Calculated Fields In Form Don't Carry To Table

Aug 5, 2006

Is there a way to make some of the fields from my form that contain calculated values carry to the table? Right now the values calculate correctly in the form but when I look at the table the field is blank...

I was hoping to use one form to calculate a value, insert it in the table, and then use that value in another form.

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Use Calculated Fields In Form To Update Table

Nov 29, 2005

I have a form created from a table and I had to use calculations in some of the fields to automate certain processes. Now, if I pull a report based on the fields in the table - I am getting all except for the fields with the calculations. Is there any way to update the main table - since most of the calculations were done with text boxes?

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Heeelp! Very Confused - Calculated Fields In My Form Wont Go Into The Table

Mar 6, 2006

Please help! I am a newbie and VERY confused. I am not a programmer but am just learning so any help much appreciated! I'm not even sure if I've posted this to the right place?

I have so far created a table and also an asscoiated form - they both work! Changes in the form go into the table, no problem EXCEPT where I have a calculated field in the form - this info doesnt go into the table - how do I get this information to go back into the table?

I am trying to do this because I want to include the result of the calculated fields in a mail merge letter in Word (and Word wont pick up fields from my associated form - only from the table or from a query!)

Please rescue a damsel in definite distress (I've been knocking my head against a brick wall on this for 3 hours now!)

Many thanks in advance :D

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Queries :: Format Does Not Carry Over From Table

Aug 8, 2014

I have an issue with queries not showing sufficient decimal points, even though the underlying table does have the formatting I desire.

If I open Table 1 directly, for Field 1 I have a value of 0.1439254445378153860918842318 using a format of decimal / fixed / Precision: 18 / Scale: 0 / Decimal: 2 and it shows in the table as 0.14 until I click on the cell in which case I get the full value above.

This is how I want it to show (0.14). When I run a query on this table, not setting any formats in the query, I get 0.00, and clicking on the cell only provides a result of 0. I've tried a ton of different underlying formats on Table 1, and been unable to get a different result...

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Storing Calculated Fields In A Table

Apr 20, 2007

I know that it is bad form to store a calculated field in a table - normalization and all that - but I can see no other way around a need that I have.

I'm trying to make a database to store injury time for employees. If an employee is injured, he can do light work for a certain amount of time, but this light work need not be contiguous. But, the total time on light work must be known so as to see when it is used up.

For example:

Bob is injured on 4/1/06 and goes on light work on 4/2/06 until 4/5/06 (4 days). Bob is then taken off light work until 4/10/06 when he reinjures the same injury. This does not count as a new injury, because it is an aggravation of the old one. So, Bob goes back on light work on 4/10/06 until 4/15/06 (6 days).

So, I need to store Bob's total time on light work for this injury (10 days) so that I can keep a running total to check against the maximum for a single injury. All I can think of is to store the sum of days on light work as a field in Bob's injury record, but that means storing a calculated field in a table.

Am I missing an easy way to do this, or is there a method to do what I want that I am just not aware of?

Thanx for any help!

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Saving Calculated Fields To A Table

Sep 14, 2006

I have a small Database that produces invoices, Each invoice could have 5 items on it which are compeleted at different Dates. (cutting hair in an OAP Home) Invoice to be produced at the end of each month which shows what happened each week. This will be generated for each person in the home. I can display all the information in a form when inputing the invoice information. I want a button to copy the invoice number the client name and the total of the invoice to a new table. The total of the invoice is calculated control on the form.

How do I do this??? can anyone help

I need a total in a table to substract payments from.

All Help will be much appreciated.

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Calculated Fields Not Writing To Table

Apr 26, 2007

Hi all,

I need to figure out how to have two calculated fields written to the database table instead of just being displayed in the form.

The user selects a number from 1 to 5 in the first field, and a number from 1 to 7 in the second field. The first calculating field multiplies these two numbers and displays the result. The second calculating field determines where the resulting number fits in three ranges of numbers and displays the result as Low, Medium, Or High.

My problem is the calculated results are be displayed in the form but not being written to the table. I cannot create a report to display all the High results, etc.

