Can't Find My Access DB!

Jun 1, 2006

Ok, so I made a registration website with FrontPage and published it. The registration page has several text boxes and a submit button. I was testing it out and entered a few dummy names. The conformation page popped up and said everything was ok. So I'm assuming the data successfully uploaded into the Access DB that I linked it to while in development.

My problem is when I go to the folder where the DB resides there so no data in the tables. I'm thinking that maybe when the website gets published a copy of the DB is moved somewhere and I'm looking in the wrong place? This is the first time I have made a webpage or used FrontPage so please excuse my ignorance, hehe.

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Queries :: Find A Way For Access To Find Unique Dates And Unique Names?

Aug 1, 2014

I have been working on a simple data base for some time now (beginner level) and am still trying to improve it. I would like to do something but before that I would like to have your opinion to know if it is even possible?I have a query QryMainReport:

Start Date/Time
End Date/Time

At the moment this is what the format of my report looks like (I removed other unnecessary fields):

12/06/2014 01:00--12/06/2014 03:00------John Smith
12/06/2014 04:00--12/06/2014 06:00------Jane Doe
13/06/2014 02:00--13/06/2014 05:00------John Smith
13/06/2014 08:00--13/06/2014 08:00------Jane Doe

I would like to do as a report. (Dates would always be from Sunday to Saturday). I am not sure it is possible to do that. I suppose first it would mean:I would have to do a query to separate the times from the dates?I would have to find a way for Access to find the unique dates and unique names?Does it mean I have to use cross tab queries?

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Can't Find My Access DB!

Jun 1, 2006

Ok, so I made a registration website with FrontPage and published it. The registration page has several text boxes and a submit button. I was testing it out and entered a few dummy names. The conformation page popped up and said everything was ok. So I'm assuming the data successfully uploaded into the access DB that I linked it to while in development.

My problem is when I go to the folder where the DB resides there so no data in the tables. I'm thinking that maybe when the website gets published a copy of the DB is moved somewhere and I'm looking in the wrong place? This is the first time I have made a webpage or used FrontPage so please excuse my ignorance, hehe.

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How To Find Out Rowid In Ms-access.

Sep 23, 2007


I want to know, how to find out the rowid in one table. Suppose i write as


Then it is giving error as:

Error: ACCESS:-3010[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

How to find out rowid in Ms-access.

Thank u..!


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Access Cant Find The Macro 'Me.'

Mar 28, 2006


I am using the code below to populate three fields by selecting the data from one combo box

In the AfterUpdate event of a cmbBox I have entered the code:

Me.[Part Code] = Me.cmbBox.Column(0)
Me.Description = Me.cmbBox.Column(1)
Me.Cost = Me.cmbBox.Column(2)

When I then try to select from the drop down list I get a message sying that the Macro cannot be found. What am I missing?

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Access Can't Find Input Table

Mar 25, 2006

I'm looking for help with this error message: "Microsoft Jet database engine can't find the input table..." And the reason it can't find it seems to be that it's looking for an DBF file (which was a format I once had the data in, a long time ago) rather than the mdb file which I have been using forever. Any ideas?

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Access Table - Find And Replace

Feb 4, 2007

Is there a way for me to do a find/replace on a '#'? I am trying to remove all '#' in a text field. When I do a find/replace (replace '#' with ''), it removes all my numbers from the text field.

Any suggestions?


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General :: Access Cannot Find Form

Aug 17, 2012

I have a continuous subform (BooksFullSubCC) that is located on a tab in the main form (BooksFull). In BooksFullSubCC, there is a text box in the footer that sums up all the amounts of credit card charges to make a total with =Sum([Amount]). For some reason, I cannot pass the value from the text box to VBA or another text box on the main form because Access "cannot find the form".Here's the code

Private Sub TabCtl93_Change()
Dim Amount As Currency
Amount = Nz(CCur(Forms!BooksFullSubCC!CCchargesTotal))
Me!CCFees = Amount * 0.015
End Sub

Its really simple - Access should take the amount from the text box (CCchargesTotal) on the subform and then put it the result of some simple math into a text box on the other form.When I try and change tabs to initiate the code, i get "Run-time error '2450':Microsoft Access cannot find the referenced form 'BooksFullSubCC'."

