Right now, the custom search form and the search results form are both working properly, but the search results report is showing every record in the database instead of just the search results. This is true whether I access the report via the command button in the form or the navigation pane. I'm not sure if I need to correct my VBA code or the report's properties.
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Jun 24, 2015
I have a form that has a subform on it. The main form shows a category of furniture and has custom navigation buttons and a search text box for asset numbers and command button that runs the search. The subform shows the asset numbers associated with that furniture category, sometimes there is only one asset number, in other cases there could be 60. There is a scroll bar to scroll through the asset numbers when there are too many to see in the initial window.
The buttons all work as they should except when I search for an asset number that is part of a category that has too many asset numbers to show in the main window. When this happens the "previous" and "next" navigation buttons do not take you to the previous or next record. All of the other buttons on the form work though - you can go to the first, or the last record, and you can search for a new asset.This is the code for the search:
Private Sub cmdAssetSearch_Click()
Dim rs As Object
If IsNull(Me.TextAsset) Or Me.TextAsset = "" Then
MsgBox "Please type in an asset number to search for.", vbOKOnly
I've also attached a picture of what I mean when I say there are more asset numbers than what the window shows.
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Aug 5, 2014
I have a search form that uses a query to show results of a search, but everytime I press search everything comes up even though I have entered search parameters, even though my search requeries every time and the search used to work before I added new records today. Also when I press the query alone on the navigation pane it asks me for the parameters and then it actually works but it won't when I use my form.
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Dec 4, 2006
Can anybody help me build the last table in my database? I have taught myself Access – and can usually get by with a little help from this forum. I have been trying for days to try and solve this !!!
The database is designed to manage feedback questionnaires from attendees of training courses.
I have attached the relationship diagram.
- A course may run for several days. The details of the course are held in the table ‘Courses’. During a course, attendees may be asked to fill in several Questionnaires
- An Attendee is a Person that attends a Course. Attendees are held in the table ‘Attendees’ and their details are held in the table ‘Person’.
- There is a ‘Library’ of questions that sit in the table ‘Questions’
- The questions can be assembled into “Standard Questionnaires”. These sit in the table called “Questdesign” which is a junction table. Assembling a Standard Questionnaire involves using a form to pick questions and give them an order (Qnumber). I HAVE DONE THIS.
- A specific “Questionnaire” is a “Standard Questionnaire” that is used on a specific course. The list of Questionnaires is held in the table “Questionnaire”
- Scoresheet is the junction table between Attendee and Questionnaire (an Attendee on a course may fill in several Questionnaires and a Questionnaire may be filled in by lots of Attendees.)
I now need a table (Scores) in which to put all the scores to the questions (in other words, the scores of the questions on the Questionnaires that are completed by the Attendees on a Course.)
At the end of the day I am aiming to have a form in which:
The Attendee number is entered and all the person’s details are filled in automatically) – I HAVE DONE THIS
The Questionnaire number is entered and all the course details are filled in automatically – I HAVE DONE THIS
A Scoresheet ID is filled in (Autonumber) - I HAVE DONE THIS
A subform appears which shows the right set of questions and question numbers for the appropriate Questionnaire – with a blank column so that the user can fill in the scores which get stored in the Scores Table. - I CAN'T DO THIS !!!
I cannot work out where to link my Scores table and how to build a query that drives the correct behaviour of the subform
I hope I have explained this clearly. I would be so grateful for any help. This Forum is fabulous.
Many thanks
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Apr 22, 2006
i have sql query in a string
how to create temporary table with the result of this query?
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Apr 7, 2006
Access 2000: How can I populate a two field table (1. Table Name 2. Field Name) with the name of ever field within every table in my database using VBA code?
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Feb 7, 2007
I have been building my DB and learning everything from scratch. If anybody could give me any advice as to where I may be going astray, it would be much appreciated as I feel like I've hit a brick wall. I run a building firm and need a DB to look after customer information, write estimates, invoices and ultimately do the accounts.
