Calculating Number Of Work Dates From 2 Date Fields

May 29, 2005

In my Query I have a Date Received field and a Date Approved field.

I would like to calculate the number of work days, which excludes weekends, between Date Received and Data Approved fields.

It would be more desirable to calculate the number of work days, excluding weekends and governmnet obsereved holidays.. but I don't know if that can be done... If not I can stick with the number of work days excluding weekends.

How would I go about doing this? I would need to add a new column to my query?

What would I put for the field and criteria? What kind of expression do I use?

Any help will be appreciated, thanks

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Calculating Number Of Days Using Dates

Mar 15, 2006

I have a library system and i need to work out the number of days from the date the book was due and the current date. Could anyone help me.

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Forms :: Calculating A Future Business / Work Date

Sep 14, 2013

I am trying to find a simple way to determine the work date based on knowing the Start date and how many days ahead I want the date for. These means I need to exclude weekends and holidays.

I tried Pat Hartmans solution located at


I discovered that the function in there that is supposed to do this does not account for weekends, only holidays.

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Calculating Dates Between To Date Ranges

Dec 27, 2007

Calculating dates between TWO date ranges:

I've read alot of good things on here regarding the DateDiff function and some other things that have helped me out finding the difference between two dates within the same entry on a table. I have a question regarding finding the difference in days between two entries within the same table.


test table:

Date ID # Name
1/18/07 1234567 Smith
1/20/07 1234567 Smith
1/23/07 1234567 Smith

Is there a way to find the difference in days between the lowest and highest dates? I want to know how many days are between the first entry and the last entry? In this cae it would be five days. I can do it if the days are in the same entry with the datediff function, but having trouble finding it in this situation. Any pointers?

(Thanks for all the good information on this site, BTW. I've seen a few posts similar to this, but it didn't really answer my question)


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Calculating New Date And Returning Dates Within A Range

May 26, 2005

I am tring to add a number of years to a dob. I'm doing this by adding my
date+years*365.26 I get a string of numbers. I then convert the number in
the next column to actual date again. I'm getting the correct date. I've tried unsuccesfully to use the dateadd function.Now I want my criteria on that column to allow me to return only date in a given to from period of my choosing. I want to determine the date range each time I run the query.

An example would be:

DOB age date I need to follow up
5/15/1935 + 75 = 5/15/2005

Then I request dates between 4/1/05 and 5/30/05 and this date is returned.

I've tried the between_and functions but nothing is returned. I'm guessing it's because the column is still a calculation and not a true date.

I've tried: Adding a column to my query to convert the number string back to
date format (criteria failed to return a result). Adding a second column
that ='s my converted number to date column (criteria failed to return a
And I've tried the make table query and then run another query from the new table. I can't seemto make this happen. I think it's not recognizing my data as a date because it isn't returning any data.
Is ther an easier way to: Add a number of years to a date and have it return
a date and not the number string?
If not is there a better way to convert the string to a date?
Is there a way to get my criteria to recognize the date and return date
between my begin and end dates?


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Expression Help: Calculating Number Of Fridays Since A Certain Date

Feb 7, 2005

So I have a database of contacts, and it has their birthdays listed as well. What I need to do is calculate the number of Fridays from their birthday up until today's date. How do I do this? Thanks

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General :: Calculating Number Of Weeks Between Start And Finish Date

Jun 9, 2015

I am calculating number of weeks between start and finish date. Some of the users have questioned the validity of calculation as they are not too sure if this is being calculated as Monday to Friday week or does it work by calculating 7 days. If the latter is true, then I should see a decimal value. I am using date diff formula.

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Tables :: Calculating Date Of Birth From Dates In Tables

Nov 8, 2012

I have just started using Access 2010. I need to calculate student's ages from their date of birth to today's date. I have a column set up for the date of birth but can't figure out how to get this figure.

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Queries :: Getting A Query On Multiple Checkbox Fields To Work With A Date Range?

Nov 7, 2014

I have developed a database which has required many checkbox fields to enable analysis. It requires to have the facility to input random/variable date ranges for statistical purposes.

I have built a query which obtains the counts of multiple fields using the following parameters in Query Builder in Access 2010. Although this comes up with the correct results for these multiple fields when I try introduce date range the results come up blank for all results.

An example of the parameters used for one of the checkbox fields in Query Builder is as follows:

Field: SumAnger: Sum([Anger]*-1)
Table: Default as only one table
Total: Expression
Show: Checked

This works fine.

My latest parameters for the date range are this:

Field: [cDate]
Table: Default as only one table
Total: WHERE Corrected! Whoops Copy & Paste Typo. Too early AM!
Show: Checked or Unchecked makes no difference
Criteria: Between [From Date:] And [To Date:]

This gives a statement in SQL view of:

SELECT Sum([Anger]*-1) AS SumAnger, Sum([Anxiety]*-1) AS SumAnxiety, Sum([Depression]*-1) AS SumDepression, Sum([Listening]*-1) AS SumListenig, Sum([Psychosis]*-1) AS SumPsychosis, Sum([Stress]*-1) AS SumStress, Sum([Other]*-1) AS SumOther, tblCommsLog.[cDate]
FROM tblCommsLog
WHERE (((tblCommsLog.[cDate]) Between [From Date:] And [To Date:]));

what I need to get this to work in Query Builder or failing that recommend some VBA script/code with embedded SQL to achieve the required report.

