Can I Format A Date Field To Enter Only A Week Day?

Aug 3, 2005

I have a date/time field on a form.
I have a calculation that adds number of days to Date() and enters the answer in the field. Example:Date()+30.
If the answer comes on a week end, can I get the date entered to be the next occuring week day?

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Forms :: Date Format To Fiscal Week Format

Jul 30, 2013

I have a list of dates in the mm/dd/yyyy format and I am looking to get it into the fiscal format of yyyyww. I am able to do this with the datepart and format functions, but I need to make it so that the fiscal month begins in January but the first week starts if there are three or more days in the week. For instance if Jan 1st is a Friday then this stands as the first fiscal week, if it is a Saturday then it does not count as the first week.

datepart and format functions have the Use the first week in the year that has at least 4 days for the firstweekofyear option but I need it where it has at least three to make it work.

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Modules & VBA :: Insert One Week Dates Ahead Of Last Enter Date?

Jan 13, 2015

I would like to enter a week dates forward after looking up the last entered date. i have working codes that looks up the last date and increments it by one and enter the date into a new field.

Here is what i have:

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Dim dtmNextDate As Date
Dim dtmLastDate As Date
Dim SDate As Date
LastDate = Nz(DMax("[SDate]", "schedule"), _
DateAdd("d", -1, Date))
NextDate = DateAdd("d", 1, LastDate)
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Schedule(SDate) VALUES ('" & NextDate & "');"
End Sub

enter dates into 5 new fields instead of one using a loop maybe.

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Forms :: Assign Field With Special Format Based On Date / Time Format

Feb 17, 2014

I wanted to assign the field "Number of magazine" with special format based on date/time format but showing only year and month in the format: "yyyy-mm".

So in property of this field in format I put yyyy-mm and in input mask I type 0000-00;;-

I also created the form based on the table containing above field and I defined format and input mask for corresponding formant in the same way like at the table.

But if I try to type date for example 2014-01 in text box of the form it comes up with the full date 2014-01-01. Why does it do like this? What do I do incorrectly?

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Date Format = "Week Of"

May 31, 2006

Trying to create a graph, but instead of having the date of results, I'd like to group the data by the "week of". For instance, the week of (May 29, 2006). What is the code for that format that i'd use in the query.

Thank you in advance.


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Forms :: Form Auto-populates Date Field - Want To Add Check Box To Enter Alternate DATE

Nov 1, 2013

We use access to enter our service tickets in at work.What we have are three date fields.

Call Date
Start Date
End Date

We are 24/7 operation.Currently all 3 just autopopulate with the current date.What i would like to do is ADD a CHECKBOX next to each Date Field.And make it work like this.

1. let them autopopulate as they are currently
2. if you end the call AFTER MIDNIGHT (the next day). CHECKING the box would automatically populate yesterdays date in each of the fields that has the check box CHECKED

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Help To Enter Value Based On Day Of Week

Jun 2, 2005

I have table that is used to collect roster information the date field is formatted dddd/dd/mm/yyyy a second field requires the end user to insert W to designate the entry as a weekend date. The end user's often forget to insert the W (not functional) I need a way to code the field to look @ date field and update itself with a W if [DateField] is a weekend date.

A query calculates the roster hours and * the hours field by 1.5 if the W is true. The query works fine, I just want to automate the "W"

Weekday Fn perhaps? Help anybody???

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General :: Add A Field Which Returns Day Of Week From Current Date

Jul 5, 2012

Having a bit a brain freeze today. I have a field that auotmatically puts a date in when a checkbox is checked I am now trying to add a field which returns the day of the week from this date. Brain now mashed I am sure it's pretty simple but I just can't get it to work

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Forms :: Field Filled With Day Of Week Of Specific Date In Form

Mar 24, 2014

I have 2 fields in my form.. on if for date (date picker)..

The other one is for day..

I am using this atm:

Private Sub okt_courtdate_AfterUpdate()
okt_courtday = Format(okt_courdate, "dddd")
End Sub

So.. after i pick my date.. when i click tab.. the day field in form will be filled with correct day of that date.. The problem is..

I want to change days to my countries language.. example if it's monday, i want it to be "isnin".. I need to do this for all 7 days of the week.

