Calling Procedure In Subform Error

Jun 9, 2006

I have a form, Salesperson, that has a subform Salesperson_SalesGraph. The SalesGraph subform is a pivot chart.

I'm having problems with trying to access items on the subform. The weirdest part is that it seems to work if i call the event from form_open, but doesn't work if i move the code to form_current. This won't work for me, as i need the function called whenever i change rows.

The error received is: You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property Form/Report.

First I had the code on the main form, accessing the chart object on the subform but was getting errors that i couldn't access the form property in the assignment, Set objChartSpace = Me.salesperson_salesgraph.Form.ChartSpace (i tried a number of differnet ways, with !'s, with Forms("SalesPerson_SalesGraph), etc.

Then i moved the code to the subform and now i'm just trying to call the publically declared sub with the line:

Forms!Salesperson!Salesperson_SalesGraph.UpdateLeg end

The subform has a sub declared as:
Public Sub UpdateLegend()

Any thoughts?

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Modules & VBA :: Calling Stored Procedure From Access Gives Run Time Error

Nov 27, 2013

I am trying to call a stored procedure from access ,but it is giving me this runtime error :

Syntax error or access voilation

I am doing this first time so i dont know about how to pass parameters (IN and OUT)..

My code is

Public Sub createDataToAnalyze()
Dim objConnection As New ADODB.Connection
Dim objCom As ADODB.Command


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Modules & VBA :: Calling Stored Procedure With Parameters

Dec 2, 2013

I have code for calling stored procedure with parameters,which is as follows

Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef, rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim IdValueToProcess As Long

IdValueToProcess = 221177 ' test data
Debug.Print (IdValueToProcess)
Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("")

[Code] ....

And my stored procedure is

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spItemDesc]
@ItemNo varchar(200) ,
set nocount on ;
select ProductDesc1,ProductDesc2 from ProductDatabase.dbo.tblProductInfo where ProductNumber = @ItemNo

The error comes on debug.print(rst!ProductDesc1)

And it says "Item not found in the collection"

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Calling A Subform Event From The Main Form.

Sep 27, 2006

I have a main form with a subform. I need to update values in the subform when a field on the main form is updated using afterupdate on that control.

main form name: mainform
control name: gst (on main form)

subform name: subform
records displayed as datasheet.
records field to update: retail

In main form gst control afterupdate event:

Hoping to call the afterUpdate procedure on the retail field.

Error message:
Method or data member not found.

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Subform In Procedure

Nov 30, 2006

I know this has got to be a simple reference problem, but I just can't figure it out. I am trying to pass a nested subform to a procedure, but I keep getting a type mismatch error. Here's an example:

Call MyProcedure(Forms!MainForm.Form!Subform1.Form!Subf orm2)

Public Sub MyProcedure(frm as Form)
End Sub

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Invalid Procedure Call Error On Foreign Key Expression.

Oct 16, 2007


I'm attempting to create a foreign key field in a sub-query by using Left() and Instr() to parse the text of my key field and return the characters prior to the second "-".

Example: 002-C100-4569 ---> 002-C100

When I build a second query with a relationship between the foreign key field previously mentioned with the key field in an associated query, I get the error "Invalid Procedure Call"

Here is my foreign key generator string:

CirNo: Left([tbl_IntExt].[ASSETID],InStr(5,[tbl_IntExt].[ASSETID],"-",1)-1)

The query data breifly displays, followed by the error messge, then all query fields display "#Name":mad:

The overall goal is to create a query to update the values in 002-C100-4569 (Child) with values from 002-C100 (Parent).

Any help or advise is greatly appreciated.


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Procedure Behaves On Main Form, But Not On The SubForm

Jul 25, 2005

I have a form with a subform and on the form and also on the subform, I have three comboboxes or txtboxes and in the OnExit event I have a little procedure which makes sure that each have been filled in or it asks if you want to cancell and if yes, it setfocus on the cmdCancell and then I can canells the records, and the procedure looks like this:
Me!QCTypes_Label.ForeColor = 0 'Change Label Color to Black
Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult
If Len(Nz(Me.QCTypes, "")) = 0 Then 'If QC Type is Blank
Response = MsgBox("No QC Type Was Entered," & vbCrLf & "Do You Want to Cancel QCA.", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "No?")
If Response = vbYes Then
Me.cmdCancell.SetFocus 'SetFocus on cmdCancell
Exit Sub 'Exit Immediately
Me!QCTypes_Label.ForeColor = 33023 'Change Label Color to Orange
Cancel = True 'Re-Enter QC Type, same field
End If
End If
Now the main form works great, but the subform acts strange, when I select YES, instead of cancelling and closing like the main form, this one does each procedure for each of the other two procedures. Why does it work right on the main and not on the subform? Thank you in advance for any assistnace rendered. :eek:

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How To Call A Procedure From A Subform In Main Form

May 10, 2006

I have a sub form which has the Save Button. In case the user keys in the details in the sub form, but then directly clicks the Payment command button of the main form, I want to call the Save button in the sub form if the form is dirty, and do the save, otherwise, proceed with the payment command button.

