Can I Have A Single-field Table?

Sep 7, 2007

Hi all. I'm working on a temporary database (Access 2003) for work until we get our system validated. Is it okay or acceptable to have a single-field table or do I need to throw an autonumber on there for the key? I really just need this table to populate a combobox/listbox in the form. I don't want to to use the "OnNotinList" with the combobox so I need to store them somewhere. Thanks!

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Tables :: Index For Table With Single Field

Sep 24, 2014

I have a couple of tables which only have a single field. Is it worth adding a second field in order to hold an ID number (is this commonly termed an index number?) for each entry.

My other tables with multiple fields include a field for an ID number and these tables are linked via these fields.

At this stage I cannot see any reason why, in the future, I would want to add additional fields to the tables which I am currently planning to make single field.

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Tables :: Making Single Field In A Table Containing All Details

Feb 24, 2013

I've inherited a data base which has the address details of our members spread across multi fields i.e. Add 1, Add2, Add 3, Post town, Post code etc.

Not all the fields contain information which means when I do a mail merge for address labels there are blank lines.

I would like to either be able to create a single field in the table (like a memo field for example) which contains all the address detail, or create a mail merge without blank lines.

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General :: Create A Table With Single Text Field

Jul 8, 2014

Encountered this bug in Access 2010:

1) Create a table with a single text field
2) Enter some text values, including one which begins either "aa", "AA" or "Aa" (but not "aA"!)
3) Sort the field, and note where it puts the string(s) created in (2)

For me, they appear at the wrong end of the sorted list! I have tested this in Access 2007 and 2010 and it only happens in 2010. I'm using 32 bit Access on 64 bit Win 7 Pro.

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Forms :: Add Multiple Checkbox Names Into Single Table Field

Aug 15, 2013

Im constructing a form with check boxes next to names. Id like to have the checked names input serially into a single table field like:

Name1, Name2, Name3

There are 8 possible Names. Is there way to do this without a long complicated If-Else-Then function?

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General :: Phone Book - Making Every Single Entry Field On Its Own Table

Oct 17, 2013

I thought that a phone book might be a good thing to begin with...

Should I be making every single entry field on it's own table and then pulling them from there into one form or....?

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Forms :: Concatenate Entries From A Single Field Based On Another Field

Apr 11, 2013

I have a datase that has the following fields.


I have about 36 names and each of those names appears anywhere from 2 7 times each. Each name entry has a comment1 and a comment2.What I would like to do is create a form that allows me to choosea name and the display the comments 1 and comments 2 in text boxes.

I have made the form to allow me to choose a name and it shows one of the comment1 and one of teh comment2 in the adjacent text boxes as planned but, I want all the comment1s for Bob to show in the text box for comment1 and all of the comment2s for Bob to show in the Comment2 text box.I believe I need to concatenate the results in the comment1 and comment2 boxes, but I do not know where or how I would do that.

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Forms :: Assigning Multiple Entries In One Table To A Single Entry In Another Table

Jul 24, 2013

I've got a table tblPatienten, a table tblRechnung and a form frmRechnung.

The primary key in tblPatienten is KundenNummer, the primary key in tblRechnung is RechnungsNummer. The relationship between tblPatienten and tblRechnung is one to many.

Now, every patient (stored in tblPatienten) is allowed to make multiple orders (stored in tblRechnung).

How can I assign each new order entry in frmRechnung to an existing patient in tblPatienten?

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Modules & VBA :: Generate Multiple Records In One Table From Single Record In Another Table

Sep 20, 2014

I am building a simplified re-order point system - if inventory position drops below a certain level (the yellow level is this case) one or more purchase order lines has to be created in another table.

I have one table with the following field and data:

ItemId Red Yellow Green Multiple Inventory position
0001 10 30 50 5 45
0002 5 40 47 5 23
0003 11 20 30 10 5

I would like to generate new records (in another table) based on the above fields and three records.Basically the end result should look as the following:

ItemId Qty Start inv Aggregated inventory Prioritization
0002 5 23 28 Yellow
0002 5 28 33 Yellow
0002 5 33 38 Yellow
0002 5 38 43 Green
0002 5 43 48 Green
0003 10 5 15 Red
0003 10 15 25 Yellow
0003 10 25 35 Green

The logic is quite simple - if inventory position is less than the yellow value new order lines should be created in multiple qty (based on the multiple field) until the aggregated value (in table 2) is above the green value.The priotization value should be based on the start inv (in tbl 2) compared to the values in red, yellow and green in tbl 1.