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Enter Number Of Days In Date Field

Aug 7, 2005

At work I can enter +15 in a date field and it automatically sets the date 15 days after todays date. Our companies computer is operating on a ERP system. I would like to do that in an Access database I'm designing for a friend. Any hints.

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Enter Current Date Into Field Button!!!

Jun 28, 2006

What code would I use and how would I insert it into my Code to make a button on a form fill in the current date into [fieldname]???

I think I already know who is going to respond to this! ;)

Thanks! :D

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Query Date From DateTime - General Date Format Field.

Mar 10, 2006

I have a date and time stamp in a Date/Time field of General Date format (3/1/2006 7:52:25 AM).

I wish to select query on the table's Date/Time field by date portion only (3/1/2006) and not include the time portion (7:52:25 AM) of the field.

Using this expression in the query's criteria - "Between [Enter Start Date: (MM/DD/YY Format)] And [End Date: (MM/DD/YY]" will not return the date ranges as desired without also typing in the full time string.

How can the date integer be parsed out and the query properly expression ed on the criteria field without using VB?

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Correct Week Number Format In A Query

Jan 6, 2005

Wondering if anyone can advise...

The 1st/2nd Jan of this year were treated by most people as still being week 53 of 2004, and week commencing 3rd January being week 1 of 2005. In VB I have a formula to do this:

WeekNo = Format(Now(), "ww", vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays)

However my problem now is that I need to replicate this format in a Query within Access. The formula

WeekNo: Format(Date(),"ww")

treats 1st/2nd Jan as week 1, the 3rd as week 2 etc. Any idea how I can get it to treat 3rd Jan as week 1 instead?

There's a challenge for someone!! Help appreciated.

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Forms :: Create Button To Enter Current Date / Time In Field Where Cursor Is Presently Placed

Jan 14, 2014

Looking to create two command buttons or two keystrokes sets in an Access 2007 form that will allow me to place a current date and time in any allowable field where the Cursor is presently placed. Similar to what was in Access 2000, ctl: (for the current date) and ctl shift : (for the current time).

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Format Date Field

Feb 19, 2007

I saw a thread once that explained how to format a date or phone number field after you've entered the data, but I can't find it again.You do it so that you don't have the __/__/__ or the ___-___-____ pop up in the field and don't have to worry about inadvertently starting typing the data in the middle of the field instead of the beginning.Anybody know where that thread is at, or know how to do that?

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Format Field To Date

May 17, 2007

I have two tables that I import that have both a date field and a time field formated as text. date field looks like yyyymmdd and time looks like hhmmss. I am using two append queries that combine the data into one table and I need the date and time fields to be date and time format respectively. When I run the query as is I get no values in either the date or the time field due to a data tyoe mismatch. My question is how do I convert the input table date and time text type fields to date and tie format for the append query.

Thanks for the help


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How To Format A Field On A Form As Date ?

Mar 15, 2007

I am using ODBC with oracle tables..

My table has columns startdate and end date which are of type varchar(backend tables)..but when i display it in form it should display it as mm/dd/yyyy format, i tried setting format property as Short date but that doesnt work as my form is based on a query.and all the more my table stores the date as yyyymmdd -19990110, this is the way its stored in table (in varchar) so how do i do this?

i also tried "to_date(substr(startdate,5,4),'mmdd')" --putting this in the query based on which the form loads but this doesnt work even..
i cannot run this query from access as it says undefined function to_date , but when i run this in Sqlplus it gives me the output but i m not able to get the year part...

So how do get the date field in form as mm/dd/yyyy?

Thanks very much in advance!!!

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Year To Date Totals, Month To Date, Week To Date

Oct 9, 2005

Can someone tell me how to get year to date totals, month to date totals, week to dates in a query? I need to get all three for three different fields.

I was not able to get the totals with the formulas given. I received the totals for each day instead. Are there any other suggestions? I am trying to different formulas, but they are not working either. I did try doing different queries with the formulas to see if that would work.

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Format Text Field Data As Date

Oct 6, 2006

Well I have been searching but have not exactly found the answer I need so:

I have a linked table in my database. One of the fields on the source table is a date field but the data type is Text. So there is data in the field that represents dates but they are formatted as text like this:

I need the field data to behave as a date, any ideas? I can't change the source data type. some point I want to produce a query that shows all records with a date earlier than the current days pointers in the right direction on that will be appreciated also.


