Button That Prints A Report

Jan 17, 2007

I have a database that is uses a job number as the primary key, on a form that has been querried from this key to have a single button to print the report, from the number that is held in the txtbox would I have to create this in the on click properties and if so please help!


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Forms :: Command Button Prints Two Separate Copies?

Mar 20, 2013

I am working with an already intact database along with a form. One of the buttions in the form, when pressed, prints two copies of a P.O. One copy says original on the bottom and the other says PX Copy and my boss wants the PX Copy to stop printing. How do I get it to stop?

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Report Prints With Gray Background- Wasting Ink

Aug 6, 2007

I'm running into a problem where parts of a Report are printing with a gray background. Not all of the report does this, just certain sections. Background colors aren't set to anything.

I did find this thread:

problem is.. the print IS from a report-- and I don't want to see a color on screen, I want it to NOT print gray.

any suggestions where to start?


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Reports :: Report Prints A Second Blank Page

Feb 10, 2014

I have a report that's oriented landscape. I have scaled and placed everything to fit on a 11" x 8.5" page (the current dimensions of the report are 10.375" x 7.75"). The Layout view shows that everything fits within the borders.

Despite all of this, Print view insists on including a second, blank page. And since the general user will initially be viewing it in Report view (which doesn't indicate 2 pages), then printing if they so desire, they won't know there's a blank page.If not, I'll just tell people to make sure to only print page 1 in the printer dialog box.

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Reports :: One Last Blank Page Prints At Very End Of Report

Mar 13, 2014

I have an access report that consists of numerous other subreports. My issue is that one last blank page prints at the very end of the report. All margins are sized correctly and have set the 'Force New Page' setting to 'None' for all Group Headings (I should mention that I have each subreport within it's own group heading...so a total of 8 subreports in 8 group headings). The odd thing is that I have the page #'s printing in the page footer and on the last page it's printing page + 1 of x pages (e.g. page 129 of 128). I have removed the report header and footer, but have the same result. None of the other subreports produce an extra page when run separately.

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Reports :: Report Prints Automatically - How To Stop It

Apr 16, 2013

I have a multi-field search form with a tickbox that is tied to 2 queries that is tied to 2 reports. The form works great and I get all the results I want, but my report doesn't display on my monitor, it simply prints up! How can I get it to stop doing this and show only on my screen?

My code on the "run search" button is:

If Me.[OptionalCheckBox]=True Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptReport1" acViewNormal, acWindowNormal
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptReport2" acViewNormal, acWindowNormal

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Reports :: Multiple Prints Form Single Report For Individual Accounts

May 11, 2015

I have a report , which i print every month and it consist of of more than 500 pages. This report is based on a Query called L_Inv2. i want to filter and loop this report based on the filed AccountReference with in the query. And save as PDF for individual accounts.

i have also created another query based on the L_Inv2, Called L_Inv4 which only got the record of account numbers as a AccountReference

i am trying to use below code but some how this is not working.

Private Sub Command43_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset


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Report Prints The Same Number Of Times As The Number Of Records

Jul 10, 2006

I've created a report and report has the same number of pages as the number of records that it's displaying.

If there are two records, the report has 4 pages...the first 2 are the actual report and then the other 2 are a copy. If there are 3 records, the report would have 3 copies (...6 pages).

Any idea how to change this so that I have only one copy of the report?

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Forms :: Open Report Button To Select Data From 7 List Boxes And Present In A Report?

Aug 13, 2015

I have a form with 7 List boxes linked to 7 Query's which in turn are linked to a table. Each list box if for a particular trade.

I am trying to select a person or persons from each List box and then have them sent to a report. I have Code to do one list box, but do not know how to link all boxes with code to a 'Open report' button.

The code I am using is as follows:-

Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made


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Need To Remove Line That Prints From Form...

May 26, 2006

I am creating a form that is a letter. This letter will get printed off a lot. A line at the bottom of the sheet makes it look tacky. I am told this line prints on our other databases also. How do you get rid of it? Our company uses access 97 :mad:

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Save Screen Prints In A Table

Sep 27, 2006

Does anyone know if its possible to save screen prints in a table?

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Reports :: Form Prints Two Extra Pages

Aug 25, 2014

I have a form that looks and prints exactly as I want it to, except for two little things. These things are extra pages. They don't appear on the print preview, but they always show up on the printer and on the pdf file when I email it. One page is blank and the last page has "Page 1 of 1" at the bottom right corner of the page. I would always limiting the printing to one page.

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Query That Prints Min/max Value From Data Gathered By Form Combo Box

Apr 4, 2006

i have a query that prints records from 3 different tables that match values entered through a combo box on a form.

here is the code (i know its messy):

SELECT Host_Countries.HostCountryName, Guest_Countries.GuestCountryName, Census_Data.ForeignBornTotal, IIS_Data.IISData, CoE_Data.ForeignCitizenship

FROM ((Host_Countries INNER JOIN (Guest_Countries INNER JOIN Census_Data ON Guest_Countries.GuestID = Census_Data.GuestID) ON Host_Countries.HostID = Census_Data.HostID) INNER JOIN IIS_Data ON (Guest_Countries.GuestID = IIS_Data.GuestID) AND (Host_Countries.HostID = IIS_Data.HostID)) INNER JOIN CoE_Data ON (Host_Countries.HostID = CoE_Data.HostID) AND (Guest_Countries.GuestID = CoE_Data.GuestID)

WHERE (((Host_Countries.HostID)=[Forms]![frmHostForm].[cboSelectHost]) AND ((Guest_Countries.GuestID)=[Forms]![frmHostForm].[cboSelectGuest]));

what i want it to do is to print what it shows, but then also have it print me the min and max values (the range of the data) in a new column as well. is this even possible? does anyone know what i mean? any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Report Button

Sep 7, 2007


I can't for the life of me remember how to create a button on a form that opens a report print prieview of the record displayed on the form.

