Calculated Field Disappears...

Jan 27, 2005

I have a calculated field in a form that calculates the amount due. When I open the form or the record and the record has an amount due of 0, then the field says "$0.00" for a second and then disappears. Any idea why this is so? This becomes a problem because $0.00 doesn't appear on any reports either. Any help would be appreciated!

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Forms :: Calculated Control Value Appears But Disappears

Nov 7, 2013

I have a calculated control on a form that is summing other controls and then a subtotal on a subform. This is access 2007

The calculated control does not display the value until I enter a value other then the default in all of the source controls. If I hit the "refresh" button, the value appears in the calculated control for a moment, then disappears.

I have set the default of the source controls to be 0, so none are null.

the calc control value does not stay until I put a value in the subform and its subtotal thus has a value

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Default Value Disappears For Prim Key Field

Mar 16, 2006

MS Access 2000 sp3
When adding a new record to an order file, I have a default value on the ordnum field. It also has a format = "9999-999". The default value is "0603-".
When the user clicks on the new rec nav button, the form has the correct default in the ordnum field "0603-". However, when the user trys to key in the remaining 3 digit sequence number (.i.e. result 0603-123), the default value disappears as soon as the use startes to type the first character. The table source is a query that links the order table to the customer table via cust num. When i use only the order table as the form source, this works ok, no issues but i see this issue when i am using a query joining two tables.
Does anyone have any ideas why or how I can correct this?
zip file attached with test database

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Field Disappears When Make Table "Replicable" Selected

Mar 7, 2005

My database is replicated. When new fields are added to a table that is tagged as replicable, the field is there but not visible. (there are other fields that are visible) This affects queries based on the new fields as they do not show up in the query.

However, when I make the table non-replicable, I see all my previously hidden fields and of course my queries, query-based reports work fine.

Any suggestions? I've already run the compact & repair utility with no improvements.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Basing A Calculated Field On Another Calculated Field

Apr 12, 2006

My query contains two calculated fields [TaxSavings1] and [TaxSavings2], which are based on some currency and number-type fields in one of my underlying tables.

I just created another field in my query which looks like: [TaxSavings1]+[TaxSavings2]. Instead of adding the two fields, it actually lumps the two numbers together. For example, if [TaxSavings1] =135 and [TaxSavings2]=30.25, it will give me: 13530.25. I need it just to simply add, i.e. answer of 165.25.

Does anyone know how to correct this? Thanks in advance.


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Tables :: How To Make Calculated Field Based On Field In Another Table

Jun 18, 2014

Table1 contain Two fields (3Months) and (6Months)

Table2 contain Two fields (3Months) and (6Months)

the table 2 is the source of a form that will let the user change the numbers. table 1 should change Date1 and Date2 Fields based on the two fields (3months) and (6months) if i want to make a lookup wizard it should be changed manually and if i make a calculated field i can't find other tables in the expression builder

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Subform Disappears???

Oct 19, 2005

I created a database which was working well. I then added my data and it still seemed to be working well. Since then I have made quite a few other changes, but only to queries realting to the subform.

When I cycle through my main records the subform shows and displays all the info. But when I get to the end to add a new record, the subform disappears.

Any ideas as to what I've done?


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Record Disappears.

Mar 21, 2005

I've created a form and when i create a user it goes through without a problem. However when i try to create another user, my code somehow deletes the last record. Where am i going wrong?