I think my DB needs are very basic to start with and I'm guessing the system only needs to be fairly simple and straightforward. So far my DB has:-
•Customer form with an in-built Estimate subform - this form gives me a brief outline of the customer and how many estimates I have for him.
•If you then double click on an estimate number (in the Estimate subform) this takes you to my Items form (when I create an estimate normally in Word, I have to break jobs down into their components and price each item individually, hence I made an Items table). Each item has an Item Cost.
•I then run the report “Estimate” and have set up a total calculation box on the report ready to print it out for the customer.
My problem is that I would like to know how I can get the Estimate Total to appear in my Estimates Table and Estimates Subform. So far I have achieved making a crosstab query to calculate the Estimate Total (Amount) for each specific Estimate ID, but I cannot get the Total from the Crosstab Query into the Estimate Table, from which I would probably be able to get it into the Estimate Subform. I have a suspicion I need to build an expression in the Estimate Subform - but.....
Once I am over this problem I will want to turn Estimates into Invoices and have that data displayed in my Estimate Subform too, although I think I have got a good idea of how to do this, I would again be open to comments/advice if offered.
Thanks Steve
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Sep 7, 2006
Hello!I have a table, with quantities in a field that I need to split in batches of 25, to build a new table. Example:object price qtyblah1 1.00 144blah2 2.00 76My results need to look like this:object price qtyblah1 25.00 25blah1 25.00 25blah1 25.00 25blah1 25.00 25blah1 25.00 25blah1 19.00 19 (5x25+19=144)blah2 50.00 25blah2 50.00 25blah2 50.00 25blah2 2.00 1 (3x25+1=76)I've been able to build a new table based on these values of 25 etc using MOD, but it's making columns. How can I build a new table and make new RECORDS using MODULUS (or another?) technique instead?? I hope this makes sense, and I hope someone can help.Cheers
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Jan 2, 2015
I am attempting to build a table relationship, however when I enforce referential integrity, I keep receiving the message: "No unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table".
I checked and I have no duplicates in the primary table or secondary table.I will set up the two tables as thus: 1. Master table - People Who Eat 2. Secondary table - a table for all people who eat pizza.
I am trying to link my pizza table to the Poeple Who Eat table. I have created my own primary key for each table (an account number). My secondary table is much smaller in population than the People Who Eat table (which would include data from other subgroups). I am trying to get the 'yes'/'no'/'uncertain' from the secondary table into the primary table without manual entry.
I have searched all over the web and have not been able to find why the tables will not link. I am new to Access, so there may be something I am overlooking. Is there a way to get this information from the other table other than building a relationship?
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Nov 22, 2013
Im trying to sum a value within subform able before I even start I get ####Error as I have put in the control source the rule to create the sum
I then have a function when another value is added it requires the text box which holds the sum value.
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May 27, 2005
please can someone help me with a vb code to view search results in a subform such that
double clicking search result on subform displays another form with details of the result.
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Jun 28, 2005
I created a search form (using code from here) that searches serveral fields and displays the results in a listbox. I also created a clear button to clear the fields, including the listbox. I can search all day and it works fine, and the CLEAR button clears out the fields fine but once I have clicked the CLEAR button, I cannot search anymore. I don't get any results anymore (until I close and reopen). It must be something simple that I am overlooking so any hints would be appreciated.
Here is my code (sorry it's long!):
Private Sub cmdClearForm_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdClearForm_Click
Dim I As Integer
' Cycle through the form's controls, testing for text,
' and clear each field.
