Can A Memo Field In Different Records Be Combined Without SendKeys

Jan 4, 2008

I have a problem that is Vista related. My business partner has just purchased a laptop with Vista and one of the problem areas is SendKeys. I don't have Vista and he is away at the moment so we only have part time communication so I am trying a few solutions in the hope of getting the problem fixed.

He is getting a message along the line of.....Access needs to be reinstalled because SendKeys is not available.....he does not has his MSOffice with him so that can't be tried at the moment, although everything else is working OK.

There are a few macros involved but I have converted then into VB Module and that works OK for me on XP, although it does not carry out all instructions but it basically works. But it will be a few days before he can try what I have sent him.

Note: I just notice that my conversion to VB module is not doing the SendKeys. No messages etc it is if the section covering SendKeys was not there. The example below was done with XP and macro. The SendKeys and the various other actions are all in the module. Edit...All is conversion of the macros to a module worked:D

So I would like to try another possible solution and that being to avoid SendKeys.

The situation involves a file note entry system. Each file note creates a different record and in each record there is a memo field with the file note that was made and of course time and date.

There is another table that holds one record for each person that has a file note made. Whether one file note is made or a 100 file notes there is only record.......The record is created when the first file note is made and the table will not accept duplicates on the persons ID number.

When a file note is made the system then opens the record in the other table and adds with SendKeys to the entry in the memo field on the "one record only table"

A form opened on the "one record" looks like this and as you can see the contents of the memo field from the "many records" have been combined into one. Can I do this without using SendKeys

5/01/2008 11:34:51 AM Test 1 The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

5/01/2008 11:35:21 AM Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party

5/01/2008 11:35:50 AM Why did John have to buy a computer with Vista?



5/01/2008 11:37:38 AM zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Modules & VBA :: ASCII And Sendkeys - Put Full Stop In The Field

Jan 15, 2015

I have a Combo box which contains a set of numbers divided by "."

e.g.: 1.342567.24433

When looking for a certain code, I would like to use the number pad to enter the first few e.g. 1.34 to move to the Position. In Previous Versions of Access I had a function on the key

If KeyAscii = 44 Then
DoCmd.CancelEvent 'stop the comma keypress being updated
SendKeys ".", True 'put a full stop in the field
End If

This worked fine, but in Access 7 and up, it turns off the number lock.

Is there an alternative to sendkeys to achieve the above or a way of directly turning the number lock on again?

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Concatenate Multiple Records Into Memo Field

Mar 9, 2007

Hi All,

I can use some help with a jumping off poit.

*Please see attached file*

I have 2 tables tblSFDC and tblTheCall

tblSFDC (contact information) includes CustID (primary key) and a memo field "Notes"

tblTheCall (call information) includes CustID (relates to tblSFDC) and "activity data fields" ie "Live", Left Message" , Sent email".

tblTheCall may in some cases have multiple records for each CustID

I need to :
Concatenate from tblTheCall Field Names and field values (that are not null)
Insert into tblSFDC.Notes
Where tblTheCall.CustID = tblSFDC.CustID

*Please see attached file*

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Modules & VBA :: Parse Records From Memo Field

Jul 8, 2013

Access 2003

I have a process which imports a txt file into a memo field of my TBLORIGINAL table Each file may have one record or it may have multiple records Every record begins (exactly) with


FRE Order Order RAD ShipDate Customer City State Postal Code

For each record in the memo field, I need to create a new record into my TBLPROCESSED table

This can probably be done while it is importing but I need to keep the original file intact

I suppose I could copy and paste but there must a vba way of doing this

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Reports :: Eliminating A Space In Combined Field

Sep 4, 2014

I use several fields to capture a name: LName, FName, MI and Suffix.

In a report I combine the fields.

=[LName] & " " & [Suffix] & ", " & [FName] & " " & [MI]

This works fine if there is a suffix; however, without a suffix I have an extra space.

What is the "work around" to eliminate the space.

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Display Text From One Memo Field And Multiple Records In A Report

Apr 10, 2008

I have an Access database where we grade reports. At the end of the grading form I have a memo field [Comments] for the grader to enter comments about why the report received the grade [Grade]. Each report is graded by multiple people. So for example, ReportNum 08-001 may be graded by 5 people and therefore will have 5 records in the database. I need a report to show all the comments for all the reports where the grade is <80. I know how to do this except for how to display all the comments from the memo field in the 5 records on one report for that ReportNum.

I hope I am making sense. I appreciate any help.


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Jul 6, 2005

I have an update query (thanks nofriends ) that I execute from VB code when closing a form. As you know, you get prompted if you really want to run the update, and then if you want to continue after it tells you how many rows are updated.

