Calculating Student Fees

Jun 10, 2005

I am handling a group of students and I want to calculate the fees coming from the student. Does anyone knows how to develop a tables and forms in microsoft access?

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Forms :: Attendance Tracking And Fees Calculating For Gym Database

Apr 11, 2013

I'm creating a Gym Database and need to be able to track attendance for specific classes. I need to have a system in place allowing me to do a register for attendance for each activity.

I also need to be able to calculate fees based on attendance. So if a person attended Gym 5 times in the month (£5 per session) and then Swimming 3 times in the month (£2 per session). My system should automatically calculate this based on the attendance tracking.

Also: In the booking stage, I need to have a field telling me how many spaces are left on each activity. Say for example I'm booking Person 99 in for Swimming and there is only 11 places left I need the field to display 11 places left. After that booking it should update saying 10 places left because Person 99 is booked in.

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How Do I Create Monthly Fees?

Sep 21, 2007

I have stuck in something and i hope someone will help me with this: I have created a DB which shows all the students of a musical school. Each student pays a monthly fee (sep-june, 10 payments per year). I dont want to create all these columns in my main table beacause it will be too crowded. The only thing I can think of is to create 10 different tables one for each month but i think it won't work well when I want to see how much a specific student pays.. any ideas? the information for each month that i want to have is the student first and last name, date of payment, level, fees amount and money paid (and perhaps month name..).
Thank you in advance guys!

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General :: Determine Rate For Charging Application Maintenance And Support Fees

Aug 17, 2013

I've built and implemented an Access 2010 application for a corporate client. It's entirely menu driven, with no user access to the navigation pane. It's split with multiple BEs on a share drive and the FEs on individual PCs (distributed via Auto FE Updater). Two hundred users have been defined to the application but so far there are only up to 10 max concurrent users at a time.

The clients want to add more users to the system but after that will go into maintenance and support mode. The question is how much I should charge for the maintenance and support service on a monthly basis.

I'm not looking for a $ amount as much as strategies/guidelines for pricing. The clients anticipate using the application for about four years, at which point a new, corporate-wide application should be rolled out and my app will get replaced by it. They will probably need to convert the data from my app into the new app, and will want/need occasional enhancements to the system over the next four years as well.

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Convert Listed Dates To Duration To Calculate Equipment Rental Fees

Apr 7, 2015

I'm new in access I working on DB for my company equipment

I used tables and queries and reached to the following query

Query name (02-By Project)

KSC_NO From_Project To_project Date_of_Trans
K-01-037 52500 12013 02/14/2014
K-01-037 12013 52500 03/31/2015
K-01-037 52500 12013 04/07/2015
K-01-129 52500 12013 03/03/2015

I want to make query to give me the following

KSC_NO IN_Date Out_date Duration (months)
K-01-037 02/14/2014 03/31/2015 13.6667
K-01-037 04/07/2015 Today 0.0333
K-01-037 03/03/2015 Today 1.2

Is that possible?

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Student Log In/out Database

Aug 18, 2007

Hello everyone. I am a new member and need help with a database that I am working on. Let me first say that my knowledge of Access, SQL, and databases in general is very limited. I work in the Academic Success Center at my college and they use an access database for sign in/out. My job is to redesign this database so that there are two forms instead of one. The first form will just be the first and last name of the student along with the date and time that are generated automatically. Currently the student must type in there info and when they are done working in center they must sift back through the records on the form to find their sign in info and type in a sign out time. My task is to make two forms one that has just the students first and last name along with the current date and time. This will be the student sign in. Once the student is done they should be able to find there name in a list of currently signed in students, select themselves, and be taken to their sign in record. The student will then be required to click a button to be taken to the sign out form which will automatically fill in there name, date, and current time not sign in time. The will then be required to select the resources that they used and what courses they worked on and any comments if they wish. Once they have filled out everything they will need to click a button that will close the sign out form and update the student table with their info. The actual design of the forms is not the problem, the problem is getting all of this to function the way it is supposed to. When I fist agreed to this it really didnt seen like it would be that difficult but apperantly it is, I am becoming very frustrated and desperate. If anyone can give any help at all or point in a direction that will help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance, and sorry to be so long-winded.