For I = 0 To Me.Count - 1
If TypeOf Me(I) Is TextBox Then
Me(I) = ""
ElseIf TypeOf Me(I) Is ListBox Then
Me(I).RowSource = " "
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdClearForm_Click
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSearch_Click
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String, strOrderChoice As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
'Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb()
strSQL = "SELECT tblAsset.MacAddr1, tblAsset.SerialNum, tblIPAddresses.IPAddress,tblIPAddresses.HostName, tblLocation.JackNumber, tblLocation.CircuitID, tblLocation.Department,tblLocation.SpecificLoc, tblLocation.User, tblLocation.Building, tblLocation.RoomNumber " & _
"FROM tblAsset, tblIPAddresses, tblLocation " & _
"WHERE tblAsset.AssetNum=tblIPAddresses.AssetNum and tblAsset.AssetNum=tblLocation.AssetNum"
strWhere = " and "
strOrder = "order by"
strOrderChoice = "tblLocation.Department"
If Not IsNull(Me.txtMacAddr1) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(tblAsset.MacAddr1) like '*" & Me.txtMacAddr1 & "*' and "
strOrderChoice = "tblAsset.MacAddr1"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtMacAddr1) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(tblAsset.MacAddr2) like '*" & Me.txtMacAddr1 & "*' and "
strOrderChoice = "tblAssest.MacAddr2"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtSerialNum) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(tblAsset.SerialNum) like '*" & Me.txtSerialNum & "*' and "
strOrderChoice = "tblAsset.SerialNum"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtIPAddress) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(tblIPAddresses.IPAddress) like '*" & Me.txtIPAddress & "*' and "
strOrderChoice = "tblIPAddresses.IPAddress"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtHostName) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(tblIPAddresses.HostName) like '*" & Me.txtHostName & "*' and "
strOrderChoice = "tblIPAddresses.HostName"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtJackNumber) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(tblLocation.JackNumber) like '*" & Me.txtJackNumber & "*' and "
strOrderChoice = "tblLocation.JackNumber"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCircuitID) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(tblLocation.CircuitID) like '*" & Me.txtCircuitID & "*' and "
strOrderChoice = "tblLocaton.CircuitID"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtBuilding) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(tblLocation.Building) like '*" & Me.txtBuilding & "*' and "
strOrderChoice = "tblLocation.Building"
End If
strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 1, Len(strWhere) - 5)
Me.lstResults.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & " " & strOrder & " " & strOrderChoice
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSearch_Click
End Sub
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Jan 2, 2006
Good Day All,
I have a wild card search query (Like "*" & [Forms]![search]![Text0] & "*") that works very well. I want to be able to have the phrase that user types in highlighted when it returns the search results on a form. I found the following thread that asks the same question using Conditional formating, but the suggested answer doesn't work. Any ideas?
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May 26, 2006
Whats the best way to filter search results?
I'll do my best to explain my problem:
I made a form that lets users search for records in a database and displays them in another form. In that form I've made 3 buttons to let users narrow down the results to show only certain items within the search results.
Now, 2 of the buttons show specific items and the third one toggles the form to display all the records. So lets say I'm filtering records by whether or not they contain the words "car" and "truck." If a record has "car" but not truck and I click the button to sort by "truck" then the search result goes blank, which is ok. But if I click "car" or "show all" to display everything again then the search result stays blank.
This doesn't happen with records that contain both "car" and "truck."
For every button I have something like this: DoCmd.OpenForm "AdminSearchResults", , "SOW", "VendName = '" & VendName & "'", , , "'VendName'"
I know my explanation may suck, but if anyone can help me, that would be great, lol
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May 15, 2007
Item: Access app front end for an SQL database (production tracking/job logging utility)
Problem: The app has a main search page that allows job entries to be located and opened by varies criteria (job#, job name, etc). I can currently run multiple searches on different criteria successfully but if I open a job window(which has been returned as result of my search) and then close that job window to do a new search my search function will no longer return any results(other then “Calculating….”) unless I close out the access app and reload.
Thanks in advance for any ideas that can point me in the right direction to hunt down my bug.
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Sep 22, 2006
Hey all,
I did a search and i found a thread that seemed like it would answer my question but for some reason the attachment isnt working. :(
Okay heres the question..
I have a form and it contains 3 fields and 3 command buttons.
When i hit the command button it uses a query to display the results.
What i want to do is instead of having the results display in a new window, i would like it to display on the same form .. maybe on the bottom of it.
Should i use a subform or listbox/combobox..
Can anyone help me figure this out?