Every time I try to call the save procedure from the main form's Payment button, I get this error that "object does not support this property or method"

I am calling the save button's code in the subform as

forms.MainForm.SubForm.Save Producedure

Exact Code is : Forms.newpatients.InvoiceHeader.Command7_Click

How do I call this command7_click, which resides in the sub form, in the main form, and invoke it only if the data in the sub form has changed.

Please help.


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General :: Passing Subform As A Form To Procedure

May 3, 2013

if you are in a subform, can you pass the subform as a form to a procedure.


msgbox( 'shows the form name correctly, but then
call somefunc(me) doesn't seem to work.

I get a type mismatch in

function somefunc(frm as form)


function somefunc(frm as object)
msgbox typename(frm) 'returns "Controls"
end function

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Recordset To Sub Procedure - Type Mismatch Error

Jul 13, 2015

I am trying to pass a recordset to a sub procedure as follows

Private Sub AddNewSProdStatus(rsTemp As DAO.Recordset)
rsSProdStatus![ProdID] = Me.Recordset![ProdStatusID]
rsSProdStatus![TitleID] = Me.Recordset![Title]
rsSProdStatus![ProdDealType] = 1

[Code] ....

However, whenever I call the procedure as below

AddNewSProdStatus (rsCSales)

I get a type mismatch error.

All Recordsets are declared as DAO and contain data...

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Modules & VBA :: Procedure Declaration Does Not Match Description Of Event Or Procedure

Jul 31, 2014

I have just made a change to one of the forms by adding a button (by copying the only other button on the form) to cancel any changes and close the form. However, as soon as I added it I started getting the error message in the title. Please attachment LA Err1 for the full message. I also changed the caption on the other button on the form from "Close Form" to "Save && Close Form" this button is now giving the same error.

I have Compacted and repaired the DB on several occasions to no avail. I have deleted the procedures from the module and recreated them using the properties window - still get the error. I have deleted the buttons from the form and recreated the both via the object wizard and without it. Nothing I have tried has made any effect.

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General :: Error With Event Procedure / Action Or Method Requires A Control Name Argument

Sep 25, 2012

I have a form that has several sub forms and what I want is that if the user chooses Plan Name in the main form "No Fault" or 'Workers Comp". I want message to pop and go to the field in the subform to enter data but I keep on getting an error.

Private Sub Plan_Name_AfterUpdate()
If ([Plan Name] = "No Fault") Then
MsgBox "Enter additional information in No Fault form before continuing."
DoCmd.GoToControl ([NoFaultWCompsubForm]![Attorney Name])
End If
End Sub

It says the action or method requires a control name argument?

What am I missing?

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"Invalid Procedure Call" Error

Sep 20, 2007

I am getting an "Invalid procedure call" error when trying to run this query in Access. If I remove the Distinct it runs fine, but I need it in there to remove duplicates. Also, When I remove the expression Mid([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],(InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],"("))+1,InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],")")-InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],"(")-1) AS ParseTxt with Distinct in place it runs, but I need the parsed text in the query. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

WHERE (((InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],"("))>"0"));

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(Error 3022)The Changes You.... Error In Subform

Dec 18, 2006

hi guys i was wondering if you can help me this is my code: i have a main form with this code, this form contains a subform linked by the All_PricingID

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblAll_Pricing") 'main table
' adding data to the table
' Main table
rst!All_PricingID = Me.txtPricingID 'Main table pk
rst!MainContract_ID = Me.cmbMainContract 'combo box in parent form
rst!ItemNumber = Me.txtItem 'Main form text

'sub Table
Set rst2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblPricing") 'sub table
For varItem = 0 To Me.lstsubContracts.ListCount - 1 'this is a list in the main form
'--- loop through all the items in the list box and create a new row in the subform for each subcontract in the listbox lstSubcontracts.
rst2!ID = Me.All_PricingID 'sub table foreign key
rst2!SubContractID = Me.lstsubContracts.Column(0, varItem) 'sub table
Next varItem
'--- close the tables
Set rst = Nothing
Set rst2 = Nothing

the subform appears correctly with the rows i wanted added but i need the user to be able to edit a column in the subform for the rows just created (my form is on datasheet view). but everytime i move to cursor into the subform, i can't even scroll up and down.

i keep getting an error that says :

The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. (Error 3022)

but when i check my tables tblAll_Pricing and tblPricing , everything is inserted correctly according to my recorset above, do you know why this is happening? and why i am not able to edit my subform. my subform allowsedits and additions.


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Calling Database

Jun 22, 2005

This is my first time using access and got it to work for a blank database.

The problem I ran into is how do I call for the form in the database from my desktop

I tried a shortcut but it does bring it up but i still have to click on the form to open it

Is there a way to make a shortcut on my desktop to open the form

THXS Steve

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Calling History

Jul 13, 2006

Hi. I am creating a contact management database. Also I am new to Microsoft Access. How would I create a calling history record for each of the clients in the contact database? What would be the best way and how would I go about it? The calling history ideally would include the call recipient, time, date, subject and notes. Thanks. Take care.