Please could someone enlighten me?

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Open Report On A Form With A Button

Feb 8, 2005

Good morning All,
I have a form with a command button to open a report ( based on a query ) for the currently displayed record. here is the code I have used:

Private Sub CS_notes_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CS_notes_Click
Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "InternalSNwithRMAprodMASData"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , "TLAUnit = " & Me.UnitSN & "'"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CS_notes_Click

End Sub

I believe this came from this forum sometime. When the button is clicked I receive the error:
"Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(TLAUnit = 26712B')'

TLAUnit is the report field, UnitSN is the form field.
Any help with the error?

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Shortcut Button To Report Wizard

Jan 21, 2005

I know there is a Access Guru out there that could do this in a milisecond, but, this one has been kickin my backside all week...

I need to know how to create a shortcut button in a form to bring up the "Report Wizard" feature. Then after that button is created, I would like to be able to hide the structure of my database so that all the users can see is the switchboard. PLEASE give me some insight here if you can, the first correct reply gets free fries with thier next order...

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Report With Unbound Box/Over-ride Button

Nov 30, 2006

I have a report that displays 5 different status. The problem is I need an unbound box to display a certain word when one of the status's is displayed. But the thing is there should be an over-ride checkbox that will display "Void" if it is checked regardless of the status and in the Unbound Box Void will appear regardless of status. Here is an example:

Status Unbound Box
Happy Good
Sad Problem
Happy Void
Sad Void

Note the last 2 on status's list had the checkbox for "Void" Checked.

I know this sounds crazy! I don't even know why I was asked to do somethng like this. People just make up things to do in ACCESS for no apparent reason becuase it comes to their mind!

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Reports :: Hiding Sub Report With A Button?

Mar 16, 2015

I have a report which shows a set of events. In this report each row has a sub report which show the guests that are attending. What I would like to do is to use a button to drill down into each individual event and hide it again on clicking the button (like a toggle button). I have used the following code which is attached to a button in the report (each event has a button)

If Me.GuestSubReport.Visible = True Then
Me.GuestSubReport.Visible = False
Me.GuestSubReport.Visible = True
End If

I have used this in conjunction with the 'Can Grow' option and it works almost perfectly. The only problem is it shows or hides all sub reports at the same time instead of just the sub report in the given row.

Is there a way I can target the individual sub report when pressing the button?

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Modules & VBA :: Open A Report With A Button

Jun 26, 2014

I'm having a little trouble getting this accomplished. I can instruct access to print the report, however I just want to be able to view the report after I select a button. I will attach a picture so you can see what I have thus far. I do have an older version of this and it works flawlessly and as far as I can tell everything is a carbon copy of the working version.

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Text Box Button Query To Generate A Report

Jan 23, 2007

Hello all

i need to create a text field and button in a form that will show all the records for a particular JobNo in a report once the txt has been typed and the button is clicked, i.e if I type JobNo001 I need to to create a report showing all the information for that JobNo(but there can be multiple JobNo's).

Do i have to create a query for this. I am new to this so please be gentle



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Auto Report Radio Control Button

Sep 24, 2005

How to create a Radio Control Button that selects the records with the artists and names of artists for cd's and print a report based on those autoreport records?

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Button Function In Form To Generate Report?

Aug 8, 2006


I am trying to see if the following is possible. I have created a form in my database that tracks how many thank you letters I have sent out with a "check for yes" box.

On records where there is no check I want to create a button beside that says "Print Thank You Letter". It would then generate a form based on that certain customer's information.

Is there a way for me to do this? Also, will the report automatically generate that person's information found in the record?


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Pulldown Report List/combo With Button

Nov 2, 2006

I have about 10 reports and I have them listed in a combo box. I would like to just pull down the report I want and click on the single button and it would open up. I know I am a pain in the *** but I could always hook the reports to 10 buttons but that design looks trashy.

I already made the reports and just waiting for some help. I think im losing my mind, it seem every time something is done in this database, people keep asking for more changes. What is going on.....

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Reports :: Button To Launch A Form From A Report

Mar 1, 2015

I have a fairly simple report which lists rows from one table with a little bit of logic. At the end of each row, I want an action button, which when you click it, goes to a form with the correct ItemID for that row.I tried the VBA code like this on the View button on click method:

DoCmd.OpenForm "CreateCAF", , , "[ItemID] = " & Me.ItemID

Of course, what happens is it opens the form CreateCAF with the first ItemID in the report, regardless of which row you click on. I want it to pick up the ItemId of that row.

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Reports :: Multiple Report Printing From One Button

May 13, 2014

I'm trying to print out several reports from one button. I have created individual buttons for each of the reports and they work fine.

But when I try to amalgamate them it stops printing after the first two reports regardless of which ones are at the top of the list.

The code I'm using is ......

Private Sub Print_All_Click()
Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = "Business_ID = Forms!frm_Business!Business_ID"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_Front_Page", acPrint, , strFilter
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_D_and_N_Suitability", acPrint, , strFilter

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Formatting A Report From A Command Button

Aug 21, 2013

What I want to be able to do is have a button next to every client entry which the user can click. Once the button is clicked, I want the "person name" box in the report to be formatted to have a yellow background.The purpose of doing this is so after a couple of days when we come back to the report, we can easily see by the yellow background which people we have to follow up with.

I don't think conditional formatting will work because I have so many different "person names" in the report that it would go above the 3 rule limit, only solution in VBA.The button I created is called "Format", and this is the VBA code I have tried:

Private Sub Format_Click ()
Me.Person_Name.BackColor = vbYellow
End Sub

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