Button Press Enters A (calculated) Figure On Form?

Jul 5, 2005

I'm sure this is really simple... apologies, but a search hasn't thrown up any clues.

I have a table with Invoice Value, and Commission Value in it. On the associated form I enter the Invoice Value, and also the Commisison value [which 99% of the time is set at 20%.

I am trying to make a button which, when pressed, enters the calculated commission in the form field (and underlying table) - I realise this could be in the 'On Click' property on the form, but in VBA I am after something like.

Private Sub btnCommCalc_Click()
tblSales.Commission = tblSales.Invoice * 0.2
End Sub

Could someone help me with the syntax? (I can then move on to using a variable, rather than hard-wiring the 20% ;-)

Many thanks

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Code For When Press A Button It Refreshes And Clears Out Certain Text Boxes In Form

Dec 16, 2011

Is there a code for when I press a button it refreshes and clears out certain text boxes in my form?

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Button Press

Aug 27, 2006

How do I make a botton on a form open a report when pressed?


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Need Urgent Help! School Project...can't Figure Out Calculated Field

Nov 2, 2005

Most of the project is done...I am stumped on calculating a field for the report...any help is greatly appreciated..thanks so much.

Use a Microsoft Access database to create the tables and column headings show in Figures 1-3 and discussed in the Background section. Create the tables in the design view. Populate the tables with the data as shown. Make sure you create a composite primary key field for the ORDERS table. The key should consist of the fields Invoice Number and Product Number to allow customers to order more than one item.

Customer NumberCustomer SchoolCustomer StreetCustomer CityCustomer StateCustomer ZipContact Name
105Central High123 Main StreetDenverCO80208Mary
107Central Middle35 South ParkDenverCO80278Sue
423JKF Elementary69 5th AvenueCheyenneWY90200Pat
516Toddler Time8000 ParkwayFt. CollinsCO80487Jan
799Georgetown High819 Rt. 909BoulderCO80303Jack

Product NumberProduct NameProduct Price
10001Paper Plates$10.00
10002Paper Cups$20.00
10003Plastic Knives$18.00
10004Plastic Glasses$25.00
10005Paper Napkins$12.00

Invoice NumberCustomer NumberProduct NumberDateQuantity

Now establish relationships between your tables.

Creating Queries and Reports

Creating a Select Query

The owner wants to find out how much of each product is selling for the date ll/15/2005. Develop a query in the design view to give that information using the headings Date, Product Name, and Quantity. Save the query as Today’s Sales.

Creating another Select Query

Tomorrow, the owner is going to be in Denver, CO, and she would like to call on the customers there personally. Make a query to display the contact name, school, and street address ONLY for those schools in Denver. Save the query as Denver Schools.

Generating a Sales Report

Finally, make a report to show the dollar amount sold to each customer for each product. To create the report, you will need to:

•Make a query first and then bring that query into the Report Wizard.
•The query will contain a calculated field for Total Owed.
•The query should show the fields Customer School, Customer City, Date, Product Name, Quantity, and the calculated field, Total Owed.
•Name this query “Report Data”
•The report will be grouped by Customer School and Customer City, with subtotals for each school’s sales and a grand total.
•Make sure you delete any bogus total lines, and make all appropriate fields currency.


Three tables
Query output: Today’s Sales
Query output: Denver Schools
Query output: Report data
Report: Current School Sales
Defined relationships (I can press the relationships button and will see that the relationships between tables are defined)

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Sort Listbox Via A To Z Button Press

May 29, 2005

I need help with listbox problem:
I made a listbox contains peoples name from A to Z.
I want to sort it via A to Z button press.
It's similar with customer phone list form in Northwind.mdb sample,
due to my limited knowledge, I can't replicate it using listbox.

Any sample to do this?



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Queries :: Don't Include Certain Records At Press Of A Button

May 7, 2015

if its possible to have a button that after clicking it, it doesn't show certain records. Reason being I have a "shows" for each month on our personal site and amazon, and we've been selling on those for about 2 years, and I have a "show" for each month. But, that quickly clutters up the list box. Any way to create a button the (after typing in the name) it doesnt show only those record(s)?

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Modules & VBA :: Command Button Press Multiple Times Based On Value In Text Box

Jul 23, 2015

Is there any way to press a command button a certain amount of times based on a value in a text box.


text box value = 5

button gets pressed 5 times with one click...

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Modules & VBA :: Select Item And Press EDIT Button To Make Changes In Listbox1 Values

Jun 4, 2014

In the form1 , I have a listbox1 with 2 columns. The values get added in the listbox using vba. Now I want to Edit the listbox values in case user enters something wrong. So when the user selects a listbox item and then EDIT button then form2 gets opened. And the textbox1 of it stores column1 of listbox1 value and textbox2 stores column 2 of listbox1 value. So the user canb make changes in the textbox values and then press SAVE button . Now I want the code that will make those changes in listbox1 of form1 and unload form2 then.