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Any One Willing To Help A College Student Out For Paypal.

Nov 30, 2005

Probablly easier for me to explain via email. I have a class assignment due ASAP, and I am completely lost.

Thanks in advance you can reach me on yahoo..

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Student Database Design

Feb 28, 2008

Hi folks,

I'm building a database to store student exam results so that transcripts can automatically generated. This is a final year project for university so the database will never be used. I am a complete amateur when it comes to designing databases.


I have attached the relational schema for the database. I'd be grateful if someone who knows about proper design could tell me if its ok (from the point of view referential integrity and normalization etc).

I'd really appreciate helpful comments.



Just to explain a few things:
1) In the OverallMarks table, MarkType refers to whether the overall mark (i.e. 1st honours, 2nd honours) is for JF (Junior Freshman), SF(Senior Freshman) and so on.
2) In the ExamResults table, YearOfStudy refers to JF, SF, JS or SS. Year refers to the actual year the exam was sat e.g. 2007.
3) The data in the database will be coming from Excel spreadsheets, so my database will not be doing any calculations on the data. That's why I'm storing the overall mark instead of calculating it from the ExamResults table.

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How To Change Status Of Student

Nov 24, 2014

I am working on a Student database for a school. Need changing the student status e.g. A student was enrolled in class Prep. and now promoted to grade 1. How do I solve the problem. I need this for a report (Student Details) Like on 1/1/2014 the student was enrolled in prep and on 1/1/2015 he/she was promoted to grade 1.

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Ranking According To Student Average

Apr 13, 2013

I want to prepare a query which gives me the ranking of the classroom according to their average. (also there are classrooms in the table, if possible, query should consider the grades) you can see the attached sample document..

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Multiple Tables Per Person (student)

Nov 13, 2006


I have a DB for students.
I'm making notes each time we've had a chat.
Is there a possibillity to make a relationsship between 2 tables so I can make multiple records for one person? (or any other way)
For ex. 03-04-06 there were a couple of things I wrote down.
and 03-06-06 there were some other things I wrote down about the same person.
and then I will be able to backtrack this information
How do I do this.


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Pupil / Student Attendance / Register

Feb 25, 2007

This idea has been sending me nutty for months!

I’m a travelling music teacher. So my many pupils are split into many small groups (of 1, 2 or 3 pupils).

What I want is to open a form with lesson details. I’d select a date and then a group and then the details of the pupils in that group would come up (probably in a subform). I could then enter data for each pupil for each lesson e.g. whether they were absent.

That’s it!

My current tables are

pupilID (pk) (autonumber)
pupilname (text)

groupID(pk) (autonumber)

lessonID (pk) (autonumber)
lessondate (date)
group (text)

pupilinlessonID (pk) (autonumber)
group (text)
pupilID (number)
absent? (Y/N)
lessonID (number)

This last table is supposed to store the data of each pupil in each lesson.


[groups]groupID 1 – M [pupils]group

This is probably quite easy for someone who knows how. Lots of people must need registers of pupils!


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General :: Using Bar Codes And Access For Student ID And Attendance?

Jul 5, 2012

I run an after-school youth program for high school students. My issue is an accurate way to track attendance of students. We have MS ACCESS 2010 on our computers at work.

On any given day we may see between 30 to 50 students, so this is a small operation - - and the reason I'm adverse to buying fancy "custom" software and hardware "systems". Because students come and go and vary over time, we may see 100 kids in a given week, but in the past 2 years of operation, we have had well over 250 students come through our program, with some returning at various times.

What I would like is to be able to

1) Make a simple ID card with student photos and a unique ID # that can be ...

2) Scanned by a simple barcode system.

2b) Actually two barcode swipes ... one swipe at the front door / main entrance, and a 2nd swipe by a hand held bar code in the various four classrooms to be sure the student is not only in the building, but also went to the correct class.

