I need to have a form that has three data fields equal to the table's names and a combo box. But those fields have to execute a query in "realtime" which means i fill in my parameter and is executed like in query design mode by pressing a button. Also the combo has the followinf function: I choose something (a vlaue) and it is taken as a parameter too.
All of these , of course will output the results (of the query) not in a form, but in a report.
Could some give me a clue, (example perhaps ) :o to that?
I have very minimal knowledge of MS Access and I have to create a database to input, update and display project information. How do I write a query to populate fields on a form, from either a single table or multiple tables?
I am new to MS Access. I am creating a small database for motor vehicle clearance. I have a SEARCH form where i want to put the fields for searching query table:
REF No.:
I need it in such a way that even when only one of the above fields is supplied with data it should still return correct data from the query table.
For dates (BEGIN DATE, END DATE) i tried: Between [forms]![search]![begin date] and [forms]![search]![end date]
This worked well when placed alone of the SEARCH form. But when i added more fields (VEHICLE MAKE, REF No.) the query returned nothing but a blank query table.
I have written code to write a query with parameters set from selections made in a multiselect list box on a form.
I now want to add a check box for possible fields to include in the query and put these on the bottom of my form to allow users to select which fields they want to be displayed in the query result.
i'm a begginer at access, so please excuse me if this question is very basic. i have a multiple table select query which shows me which user has which piece of a equipment at that given time. I also have a form that logs any problems the users have with the equipment, what i want that form to do is show the results of the query based on inputting the users name. ie put the serial number and model number into the relevent fileds on the form. I can get the form to run the query but that just shows it in the query window, i need it to show on the correct feilds on the form.
Hope that makes sense and that somebody can help me.
I am trying to come up with a simple way for users to query the database and pull back entries relating to the (potentially vague) data they input.
I know how to run a query based upon data input in a form ("=[Forms]![FormName]![FieldName]"), and I know I can do this several times in one query.
However, if one of the fields is blank, the query doesn't return anything.
Is there a way to use only one query, but still allow the user to leave search criteria blank? The only thing I can think of is by using a very convoluted VB script and creating a query for each possible combination of criteria.
It's not an error-checking issue, either, as entering info into all of the fields isn't required.
For reference, the searchable fields are: Agent Name, Beginning Date, Ending Date (intended for a date range), Request Type, and District Name.
A user could then search for any requests made by an Agent; any requests by an agent within a date range; any requests made by anyone in a date range; ad nauseum.
There are quite a few combinations, there, and I'd rather not create a query for each one (or code the VB conditionals to choose the right one).
I hope I'm clear in what I'm trying to accomplish :o
I have created a query that will pull the price of a property into the cost field combo box on a booking order subform depending on the values of the start date and property number enter onto the same form.
The query gets the price from the property price table matching on the property no i've selected on the booking order subform and also the start date i've entered on the booking order subform which needs to be between the start and end date fields in the property price table.
Fields in the property price are property price no, property no, start date, end date and price.
Also the booking order subform is a subform on a booking form
This is the query i have created: SELECT [Property Price].Price FROM [Property Price] WHERE (((forms![booking order subform]![start date]) Between [property price].[start date] And [property price].[end date]) And (([Property Price].[Property No])=forms![booking order subform]![property no]));
The problem is when i run the query from the cost combo box the query isn't picking up the fields on the booking order subform instead its bring up a seperate meesage box from parameters start date and property number to be enter. Can someone give me advise how to make the query use the values in the fields on the booking order subform i enter before running the query. cheers
I have produced a table, the records from which have to be selected by individuals for auditing purposes.
I created a second table with individuals initials and passwords. This is linked by the initials to the main table. Records on the main table are returned when the query is run.
At first I could not edit fields in the query but changed the recordset type to Dynaset (inconsistent). I am now able to edit the query fields. However, having created a form based on the query, I am unable to edit the fields in the form. This is the basis that the auditors will use to score so is vital. Have I missed any other switches or techniques?
I have already made a query with all the information needed. What I am trying to do is create a form where a user can open the database and enter a unique number and have information from 10 fields associated with that number show.
I have a table with about 3800 records and about 150 fields. It also has 4 tables with related data that each have only one field. I am going to create a query to base my from from. Should I just take the star * and get all the fields for each table or should i manually specify them. There are only about 5 fields out of the 150 that I dont need and I need to see the rest.
im creating a form in design view but the icon to show the fields from the table that i want the fields to come from isnt being displayed; how do i get it to show?
Hello, exactly how Access 2002 and SQL operate is still a bit fuzzy to me.
In brief: tableAccounts has fields for Signatory1ID and Signatory2ID, and other stuff tableSignatories has ID for a primary key and has SignatoryTypeID as a field tableSignatoryTypes has ID for a primary key and SignatoryType as a field
For each account, on a Form I want to show the Signatory and SignatoryType info for both signatory1 and signatory2. I have tried creating various queries and INNER JOINing the tables and/or queries together, but whenever I manage to get all the information displayed, none of it is editable. Access seems to lock the various text boxes and combo boxes.