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Queries :: Press A Button And Run A Macro / Append Query To Add A Single Summary Record To Another Table

Aug 2, 2013

I have a query run that gives me a list of records that I view on a continuos form. What I want is to press a button and run a macro/Append Query to add a Single Summary record to another table.

For example my query spits out this data

Part # Quantity Serial Number
GO2 1 123
GO2 2 456
GO2 2 789

What I'm looking to get is

Part Number Total Quantity Serial Number 1 Serial Number 2 ..
GO2 5 123 456

I'm stuck on a couple of things.

1. Getting a new single row to append.
2. Getting Serial Numbers from several records to save on to a single record.

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Modules & VBA :: When Press Space Key On Keyboard It Will Exit From Form

Jan 13, 2015

i want that when i press the space key on my keyboard oi will exit from the form. i searched on the interne t but i couldn't find the proper one. I don't know exactly what i have to write in vba.

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Forms :: Cannot View Added Records When Press Navigate Buttons In Form

Apr 12, 2013

I can add record successfully... but can't view it accordingly when I press navigate buttons in the form...

Database is attached ....

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I'm Very New To Access & Need To Figure Out How To Subtract One Field Form Another Wi

Apr 11, 2005

I am very new to access. I have designed a db for my employer, but I can't figure out how to subtract one field from another without having it subtract fom all others.
My employer is a counselor and wants to know how many units are left per client. There are several diffent services available per client. (88K, 86H, 81H, ect) For instance I tried to use a query, but when it was subtracting
(number of units)-(number of used) It subtracted from all the different service types.
Then I tried to do it on the form and all I get is #Name?
I can email you a copy of the database with a mock client if i'm not explaing myself enough. I know it's probably something very simple and I would appreciate any help. Also, if you know of any good books or websites where I can learn more I'd appreciate the info. I'm learning from Access 2002 Bible.

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Autonumber Enters 2 Records

Apr 27, 2007

I apologize if this has already been covered, but I could not find an answer.
I have a form that assigns a quote number (autonumber) and for somereason everytime you enter a new record it enters two. So for every data record there is one empty record.
2473 - blank
2474 - has data
2475 - blank
2476 - has data

Thank you for your help.:confused:

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Validation Before Focus Enters Subform

Aug 25, 2004

When I click on my subform after entering some data in the primary form, I get this error message:

"The Microsoft Jet database engine can't find a record in the table <name> with key matching field(s) <name>. (Error 3101)"

This is because I have not filled in a ItemCode, a combobox, on the parent form and ItemCode is part of a one-to-many relationship that involves automatic filling in of other fields such as ItemDesc, UnitPrice, etc. How do I code the validation that handles such an error?

Thanks in advance,

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I Am Trying To Run A Pass-through Query In Access With A Variable That A User Enters

Nov 29, 2007

I am trying to run a pass-through query in access with a variable that a user enters in a form. I can't seem to get this to work. Can somebody please help? The variable should be where the 121212 is in the code.


1:FROM doc..eco_summary es
3:((((mart..DM_Map dmm LEFT JOIN mart..DM_PI dpi ON dmm.Acct_ID = dpi.Acct_ID)
4:INNER JOIN mart..DM_Note dmn ON dmm.Acct_ID = dmn.Acct_ID)
5:INNER JOIN mart..DM_ACCT dma ON dmn.Acct_ID = dma.Acct_ID)
6:LEFT JOIN mart..DM_RE dmr ON dmn.Acct_ID = dmr.Acct_ID) ON es.L_loannum = dmm.Acct_ID
7:INNER JOIN weis..eco_loan_origination elo ON es.L_num = elo.num
8:where es.L_num = 121212

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Forms :: Adding Value Of Combobox To Hidden Column When User Enters A New Record

Aug 14, 2013

I'm very new to access so I'm not sure about the correct way to go about this. I have a table with a 'category' column, a form which hides the category column, and a combobox to filter the category, let's say R, C, and F.

What I want accomplish is to have the value of the comobox applied to the hidden 'category' column when a user enters a new record into the form.

Is there I way I can get an instance to the record as it's being entered and modify the data using VB? Or would I have to write a sort of pop() function and have it run afterInsert and then modify it that way? Can I even alter the table using VB like this?

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Capturing F11 Press, Possible?

Sep 18, 2007

I've read a few posts regarding removing the facility of the F11, open Db window, but is there a way to capture if someone presses F11?
I have a few people (users) who think they know a thing or two about Access and I'd like to know if/ when they're accessing the Db window.

I was hoping for the ASCI code or similar for the F11 key!?

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Event Procedure On Key Press

Jun 7, 2006

Does this happen on any key or can I specify the return key. If so how?


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General :: On Key Press Event

Nov 19, 2013

I have a code on my list

Private Sub Lista0_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
If KeyAscii = 50 Then
strSQL = "UPDATE tblZlecenia SET Priorytet = " & "7" & " WHERE ID_Zlecenia='" & Me.Lista0 & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL
End If
End Sub

When I press button "2" on my keyboard, my code is working (it's ok) but except this, changing selection on my list, to position where bound column starting from "2" character. What I should do, to not change possition on my list?