How do I update the calculation field formula to write the results into the table so I can create queries/reports on the calculated data?


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Tables :: Calculated Fields In A Table

Sep 27, 2012

I have three columns where A is a number, B is a number and I want to make C = to the greater of the two. i.e.

Col A = 10, Col B = 12 therefore Column C = Col B or Col A = 12, Col B = 10 therefore Col C = Col A

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Tables :: Copy And Pasting Carry Forward Value In Same Table

Aug 24, 2013

I have a table in MS Access naming "Salutation" and in the table I have 6 columns and each column named as Week No., Carry Forward records, new records, total records, processed records and pending records. Like below

Week No. Carry Forward records new records total processed pending
1 0 10 10 5 5
2 5 10 15 7 8
3 8 20 28 9 19

So now the requirement is every day pending records should get updated in the next row with in the same table under carry forward records of its next immediate day. For e.g. pending records of week number 1 which is 5 should get updated under carry forward records for week number 2 and so on.

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Help With Linking Calculated Fields To Table Values

Aug 28, 2006

I need to display a value from a table in a text field on a form based on another text field on the same form.

The table has records as follows:

Month/Year xx Month No xx Year No xx Month ID (xx shows break in columns)
Jan-06 xx 1 xx 2006 xx 24
Feb-06 xx 2 xx 2006 xx 25
Mar-06 xx 3 xx 2006 xx 26
Apr-06 xx 4 xx 2006 xx 27
May-06 xx 5 xx 2006 xx 28
Jun-06 xx 6 xx 2006 xx 29
Jul-06 xx 7 xx 2006 xx 30

In one text field I use the DateSerial function to calculate the value of the previous month (e.g.Jul-06). I need to return the MonthID value to the second text field based on the value stored against it is the table, so in case of Jul-06 it would show 30 in text field 2.

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Tables :: Need Multiple Calculated Fields In One Table

Aug 8, 2014

I am great with Excel but not soo much with Access 2010. I Excel, what I needed to do was very simple but duplicating what I did in Access is not soo easy.I am trying to calculate billings for FSA & HRA. I have set up one table with all the data. I want to add columns to the table to calculate:

1. Is there an account balance-excel formula:
2. If the account is still active
3. If the plan year run out is "active runout" or "runout over"
4. calculate each account type with a rate *count of FSA accounts = total to bill

Here are my excel formulas that for the life of me I can't get to work.

Account balance==IF(V2="HCRA",(IF(AB2-AD2>0,"Available Balance",IF(AB2-AD2=0,"Zero Balance","Negative Balance"))),((IF(AC2-AD2>0,"Available Balance",IF(AC2-AD2=0,"Zero Balance","Negative Balance")))))
Active runout/runout over=
=IF(AG2="YES","Active Runout",(IF(S2=W2,(IF(AF2>$AJ$1,(IF(AH2="Zero Balance","Runout Over","Active Runout")),"Runout Over")),(IF(AE2>$AJ$1,(IF(AH2="Zero Balance","Runout Over","Active Runout")),"Runout Over")))))
Active account=
=IF(D2<$AJ$1,"NO",IF(W2>$AJ$1,IF(S2=W2,"YES","NO") ,"NO"))

Can I have calculated fields that refer back to a calculated field?

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General :: Storing Calculated Fields In A Table

Jul 26, 2012

I know that it isn't usually best practise to store calculated fields in a table, but in my situation it is necessary, and I haven't really found a good answer for this after searching these and other forums.

Currently my database has one "Name" field (I didn't make it like this) which might look like this "Jonathan (John) Smith"
Now I also have reason to grab the name like this "Smith, John" for other purposes.

I've set up a form for inputting new people with separate fields for firstname, preferredname, and lastname. I have the calculated fields:

=[fname] & " (" & [pname] & ") " & [lname]
=[lname] & ", " & [pname]

(Later I will add in all the iif's for if there is no preferred name)

Upon finishing the form, the user hits Submit, and I would like to store the concatenated values into the table in their appropriate fields.

