Calculations In Different Tables

Mar 27, 2013

How to get values from other Table to be place on Query for calculation? For example:Unit Weight is in a different Table while these data - Year, Escalation, Rate Basis, and Contingency are in a different Table also. I want them to see each other in the Query for the calculation, is that possible?

Like: Unit Weight (from Table 1) * 850 * Escalation (from Table 2) * Contingency (from Table 2)

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Calculations In Tables

Feb 24, 2005

Hi i have a table with 3 columns for different values

is their any way of adding together the data from 3 to create an extra column which shows the total of all three added together without using a query?

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Tables :: Fiscal And Percentages Calculations

Apr 20, 2015

I'm trying to create a table in an Access Form or create a block of code to export the table with query results to Excel or PDF. In the end I would like to run a query or queries to populate the table or export the query results creating the table. I'm not sure the best way to create the table.

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Calculations On Main Form Do Not Reflect Calculations On Subform

Sep 28, 2015

I have solved the problems getting values on the subform. I have not in getting values on the subform.For instance, on the one titled phone use the formula in the tutorial is:


#Error results when the doc is put into a form mode.

Now when I input each value in the equation above separately.I still get no entry.

For " = sbfCustomerRoomUse" , I get #Error;
and for "= txtTotalPhoneUse", I get #Name.

CustomerRoomUse and txtTotalPhoneuse are from the subform that was dropped into the customer form in a previous step. It shows that explicitly when designed sbfCustomerRoomUse on the main that CustomerRoomUse come from a subform. This does not seem to need to be done with txtTotalPhoneuse, and I am not sure why. Neither one gives me a desired calculation result.

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General :: Calculations From Two Tables And Show Results

Jan 31, 2013

I have a small school with number of teachers, every teacher has a specific number of observations in the semester, i need a small project that when i query a bout a teacher, a form appearing with his name and the remaining hours of observation

what i did is i made two tables

teacher (id, name, total number of observations in semester)
observation( Oid, name of teacher, date and time of observation, remaining observations)

I dont know if i have to make a counter or what !!-- Now what i need to do is a form when i enter the id of the teacher, it shows automatically the name of the teacher, and the number of remaining observations

How can i join the two tables and show the results ?

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Show Calculations In Tables That Are Entered In Form View

Jul 12, 2007

I would like my table to show the result of a calculations (or a formula). I surmise that you can not have a column cell calculate data, however if I can do this in the Form View and on a Report - can it just SHOW on the Table so I do not have to keep switching back and forth to see the information.

I am new to Access and think the forum will be a big help to me.

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Calculations On Calculations--too Much For Access?

Jun 8, 2005

I have an odd problem that has stumped me for several days. I'm working on a form that contains a chart. The chart is based on a query, which is based on another query, which is based on a table. In the top query, I need to put some calculated fields that operate on other fields. But when I try to multiply two fields together, I get Null. I'm pretty confident that the fields I'm operating on are numerical.

The fields of the query should be:


With these being the calculated fields:

MaxOfSurvivalToGradeCum: MaxOfEverInSchool*MaxOfSurvivalToGrade/100
MaxOfCanReadCum: MaxOfEverInSchool*MaxOfSurvivalToGrade*MaxOfCanRea dCum/10000

Any insight would be greatly appreciated--I just can't understand why Access would suddenly refuse to do math.

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May 3, 2005

Hi ive made a query but instead of calculating the total at the end of each line I want it to add up the total quantity at the end.
For example:

ID Description Quantity
ID Description Quantity
ID Description Quantity
ID Description Quantity
ID Description Quantity

How do i get the query to add up all of those quantities?

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Calculations Need Help!!!

Oct 30, 2005

I'm hoping this is a no brainer...I am a complete newbie and self taught so apologies for not knowing the correct techie terms!!

I have a db with products...

Each product has a price (to customer) and cost (to me the seller)

What I want to work out is the margin i.e. price minus cost divided by proce multiplied by 100 to give a margin in percentage terms.

The data is held in a table with a record per product with the price and cost..

I want to build in another fieled per record that calculates the margin...

Thanks very much


(I would also like to be able to work out decreasing margins if I was to extend say a 10% or 20% discount to the customer but I guess I shoudl walk before I run!!)

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Nov 15, 2005

Hi, I have a database and on one table I have dates stored for certain jobs. I was wondering if anyone knew how to automatically calculate an end date if the start date and duration is entered!

Do I use a certain query?

Hope you can help, Tobi :)

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Jul 26, 2006

Hello all,

I'm after some advice. Access is not one of my strong points (even though I use it alot in work!)

Anyway, is it possible to create calculations in access similar to those in excel????