I used Sendkeys "{Enter}", True and Sendkeys "{Enter}

In both cases the action of the enter key was not automatically executed. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

Thanks again,


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Modules & VBA :: SendKeys After Every 5 Minutes To Stop Screen Saver To Occur

Mar 3, 2015

I am writing the following piece of code to be called again and again after 30 min. But I need to do invisible mouse move to stop screen saver occurring so i want to sendkeys after every 5 minutes. The Sub abc is in module and everything works except stopping screensaver from occurring.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Update the Barcodes printed today
Call CommandButton1_Click
'Update batches to be scanned / batches scanned today
Call CommandButton3_Click

[Code] ....

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Combined Text Box And Label Box

Feb 3, 2005

Hi all-

Does anyone know how to create a text box inside of a label box in a report? I need to create a report that mirrors a memo format. In the report, I need to type a label ("Total score is __ out of __.") where the __ spaces are calculatedtext boxes based on a table. Thanks.

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Extracting Records From A Memo Form

Aug 25, 2006

I need some help. I created a database to capture information from an employee survey. Most of the answers required a check if they agree or no check if they do not agree. There was one "memo" field inwhich we allow the employee to VENT. I have provided the team with all sorts of reports with percentages and figures. Now they want to remove any comment that had money, pay raise, bonus etc. They also want to organize the comments in some type of flow. Like all the "pats on the back" in one area, Day offs in another, plaque on wall grouped together, etc.

Can one of you experts, please give me some help?


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Looking For Access Combined With Excel Functionality

Jun 21, 2007


Hope someone can assist me with this question:

Let's say I have a Table with many Product IDs records..
Product ID (Number)
Hyperlink Field (with a Hyperlink to an external Excel file)

What I would like to do is to create a Hyperlink that not only will it open the Excel file but it will also search and select the Product ID (in Excel) of the record on which the Hyperlink was clicked in Access.

Is this possible or am I just wishing too much?

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Queries :: Combined Probability For Each Of Items

Apr 28, 2014

I have a query which provides probability of occurrences for items A,B,C,D below 5, 10, 15 and 20.

Yet another query gives probability of occurrences for items A,B,C,D above 5,10,15 and 20.

Now I need the combined probability for each of the items A,B,C,D.

What is available and what is needed are both attached.

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Leading Zeros Combined With Strings

Jun 12, 2014

I have a table with (integer) numbers! using the format "00000" i can make sure that it will be 5 digits.

No i am aiming to combine the five digit number with a text in another column and do not succed at all.

what i want to get:
column A: number (e.g. 1)
column B: number 4 digits (e.g. 0001)
column C: number combined with string (e.g. ab0001cd)

Of course it would be a nice one to skip the coluimn B! - what ever i tried ended up in sth. like "ab1cd" at the best....

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Slow Query On Table With Many Memo Records

Feb 7, 2006

Ok my database tracks escalations through my team, I have a main table that stores the unique ID's from the other tables I use in my Combo boxes, this part works really well, no problems.

My issue is with a tableI have claled "TBL_EscJournal", this table has the following fields:

JournalID (Unique Ref, generated by autonumber)
EscID (the escalation Id that this journal is relevant to)
Journalcreator (captures name of person who as entered the journal)
JournalNotes (memo field where you enter your update)
JournalDate (Date/Time the journal was entered)

So typically when viewing the main detailed form for a particular escalation I have a subform that shows all the journal entries relevant ot that escalation.

This table is huge, about 70% the total size of my database, partly because of the number of journal entries and partly because it is a memo field and a lot of data is required sometimes.

Up until now th edatabase has been located on a local server and has been fine for local users (2-3 of us) however there is a requirement for another office to use this database.

I am now experiencing massive performance issues, whereby the data is tkaig a long time to refresh on the other sites.

I have migrated the DB over to a SQL back end but still finding performance issues, which further testing has shown that the TBL_EscJournal is the cause.

So a coupel of things really, is there another way I can layout this table to improve performance or should I be uerying the data from this tabel in another way, would it be better for me to split TBL_EscJournal in two, the first part keeping the date/time and person who entered and the second part keeping the notes. Possibly increasing the query speed by carrying out the query on the first part of the table and not on the notes (memo) part ?

I hope this makes sense, if not feel free to PM me,

Appreciate any help or assitance you could offer


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General :: Add Result From Different Sections Into One Combined Stock?

Feb 3, 2013

i have a production database application in which there are many sections. every section's product stock is generated by running a complex query.

now when i want to add the result from different sections into a one combined stock , i could not design the query as it become too large and on running it produces the error "cannot open anymore database".

i think reason might be too many queries executing at same time .

so do i need to create a table from the stock queries of each section? and then add the tables to generate the combined stock query ?