I can do this with a SQL INSERT INTO statement but I'd have to add all 25 or so fields from the form, and injecting user input directly into a SQL statement is not best practice either.

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Forms :: How To Store Calculated Fields Into A Table

Oct 16, 2014

How to store a calculated field into a table

I am preparing an invoice and I have a field called deposit .Now this field calculates %40 of the total of the order .but if the user wishes they can enter what they like .Now this field must be stored in a table for ever and a day and must not change or the invoice will be useless .I can see no other way of doing this and my research tells me (allen Brown) that this is sometimes necessary .

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Carry Certain Data From 3 Forms To One Printable Form

Nov 10, 2005

is there any way to carry specific data entered by the user from 3 forms to one printable form which is set up like a city permit? ideally, i'd like the user to be able to click on a button to open the permit & then click print after having entered all the data into the 3 forms (1st form opens 2nd; 2nd opens 3rd).
ie - a contractor comes in & applies for a permit, the user (permit clerk) enters all the contractor's info into form 1 then clicks permit & enters the info for that specific permit (there are 4 types) into form 2, then clicks payment & enters check #, fee, etc. into form 3. the permit should now be issued but only needs to have permit #, contractor name, date, location, & amount paid on it. is this possible? i've tried building a query to base a report on with the with that info but am not gettin the results i want, and i don't know how to have a report display only one permit at a time. plus, my users don't want to have to run a query & then print a report. they just want to click print after entering the data (they're very lazy, set in their ways, and not very computer literate). please excuse my dumbness but the whole application is up & running except for this last part.:o please help! thanx in advance.

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Calculated Fields On Load Of Form

May 4, 2005

Could someone tell me what Event I need to put this code in to calculate my fields when the form first opens?

I have this code on both the After Update and On Change events which is working fine, but, when I first open the form, those calculated fields are blank and I have to perform a change or update before the calculations will appear each time.

If Not IsNull(Me.fcstloc) Then
Me.prodvolume = DSum("[volume]", "qryMonthlyEngineVolumes", "[product] = '" & Forms!Projects!product & "'" & " And [MonthID] Between " & Forms!Projects.MonthID.Column(0) & " And 12")
ElseIf Not IsNull(Me.prodvolume) Then
Me.prodvolume = DLookup("[2004volume]", "tblProjectDetails", "[projectid] = " & Forms!Projects!projectid & "")
End If


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Calculated Fields Between Form And Subform

Jul 18, 2005

I have an Invoice Form with a Payments Subform. Here are the details:



An invoice can be paid in multiple payments. (One-to-Many Relationship).

I have a calculated field that takes QtyShipped * UnitPrice, which gives me my total due. That works correctly. However, I want to have another calculated field that sums all of the payments (the Amount field). Then I want another field that takes the difference between the total due and the sum of all the payments, and gives me a Remaining Due calculated field.

Right now, my TotalPaid and TotalRemaining fields are marked with '#Error'. Is that because TotalPaid is a running sum? Every day I can go in and add a payment to an invoice, so the number would be constantly changing until it was paid in full.

Any suggestions would be great!

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Forms :: Using Calculated Fields On A Form?

Apr 7, 2014

I have a form where the record source is a table.The form has about 5 calculated fields on it. The screen flickers quite badly and at the bottom says calculating. Sometimes the database locks up.

To stop this flickering i created a query so that the calculations are done in the query. Then i linked the form to the query instead of the table. Am i doing this correctly as i didn't think the table would show any new data that i entered into the form but it does seem to work. Is it because i am only using one table.

I am using Access 2003.

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Forms :: Carry Current Value Of A Control To New Records On A Form With Tabs

Nov 10, 2014

I have created a new form with a few tabs, I need to let the value's of the last record be carry to a new record, but it must only show when I press the first letter on the new record, I did rerad about this, but only find it for normal forms. Did try to get it to work, but it dows not work on tabs form

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Calculated Field That Shows Sum Of Two Other Fields On Same Form

Feb 12, 2013

I have a calculated field that shows the sum of two other fields on the same form. I've got as far as making the expression work but it doesn't quite do what I want. I need the calculated field to update when any one of the reference fields are updated (i.e. currently it only updates once all the fields in the expression are updated).