Thanks in advance
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Oct 14, 2004
***Updated*** Search/Email Results has been solved....Working out some bugs and trying to add a Print Address Labels option to the search. The post at Date Nov. 5, 11:4x is the new post with updated info. Thanks! ***Updated***
I have read a ton in the last hour or so on this subject and gained a little insite, but since I have no Access programing experience I am still pretty lost. However, I have programing experience in other areas, so if it requires some macros, I shouldn't have too much trouble. /crossfingers
I have put together a database for the business I work for that contains around 3,000 contacts.
I am trying to figure out a way to do a search that will search out specific contacts and email them a newsletter. Their email address is included in their contact information. So I assume I need a way to search for a specific criteria, grab their email address, and then email them with either an attached document, a prior written email, or have included the newsletter in the body of the code to add into the created email.
Any thoughts?
Thanks so much for your time,
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Jan 22, 2007
When you put a combo box to search the values in a form what happens if there are more than one (in my case) name that matches the criteria. ie: if you search for Smith and there are 10 people with the surname of Smith it brings up the first record. is there a way of doing adding a "search again' function so you can look for another Smith?
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Mar 6, 2013
I have successfully created a dynamic search form, which filters a listbox as the user is typing into a textbox.However, I am now trying to make the search more basic, which I cannot do. I want the listbox to be blank, and only display results where the number in the textbox matches one of the fields in the listbox.
Sub SearchFor()
'Create a string (text) variable
Dim vSearchString As String
'Populate the string variable with the text entered in the Text Box SearchFor
vSearchString = SearchForProp.Text
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Feb 23, 2006
Hi, I'm just wondering if it's possible to display the result of a query on a subform which does not have a relationship with any other table.
What I'm doing is creating a search form where a query is built from the users input (through combo boxes and text boxes) of what table, attribute and condition they want to search from. When they press the search button, I want the result to be displayed in a datasheet below the selection criteria
The first thing I thought of using to display information with was a subform, but I think the purpose of having the subform is so that it can be linked with a form. So, is there another control or way of displaying results. The results can come from any table.
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Aug 5, 2006
Hey guys
it's been a long time since i've been here
but i again need your help
my job asked me if it's possible to have keywords highlighted in search results in report
am i clear?
meaning, when you search for keywords in one of the fields, and then your results come out in the report, can they be selected, like in Word, or in searches on the Internet, like when doing a search on Monster, all your keywords will come out in red, that way you can easily read the results
so can this be done in Acess?
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Jun 18, 2015
I am running Access 2013. I have created a search form with about 10 different categories from a single table. I will only show 5 fields for this example The form is called FrmSearch with
In the query, I have the criteria, Like "*" & [Forms]![FrmSearch]![description] & "*" and have this same criteria for all fields with the proper text field entry. (CarNum, serialnum, category, etc)
The problem I have is that I have over 200 items listed in the Description column but only 2 entries in the CarNum column. When I run the search with nothing in the FrmSearch, it should show all data but it only shows the 2 CarNum. If I put something in the Description, only the two items that show CarNum. I tried to use Is Null and Is Not Null but still doesn't work. I take out the "Like" criteria from the CarNum and it works. So, it seems that it does not pull up all the records because the CarNum has empty fields.
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May 18, 2015
I have 3 text fields on a form that I search by. I have the search query action set on a button, which produces the results in a datasheet view. Is there any way that I can make the records in the datasheet view clickable so I can select the record and go to the form to update the data?
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Oct 9, 2015
I just wanted to export the search results into excel files. I have googled about it and I found the VBA code for exporting, which didn't worked out for me.
I used Macros by referencing one of the tutorial and it looks fine. Does the usage of macros for exporting the data into excel is also the correct procedure?
I just wanted to know that am I on the right track?
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May 7, 2013
How to create a search BUTTON to give results on the listbox after a user typing the desired keywords to search.
As of now, the database has "On Change" property that whenever a key is pressed (from time to time; letter per letter) it automatically change. What I want is for the user to finish the word he/she wanted to search then theres a Search BUTTON to press in order to show the results.
Attached is the database...
And also, how to put Reset BUTTON - to reset the search box and ready for the user to type again.
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