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How To Make Two Table Entries Correspond To Single Entry Of Different Table

Nov 18, 2013

I have one main table with a list of equipment. I have a second table where there will be a form for damage reports.

What is the easiest way to make multiple entries from the second table correspond with a single entry on the main table?

Some equipment pieces might have dozens of damage reports, while some might not have any.

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Queries :: Add Multiple From One Table To A Single Record On Another Table

Aug 1, 2013

I have two tables

Cust OrderNo OrdLne Prod Qty
ABC SO123 1 AA 15
ABB SO124 1 AB 10

Prod Loc Qty
AA ZX12 10
AA ZZ12 10
AA ZZ13 50
AB CW12 15

One product can have up to 10 locations in the tbl_StockLoc

I need to print the following report (up to LOC10)

Cust OrderNo OrdLne Prod Qty Loc1 Qty1 Loc2 Qty2 Loc3 Qty3 ....
ABC SO123 1 AA 15 ZX12 10 ZZ12 10 ZZ13 50
ABB SO124 1 AB 10 CW12 15

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Modules & VBA :: Storing A Single Record In A Single Dimension Array?

Sep 8, 2014

Any Single line of code available?

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Modules & VBA :: Sending A Single Email To A Single Record In A Query

May 15, 2014

I am trying to create a form with a button attached to each record that would allow the user to click the button and it would automatically open outlook and fill in the TO:, SUBJECT: and BODY: fields. Here is the code that I currently have:

Private Sub Command33_Click()
Dim strEmail As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim oLook As Object
Dim oMail As Object
Set oLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oMail = oLook.CreateItem(0)


There are two issues I keep running into:

1. This code opens outlook and populates all of the fields but pastes the email incorrectly. Instead of pasting just the email ( it pastes the html tags as well ( which means that the user would have to delete everything between the #'s in order to send the email every time.

2. I currently have the email BODY pulling from a table but this obviously limits what I can do. I would like to simply encode the BODY within the VBA code. The setup I am looking for is:
one paragraph
a blank line
a hyperlink to a website
a blank line
another paragraph

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Combining Data Into A Single Field

Mar 17, 2007

REPOST from Design Area

Hello all,

I hope that the following explination of my problem in clear...

I have a table with a series of dates in individual fields: Day1, Day2, etc.

What I would like to do now is to combine those into another query/table where the dates are all in one field.

Original Table
[Day1] March 1
[Day2] March 2
[Day3] March 3

New Table
[Date] March 1, March 2, March 3.

Can you help me figure out how to accomplish this? I greatly appreciate your time and sharing of any thoughts that you have on this situation.


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Multiple Answers For A Single Field

Nov 12, 2004

Hi, this is my first post here.

My question is this: I am creating a database for a student survey. Some of the questions may have multiple answers.
For instance, question 2 reads:
"What location/time are you taking courses (select all that apply)"

and the possible answers are:
3)Saturday College

- Where a student could be taking classes at multiple locations or times. I am completely lost as to how to set this up. I have tried to set the properties for the field on the form to accept multiple responses, but of course, these do not save to the table and so it's completely useless.

Thank you in advance for your help!!!

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Decrement Field Value By 1, Using A Single Query

Dec 15, 2005


I have a product table in Access, like this:

product_id | product_name | product_quantity

I need to be able to do an SQL update on this table to subtract 1 from the product_quantity field.

I could do this with two SQL queries (SELECT product_quantity, then subtract 1, then UPDATE table) but I'm sure there must be a way just to run one query which subtracts 1 from the field.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Any help would be fantastic, thanks!

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Selecting Two Items From A Single Field

Jan 2, 2007

I want to be able to perform an AND search on a field where both specified values must be present for an item to be selected.

I have a table with some properties of items. Each record in the table is for a specific item and one of its properties. Say for instance that I want to list the items that are described with both "red and green". Assume that there are entries for widgetA to widgetG with colors "red, blue, yellow, purple" and widgetB and widgetE also has the property "green" in addition to the others ... the query should return widgetB and widgetE only.

I tried to use MSAccess 2003 query builder but cannot get the AND result to work. I switched to an OR and verified that the two values I am searching for do exist for two items in my table.