How to I change the form so that the calculated field updates based on current values (including any fields that contain no value)?

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Two Issues: 1. Carry Forward A Total To The Next Record In A Form 2. Adding Times

Sep 15, 2005

I am a novice with Access and I would appreciate any help with two issues:
1. I am trying to get a value to forward to the next record in a different field so that I may keep a running total. For example:
Record 1. A field named Today is added to a field named Forward to get a total in a field named Total.
Record 2. I would like to get the value from record 1 in the Total field to carry forward to the the field named Forward in record 2.

The form looks something like this:

Today: 10:00
Forward: 2:00
Total: 12:00

I would like to get the value of 12:00 in record 1 carried forward to the Forward field of reocrd 2 so that the Forward field in record 2 would read 12:00.

2. I also need to add times together arithmatically but the problem I have is that when the total exceeds 24:00 hours it shows only the amount that exceeds 24 hours. For example, if I add 22:00 to 5:00 the result is 3:00 not 27:00. I need to show 27:00 as the total.

Any help with these two items would be GREATLY appreciated.

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Tables :: Calculated Fields From Two Tables / Based On Relationship In Third Table

May 29, 2014

I have two tables of data, each relating to three business branches (branches A, B and C).

Table 1 shows the expenditure of each branch (by fuel, premises and wages).

Table 2 shows a number of units for each branch (mileage, floorspace and sales).

What I would like to do is calculate unit costs, based on the expenditure in Table 1, divided by a relevant unit in Table 2. The catch is that I want to have a third table which allows the user to specify which expenditure (from Table 1) is combined with which unit (from Table 2) to generate the calculated unit costs. I've been able to do this in Excel, and have attached an example. I've also attached an incomplete Access version with the first two tables. Given the complexity of my actual data, I feel this could be better handled in Access than Excel.

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Calculated Field From Form To Table

Sep 18, 2006


I have been reading various threads about this subject and I know that one shouldn't store a calculated field in a table.

I believe this may be an exception to the rule (but I could be wrong).
I am making a pricing database that will use a few manual inputs and the rest of the fields will be calculations (gross/profit margin, expenses) based off these inputs. We need to have these calcuated fields stored because they are essential to the pricing decisions and we will have to go back and access these fields at a later time. Another reason for this is because there will be at least one report that will be used to compare prices and calculated fields associated to a certain product by company, program, item type, ect...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Calculated Form Data Not Populating Table

Aug 11, 2005

Hi all ... been awhile since I have had to create a database so I have gotten a little rusty. :eek:
I have a form where some of the fields I have formulated to calculate an amount. Example... =[GrossAmt]*[FeePercent] This is calculating into the form correctly but not writing to my table for that field. What am I doing wrong or missing here?

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Writing Calculated Data From Form To Table

May 22, 2006

Hi Guys, I don't know Access very well but I know enough to generate a 2 dimensional database. The problem I have is that I have been asked to look at a travel agents database to create some additional letters. The problem is that they use a form which has an underlying data table called customers. When they create a record in the form all fields in the customers table are filled in except those on the form which derive their data by calculating two or more fields i.e Date Due is [Date of Travel]-70 (days), Balance Owing is [Cost]-[Deposit]. None of these derived fields fill in their corresponding fields in the customers data sheet.

I would welcome any ideas please. Thanks in anticipation


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Save Calculated Form Field To Table

Oct 3, 2006

I have a form which calculates alot of numbers. Im trying to figure out how to save the calculation to a table field. Is this possible? Can someone help me with a solution please

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Tables :: Calculated Form Field To Be Inserted Into Table

Jan 3, 2013

i want to insert a calculated value of a e.g field6 (field4 * field5) in forms into the database table. by using expression builders in my forms. i have made that feild and on click it shows the calculated value but on filling in the rest of the form and clicking on Insert button does not update this calculated field but iserts all other fields.

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