Code:Option Compare DatabaseOption ExplicitPublic s As StringPublic Check1 As StringPrivate Sub cmboSC_ID_AfterUpdate()Me.txtSC_ID = cmboSC_ID.Column(0)Me.txtSC_NAME = cmboSC_ID.Column(1)Me.txtSC_PASSWORD = cmboSC_ID.Column(2)Me.txtSC_LEVEL = cmboSC_ID.Column(3)Me.txtSC_PROGRAM = cmboSC_ID.Column(4)If Check1 = "DEL" ThenElseCheck1 = "MOD"End IfMe.txtSC_ID.Visible = TrueMe.txtSC_ID.SetFocusMe.cmboSC_ID.Visible = FalseMe.cmboSC_ID = "" Me.cmdUpdateADO.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub cmboSC_ID_GotFocus()cmboSC_ID.RequerycmboSC_ID.DropdownEnd Sub Private Sub cmdClear_Click()Check1 = ""Me.txtSC_ID = ""Me.txtSC_NAME = ""Me.txtSC_PASSWORD = ""Me.txtSC_LEVEL = ""Me.txtSC_PROGRAM = ""Me.txtSC_ID.Visible = TrueMe.txtSC_ID.SetFocusMe.cmboSC_ID.Visible = FalseMe.cmdDel.Enabled = TrueMe.cmdUpdateADO.Enabled = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub cmdClose_Click()DoCmd.CloseEnd SubPrivate Sub cmdUpdateADO_Click()On Error GoTo ADOErrhandlerDim ADOrs As ADODB.RecordsetDim sSQL As String 'sSQL = "Select * from tblSecurity;" 'Set rsADO = New ADODB.Recordset'rsADO.Open sSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimisticIf Check1 = "ADD" ThensSQL = "tblSecurity"Set ADOrs = New ADODB.RecordsetADOrs.Open sSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimisticWith ADOrs .Fields("SC_ID") = Me.txtSC_ID.Fields("SC_Name") = Me.txtSC_NAME.Fields("SC_Password") = Me.txtSC_PASSWORD.Fields("SC_Level") = Me.txtSC_LEVEL.Fields("SC_Program") = Me.txtSC_PROGRAM.UpdateEnd WithSet ADOrs = NothingMsgBox Me.txtSC_NAME & " Added" ElseIf Check1 = "MOD" ThensSQL = "Select * from tblSecurity where tblSecurity.SC_ID = '" & txtSC_ID & "';"Set ADOrs = New ADODB.RecordsetADOrs.Open sSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimisticWith ADOrs .Fields("SC_ID") = Me.txtSC_ID.Fields("SC_Name") = Me.txtSC_NAME.Fields("SC_Password") = Me.txtSC_PASSWORD.Fields("SC_Level") = Me.txtSC_LEVEL.Fields("SC_Program") = Me.txtSC_PROGRAM.UpdateEnd WithSet ADOrs = NothingMsgBox Me.txtSC_NAME & " Edited" ElseIf Check1 = "DEL" Then sSQL = "Select * from tblSecurity where tblSecurity.SC_ID = '" & txtSC_ID & "';"Set ADOrs = New ADODB.RecordsetADOrs.Open sSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic ADOrs.DeleteSet ADOrs = NothingMsgBox Me.txtSC_NAME & " Deleted"ElseMsgBox "An Error Occurred. The system doesn't know which action to take"End IfSet ADOrs = NothingCall cmdClear_ClickExit SubADOErrhandler:Select Case Err.Number Case ElseMsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.DescriptionEnd Select End SubPrivate Sub txtSC_ID_AfterUpdate()Dim DAOdb As DatabaseDim DAOrs As DAO.RecordsetDim sSQL As StringDim s As StringSet DAOdb = CurrentDb()s = "Select * from tblSecurity where tblSecurity.SC_ID = '" & txtSC_ID & "';"Set DAOrs = DAOdb.OpenRecordset(s)If DAOrs.EOF Then'New recordCheck1 = "ADD"txtSC_ID.SetFocusElse'Exisitng RecordMe.txtSC_ID = DAOrs("SC_ID")Me.txtSC_NAME = DAOrs("Sc_Name")Me.txtSC_PASSWORD = DAOrs("SC_Password")Me.txtSC_LEVEL = DAOrs("SC_Level")Me.txtSC_PROGRAM = DAOrs("SC_Program")Check1 = "MOD"End IfDAOrs.CloseDAOdb.CloseMe.cmdUpdateADO.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub txtSC_ID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)Call cmdClear_ClickMe.cmboSC_ID.Visible = TrueMe.cmboSC_ID.SetFocusMe.txtSC_ID.Visible = False End SubPrivate Sub cmdDel_Click()Call cmdClear_ClickMe.cmboSC_ID.Visible = TrueMe.cmboSC_ID.SetFocusMe.txtSC_ID.Visible = FalseCheck1 = "DEL"End Sub


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Queries :: Calculated Field To Display Value Of One Field Based On Another

Jul 23, 2015

I have a query with a Date field for EndDate (the dates for end-of-week, Fridays in our case) and another field for Sales (number of sales, not dollars).I want to add 4 calculated fields that represent weeks and have the Sales appear in the correct column (field) for that date.So I will have columns for 10 July 15, 17 July 15, 24 July 15 and 31 July 15 and I want the Sales for each record to land in the correct date column, based on the EndDate column. (The 4 fields is just for the sake of the example, I will actually be having dozens of these calculated date fields).I tried to do it by setting up the 4 calculated fields like:

10Jul15: Sales
and then adding Criteria like:
EndDate = #10/07/2015#
It doesnt work.

