Can't Update Record From Select Query
Jul 30, 2006
I have Access 2002 on Windows XP.
The last version of Access I've used was 97 but I'm getting back into it. I've read a couple of things that recommend creating a form based on a query, not a table, especially if a calculated field is involved.
When I create a select query based on 1 table, I can change/add/delete records right in the results of the select query, which will carry over to the form just fine.
However, when I use an additional table and join them in my select query, I can no longer update any of the fields that show in the query result. The link I'm using is just a 1 to 1.
How can I get around this? I'm using the second table just for lookup purposes (use the value of one of the fields in a calculation), but I want to be able to update the fields from table 1 from the form.
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Nov 22, 2006
Upon closing my frmInventory the amount stock of stock is checked against a minimal stock value. If the stock amount is below a set minimal value a subsequent form is opened telling you that stock is low and an email message is generated to notify a manager. I have a checkbox on that form which is set to "True" upon close using an update query. The checkbox is there to give users the option to either send or not send a reminder message that stock is low when a message has already been sent earlier.
The problem is that using that update query ALL records are set to "sent=true" and not just the 1 record I intend.
This is my code in the "on close" event:
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUpdateEmailMinimal_True
and here's the SQL:
UPDATE tblInventory SET tblInventory.emailSentMinimal = True;
I assume what is missing is a reference to an inventoryID number. How do I do that?
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Jun 19, 2007
i have two tables in a one to many relationship, TBL_submissions is a table containing global information about claims submitted by contractors for work done (invoice number, total claim value, contractor etc..), each submission being a batch of claims for specific jobs (measures)
TBL_Submissions is in a one to many relationship with TBL_Measures because one submmsion contains information about many measures. Each record in the Measures table contains only one field IDSubmission relating to this global information, that is IDSubmission which is an autonumber primary key of the submissions table, i.e it is foreign key in TBL_Measures
Each submission comes in to us as an excel file and there is a form where users fill in the global information into text boxes and combo boxes then click an import button browse to the excel file and it gets pulled into a temporary table TBL_TMPSubmission
a query adds an IDSubmission field to this temporary table and then what i want to do is fill it with the autonumber of the record i have just added to TBL_Submissions by pulling all the global information from the form - i can then use a simple append query to load all the new data into TBL_Measures
The buit to add the IDSubmission filed to the temp table works fine and the append query is easy enough i had that going without the ID filed before i added relationships to my database i am trying to fill in the last entered ID with the following statement
UPDATE [TBL_TmpSubmission] SET IDSubmission = (SELECT MAX(IDSubmission) FROM TBL_Submissions)
but i get the error "operation must use an updatable query"
is this a simple syntax error or am i going about this the wrong way?
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Dec 28, 2007
I'm having a small problem converting a select query I wrote into an update query. Below is my original select statement:
SELECT Mid([address3],1,InStrRev([address3]," ")-4) AS CITYx, Mid([address3],InStrRev([address3]," ")-2,2) AS STATEx, Mid([address3],InStrRev([address3]," ")+1,10) AS ZIPx, [address3] AS Expr1
FROM Exercise2
Where right([address3],1) <> "E" and address3 is not null;
The above statement basically parses the address field. Now what I need is an update statement that will use the above code. I'm needing to update the empty fields for city, state, and zip from the field address3 which contains all 3 combined.
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Apr 4, 2013
I have a Sales Table with below fields, i might have not set it up in the best way possible.
Consumer, Consumer_ID, SaleDate,Prod_Sl#,Prod_Type,Sale Amount
1. I need to update the sales price for each item sold based on category of Product Type, as we are tracking the product with Serial Number.
For an instance if 2 items of Category1 with Prod_Sl# as Sl1 and Sl2 and
2 items of Category 2 with Prod_Sl# as Sl3 and Sl4 are sold.
I need to update the sales price amount for these.
