Can't Hide Datasheet Column

Jan 4, 2006

I have a subform in datasheet view and I wish to selectively hide columns I'm not using (depending on the query). I wrote a small function to make it easier. Here's my code:
Function HideColumn(myForm As SubForm, myLabel As String)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdHideColumns
End Function
So all I do is send the subform name while I'm using the parent form and then give it the column name to hide. Oddly enough this code works for columns such as "Net B" and "Net% +/-", but it doesn't work with the columns "Period B" or "Period A". On my subform the text boxes and their labels have the same name (if that even matters). I keep getting a 2465 error (field not found) no matter what I change the column name to.

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Hide Record Selector In Datasheet View

May 25, 2006

Can anyone confirm (or otherwise) that you can't set the record selector property to 'no' in a datasheet view form? (well, you can set it to 'no' but it seems to have no effect)


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Forms :: Hide Columns On Datasheet Of Split Form

Jun 3, 2015

I am pretty new to VBA and I am having the same problem of hiding and un-hiding columns on a datasheet of a split form. I am building a system that will be used in front of customer and therefore wish to hide columns that contain cost sensitive data. The same forms need to be able to show the Sales Rep the hidden columns simply by ticking a box. Basically a toggle on and off of hidden columns.

I have been playing around with the code below (which i found in another forum) to hide the Field called COO when I click the tick box called chkHIdeFields check box. This works on a Single form but not on a datasheet of a split form.

Private Sub chkHideFields_Click()
' Note: vbTrue = -1
If Me.chkHideFields = vbTrue Then
Me.COO.Visible = True
Else: Me.COO.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

I have been able to hide the column of my split form by using the ColumnHidden property of the On Load event just as a proof of concept that the ColumnHidden property actually works to hide a column, which it does. This is the code that im using to hide the column called COO.

Me.COO.ColumnHidden = True

However if I then set it to = False and then close and open the form, it doesn't unhide the column. the only way I can unhide the column is to do it from the Form view via the un-hide dialogue pop up box.

I have two issues here, the first one is getting the form to recognize when to hide and when to show the column of the datasheet on the split form and the second is to get the code to for the check box method.

Lastly once I get it working for 1 field I need to be able to define a list of 7 or 8 other fields all at the same time.

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General :: Restrict Users To Hide And Rearrange Columns In Datasheet View?

Mar 22, 2014

I am displaying table records in access form Datasheet view. While business users accessing that form, they are hiding and rearranging some columns for their use. So it will be hard for other users to access. I just want to know any settings are avaible in MS Access or can we accomplish this using any events or macro or modules??

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General :: Main Form With Two Lists Boxes - Show / Hide Datasheet Columns In A Subform

Aug 24, 2012

I've got a main form with two lists boxes. I want to show the visible columns in my subform (which is a datasheet) in one listbox and show the hidden columns in the other. Also I want to allow the user to hide / show columns using right or left arrow buttons between the list boxes. My subform is bound to a stored procedure using ADO.

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Reports :: Hide Column When No Data?

May 22, 2015

I have a report in access having multiple columns. because of multiple columns it is not possible to display it in A4 size.

I want to hide the column when there is no data, Is there any possibility to hide column on the basis of criteria ?

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Combo Box-concatenate Field And Hide Column

Jul 8, 2005


I have a combo box which is populated by a table with the fields ID, First Name and Surname. What I want to do is display the first name and surname concatenated and hide the ID column, but populate the field with the ID number.

Is this possible?

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Queries :: Automate Show / Hide Of A Column Not In Use

Dec 18, 2014

I want to automate a query so when the user views it they see only the columns that have data. Columns that do not have data are not there.I am using MS 2007

My Access tool is setup to import data into tables and then the user views the data imported. However, if their's no data (and no column to import) I want the query report to not include the column.

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Forms :: Hide Column Separators In Listbox

Dec 24, 2014

How to do this? Or maybe change its color to white.

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Forms :: Freezing First Column In A Datasheet

Jan 7, 2014

my requirement was for a control in a subform and I needed all this to affect a first column freeze.The code was in the Onload for the main form.


Dim ctl As Control
Set ctl = Forms("frmPlanner").Controls("subfrmTempCtrl")
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFreezeColumn

It does work but I can't fathom why I need more than the last .SetFocus. Leave any of the prior ones out and it gives an error to the effect that can't do it in those circumstances. I understand the control has to have focus for it to work but why are the other's required?

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Sort Column Automatically In Datasheet View

Feb 22, 2007

I have a crosstab query of which I cannot sort a Totals column by descending order. Is there any way to sort a certain column automatically after the query runs and is in Datasheet view?

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Tables :: Editing Column Headings In A Datasheet

Sep 12, 2012

I have a query that creates a table.

I then use another query to sort and remove duplicate entries, using the 'Totals' option Group By and Last.

I then export the datasheet to an Excel spreadsheet.

All goes well, except that the headers on the spreadsheet show LastOfXXXX or GroupByXXXXX. Now I can run a replace function in Excel to remove LastOf and GroupBy from each column header, but it would be more useful if the replace routine was performed prior to the export to Excel.

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Forms :: Datasheet Column Order Not Saving

Feb 8, 2014

Why Access 2010 does not save the Datasheet order?? I keep setting the order and it puts it back again

I have set the order in the design. I have set the tab index individually for each item. I says in the tab order that they are in the correct order. I reorder them in the datasheet and click on save. Nothing sets that order. It will revert it back to the order that IT wants every time.