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Tables :: Calculated Field Error - Cannot Define Field More Than Once

Jun 10, 2015

I use access 2010.

I am assuming by the error code, one can not use a calculated field to calculate another field.

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Data 'disappears' From My Database

Apr 23, 2007

I inherited this database and I can't figure this out so I'm looking for some causes.

the database is in one .mdb file, the interface in another and links to the database via the linked table manager.

The tables aren't normalized, nor was there any attempt at relational integrity (Strike 1). Thats obvious

But what isn't so obvious is that data in fields just disappears, it'll get entered, verified and a couple weeks/months later, its just gone and no one claims responsibility for taking it out (and in 99% of cases, we wouldn't)

It is a multi user database but there are only 10 people in the office and I doubt more than 3 are ever connected at once. And most of the time is only one of us at a time based on our schedules.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm going to advise the bosses that we take the time to start over with sql server, normalize the tables and take better care of developing the forms (in .net)

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Embedded Ole Object Disappears

Jun 28, 2007

In the form view of the db I have a bound box for an embedded ole object
I use it to embed Word documents for each db entry (The database is for works of art and the Word document is the description of each work of art which often contains Chinese Characters, hence the Word Document)

The box is set to show an icon (The Word Icon)
Upon entering the data and moving off the record, subsequent return to to the record sometimes shows that the icon is gone from the box, it is blank.
Clicking the blank box brings up the Word Document but then closing the Word Document and re-clicking the blank box dos not bring up the Word Document.
The standard message saying that the ole object is empty appears and all the data from the Word Document is lost.

this has only happened since moving to Office 2007. I upgraded the db to 2007 format and we are using Word 2007.

A Google of the symptoms doesn't bring any meaningful results, does anyone have any ideas?

I tried to keep this as short as possible (which wasn't easy) if you need more info just ask


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Forms :: Form Disappears When Set To Pop Up

Aug 7, 2014

In Access 2010, I can't get a form to show up in Pop Up mode without it disappearing. Tried several solutions (most from this message board) with no luck, including:

Set Modal = no
Set Auto Resize = no
Set Auto Center = no
Set Border Style = dialog

There isn't any VBA set to run when the form opens, only on button clicks.I'm able to call out the form to open as acDialog in vba, but this blocks additional code I need to prepopulate the form.So far this happens on all forms I try to set as Pop Up.

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Arrgghh Now It Disappears In Form View!

Jun 28, 2006

I am making up how to create a database as I go along so I am sure some of the techniques I have used are a bit unconventional! However, I wanted to use data from 2 different tables as control sources, so changed the record source to a query that combined the two tables. I thought this was correct as I could then apply control sources from both tables to fields.

However, now when I click out of design view and into form view, the form/database dissapears. Does anyone know why & how I could resolve this?


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Forms :: Subform Disappears If There Is No Data

Jun 24, 2013

I am using Access 2010.

Whenever I come to a record that does not have any data in my subforms, then (as you can expect) my subform controls disappear.

My subforms have "Allow Additions" set to YES.

The subform tables are linked through a LEFT JOIN.

I would like the controls to stay visible even when there are no records in the subforms.

I tried to set the subforms ID to the main forms ID thinking that this will at least generate an autonumber to make the subforms controls visible, but it did not work


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Reports :: Data Disappears In Report View

Sep 5, 2013

I have two related issues with reports. That is the data shows in report view and then disappears. The first is the simplest. I have a report that has a query recordsource and I calculate totals and populate the report in the OnLoad event using VBA code. This displays perfectly in "report view" and prints or exports fine. My issue is that after the print or export, the report has no data in my fields in "report view". It is like it is reloading the report without invoking the OnLoad event. When I close the report and re-open in report view, everything is fine again until I print.

The second issue is related. I have another report that is a bit more complicated. Due to the number of controls (I use many text boxes to display my calculations), I am using 3 subreports to get around the limitations in the number of controls. In report view, the report looks fine, but when I scroll down to the bottom and then back up, the text boxes in the subreport sections are empty. The parts of the report not in subreports is fine. By using "Msgboxes" in events, I discovered that when I scroll down, the subreports close, then re-open when I scroll back up. Again, due to an Access limitation of 22 inches per section, the I placed the subreports in the "report Header" section. It appears that my problem occurs when I scroll down to the "detail" section of the main report.