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Calling A Query Thru VBA

Jun 19, 2005

Hi All
Nice to find a forum which helps ppl new to VB access 'like me' :). I appreciate any help in this regard.
I generated a report from a query. I would like to modify this report by adding parameters pertaining to 'another' query (say query num 2). There is no relationship between these two queries. How do I call the 'other' query (query num 2) thru VBA and modify its parameters.

Thanks alot in advance

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If Statement Calling Msg Box

Jun 30, 2005

I have a series of IF statements that check my fields and if null call a message telling the user a value must be filled in before the record cab be saved. The code works fine. Here is the code for two fields to show the syntax:

If Len(Me.FName.Value & "") = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must enter a value into FName."

ElseIf Len(Me.LName.Value & "") = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must enter a value into LName."

This same code repeats for each field.

Here is my problem. I have Home, Work and Cell phone fields. The client may not have these numbers. I want to add code that add code for these fields that calls a message box with 2 command buttons(yes & no) with the Message" Does the client have a Home Phone?"

The user would choose the yes or no command button. If the user chooses yes then the same code as above would be called. if he chooses no the ElseIf statement would be called. Can this be done? I don;t know how to wriye the code for the command buttons. can anyone help?

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Calling A Query From VBA

Jan 26, 2006


I'm having problems calling a simple query from the VBA associated with one of my forms. The code goes thus:

Private Sub Form_Current()

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim qryMaxAlp As QueryDef

If Me.NewRecord = True Then
'query database here and find out next alp_key
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set qryMaxAlp = db.QueryDefs("qryMaxAlpKey")
Set rs = qryMaxAlp.OpenRecordset()

End If
End Sub

The problem occurs on Set qryMaxAlp = db.QueryDefs("qryMaxAlpKey") where I get the error "3265 Item not found in this collection". However the query does exist, and when I run it independantly works fine (it brings back the maximum primary key of a linked table.

So, what am I missing?

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Subform Error!

Jan 18, 2008

Hi all!

We have a form in our application(developed in Access 2003) with numerous tabs in it. On click of each tab a subform is displayed with relevant details.

Each of the subform is mapped to a table in turn.
When the subform is opened it shows the all the values of the table.
But when the form is opened (in Access 2007), it shows only one record in the subform.

The application works fine in MS Access 2003 showing all the records in the subform.

Suggestions please!!!!!

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Calling Databases, And Paths

May 4, 2006


I have a database that runs a fews tasks for me me when no one is in the office as the systems are quicker and the admin work tedeous and boring, yet necessay. The problem Im having is in calling a database. The problem stems, i think, from the names on the folder. Unfortunately renaming isnt an option because its got many hundreds of users on the server and I dont have the admin rights besides.

The error is coming on .......

Call Shell("msaccess u: eam-shared-dataRes. SalesOutsourceOutsource_DbsDatabase_StoreOutso urce.mdb").

The error message I get says that u: eam.mdb isnt valid .... when its not. The error is caused presumably by the " - 's " and probable after it passes this the " Res. Sales" will cause an error too. So my question Im asking is, is there anyway to make the path read in full, I've tried preceeding with < and ending with > and "" or even ' but still no joy. Can anyone please help, its getting annoying now. :o :confused:

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Calling A VBScript In A Directory

Oct 21, 2006

Hello, I have a VBScript that when clicked on opens the command prompt and fires code to upload a query to my website.

What I would like to do is place a command button on my form that will call the script to run instead of having to go and click on it.

I have searched, maybe using wrong terms, but havent been able to get the right code to do this

any help to call this script from a command button would be appreciated.

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Calling All Chart Experts

Aug 10, 2007

Dear Access Chart Expert

I have been trying to figure out how I can make the x-axis show month abbreviation names instead of numbers. Please see attached gif.

Currently, I use the Month([DateField]) function to get numbers of the month because if I use Format([DateField], "mmm") to get "Jan, Feb, March" the chart sorts the months in alphabetical order instead of the correct monthly order.

How can I be able to use the Jan, Feb etc... labels and have the chart sort them in the correct month order and not alphabetical order?

Thanks so much...

greatly appreciated.

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Help With Form Calling A Report

Oct 4, 2005

I need help...
ok, what i have is a table with all the fields, comp_id, Yr,Values

i need to put 2 combo boxes coz the user needs to choose bet. 2 years and get the difference of the value within each yr. I got this part already but my problem is, i need to do a report and what i need to do is everytime the user chooses 2 yrs. the report should come up showing the difference of 2 yrs and the comp_id and type under each yr plus the difference of there values.

*note i already did the whole report including yr, comp_id,data_type*

Im just having a problem in the form structure..

am i exmplaing this clearly?
Pls help..thanks

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Calling Another Program From Access

Oct 5, 2004

Can anyone tell me how on a macro to call another application. I am trying to open up a mainframe session so need to run something like c:mainframe.rsf???

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Calling A Subroutine In A Report

Oct 25, 2004

I want to call a selfdefined subroutine "update()" in several reports. But whenever I try this, Access gives me an Error 2465. The Report is selected dynamically by the user and should adapt itself to other settings made by the user. Can anybody help me how to do this? Thanks.

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