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Converting A Text Field To A Memo Field

Jan 4, 2006

I am in the process of changing over a text field to a memo field to generate more space (in 5 different databases :eek: ) Thanks to all the good info on several searches of this forum, I am pretty clear on how to do that.

The question is... when I convert a field that already has information in it, will I lose the current information?



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Memo Field - How To Stop Highlighting In Field

Aug 7, 2006

when i change records, my subform that has a memo field, shows the memo field data is "highlighted". i can make a mistake and hit any keyboard key and the memo field data will get erased.

is there a way to prevent such a problem?

if not, is there a work around. eg, hide the memo field until needed for more input? ideas on both issues?

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Truncating Memo Field

Jan 26, 2006

I am using

DoCmd.OutputTo to export a query but this truncates the memo fields, but in the db window,right clicking and choosing to export does not truncate the data.

How do I code to output all the data without truncating?

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Memo Field Not Showing More Than 255

Jun 23, 2006

Hi guys and Girls

I have a txt box on a report which should show comments..
In the background table the field this txt box is bound to has a data type of memo. Yet the txt box on the report stops showing any more than 255 characters! any clues? I know 255 is the field size set for my Txt fields but memo fields should be able to display 65000000000000000 trillion characters with no problems.

When I look at the table the memo field has all the txt in it, it just wont display all the txt on the report.

Thanks for any help guys.

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Text Vs. Memo Field

Jul 28, 2005

Are there any other advantages in using a text field verses a memo field other than memory allocation? Memory allocation seems like such a small issue these days.

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Imported Memo Field

Mar 1, 2007

Hi, i have a fox pro memo field that has bill of materials information in like so:EACH KIT COMPRISES

1 RBS24690 £0.82
1 RBS354 £0.95
2 RBS345 £0.75
1 S95MMEXT £3.90

£36.77 PER KIT

I need to take out the carriage returns but keep the items delimited in some way so they all apear on the one line. These are the child parts for kits so i need to keep them on one line as i import them or via a query so i can see the parent part they belong to.

Many Thanks

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Memo Field Length

Mar 26, 2007


If I read the documentation then memo field in a Access table can be 65.000 chars long.
I have three memo fields in a linked ODBC table which is filled by a append query from SQL-server database. The text in these field is cut off by 255 chars.
Does somebody know what the cause of this can be?

1. Is there a limitation/property where I can configure the length of Access memo field? DAO? I have read something about this but I don't understand this.

2. How can I trace that everything is send from the source? Maybe it's cut off at the source site. On this moment I don't know something about a Linked tabel.
Is there a sniffer or trace tool so that I can see what kind of data is realy send?

Thanks in advance


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Query A Memo Field

May 31, 2005

Greetings All -

Let me say first I am a novice Access user, just trying to teach myself a few things to make my job easier. So take it easy on me with any feedback.

This is my situation. I am using a web based help desk ticketing software that has an Access DB. I have created a couple of queries and linked them together that seem to be working and giving me the data that I want with one exception.

I am tring to query a memo field, which is the description of a ticket, and the output is only a small portion of what is actually entered in to the table. Is there a way either in my query or report builder to make a change that will output all of the data from the description field?

A couple of things that I've tried on my own are to change the data type for that field from memo to text, however that that puts limits on the amount of data that can be entered in and causes the help desk software to function incorrectly. I've also turned on Can Grow and Can Shrink for the text box for the output in my form.

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


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Memo Field Truncating :s

Nov 23, 2005


Ok, firstly i have search google and this forum from top to toe and no-1 has an answer that works for me.

I am running a query, now i have completely simplified it. The query is now just picking up a field called recommendations. Recommendations is a memo field with no formating or index on at all. Now, when i run the query as normal it works fine... everything is there. But when i have to group by it. It cuts it off at 255 charactors. The thing is i need to do some sums and counts within the query aswell so it has to be.

I have checked microsoft and there suggestions are not any use.

Any ideas???

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How To Query A Memo Field?

Dec 8, 2007


I have Custormers table.

Name : Text
Address : Text
BDate : Date
Notes : Memo

Sometimes, I need to query Memo field.

I have a CForm which has a field named Search.
I want to query all Notes fields in Customers table via CForm!Search field.

Should I make a query like this? I use IN but I doesn't work.

SELECT Customers.Notes, Customers.Name, Customers.BDate
FROM Customers
WHERE (((([Forms!CForm!Search]) In (Customers.Notes)));

Thank you for your help,


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Memo Field Limitations

Mar 26, 2005

I have a form with a memo field. This field is based on a table with a field set as a memo data type. The problem is that although the form field lets you type endlessly, it only saves 255 characters. A memo field is supposed to let you enter up to 64000 characters. Has anyone else ever had this problem, if so what was the solution?

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