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Queries :: SQL Code Disappears From Query When Sending EMail

Jan 15, 2015

I have a simple SQL query that is e-mailed when there are >0 records. Fairly consistently, the SQL code in the query is wiped out and the query fails. It happens consistently to this query, even though I have many similar queries. I am running Access 2013 in Windows 7

SELECT AR.[Inv#], [History Header].[PO#], AR.[Customer Name],
AR.Date, AR.Mdse, AR.Freight, AR.Amount, AR.[Due Date]
FROM (AR INNER JOIN [History Header] ON AR.[Inv#] = [History Header].[Inv#(number)])
LEFT JOIN [Advanced Engineering Payment Reminder Sic]

[Code] ....

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General :: Popup Form Disappears On Multi Monitor

Mar 18, 2015

For example if I open up the Access database on my left monitor, then move it to my right - whenever I switch from design to form mode the form disappears. Moving Access back over to the left monitor will not show the form. Minimizing all windows except Access won't show it either. If I switch to layout view, then form view it will show on the monitor I have Access up on - but if I go back to Design and then form it will disappear again.

If I move Access to the left monitor (in this example). open the form in design and then form view it pops up visible. Seems clear that it ties the opening position of the popup to the monitor Access was opened on.

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Report Footer Textbox Disappears When Exported To Excel

Jul 21, 2014

I have a footer in my Report that contains subtotals. I'd like to add a textbox that says "Total" to my report, and although this label shows up when I view the report, it disappears if I export to Excel. How to prevent the label from disappearing when I export? (Attached a screenshot of my report's design.)

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Calculated Field

Feb 9, 2006

I have a calculated field in a query that concatinates an order number prefix and the part number to give the order number:
OrderNum: [OrderPrefix] & [PartNum]

There are 2 tables:


This works fine except for one of the categories. For the third category there are no entries in the tblPartsList - because they are miscellaneous.

How do I change the calculation so that it works as above where there are corresponding Part numbers in tblPartsList and otherwise gives me the order number and any 2 digits e.g. something like [OrderPrefix]*

Having been trying to do this for ages but having trouble with syntax.

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Calculated Field

Apr 20, 2006

hi. i wanted to kno how to have a field in a table that is calculated from other fields if this is possible. for example i have a order table which has a quantity field and a price field and i want to add a total field that will alutomatically calculate the total (quantity*price) and add it to the field. i know how to do this in a query but don know how to get that field from the query into the table. thanks for any help

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Calculated Field

Aug 11, 2005

I am new to Access so please be gentle.

I heve started a new table and one of the fields is Date of Birth.

I want to have another field that looks at the data in DOB and calculate the age, I believe that this can be done with funtion datediff, but the layout doesnt look for other fields, it just looks for a date and the Now statement.

Any ideas on how to make this work? does it have to be a querie?

Mant Thanks

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Calculated Field

Aug 11, 2005

I am new to Access so please be gentle.

I heve started a new table and one of the fields is Date of Birth.

I want to have another field that looks at the data in DOB and calculate the age, I believe that this can be done with funtion datediff, but the layout doesnt look for other fields, it just looks for a date and the Now statement.

Any ideas on how to make this work? does it have to be a querie?

Many Thanks

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Calculated Field

Aug 11, 2005

I am new to Access so please be gentle.

I heve started a new table and one of the fields is Date of Birth.

I want to have another field that looks at the data in DOB and calculate the age, I believe that this can be done with funtion datediff, but the layout doesnt look for other fields, it just looks for a date and the Now statement.

Any ideas on how to make this work? does it have to be a querie?

Many Thanks

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Calculated Field

Apr 2, 2006

I have a table with customers, one with products and one transaction table. How can i produce a report, based on a query that will add up the total any one particular customer has spent to date from the transaction table?

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Calculated Field

Apr 20, 2006

hi. i wanted to kno how to have a field in a table that is calculated from other fields if this is possible. for example i have a order table which has a quantity field and a price field and i want to add a total field that will alutomatically calculate the total (quantity*price) and add it to the field. i know how to do this in a query but don know how to get that field from the query into the table. thanks for any help

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