I've been using a combo box to jump to a specific record in a form. But, even with the comb box set at 15 lines long, with many hundreds of records in the form the vertical slider on the combo box is a little small and can be jumpy (moving 1/32" jumps 10 names, etc.). The combo box is formed from:
SELECT [cust num], [last name], [first name]
FROM [this table]
ORDER BY [last name], [first name];
I'd like to put in some boxes that will jump the combo box to a certain set of names. For instance, put in a box with a label on it that says "M". Pressing this button would jump the combo box to the first [last name] that starts with the letter M. For instance, if I have records for:
Then it would jump to Macaroni. But, if Macaroni is deleted, then Martin would be the first name that begins with M and pressing the "M" box should jump the combo box to Martin.
Hi, Asked this one yesterday but I think I must be doing somthing wrong. I have a main form named "Techdata" on this form I have an option group with 2 option buttons. I would like when selecting the first option button for the subform "effectivity" to show up on the main form. When the second button is selected I would like the subform "effectivity single" to show up in the same place where "effectivity" was(would like effectivity to be invisable then). Can anyone walk me through this from whoa to go as Im havn a lil bitta trouble
I have been searching all over on how to create an import button on a form in access 2010 where I can set which table it should copy the data into but the user could locate the import file.
NOTE: the reason being I have locked all the ribbons...
If necessary I could make a specific import template file which would have all the headings locked...
I would like to create a form that allows me to search for a folder on my desk top, then once located i can transfer that file to a specific location on another drive, Similar to the Browse / upload function you see on many applications.I am using Access 2003. Is this possible??
In the access form I want to add a button with a special functionality.
After clicking "Select file" button special window should be open (or something else). It should give user a possibility of files locating (doc, pdf, rtf, txt ...).
After selecting the file and confirm the choice in the table "File_location" in database path to the file should be saved .
I have a main pool of records (about 20,0000). Next to each record is a button that opens up a form. The popup form allows different fields on that record to be edited. I need to be able to have a requery code in the popup form that will requery the main form's records and automatically jump the the last record that was modified (or if that record was deleted jump to the next record). I have no idea where to start! Thanks, Paul
Hokay, so I have a very simple little database which has been written to make my job a little easier by logging the details of certain calls. Everything on it seems to work fine, but there is one piece of strange behaviour that I just can't fathom...
I currently have 89 records stored (these were ported over from the old Excel table I used to use to log the calls). They imported just fine, and I can manipulate them as required. However, if I go to add a new record the next rwo to be added is 113 for some inexplicable reason. I can still add the record fine, and add subsequent ones as records 114,115,116, etc., but what I don't understand is why Access thinks the record number that comes after 89 is 113!
The table looks - to all intents and purposes - fine; just with its last rows going from 89 to 113 without listing 90-112 in between.
So...um...where are my missing records, and why does Access seem to think that 113 logically follows 89???
How to create a field to that would be available only if a certain answer appears.
In my form I have a field named Issues created with a combo box within the table for this field is "Broken" When Broken answer is selected I want to jump to another combo box "Reason" so the user can select how it is broken.
I am working on a project in which we have to print word documents of each policy so if the policystatus is "Live" then we have to print a document with header(barcode) on it. If the policystatus is "Cancelled" then print off a different sheet. The following code is written that works fine but the only thing is the print order is not right. documents jump up the queue. The documents spooled last get printed off first sometimes. Any other alternator to write the following code so that sheets prints off in order:
Code: Public LivePol As Variant Public CancelPol As Variant Sub GetDataFromDataBase() LivePol = 0 CancelPol = 0 Dim myDataBase As Database
If we can write the code in a way so that printing sheets come up in the order.
I am creating a inventory database for work. I am trying to get the cursor to jump to the next text box for data entry using a barcode scanner. I have a limit on how many characters there can be in this field but yet even after it is all filled the cursor stays in that same field. I am fairly new to access, especially in code building. Do I use "After Update" under "Event" in the "Property Sheet"?
When I enter data, Album ID increases every time I jump to the next field. For example, when I enter: AlbumTitle, Song, Rating, Album ID is already at 4 and this is just the first record.
I am running A Form. I have created it that I if I Double Click on one of the fields, it automatically creates a copy (which is run from a Query). That all works fine. My problem is that my Table has 500 Records and I want the Form to jump straight to the New Record after it creates it. Here is my Code: Code:Private Sub USName_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) DoCmd.OpenQuery "Copy_Drug" Me.RequeryEnd Sub
Lets say that I have four combo Boxes on my form ’A’ I need to create another form ’B’ that will give the admin the permission to add or remove from these combo Boxes their values, do I need to create another form and simply add 4 combo Boxes and connect them to their source? What about the add and remove button is it done like VB? Can anyone help me with that?
Is there away to set the values in a combo box depending on what option button you have selected.
What I would like is to select an option button in an option group then that would trigger certain vaules in a combo box. And if I selected another option button it would change the values in the same combo box?
So if I selected optWhite, the values in cboEthnic = British AND Irish AND Other
If I select optMixed, the values in cboEthnic = White and Black Asian AND White and Black Caribbean etc...