2. I want to accomplish this using a query.
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Sep 23, 2014
Let's say Table (T1) has fields F1 and F2. After a massive update to T1, there are some records with F1 = "" because a Dlookup using F2 as criteria to another Table (T2) resulted in a null. I created a select query to show unique T1F2 values where T1F1 = "". The user can use this query to find out which F2 values need to be added to T2.
How do I create an update query that will update T1F1 with values from T2 using the T1F2 results from the select query to again use the Dlookup to T2 (of course after T2 has been updated to contain the missing F2's)?
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Jun 10, 2005
Hi All,
I hope I can explain what I am trying to achieve..
I have a "Top 1" query (Qry_Avail_StockItem), which selects the next available record in a table.
I have a main form (Frm_MasterStock) with a command button "Add Record".
If the user clicks the "Add Record" button, I need the form to go to the record that the query has selected.
Thanks in Advance..
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Jan 26, 2015
i want to be able to create an On Click Event when pushing a command button that will run an Update query to update a record and after it has been updated that specific record will pop up on a Form and be displayed. i know a different way is to run the Update query and then have it displayed in a Select query but i want it to be displayed on a Form instead. is it possible?
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Nov 15, 2007
Let's say I have a query on a form that returns results. Is it possible to double-click a record in the recordset and open a form.
I am currently doing this just fine from a listbox, but am wondering if it is possible from a query.
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Mar 15, 2006
I don't quite know if I am heading down a blind alley here. I want to filter a form to show a subset of the records via a toggle button. Click again and you go back to the full record set.
The form is based on a query and the filter is to be based on a copy of the query with several criteria and sorts added. This will result in a record set of active projects comprising about 20% of all records (65 out of 253). The sorting sets the record order to match the main management report and so the Planner can update the active records by navigating through the record set rather than having to search for each record using the Find button.
If what I am trying to do is not the way to achieve the desired result, I'd be grateful for any pointers elsewhere.
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Feb 22, 2005
Hello all, I have a couple questions. First I am trying to create a select query that will show the results that I have two fields , one is "Date" & the other is "Current" For the date I am using the a between statement "Between [start] and [end]. Under the "Current" I have "Applied" & below that I have "Overage" The problem is when I enter my date range, it shows all records with the Overage or Applied, but if I go & remove either "Overage" or Applied, then it works fine.
Is there somthing that I am missing
Second question is when using a find command box, is there a way to have it search multiple tables, if so how would I set the find box to search both tables, if the table names were called Let say Table 1 & table 2
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Mar 25, 2008
I have searched and search and I can't find the answer to this question when I thought it would be simple. Hopefully you can put me out of my misery!
I have a access 2007 split form with a series of search boxes and a query result window. Enter info into one or more of the search boxes, click search and you get the matching results in the query window below. That works fine but I want to work with the results of the query, how can I do this?
I was looking for the user to be able to select a record and then click a command button to open that record in a form. Or in another instance select a record in the result window, have the current from close and have the primary key passed to a another form which I use to open the split form.
I just can't see how to do it but I expect there are several ways. Happy to use VBA but my experience is with Excel VBA so I'm still getting used to the objects.
Thanks in advance!
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Jun 13, 2006
I have a query that I would like to run from a form. I have created the button and the query, but want to add in a clause that will use the user selected record / field as the criteria for the query when its run.
Got any examples of code I could have a play with
I am struggling here so need any help I can get!!
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May 12, 2014
I have a list box bound to a query. If the list box retrieves two records, I am not able to select only one of them. If I click, it gets both records selected ( highlighted ). Is there any way I can select only one record?
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Nov 30, 2013
Based upon a specific date (varDate), I want to select the record that is active (who drives the lease car).
row 1 user X from 13/11/2013
row 2 user Y from 15/11/2013
row 3 user Z from 17/11/2013
I want to find the active user on a date. So on date 13/11/2013 (=varDate), user X is active, on 14/11/2013 (=varDate), user X is still active, on 15/11/2013 (=varDate), user Y is active, on 16/11/2013 (=varDate), user Y is still active and on 17/11/2013 and later, user Z is active.