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Converting Yyyymmdd Dates To Serial Date Number

Sep 5, 2011

I have two tables that I want to append to each other.But in one of them the date column has the yyyymmdd format and in the other it is a serial date number.How can I make them consistent by either converting yyyymmdd to date number or by converting the date number to yyyymmdd?

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Queries :: Selecting All Date Fields Between Two Dates?

Jul 31, 2013

I'm trying to select a range of relevant dates for an amortization calculation (see my earlier thread on this subject here), but I'm having a bit of trouble making the SQL work.

I have a table called "t_AllMonths" that has only one field: MonthStartDate which contains the first day of the month for a very wide range of months over something like a ten-year period. I'm calculating amort for assets which will be amortized for some subset of those months (defined by the asset's Amort Start Date and Amort End Date). Further complicating matters, the amortization may be suspended during certain "hiatus" periods when the asset it not planned to be in use, and may differ by which business units make use of the asset.

So, I have three tables.

Table: t_Assets
Fields: AssetID (autonumber; primary key), Asset_Name, Asset_Cost

Table: t_AllMonths
Fields: MonthStartDate

Table: t_AmortPeriods
Fields: AmortPeriodID, AssetID, Amt_Period_Num (which I don't expect to use in this), StartDate and EndDate

Right now, I'm just trying to pull the range of dates between the earliest amort start date and the latest amort end date. (Min of StartDate and Max of EndDate, respectively) for a given AssetID.

My sql looks like this:

SELECT t_AllMonths.MonthStartDate,
Min(t_AmortPeriods.StartDate) AS MinOfStartDate, Max(t_AmortPeriods.EndDate) AS MaxOfEndDate,
FROM t_AllMonths,
t_Assets INNER JOIN t_AmortPeriods ON t_Assets.AssetID = t_AmortPeriods.AssetID
WHERE ((t_AllMonths.MonthStartDate) Between [MinOfStartDate] and [MaxOfEndDate]);

I keep getting an error message that reads "Run-Time Error 3122: You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression MonthStartDate as part of an aggregate function."

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Combine One Table With Three Date Fields (all With Short Dates)

Feb 14, 2013

I have a table called Packages, in this table I have multiple fields with just short dates example of fields (ID), (Home_1), (Home_2), (Home_3) and (Home_4). What I was wondering is there a way to comine all of the Home fields into one for the purpose of counting the number of dates for all the records. Total number of dates of all the Home fields? I am using Access 2010

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Queries :: Return Records Between Dates Based On 2 Date Fields In A Table

Apr 24, 2013

I have a table which includes a start date field and completion date field for housebuilding.

I am trying to extract all records that have either a started date or a completed date between 2 dates supplied by the user. I have tried to use Between on both fields but that doesn't return results between the fields.

It workd if I just do it on EITHER the start date field OR the completion date field so that implies to me that I need to break it into 2 queries, one returning start date recrods and the other returning completion date records but then I would need to have somthing that removes records that appear in both the start date and the completion date results.

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IIF Statement - Calculate Value Based On Comparing Current Date To Dates In Fields

Jun 27, 2013

In my table I have the following 4 fields with the associated date field:

Bronze: 11/1/2013
Silver: 5/1/2014
Gold: 11/1/2014
Platinum: 5/1/2015

I am trying to calculate a value based on comparing the current date to the dates in these fields. I am using the below formula. However, using 6/27/2013 as the current date, my formula keeps resulting in "Bronze" when it should result in "Standard" Am I doing something wrong?

=IIf(Date()<[Bronze],"Standard",IIf((Date()>=[Bronze]) And (Date()<[Silver]),"Bronze",IIf(Date()>=[Silver] And Date()<[Gold],"Silver",IIf(Date()>=[Gold] And Date()<[Platinum],"Gold","Platinum"))))

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Queries :: WHERE Statement - Enter Dates Into Date Reported Fields For Results To Show

Sep 11, 2013

I use this

'WHERE ((OperationalRiskEventTable.DateReported)>=Forms!U pdateForm!UDateBegin And (OperationalRiskEventTable.DateReported)<=Forms!Up dateForm!UDateEnd)'

in a query by form.

The problem is that you have to enter a date in the between values for results to show. If I don't enter information into a different field such as Full Name but I enter in 40 into Age then everyone that is 40 years old will show. On the other hand if I enter 40 into the Age field but I leave the Date Reported fields empty then no results will show.

How can I change it so that I don't have to enter dates into the date reported fields for results to show?

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Calculating Dates

Feb 23, 2006

I have a table "main" with 2 colums (main_id,date_out). This table has a link to the table "refill". This table has 3 colums (refill_id, main_id, refill_date).
Example data:
main_id - data_out
01 - 01/01/2006

refill_id - main_id - refill_date
01 - 01 - 10/01/2006
02 - 01 - 16/01/2006
03 - 01 - 21/01/2006

When I make a simple selectquery with the fields main.date_out and refill.refill_date I become the the next result.
01/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 16/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 21/01/2006

Now the problem.
I have to calculate the days between the main and refill dates
01/01/2006 - 10/01/2006 ( is the same as above)
10/01/2006 - 16/01/2006
16/01/2006 - 21/01/2006


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Help With Calculating Dates.