I've checked the spelling, rewritten the code, everything. I even tried to make a text box on the main form with control source =[Forms]![Books FullSub CC]![CCchargesTotal] but that didnt work either...

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Forms :: MS Access Could Not Find Object

Apr 8, 2013

I am using access 2010 but working on a 2003 db. I have a command button on a form that I am trying to get to export a report to my desktop:

Private Sub Export_QA_Report_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Export_QA_Report_Click
Dim reportname As String
Dim theFilePath As String


I am getting a msg stating MS access could not find the object rptQAReport...

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Can't Find Macro '.' Access 2k Form Error

Feb 21, 2006

Greetings - some help required please:

I have an intermittent error occurring on an Access 2k form giving the error
message "cant find the macro '.'" although there are no macros on the form.
After much trawling around I believe this may be due to a space being
mis-keyed into one of the event properties of one of the form’s controls but
I have looked at each to no avail.
My question is therefore two fold:

1. If this is due to a space being keyed how do I, in code, step through
each control and it's events looking for it?, or,
2. If it's not a space what else could it be.

The form opens and works Ok most of the time, the db compacts and repairs and compiles to an MDE and the error appears to not be linked to any one control or event but seems to be triggered more often than not if move from the tab order through use of the mouse.

Ideally I don’t want to redo the form or copy the database objects into a new db as there are too many.

Any help gratefully received.

NB This query was originally posted to the vba section without much success apart from a rebuild suggestion gratefully received from WayneRyan. I thought this was a vba error but may be a macro issue, a form error or could be a general problem so apologies if this is not the correct forum, if incorrectly placed Moderators please feel free to move it



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Microsoft Access Can't Find The Database File

Dec 4, 2006

We migrated on DB to a shared network drive. But the users cannot open the DB. It keep give an error message that microsoft access can't find the database file. Please advise.

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Access 97 Mdb Not Working, Can I Find Out Missing Dlls ?

Feb 28, 2007


Could someone please help, At the company i work we use an access 97 application, which was made by an old tech who does not work here anymore

It is just an mdb file, 97 format, with forms, tables, sql etc

Normally i can just install access 97 and it works on everyones computer, apart from one..

It loads up some forms, however when editing, and a subform if clicked on and change, when saved an error comes up


seems to be just on this one object

the codes fine because it works on everyones else, it there a way i can find out what dll files are need for this mdb to run ? anyone got any ideas

i dont have office devoloper, so i cant make a installer for it

i have tryed install access 97, office 97, office 2003, and works but this ole or object never seems to be installed ?

any help would be great, i cant work this one out

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Weird Access Behaviour (can't Find Form)

Jan 21, 2006

Ok here is the deal

You start to type with a smile on your face
Form_MyForm. <-- from that point (literaly) you usualy have a list of things you can do with that form.

All i wanted to do is a requery but i have no list...and even if i type myself Form_MyForm.requery .. this will not work cause it says that it cant find the dang form.

I have tried renaming the form, let someone else type the name for me, copy&paste ..nothing work, when i get to the never gives me a list of things i can do with that form.

what is the deal here..anyone ?

Wow that felt good only to talk about it

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Ms Access Search/find Command Button??

Oct 29, 2004

I have a MS Access database, and I have set up a form for users to input

name, address, ssn and other data. I have command buttons on the form

to print a record, add a record, delete a record and to exit. I tried the

search option, but with 50k records on a netwoek, it was to slow.

Is there a way to have a search on a command button, (Macro?) on

this form to allow our employees to search by name or ssn?

Thanks for your help.

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Access How To Find Members Who Have Not Paid In A Query

Mar 16, 2005

anybody help please

I have list of member in the member table, every month each member makes a payment (monthly fee) as they do they get entered into the fee table how do I find out the members who have not been entered into the fee table (which will show they have not paid )


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General :: Trying To Find A Bible In Access Format

Mar 27, 2013

I'm trying to find a complete Bible (any free version) in Access format.I found a few links but they point to a download from Simtel,which just shut down about 2 weeks ago.