3) That the input of that information dumps into our ACCESS database so we can track student attendance, and ...

3b) provide reports out to school counselors / principals of the numerous highs schools that our students come from, to let them know which of their kids are actively attending our program.

My questions are ...

A. Can this be done with ACCESS?

B. Would it be better to do this with EXCEL?

C. If ACCESS can handle it, which types of bar code devices would be the best choice for us to purchase? (We would need a total of five barcode scanners. One at the front desk, and one in each of our four classrooms.)

The system would need to be expandable seeing that this could easily be doubled in terms of classrooms and students within the next year or so. We are currently just 2 years old.

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Queries :: Calculate Fee For Each Student On Monthly Basis

Jul 23, 2013

Me having a db which is having a student table which is keeping all student info, second i have a Van table which is keeping van info. I wanted to know how it is possible to calculate monthly van fee for each student on monthly basis which db do it itself based on system date/time and calculate monthly required fee for each student. I also would like to know that if a student do not pay in a month then checking the next month or checking unpaid student through date criteria it displays all due amount may be in sum.

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Student Scores Display In Multiple Columns?

May 9, 2015

how can I display the scores of a student in horizontal?

I have two tables, one with students information and another for students' score.When I query may table using this


SELECT Student.StudentName, WrittenScores.Score
FROM Student INNER JOIN WrittenScores ON Student.[ID] = WrittenScores.[StudentID];

It resulted to this

All I want to do is something like this

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Ranking Of Student Based On Their Marks And Average

Aug 26, 2013

How to query the example in the image below. My problem is:

1. If the student get a mark 49 below in any of their subject they will not be included in the ranking.

2. If all of the student mark is above 49, I need to rank the student base on their average.

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College Student Struggling With Simple Combo Look Ups Arggh!

Mar 9, 2006

Hello people,

I'm not a programmer, I am infact a 17 year old College Student from the United Kingdom - Studying ICT!

For my major project I have to design, build and test a camera loans system for my photography department. Except, I am having problems with Combo box lookups. It's been over 6 months since I learnt this, and it's all a blank. Something as simple as this is simply not working...

e.g. in the Studentloans table, I wish to enter the Student ID number from the student ID card inside the combo box, and hit enter so that it brings up the relevant specific loans of that student.
I enter the id, hit enter and the student name, class etc does not change. Why? The same goes for my Camera Maintenance Table, Camera + Maintenance tables are combined to a CAMERAMAINTENANCE TABLE - Therefore I wish to enter the Camera ID number so that if i hit enter, it brings up the relevant service histories of that specific camera...

The relationships are all ok, the fields for Student ID are lookup, etc.

I don't understand. It's driving me insane. I need help with this, I'm struggling so much.

Help much appreciated.

Thanks - Neil.

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College Student Needing Help With Lookup Combo Boxes

Mar 9, 2006

Hello people,

I'm not a programmer, I am infact a 17 year old College Student from the United Kingdom - Studying ICT!

For my major project I have to design, build and test a camera loans system for my photography department. Except, I am having problems with Combo box lookups. It's been over 6 months since I learnt this, and it's all a blank. Something as simple as this is simply not working...

e.g. in the Studentloans table, I wish to enter the Student ID number from the student ID card inside the combo box, and hit enter so that it brings up the relevant specific loans of that student.
I enter the id, hit enter and the student name, class etc does not change. Why? The same goes for my Camera Maintenance Table, Camera + Maintenance tables are combined to a CAMERAMAINTENANCE TABLE - Therefore I wish to enter the Camera ID number so that if i hit enter, it brings up the relevant service histories of that specific camera...

The relationships are all ok, the fields for Student ID are lookup, etc.

I don't understand. It's driving me insane. I need help with this, I'm struggling so much.

Help much appreciated.

Thanks - Neil.

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Reports :: Printing Out Student Grades In Graphical Representation

Mar 8, 2015

I created a list that grades students and I would like to be able to print out a report on a particular student that shows those grades in more of a graphical representation.