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Locking Column Widths In Subform Datasheet View

Mar 29, 2005

Hello, all.

I need to use a datasheet view for a subform, but I can't seem to find how to keep users from editing the column widths within the view. Help?



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Form In Datasheet Mode : Name Of Textbox Is Caption Of Column ???

May 5, 2006

My form is in datasheet mode.

One of the textbox is called txtHours

When I access the form the column caption is "txtHours" !

As you can expect it looks ugly.

So to get a decent caption like "Hours" I am forced to set my textbox name to "Hours" !

As you can expect it goes against my coding standard to do that.

Beside I want the caption of some textboxes to include some non-standard letters such as `é' è' '!' ' ' etc. and if I put those in the textbox name it ruins the visual basic code !

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Forms :: Save Datasheet Column Width Changes In ACCDE

Nov 28, 2013

In an .ACCDE I want to store the column widths when user closes a datasheet form (or subform) so that when opening it anew, the widths are as previously set by user. I could store this data in a dedicated table ( and userID, for the multiuser db), but is there a smarter way? Some array/ dictionary/ whatever as database or form property?

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Queries :: Calculate A Value In A Column In A Datasheet View Of A Query?

Oct 20, 2014

tell me if it is possible to calculate a value in a column in a datasheet view of a query. i.e. I want to take a value in 'Column A' and subtract the value in 'Column B' to create a value in 'Column C'?

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Forms :: Column Order In Subform Datasheet View

Nov 22, 2014

I have a subform in which I display a table in Datasheet View. The problem is, I cannot figure out how to place the columns in the order (i.e. from left to right) I want.

For some reason, right-clicking on a column header in Form View and selecting Freeze Fields will shift that column to the left but I can find no consistent pattern to it and no other way of shifting a column. Reordering the columns in the table itself seems to have no effect on the order they appear on the subform and moving the controls around in the subform in Design View also seems to have no effect.

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Forms :: How To Change Column Widths In Datasheet View

Jan 2, 2014

I am using Access 2013 (but I assume that the solution for Access 2010 will apply).

Here is the situation:

1. I have a simple datasheet form with three columns

2. I need to adjust the column widths so that all the text is visible

3. When I adjust the column widths, save the form, close the form, and re-open the form, the column widths reset

4. I need the column widths to either 1) stay the same as they previously were, or 2) be wide enough to fit all the text in each field

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Displaying RGB Color In A Datasheet View Based On RBG Value In Column

Sep 18, 2015

We are using a data sheet view to display the content of a table of colors, we would like one of the columns to display a colour chip of the RGB value it contains,


Color Name RGB Value Color Chip
White 255,255,255

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Auto Rearrange Fields Or Hide Fields In DataSheet Based On Criteria

May 17, 2007

I have main form and that has one sub-form , this Main form governs/determines the data in the sub form.

This Sub form ( DataSheet Mode) has approximately 130 columns and based on the Main form criteria only ~ 20 columns has to be filled.

What I want to do is based on the main forms criteria I want to show only the columns that are applicable to main form criteria.

If I use Columnar or Tabular single form for the Sub Form I am able to hide the fields that are not required BUT IT LEAVES A SPACE/GAP on form ( for the hidden fields that are not required)

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Forms!frmShowPIforActiveAndCanAddNewPI!FrmSubFrmFi lterProductInformationPerFMT!CASETIF = True Then

Me.CASETIF.Visible = True
Me.CASETIF.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

And If I use DataSheet and hide ( visible = no) a particular filed it still shows up in Sub Form

Is there a way to Auto-Re Arrange all the fields in the sub form so that the hidden ( visible = no) fields no not leave gap

Or is there a way by VBA program to select fields ( Columns) from a table to be displayed on a sub form based on a criteria


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Reports :: VBA Code That Will Hide A Column That Has Zeros And Move Over Remaining Columns

Aug 11, 2014

I have a report that displays maybe about 4 columns that read data and if a columns reads zero then I have a code where it will hide, but my problem is that I cannot get the columns to move over once the column that is zero is invisible.VBA code that will hide a column that has zeros and move over the remaining columns so that when the report is ran it will not show just an empty white space.

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Forms :: Datasheet View - Change To Bold Column Text

Apr 20, 2014

Is it possible to change to bold font the text column of a datasheet view?

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Populate A Datasheet And Extraction Of Data From Datasheet

Sep 1, 2007


There is a requirement for
1)Populating a datasheet in a subform with a querystring which is dynamically built in VBA.This querystring is constructed based on the search criteria fields selected by the user in the main form.How can this be immplemented?

2_To click/double click a record in the datasheet,extract data and populate textfields,comboboxes with it which are in the main form.How is this achieved?Also,I can't find click events in a datasheet.

Pls let me know.

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Table Datasheet Vs Form Datasheet

Oct 4, 2004

I'm new to this.
Is there a way to make a Form Datasheet (including calculated cells) update the corresponding Table Datasheet?

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Forms :: List Boxes - Single Column Versus Multi Column

Apr 3, 2013

How do I select the first column of a multi-column list box (called "List1") for a query.

A single column list box works fine.


SELECT Tble_Employee.Emp_No, [forms]![attendee_form]![list1] AS SelectedCourse
FROM Tble_Employee;

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