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Aug 25, 2015
I have 2 tables:
Query_Rates (Actually this is the result of a query):
So what I want is a list of all the records from the Query_Rates table where the absolute differences between the sold rates between Query_Rates & [Sent till date] (matching the unit # and the dates) is greater than 1 and the record shouldn't be displayed if it is already present in the [Sent till date] table. But if you notice the first record which has unit A is already mentioned in the "Sent till date" table and shouldn't be repeated again in the query result.
The desired out put should be:
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May 6, 2014
I have a subform containing a list of Funds and attributes such as Asset Type, Fund Manager, etc.
Currently, I have a textbox, where the the control source is set so that it will be updated with the Asset Type from the subform.
I also have an unbound combo box that contains a list of Asset Types queried from a table via row source, where user can select the Asset Type.
What I would like is when a record is selected from the subform, the Asset Type is selected on the combo box as a default value. User can select another Asset Type if required. How can I do this?
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Aug 22, 2013
I have a table called tblCompanies. When a company acquires another company, I need a method by which the acquired company's CompanyID (PK) can be updated to the new company's CompanyID (PK). I also need to be able to update all related CompanyIDs (FKs) to the new value in related tables.
In cases in which the new company does not have an existing record, there is no problem: the company name simply gets changed to the new company and the existing CompanyID is maintained. I then use an audit table and Track Changes function to keep track of the company name data and a union query to keep the old names in the selection lists.
The problem is when both companies already have existing records in the table.
So, let's say I have records for Company A and Company B. Company A merges with Company B and Company B is now the main record. What is the best, simplest and easiest way to update the CompanyID (PK) from A to B and change the CompanyID (FK) to the new value in all related tables?
I am envisioning a pop-up form that directs the user to select the new company and then an update query happens behind the scenes... but exactly how does the criteria for the update query get selected and how do all the related tables get updated? My vba skills are pretty basic, will I need extensive coding to do something like this?
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Oct 31, 2007
Don't know if this is possible, or if im being just plain stoopid:
Is there a vb command that will update a record without having to use a query?
My problem is this - I have an HR database which has allows us to add employees that are going to start. We then set their [Activity Status] from "Starting" to "Active". At the moment this is done manually, but what i would like to do is have this automatically change when the [Start Date] = Date().
The code i tried to use (but is obviously wrong) is:
If [Activity Status] = "starting" And [Start Date] < Date Then
Set [Activity Status] = "Active"
End Sub
Any thoughts what i might change "Set" to, to make this work?
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Jun 14, 2005
Hi all,
I've got this form working ok but need to add some extra functionality but haven't a clue how to do it!
The uploaded database has two main forms. The first is used to enter customer data, the second runs from a query and shows all those records that have been completed in the first form (frmCustInfo - AgentLog = Yes) but not completed in the second form (frmControlsSource - AnalystLog = No)
Then more data is input into one of the subforms (frmControlChecks). Now in order for me to see the results of the queries connected to two other subforms I have to move off the record and back to it (for the record to be saved and then the queries run)
After moving back to the record, the query results on the right (Information Only) are manually added to the last subform 'Input Two', then the user would move on to the next record and do the same.
What I need it to do then is this: When the user tabs off the last field in the subform (frmControlChecks), the queries to the right (two subforms) would run, showing the results and also populating the last subform (frmAnalystInput)
The user would then click AnalystLog and move to the next record.
I hope this is possible without redoing the forms/queries because it's taken ages to get this far
I've also added info in this sample database and some working data if you want to take a look...thanks for any help
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Sep 12, 2007
I have a list of codes that need to be changed if it is part of the a list that need to be updated after being entered into the database. I created a function that holds the old values and what they need to be updated to. To get this accomplished on a form do I just need to write a Update query and then reference the query to the appropriate field I am trying to update with new codes for the 11 codes needing to be changed and leaving the other codes the same.