Here is the SQL statement that did not work.
SELECT Properties.PropertyIndex, Properties.HerbOilLink, Properties.PropertyTypeIndex, Properties.PropertyDescriptionIndex
FROM PropertyType INNER JOIN Properties ON PropertyType.PropertyTypeIndex = Properties.PropertyTypeIndex
WHERE (((Properties.PropertyDescriptionIndex)=80 And (Properties.PropertyDescriptionIndex)=15));

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Break Up A Single Field Address

Mar 2, 2007

I am a struggling low level user and any help will be appreciated. I’m trying to get data out of an old database and into a new one. The following addresses will give you some idea as to what my problem is. :confused:

I would like to break up the following single field address (Note the different pieces of data.
Washington Blvd 1407
Jefferson ST 234 N
Benjamin Ave 2105 N #1
Lincoln Cir 1407 N Unit 201 (Notice the space after Unit)

and have it look like this
Field one: 1421
Field two: N,S,E or W
Field three: BENJAMIN ST, Ave, or etc
Field four: Anything left over

If you can help, please talk very slow and loud cus I'm old and not too bright. I have limited experience with Instr, Mid, Left and Right functions, but can never seem to get them to work in a SQL statement I think I need to use multiple append queries but I’m guessing and then how do I get all the pieces into one table. :o

Thank you in advance

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Seperating Data In A Single Field

Mar 10, 2007

Sorry for this totally stupid question but my memory is just not what it once was.

I need to separate one field into two, in a table that was imported from excel

Basically it has a size and a unit in each field


24.67 sy
26.84 sf

Thanks in advance for jogging an old man's memory.

I want to do this in a query not code if possible I remember something about a formula you can enter into the update to box in a saved query.

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Concatenate Into A List In A Single Field

Jun 29, 2007

To anyone who can help,
I have created a function that loops through an amount of records and concatenates them into a single comma-separated string. What I would like to do is concatente the values into a list. Instead of:

value1, value2, value3

I would like to see


This needs to be in a single record only. The code I am using is:
while not rec.eof
string = string & ", "

Thanks for all your help. I have tried to insert char(20), but this only seems to work in Excel. Access gives me invalid char symbol.

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Possible To Validate A Single Record In A Field

Aug 19, 2014

I've done some looking into how to validate in Access and I found how to do it for an entire field but I was wondering if it's possible to validate a single record in a field.

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Multiple Choice In A Single Field

May 20, 2013

I have question regarding multiple choices fields. I would like to store constrained but multiple values in a single field. I used the assistant to create the multiple choice field in the table, but I'd like to have it displayed in my form with check boxes (more readable in my tabular form) instead of drop down list. Is it possible ...

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Max Value For A Single Date/multiple Time/single Tag ID Combination

Oct 18, 2007

Hi, thanks in advance for any help you can offer. I've got a table that has

Tag ID
Power Level

throughout the day a computer listens to several tags (transmitters) and records the power level of the signal generated by the tag each 3 seconds. What I'd like to do is build a query that gives the Date, Time and Maximum Power level reading for each tag ID. I only want 1 record per tag per day

I've tried using "group by" and max in the query but this gives me all the times throughout the day.

anyway, thanks again for looking

cheers, Shaun

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Multiple Parameters [for The Same Field] For A Single Query?

Nov 23, 2005

I have set up a parameter query in Access 2003 that asks the user for the "Section", such as "Admin", "Accounting" etc.

I need them to be able to respond to the prompt with more than one section if they want- sometimes just one, sometimes two or three or four.

So they can get "Accounting" and "Admin" both in the records that are returned.

The code:
SELECT T_ElainesMaster.Section, T_ElainesMaster.Login, T_ElainesMaster.Workstation, T_ElainesMaster.NT, T_ElainesMaster.Barcode, T_ElainesMaster.[PC model], T_ElainesMaster.[Emp Name], T_ElainesMaster.[swap or not], T_ElainesMaster.[Exp Date]
FROM T_ElainesMaster
WHERE (((T_ElainesMaster.Section) Like [What section would you like to include?]))
ORDER BY T_ElainesMaster.Section;


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Mulitple Inputs To A Single Field Query

Feb 10, 2006

Hey guys, my problem is this:

I want to run a query that runs off of two list boxes on a form. However, I want both these parameters to filter a single field in my query. Why I want to do this is I have several types of accessories made by several manufacturers, both included in the "Description" field. I don't want to include an entirely new field for manufacturer because it's only 4 out of about 5 items that need this.

Is there a way this can be done or will I be forced to include a manufacturer's field.

Thanks in advance

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Concatentate A Single Field From Multiple Records

Nov 17, 2006

I have a table of every reading of every electric meter. This history goes back a couple of years.

Field1 = date
Field2 = Meter#
Field3 = Single digit code identifying method of reading

The same meter is read multiple times in a year. The number of readings in the database is 1 or more (no limit).

I want to create a single line of text in 1 field that shows a history of the reading method of a particular meter.

Reading method translations
A=Radio Frequency
C=Not Read

Here's a sample of what I would like to see .....

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