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Help With Calculations

Mar 18, 2008

Ok I'm really new at using access so go easy on me. I am trying to write a database to keep 30 measurements of a part grouped by lot number and then calculate the standard deviation, mean and a few other calculations, however I am unsure about how to do the calculations in access.

I would like the database operator to be able to enter the data then print out a report per lot, with the entries and the calculated answers.

I'm just unsure where and how to do the calculations... any help or suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

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Mar 30, 2007


I've read plenty of advice warning against performing calculations in tables. What is the best way for me to achieve this.

I need to calculate the product of a number of fields.

Field1 * Field2 * Field3 * Field 4 = Value

Field1 and Field 2 change periodically

Field3 and Field4 change less frequently

I want to be able to perform filter queries using the resulting value

i.e return all items with a value greater than 100

Thanks in advance.


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Age Calculations

Apr 13, 2008

I'm having a problem with this age formula in the query :

AGE: DateDiff("yyyy",[birth_date],Date()) & " " & " years" & " " & "and" & " " & DateDiff("m",[birth_date],Date()) Mod 12 & " " & "months"

Need your help guys in 2 probs :
1. age calculated is not right.
2. need to compute what w'd be age on the sep 1st 2008 - how do I do it?

Appreciate your help.

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Sql And Calculations!

Apr 26, 2005


I'm trying to a create a report to list results for a running club based on series-to-date. To do this, I allocate points to the first 100 runners to cross the line in each race. The winner gets 100, second place 99, and so on with the 100th person getting 1.

In the database i have 1 table holding member details, then one table holding races. I also have a table linking the 2 called race_entry so i know what members have entered for which races. I have one other table called race_result that links the runner to a race and holds the position they finished in the race.

How could i use the data in the race results table to add up all the points they earned by looking at their finishing position in the races they run and then listing the points in order in a report.

I assumed it wouldnt be necessary to have a point field in the table as its deriveable.

Any help urgently needed!!!

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Need Help With Calculations

Jul 13, 2006

This is more than likely simple for a lot of people out there but it has me stumped. I have a form that has a two combo boxes with dates in both ( so the user to pick from and to dates) now I am always going to be adding more dates as time progresses. I need the next form to add the info with the dates no mater what the user picks.
For example I am going to (once a week) be adding new info to the table.The end user is going to pick 06/24 (to indicate the end of the week) in both forms or 06/24 in the from box and 07/01 in the to box. In all situations I need the next form to add the data together.
Sorry for the long post but didn't know how to state it any simpler.

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Dec 6, 2007

Hi everyone!

I am a beginner with Access and was wondering if someone would be so kind to give me some pointers

I have created a form where the user can select which dates they require a hotel for the evening. I was looking for some advice on how I can go about putting an area on the same form which calculates a sub price for the days they have selected. If I am not being clear then ask for more details.


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Calculations In Access

Aug 24, 2005

I need to be able to use some functions available in excel in an access 2000 database. These include SUM and IF functions. If any one can help me figure out how to do this any help help wouold be greatly appreciated

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Date Calculations

Mar 7, 2006

I would like to manipulate some date information. I have a start date field and an end date field and I would like to draw up a schedule for payment where the Acess takes the finished date and the start date to get total days appart then devides this by a value set by the operator. say If the operator wanted 6 paymes then my total days would be devided by 6 giving me the number of days to add on to the start date. Then with these dates a schedule is made up and the code I have tried looks something like this.

Dim valuation1 As Date
Dim valuation2 As Date
Dim valuation3 As Date
Dim valuation4 As Date
Dim valuation5 As Date
Dim valuation6 As Date
Dim valuation7 As Date
Dim valuation8 As Date
Dim valuation9 As Date
Dim valuation10 As Date
Dim valuation11 As Date
Dim valuation12 As Date
Dim startdate As Double
Dim findate As Double

Dim valcounter As Double

'retrieve start date and end date
startdate = CDbl(Me.Start_Date)
findate = CDbl(Me.Completion_Date)

'calculate evaluation periods
Dim valCount As Double
Dim valDays As Double

valCount = CDbl(Me.Valuation)

valDays = (startdate + ((findate - startdate) / valCount))

'Work on entering valuation dates

Do While valcounter < valCount

Select Case valcounter
Case "1"
Me.valuation1 = startdate
Case "2"
Me.valuation2 = startdate
Case "3"
Me.valuation3 = startdate
Case "4"
Me.valuation4 = startdate
Case "5"
Me.valuation5 = startdate
Case "6"
Me.valuation6 = startdate
Case "7"
Me.valuation7 = startdate
Case "8"
Me.valuation8 = startdate
Case "9"
Me.valuation9 = startdate
Case "10"
Me.valuation10 = startdate
Case "11"
Me.valuation11 = startdate
Case "12"
Me.valuation12 = startdate

End Select
valcounter = valcounter + 1
startdate = startdate + valDays

' this value is to test the interval period
Me.tdays = valDays

I am new to vb and so ths code is not going to be the best or anywhere near but any help would be great.