Sep 26, 2006

i'm trying to create a query which looks at the field dateEntered and then returns the previous sunday date of that week.


dateEntered returnedSundayDate

09/26/2006 09/24/2006

are there built in access functions to figure this out in a query?

please help.

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Calculating Difference Between Dates

Jun 27, 2005

In access in one field I have one date and in another field I have another date. I want to calculate the number of years.,months and days elapsed between these two date. e.g. suppose in one field I have 30.06.2005 and in other 20.04.2004 then it should show 1 year 2 months and 10 days.

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Problem With Calculating Dates

Jan 13, 2006


I'm trying to get a number of days between an employee's hire date and today's date. The employee is supposed to change levels every year until reaches 6 yrs. The sample employee hired on 11/13/2001 and today's date is 1/13/2006, so it should be only 4 yrs (level 04). I tried assigning the levels with this function DateDiff('d',[STEP TABLE].[Hire Date],Date()) AS [Total days] and also with this code below.

Switch([Total Days] Between 0 And 365,"Lvl 01",[Total Days] Between 366 And 730,"Lvl 02",[Total Days] Between 731 And 1095,"Lvl 03",[Total Days] Between 1096 And 1460,"Lvl 04",[Total Days] Between 1461 And 1825,"Lvl 05",[Total Days]>1825, "Lvl 06", [Total Days]=0,Null)

The function's results gives me 1522 days and according to my code the level is "05" (5 yrs). What am I doing wrong? Should I use a different function to calculate the days, so in this case would be 4 yrs and not 5?

Please help!



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Modules & VBA :: Calculating With Dates

Sep 11, 2013

i want to calculate a date

Dim enddate As Date
Dim startdate As Date
Dim running_time As Double
startdate = Me.startdate
running_time = Me.running_time
endate = stardate + running time
Me.enddate = enddate

The running time is in year.If i calcluate right now, the System things the running time is in days. How can i say that the running time is in years.

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In A Form, Some Dates Work, Some Don't

Jun 27, 2006

I've got a form with several date fields (in Medium date format), with each field bound to fields in a table, where also the dates are in medium format.

I also have the form set up where I can enter dates manually, or I can double-click and pick dates from a calendar form, or I can click on an icon and pick dates from the calendar form. Each date goes through the same bunch of processes (i.e., queries and code).

My problem: Some dates work, and some dates don't. On some date fields, I can key in a date, exit the form, re-open the form, and my dates show up (since they were processed into my table.) However, some other date fields do not get processed! I enter dates into these fields, exit the form, re-open the form, and there are no dates!!

I have checked all fields in my table..... they are all date fields, of medium date format. Same for my form.

Why would some dates work just fine while others don't work? If anyone has some suggestions I could try, I would be grateful. What might I look at in my application?

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Calculating The Elapsed Time Between 2 Dates

Feb 22, 2006

I have attached a really simple db where in a query I'm trying to determine the elapsed time between A sent date and a received date. Can some tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks..

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Problem With Calculating Days Between Dates

Dec 9, 2005

I have a form with two date fields: "Initiation_date", and "Correction_date". There is a third field called "Duration". I would like to store the values of all three fields in the corresponding table. "Duration" (Long Integer) would be the number of days from "Initiation_Date" to "Correction_Date" if Correction date is there, or to Date() if Correction date is Null.

I can use an unbound text box to get "Duration_cal" using the following as a control source:


But I cannot get that value (No.of Days) in to the "Duration" field. The reason I want to have "Duration" stored as a number is that it is being used in a query for another calculation (total days used for selected records).

Is there a simple way to accomplish this?


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Calculating Difference Between Dates In Different Rows

Nov 18, 2011

I currently have a table that has patient ID (unique record (SSN)) and a date of visit field. The SSN may have numerous rows with different dates of visits. What I am trying to do is a DateDiff function that will retrieve records that are 48 hours apart or 2 days apart. We are tracking patients that return within 48 hours of a previous visit.

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SQL Statement Dosent Work With Dates

Mar 3, 2008

Why doesent this work
aa = Me.Due
aa = DateAdd("m", aa, Date)

Tasklist.RowSource = "SELECT [Tasks].Staff_Name, [Tasks].Project_Title, [Tasks].Percentage_Complete FROM [Tasks] WHERE [Tasks].Date_Allocated < " & aa & " ORDER BY [Tasks].Staff_Name;"

the sql dosent display any results!!!

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Queries :: Calculating Difference Between Dates In 2 Rows

Oct 25, 2013

I have a list of client activity - client name, loan ID and loan date. I would like to create a new field that shows the number of days between one loan and the next. If I was doing it in excel, I would need to sort the data by client name and loan date and then calculate the number of days between the loan date of one loan and the loan date of the loan immediately prior to this.

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