I am pretty new at this so please bear with me :confused: (like that isn't said a thousand times!). I am creating a small database to track task data (manpower tracking basically) where I have the following fields:
Customer Functional Group Task Status Task Name Task Description WO # Funded Hours Notes
I would like to create a combo box where the user can select the customer (I have 124 records in total, 15 unique customer names) and all tasks relating to that customer are filtered directly in the Form by clicking a single button to do the filter.
I don't want to create dozens of tables and forms to flip through and such (users need it as simple as possible). I have created queries but the only way I have successfully filtered each customer is via buttons...but 15 buttons to filter each individual customer is a pain in the butt, so any help would be REALLY appreciated.
Please let me know if I haven't explained this clearly enough! :)
I am creating a combo box with a button. In the below vba code, I am getting the string from the combo box. Then, I am trying to use SQL to the corresponding distro lists in the table (same row). This VBA code below is getting a Run-time error '438' Object doesn't support this property or method and it points to the SQL statment in the debugging screen.
Code: Private Sub Command11_Click() Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim SQL As String Dim vFld As Variant
I have a ComboBox used to select "Sites". Depending on what site, information in other fields within the form change as expected. However, I also added some buttons on the bottom of the form. Go to Next, Previous, Last, etc.
These update the fields within the form, but do not change the ComboBox field. Is it possible to have a Go to Next record button change a Combobox value? If so, how?
I have about 10 reports and I have them listed in a combo box. I would like to just pull down the report I want and click on the single button and it would open up. I know I am a pain in the *** but I could always hook the reports to 10 buttons but that design looks trashy.
I already made the reports and just waiting for some help. I think im losing my mind, it seem every time something is done in this database, people keep asking for more changes. What is going on.....
I have three cascading combo boxes. How can I program a button to record the PK's from these combos into a table, but only if those values don't already exist.The 3 combos are circled in red and I want to record those values into tblJewelryInventory (circled in dark blue).
I use a Frm1 which updates my Tbl1. By clicking on this Bt1 of the Frm1 the record is duplicated on purpose having enabled and disabled fields. While Frm1 shows the duplicated record (so it is open) I can change it and save it as needed. However the Frm1 loads having an enabled Cbo1 which normally allows the regular user to pick any value A,B,C or D.
What I would like to have is a line code under the Bt1 click event able to set the value "D" on the duplicated record only. I can not write it under the load form event because I need value "D" set on the combo only when I click the Bt1. Regular user still should be able to select between A,B,C or D when he loads the Frm1 to input a new record.
I tried Me.cbo1="D", also tried Me.cbo1.column(1)="D" under the Bt1 click event and both of them failed. What have I done wrong? How can I get it done?
More Info" button based on Combo Box selection. I need to create a command button that can be used to see all of the data in the table for whatever name is selected in a combo box. For example, if John Smith is selected from the combo box, the user could click a "More Info" button, which will open a separate form showing all the data in the table for John Smith.
I am facing a problem. i am very amateur at access. I want to design a form on which there is one combo box and one command button. If i made a selection from the combo box and clik on command button it should show all the details related to that particular selection (say Shop Order) on a report. I dont know how to link this things.
report may be like.. Shop Order Description Length Width Hight.. Ax12 xxxxxx xxx xxx xxx Ax 12 for a particular shop order selection there may be no. of parts that should show on. like an assembly thing. Suppose Shop order for a bag is A23 and its different parts are belt and chain... now SHOP Order description ...... A23 belt A23 Chain...
i hope i described my problem.. please do help if you can.. Thank you Hemendra
I need to select information from different combo boxes. Using a command button, i would then like the information transferred onto a list box.
I have so far managed to link all my combo boxes so the result comes out on a list box. if one combo box is left blank, i get no information in the list box. is there a simple way of doing this.
What to do, I have a form that will reset online user of my system the field is yes or no type boolean and i using combo box that will show only online people but my problem is how to reset the yes to no when i choose from the combo box a username I want to logout. I use command button also.
I am currently working on an existing database (not created by me) which contains several queries. Each query relates to a particular product.
I am wanting to create a form which has a combo box so that a user can choose a particular product from the combox options and then click on the command button to run the correct query.
How to do this. I have created the form and the combox (together with the list of products). I just need to know what Event Procedure code I need to enter to programme it to look for the correct query and then run it.
For example.
I have the following queries product1query product2query product3query
I have the following options in the combo box product1 product2 product3
How do I get the command button to look at the product1 option in the combo box and then find and run the product1query.
On a form, I want to disable the save button, 'cmdSave' whilst the form's mandatory fields have been left blank.
I've put in a smart tag, called, 'Req' against each required field and have used the following code on the forms current event.
Code: Private Sub Form_Current() Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In Me.Controls If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Or ctl.ControlType = acComboBox Or ctl.ControlType = acListBox Then
[Code] ....
The save button is disabled, but it won't enable again after each field has data entered against it.
I also have this code in the AfterUpdate event in each required field:
Code: Private Sub cboErrorID_AfterUpdate() Call Form_Current End Sub