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Calculations In Forms...

Apr 7, 2006

Hi Everyone:

I have a question that I can't seem to figure out. I am trying to create a form in which there are three major fields. 1) Value 1 2) Value 3) Sum of Value 1 & 2. I want it so that two fields are added up and then the sum, which will populate in the third field, will be stored in a table.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do? I am fairly new to access and haven't had much luck finding anything on the net.

I appreciate any and all advice.


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Time Calculations

Jun 26, 2006

I have a form that includes two basic fields

1. USDateandTimeStarted
2. USDateandTimeFinished.

The fields include both date and time (date and time are in the same field) i.e. “6/26/2006 4:23pm”. The next field I need to calculate the duration, basically one field minus another…anything I’ve tried will only calculate the time difference will not factor in the days. For example, if it has been 52 hours (2 days, 4 hours) it will only say 4 hours. A few of what I’ve already tried are below. And I’ve also tried an elapsed time expression.

Can anyone provide any guidance.. ? Thanks!



Glad tidings -


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Calculations In Access???

Feb 18, 2007


I am currently setting up a data base for my work and was wondering if there is any way to do the following calculation:

I have a database of automatic doors that are contantly being repaired and i want to keep a record of the accumulated costs involved with this.

I have set up a form to update each door and its accociated repair cost, the problem is when i enter the new repair cost access replaces the current cost with the new and i want it to be added to the current cost so the accumulated cost can be bulit up over time.

I hope this makes sense

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!:)

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Stored Calculations

Nov 29, 2004

I've read the posts regarding not store calculations. However, I was told by IS to store the mileage IRS deduction as it changed 3 times last year.

Any idea's how to handle this? I need the table to remember how much $$ was paid out in mileage expense. I had set up a field called mexpense and mileage, where =[Mileage]*0.375.

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Subform Calculations

Jun 17, 2005

Hiya Guys,

Just like to thank you all for all the previous help I have recieved from this forum.

I have reached another snag :eek:

I am trying to show a field in a form which will be the sum of some data in a sub form ( Which hols data in a seperate table )


The Relationshiop to the subform table is a 1-many from my main table.
This has a ref number which is what makes the 2 link together.

Im trying to find the money value of feild X all of the records related to the reference number, then this needs to be displayed in a query so I can show this value in a form.

This is what I`ve tried and it just displayer #error =Sum([Cost £])
I would have though this would work, as i have used this before to calculate the running total of another field. Does this not work because its a subform im trying to get the data from ?

I`ve attached a copy of the database with some sample data in it just incase I have not made myself clear. (A2003)

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.



In the report, do the SUM in the subreport, set it to 'Invisible' (in the properties box), and reference it in the the main report by adding an unbound text field and setting its Control Source to: =Name_Of_Your_Sub_Report.Report!Name_of_the_Invisi ble_Totals_Textbox

I have done the above, but made changes like below:
=[Materials & Labour subform]!Total

But the field the data is blank.

Im at a total loss as to why this is happening.

Any & All Help Is Appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Calculations In A Query

Sep 7, 2005

Hi, firstly I just want to put I'm a beginner in SQL so don't laugh too loud when you read this.

I have a query that takes two field sfrom seperate tables. Lets call the fields X and Y.

The X field contains an ID number (there are 6 possible instances) which can be duplicated many times. The Y field holds individual pieces of data(sample data below)



I need to be able to find out how many instances of Y occur for each ID number in the X field so the query would show something like



Once you have stopped laughing can you please let me know what criteria I need to put in to carry this out, thanks

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Date Calculations

May 29, 2006


I was wondering if somebody could help with a problem I have come across. I am currently developing a database for a small charity that I work for. The aim of the database is to record when staff undertake counselling.

I have created a query that calculates the current age of a client in the database uing the following expresion:

Age: Date()-[Date of Birth]

The Date of Birth is formated as a Short Date

In the query I have set the format of the column in the query to 'yy'. This then just displays the age of a client. This work fine apart from ages which are less than 30. If the age is less than 30 e.g. 29 it displays the date as 1929.

Does anybody know how I might be able to solve this or an alternative way in which to calculate dates and display it as 'yy'. (Its been a few years since I last work with access so skills a little rusty)

The reason behind the yy is that the monthly & yearly stats have to group by age ranges.

I am using Access XP (2002) SP2.

Many thanks in advance


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