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Modules & VBA :: Date Format - Duplicating Field?

Sep 2, 2013

I'm using Access 2007. I am needing to duplicate a field (It is necessary)

I use the following code.

Private Sub Confirm_Course_Number_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Me.Confirm_Course_Number = YearMonth
End Sub

It works exactly the way I want, however the date is showing long. What code do I put in for YearMonth to put it in the format of "ddmm"...

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Queries :: Condition Format A Date Field

Aug 9, 2015

condition formatting a date field in access.The query used for this field produces a date or "NA" based on the formula below. so when the date shows up as "NA" then i have set the condition formatting of the cell to grey and this works works well. but when it shows up with a date it doesnt format to a grey.the formatting pane has these two expressions

1. Q_Induction_Date = "NA" then grey the cell

2. Q_Induction_Date < DATE() then grey the cell and this DOESNT work. i have also tried the function Now() and that doesnt work either.

Formula i use in the query is

Q_Induction_Date: IIf([y].[INDUCTION_NA]=-1,"NA",IIf(IsNull([induction_date]),"NA",Format([induction_date],"dd/mm/yyyy")))

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Transfer Text Field Into Date Format

Jan 5, 2012

I have filed that has been uploaded from excel file in this format 20110307 , but I need this filed named postdate in date format such as 03/07/2011 . How to transfer text filed into date .I use Format([PostDate],'mm/dd/yy') in update query , but the data completely disappeared off the field.

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Enter Dates In The Format UK('dd/mm/yy')

Nov 1, 2005

im using asp with ms access. code is working fine with normal settings i.e US('mm/dd/yyyy') date format

my task is - select records from a table(CPST) between two dates which the user must enter dates in the format UK('dd/mm/yy'). user will enter dates FromDate and ToDate in Form1.asp. then i carry those two fields with request.form and store in two strings as strFromDate and strToDate.

then i used query to get the records in the second page- strQueryString="SELECT * FROM CPST where dt >= #" & strFromDate & "# AND dt <= #" & strToDate & "#"

so first i want to enter date in UK('dd/mm/yy') format and those entered dates should compare with table dates which are in US Format then i want to get records for the specified period and display the date in UK again in report. since ms access takes date in the US format('mm/dd/yyyy') normally. im able to give date in UK format but not able either to get records or display in UK format. i think u can understand my problem and give the solution. if u dont understand i will explain again.

problem is user must enter in 'dd/mm/yy' format only not even in 'dd/mm/yyyy'.


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Transfer Date W/ Custom Format To A Text Field?

Oct 17, 2007

I'm building a report that requires me to concatenate several fields plus additional words, etc. But not all of the fields are the same data type. I have the date formatted the way I want it in a date/time field in one table (dd mmmm yyyy), and I want to append that date into a text field in another table, maintaining the same format.

Now, when I do a normal append or update query, it appends as medium date format (dd-mmm-yy). If I change the field type in the original table from date/time to text, it also shows up in medium date format.

Any ideas on how to make this work, or other options for concatenating fields with different data types?

edit: I don't want to change the data type of the original field to text.

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General :: Alter Field Format - Date Time

Feb 2, 2014

I need to alter filed 24-gen-64, in 24/01/64... how to?

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General :: Importing CSV With Date / Time Field In Abstract Format

Feb 6, 2013

I have a series of fairly large csv files which I need to consolidate by importing them to a single Access database. There are of the order of 50-60,000 'lines' per csv and about a dozen different files (all comma de-limited and text-qualified with inverted commas).The problem I have is, there are several date fields within the csv which are not formatted to Access' liking. Namely <Mmm_dd_yyyy_hh:ssAM> with underscores used here to represent spaces.

So for example, today's date appears thus :

Feb 6 2013 12:00AM (i.e. two spaces between 'Feb' and '6')

And this day next week would appear thus :

Feb 13 2013 12:00AM (i.e. one space between 'Feb' and '13')

I will obviously need this field recognised as Date/Time so I can query appropriately but I have no control over the source data and need to find a way of converting the format.One option would be to run a script on the csv's themselves prior to importing but I'm not sure how to do that.import this field as Text and then edit the contents after import (VBA?), such that the field can be redesignated with a data type of Date/Time.

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