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Jul 1, 2015
I can do this in like 5 seconds in SQL Server but I can't get the query to even ALLOW me to update records.
Table1 - Columns
Query1 - ColumnDesc
SELECT Cols.Column, Count(Cols.DataType)
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Columns.Column, Columns.DataType FROM Columns) Cols
WHERE Cols.DataType = 'char' OR Cols.DataType = 'varchar'
GROUP BY Cols.Column
HAVING Count(Cols.DataType) > 1
) C2 ON C.Column = C2.Column;
Simple, straight forward query, that grabs all the rows from table Columns where there are more than one DataType per Column [name], and either one of those datatype strings are 'char' or 'varchar'.Now I want to UPDATE table Columns to set all of the columns whose "column" value is in the above query, and set all those DataType values to 'VarChar'. Thus I run that UPDATE query, and the above query should come back empty afterwords in SQL Server I would simply write:
UPDATE Columns
SET DataType = 'varchar'
SELECT 1 FROM ColumnDesc INNER JOIN Columns ON ColumnDesc.COlumn = Columns.Column
And this would already have been done.But Access doesn't like that syntax. using the designer it created sql like this:
UPDATE Columns INNER JOIN ColumnDesc ON Columns.Column = ColumnDesc.Column
SET Columns.DataType = 'varchar'
But that wasn't an "Updateable" query.I have to run this on several patterns and right now I'm completely screwed if I can't get this to work.
My end goal is to have:
SELECT DISTINCT Columns.Column FROM Columns
return the same # of rows as
SELECT DISTINCT Columns.Column, Columns.DataType FROM Columns
for each duplication I will have to do different algorithm, but I can't even get one update query to work so I'm currently frustrated (and ready to reaffirm my belief that Access should have been discontinued 5 versions ago).
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Jan 5, 2005
i have this problem that is bugging the crud out of me:
sql="UPDATE bedrifter SET pr=" & Request.Form("pr") & ",totalindexedpages=" & Request.Form("tip") & ",totalinboundlinks=" & Request.Form("til") & ",description='" & Request.Form("dsc") & "' WHERE created='" & Request.Form("ts") & "'"
conn.Open connStr
Set conn = nothing
when i run this code it updates the correct record (line in my access db) but then it also adds a new line with only that info in the update query. why is it doing this? when i update using the ID instead of using the timestamp in the WHERE clause it works fine. really frustrated...
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Jul 16, 2007
While executing this query, I get this error code:
Record is deleted.
UPDATE [MDL-10] SET [MDL-10].[File Path] = "Download#\ driveNTPC SIPATDMSSDocuments" & [ProjectNo] & "" & [Client Drg No] & ".pdf#"
WHERE ((([MDL-10].[REV 00 SUBMISSION]) Is Not Null));
I tried all but could not find any reason. Please help
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Jun 26, 2014
I have this update query that is triggered by an after update event on a main form. The record being updated are in a continuous subform. It works well except from the last added/modified record. If I save and close the form and then open it again it works for all records but if modify or add a record, the update query will not work for that last modified/added record.
I have tried several things such as save record, use dirty = false for the on exit event of the subform control but nothing works. Here is the procedure:
Private Sub cboPoCurrency_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim db As Database
Dim strSql As String
Dim lngID As Long
Dim dblRate As Double
Set db = CurrentDb
[Code] ....
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Oct 9, 2006
I have two tables. PreOrder and Order Tables. When our customer actually order a product, I want all information of that product to move from PreOrder table and append it to Order table. Currently, my user has to run an append query to add the record from PreOrder and add it to Order table. After that, she has to run a delete query to delete the record from PreOrder table. Since our query is setup to run by date, and order number..My user has to type the same thing twice. Is there anyone out there know the easy way? Thanks in advance..
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