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Automated Press Adverts - Via The Use Of A Database?

Jan 31, 2006

Hi I really hope some one can help me out here.

Here the outline of the situation. Every Friday evening I get sent a load of press adverts, which I have to put on the Intranet. This will involve detaching the ads, renaming them, adding them to the site with the Name of the paper, the date, and the organisation they belong to. What I want to know is if there is a more automated way of doing this. I was thinking weather I could detach and drop the ads into a folder and get a Access database connection to the press ads page. Which in-turn would allow me to insert the ads for the last seven days, yet keep a account of all ads which can be a called upon, via perhaps the use of a search function. This is just one idea I have had, are there any other ways I could make this mundane job easier?..


All your suggestions and feedback will be much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance


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Keyascii 13 Not Triggering On The Return Key Press

Jul 14, 2005

As above, I've noticed that it will only trigger if there are no textboxes on the form with a higher tab index than the control the keyascii is set for. Any ideas why, or what I'm doing wrong?

I've found this a lot and never bothered trying to find a solution till now. :p


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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Values With Alert After User Enters Duplicate Value

Dec 30, 2013

We are working on an Access (2007) database that is on a SharePoint Site (2007).

Currently the form is operational, but there is one last thing that would be nice to have.

The table is "Updated Headcount" which contains "EMP_ID" which are unique numbers stored as text.

In the event a new employee is entered in the system by another user on this site we would like to prevent any duplicate "EMPID"s from being entered and saved on the SharePoint, we would also like to alert the user and prevent the data from being saved.

All data is currently bound, so once the user makes a change it is made, no submit button is required.

We are running into some difficulties in doing a dlookup from the value entered and comparing to a column in the table.

FORM CELL user will input an EMPID - newEMPID
FORM CELL used for a dlookup to compare what user has entered to what is already in the table - duplicateEMPID

So below is what we are trying to do, we are sure there are a few commands missing....

=IIF(newEMPID=dlookup([UPDATED HEADCOUNT]![EMPID]), newEMPID, "Error, EMPID already exists")

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Forms :: Press Enter After Password Entry To Gain Access

Aug 16, 2014

what I have is a password entry popup, it's very simple and there is only one password, so it's coded into the form.There is an unbound text box for the password, set with the password input mask.An OK button and an Exit button.The OK button has this code on the 'On Click'

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
If IsNull(passwordentry) Then
passwordentry = "*"
End If


Now what I want it to do is automatically move to the OK button when the correct password is entered, so that you can just hit Enter.Currently you either have to press the OK button with your mouse, or hit Enter to move to the OK button and then press Enter again to activate it.

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Please Help Me Figure This Out How To Do This...

Nov 26, 2007


I'm creating a new database for an investment brokerage company. The company invests clients' funds for a specific length of time and pays out a return on their investment on a weekly basis for the duration of the investment.

This is my first real database so I'm gonna need all the help I can get. The company has some pretty huge requirements but right now I'm focusing on phase 1 which will be very simple.

Right now I'm working on the database design but there's been one thing which has been bugging me for a while so I figured I'd ask you guys to help me get my head around this.

Let's say we have a table called Investments. This table will include data on the amount invested, the number of weeks invested for, and the ROI percentage. For example...

Investment Record Example
Amount: £10,000
Weeks: 10 weeks
Percentage: 10%

One of the requirements of the database is to produce a report that will list each week of the cycle and the amount paid to the client. This will require calculations in order to produce this data. Here's an example...

Payment Report Example
Week # | Payment Date | Payment Amount | Notes
1 | 1/1/01 | £100 | Enjoy your first payment! :-)

I can see how this can be easily done by producing a query and then a printing a report based on it. However, here's the tricky bit... for various reasons, the payment date or the payment amount for a certain week may need to be modified, and a note value may need to be added for particular weeks.

Of course, I could just create another table called Payments to contain this information, but I don't want to have to enter the data manually. It would be a lot more productive to have the database calculate these values, but somehow let the user modify these values, if necessary. That's what I need to figure out!

Can someone advise me how this can be accomplished? I've been reading up on the Make Table feature, will that do the job? Note that I do NOT want to create a payments table for every client so I'm quite sure.

I look forward to reading your replies.

Thanks in advance.


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Max Figure

Feb 11, 2008

Can someone explian to me how the max function works!

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Maybe Someone Can Figure This Out.

Jun 30, 2006

This is probably a long shot, but I figured I'd post it anyways. We have a form that is used to input customer data. It was written about a year and a half ago and uses some programming in it. It's worked fine on the people's computers it was originally installed on, but recently we've tried to put it on some of the newer computers and when we run the form, it just freezes Access up instead of going to the form log-in screen. The weird thing is, it works on some of the new computers. They all have the same version of windows and the same version of Access, and the code in the form itself hasn't changed at all. I was thinking maybe the form was looking for something that wasn't there, and freezes because of that. Anyways, any ideas would be appreciated.

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