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Forms :: MS Office Access DB Can't Find A Record

Jan 29, 2014

I have a main form (unbound) and a main form (bound) and then a subform (or a main form;subform;subform).The main form has the following SQL;-

SELECT Detail.*, Hazards.*, HowHarmed.*, Section.*
FROM PSR RIGHT JOIN (Hazards INNER JOIN ([Section] INNER JOIN (HowHarmed INNER JOIN Detail ON HowHarmed.ID = Detail.HowHarmedID) ON Section.ID = Detail.[Subject Area]) ON Hazards.ID = Section.detailID) ON PSR.ID = Detail.PSR;

This form appears to work fine. Essentially, there is a control on the unbound form whereby the user selects the section and it populates the respective form with the various 'detail' of the various records.My tables are as follows;-

Risk Assessments

In the subform there are records from Riskassessments, which is the table in the source property of this subform (and not on the main form) with a link to PSR of which is on the mainform. Again, these appear to work if the record is entered via the tables - all the tables appear to be linked correctly from their respective dropdowns (+ sign) but when I go to add a new record in this subform, I get the error "The link masterfields property has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the automation object ID'." When I try to update from this entry the following message is presented;-"The ms Office access database engine cannot find a record in the table 'Detail' with key matching field(s) 'DetailID'.

The SQL for this subform is as follows;-

SELECT Detail.*, PLR.*, RiskAssessments.*
FROM (Detail INNER JOIN RiskAssessments ON Detail.ID = RiskAssessments.DetailID) LEFT JOIN PLR ON RiskAssessments.PLR = PLR.ID;

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General :: Find Function / Expression In Access

Nov 8, 2012

I'm relavtively new to databases but after a steep learning curve (being left with many databases created by my old manager with no instructions on use) I'm getting there.What I am trying to do is pull out the date from records in a field called "Model_ID". The Model_ID field contains this kind of information:


I want to bring back "20120726" or "20120521". In excel I can do this with the mid and find functions but find doesn't work in access. I've tried combining the mid function with instr function but it comes back as too complex!

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Find Duplicates Query Problems In Access 2007

May 1, 2008

I get a very strange error when trying to create a find duplicates query. When i try to select a table that has duplicate values it brings up a message box and it says that i must pick a table that has at least one field that's not a memo or OLE data type. I look at my table and I have niether of those in it...pretty much just text and number fields. Does anyone know what's going on?

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Modules & VBA :: Error 7874 MS Access Can't Find Object

Aug 18, 2014

I am trying to run the below code but I am getting the MS Access can't find object on this line

DoCmd.OpenQuery "SELECT * FROM PROV_CL WHERE [Address 1] LIKE '*" & strInputBox & "*'", acViewNormal

Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
Dim strInputBox As String
Select Case cmbReports
Case "Darin Bad Address"

[Code] ...

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Find Exact Match In Access Table Column

Oct 12, 2013

How to find an exact match in a Access DB table using Sql Query in VB6 ?I know that "Like" keyword will give out all those rows which contain the search-for-string. But I want exact match.

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How To Find Duplicate Entries Across 2 Columns In Access And Line Them Up

Nov 16, 2012

There is an issue that I cannot resolve in MS Access:

I have a large files with multiple columns that has 2 columns that randomly contain duplicated data.

I would like to filter out the duplicated entries in these 2 columns without spoiling the data integrity - and so the duplicates appear on the same row.

I think what I want it pretty much like conditional formatting in excel, but unfortunately the file size is really large to be filtered in excel.

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Find Command In Access In One Report To Search Throughout Whole Database

Dec 7, 2014

Is there a way to use the find command in access in one report to search throughout the whole database. For instance, I am designing a database that in a report it shows the number identifier of an item, and the actual detailed information is located in a separate form. What I want it to do is to be able to find the detailed information from a command within the report that only has the number identifier.

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Queries :: How To Find MS Access Version Number In Java Code

Aug 5, 2013

Is there a way to find version number of MS Access using java code.

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General :: Find Average With Blank Fields In Access 2010

Nov 29, 2012

I am trying to find an average of four fields in either a form or query. Basically I have figures for [Grade 1], [Grade 2] but [Grade 3] is an empty field. I need to include all three field because there are sometimes 3 grades, but a majority are 2 grades. How to do so?

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Newbie Needs To Find Out How To Remove Autonumber From Access Customer Order Template

May 19, 2006

I am trying to use the template provided in the Access database wizards, pages and projects. Its called Order Entry. What i would like to do is edit the template to fit my needs but i need to change the Product ID feild from Autonumber to a product id of my own. I would however like to keep it as the Key.

Any Suggestions?


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