I originally used word to do this and all I did was create a heading that listed the marks along the top and the categories in the first column, for example:

Outstanding - Very Good - Good - Satisfactory - NS - Poor
Writing x
Reading x
Attitude x


I used this report function because it was easy for the parents to see. However, as you can imagine, using word was really not the right tool and I went with Access 2007 (it's what I have).

I'm really happy that I went to a database format, but I'm having problems showing the grades in a more graphical way. Right now, it just reports the grades but the parents preferred the other format.

Is there anyway to do this in Access? I'm sure some smart cookie out there knows how I can do this. I tried using the graph function, but I quickly got lost with that and it didn't seem to work the way I wanted.

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Forms :: Attendance Table - Find Student ID Before Update

Apr 2, 2013

I have a table called Attendance were information about the Student and the class they are attending is collected.

Another table called Student, this hold information about the student. I am using a Form called Attendance to input my information. What I am trying to achieve is:

BeforeUpdate on a text box:

When you input Student_ID it looks at the Student Table to see if the Student ID is valid before the information is updated to the Attendance Table.

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Student Detention Database - Layout And Limit Via Date

Mar 4, 2012

What tables should i create that suits 'normalisation'? Do I need to do anything different if I intend to upload this to Sharepoint and have a sharepoint entry or Infopath component.?

How do I limit to only 25 Students on a given date?

Student Data is Imported in from Excel spreadsheet

Basic Access User, but need to move on from Excel UI's.

Starting up a database that will allow a teacher to add students to a detention roster on a specified date.

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General :: Student Database - Transfer Of Payment To New Semester And Session

Nov 18, 2012

I am creating a student database in ms access2007 but finding difficult to go further. In my database, I have created the following


Then a query from the payment that shows student I'd,arrears,amount due,paid. And balance

My question is

1.How do I transfer the students and their balance to a new semester and session
2.Do I have to new student and payment tables every semester bcos payment are made every semester
3. I want to keep each students payment for as long as they remain in the school
4. A session is made up three semesters how do I transfer students to a new session

May be my tables layout are faulty...

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Modules & VBA :: Build A Form That Contains Buttons Of Certain Value So That Student Clicks On Button

Jul 14, 2015

I have an endpoint for students so they can report any faults in the compound.I want to build a form that contains buttons of a certain value so that a student clicks on the button.Is fed directly to the table and pass to the next form to another value table.

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Tables :: Student Database For Daily Attendance - Column Limitations

Dec 31, 2012

I'm in the process of constructing a student database for my school which would track (in addition to detailed student information) the daily attendance of over 270 students.

It is my understanding that there is a limit of 255 field names per table, so I can't use the student names as field names, nor can I really use dates as this would not quite cover even a year.

Student ID and AttendanceDate as field names is also not really a feasible strategy, as each week this would eat up 1300+ rows, so I would run out of space in that direction as well.

My question is ultimately am I better off building this in excel 2010, or is there a way of doing this in access that I have overlooked?

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Queries :: School Database - Student Rank In Individual Subject

Sep 25, 2013

I am developing database for my school. I am done with everything except the examination aspect where i need to indicate students position in every subject beside their overall position according to the sum of all the subject scores. How to indicate student position in subjects.

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Forms :: Student Register - Cannot Stop Updating Prior Record

Apr 26, 2013

I am building a student register for a school for disabled children. There is a screen listing all students, one showing detailed student data chosen by #=IIf(IsNull([ID]),"(New)","Open")# clicking on "Open", one listing all the guardians, choosing a guardian by #=IIf(IsNull([ID]),"(New)","Open")# clicking on "Open", to diaplay Guardian details.

From the student list, I select and view student details, including a pointer to their guardian details. After selecting the first student details, and then viewing their guardian data, any subsequent student details and guardian details updates the prior guardian data with the next guardian's data.

How can I prevent the successive guardian details from updating the prior guardian table when it is exited? I view the guardian details using ADO recordsets populating a form. When I exit, it updates the previous record.

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