I want to create form with 10 checkbox, each checkbox is linked to a field "name, Address, TelephoneNumber, BuissinessName" I would like to know if it is possible for the user to check the box and then the field will show in query. if only name is check then only name will show in the query.
I have tried using [Forms]![Formname]![CheckboxName] as criteria but this didn't work it when I had more then one checkbox and when the one check box was not checked nothing showed in the forms.
I have a query linked to some combo/txt boxes on a form so the user defines which categories he/she is looking for then presses button and query comes up with relevant results. This works fine if the user inputs information that is actually there, but if they leave it blank it goes all wrong.
The statements I have in the query are as follows:
[Forms]![frmStockControlSigned]![comboSupplier] [Forms]![frmStockControlSigned]![txtPurchaseOrder] etc.
I thought the solution may be along the lines of this but it does not work: =if([Forms]![frmStockControlSigned]![txtDate]=Null,[Forms]![frmStockControlSigned]![txtDate],"*")
basically i want to make it so the user does not have to enter criteria into evey box, thus if every search box is left blank it would show all records "*"
Right what im after sounds complicated but its quite simple.
I have a client database, in this database each client has 3 skill fields, i also have a form with a listbox and an unbound textboxes that are linked to the query so when the textbox is typed in the listbox updates.
Now ive sorted out the problem of not all fields showing it some of them are blank now the problem is.
When input text into one of the boxes the listupdates, now if theres text in two boxes. and theres data in one of each that matches it will show neither, because the query is looking for data that matches in both fields, now i need partial matches so it will give results of data in both fields.
not understanding fully what i mean?
i have zipped my db, if you open the db then open the form 'MainListRecTrades2nd' and fill in data in both primary and secondary trades that matches from the list you will see.
The solution i was thinking of would to have 1 textbox that searches all the fields and displays data from any of the fields in the list
Is it possible to add a field (i.e., variable) to a query (or SQL programming) based on a form selection?For instance, if I use a form to allow an end-user to specify which fields they wish to include in the query (essentially creating a UI for the query builder), how would I go about creating the query/SQL or updating the query/SQL?
I have a subform which is a continuous form displaying a single combobox of trade names so there may be up to 4 or 5.i want to click on a button on the main form which will open a form based on a query that will display all personnel matching all or 1 of the trades in the subform?
Any way in report that I have 2 reference queries just 1 is to populate all details and 2nd query to filter details and will be the final reporting information???
Having problems getting dlookup to work in the control source field of a text box.
My form has fields : Catalog # (numeric value) and Country (drop down text selection).
I would like to query a table CatNameList for a name (text) if the catalog # and country find a match on the table. My field names on the CatNameList table are : Name, Number (to validate against the Catalog # entered on the form) and CName (to validate against the Country drop down on the form).
I am successfully able to populate the name from the CatNameList table on my form using lookup of the catalog # using this :
However, I will eventually have several catalog numbers that will be identical in the table CatNameList, thus why the country is important as the second criteria to be added into the dlookup.
I have tried for a few hours unsuccessfully to add the second portion to my dlookup.
This is what I have currently (not working) that I have been playing with, I'm sure I'm missing a quote mark, & or something simple.
I created a form in Access that retrieves data from a table. Inside the form, I am able to access/populate data fields with data from the table. I also have data fields, inside the form, that requires key-in data. I have some how lost the ability send all data field information to a second table and clear existing data fields for new entry.
Questions: What settings, code or buttons can I use to send/store data field information to a new table? What settings, code or buttons can I use to automatically clear all data fields from my form once data has been sent to the new table?
I have a totalquery that runs fine and give me the sum for both fields I'm looking for but I can't get the outputs to fill the fields on the form. I have tried the Dcount query in the control source but that just returns an error and locks up access.
Code: SELECT [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, Sum([Tble-wcDelays].HoursDelay) AS SumOfHoursDelay FROM [Tble-wcDelays] GROUP BY [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, [Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID HAVING ((([Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID)=[Forms]![Frm-ePlusCent]![cleanID]));
I have a query that creates counts of fields based on the data in other fields, basically it tells me that in a table there are two entries with value ABC????? and three of DEF????? , the query works perfectly.
When I create a form to display this data and base the form on the Query I keep getting a message box asking for the ID (key field) from the base table.
If I type * in the box (to denote all values) and press enter I get the results expected.
I am stuck trying to figure out this problem. I have a main form "frm_tirelog_600" which has 4 combo boxes "cboleg", "cbocar", "cbopos", "cboserial" on it. The first 3 combo boxes are used as criteria on 1 of 3 subforms that I have. The fourth combo box "cboserial" is used for the criteria in a query on another subform that I have called "frm_mount_600_subform", which is independant from the main form, I hope I have explained that clearly enough. What I need to be able to do is have the subform fill in 3 of the fields on it "leg", "car", "pos" with the value from the 3 combo boxes on my main form. I can get it to show in the fields but not write to the table. I have searched the forum and have not been able to locate anything that would work and really need any assistance with this. Im not real strong in the coding department which is where I beleive this could be done.
I have attached a copy of my DB which I hope will better explain it. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I am very new at Microsoft Access. I have two forms, A and B, that are filled out by two different users. Form A gets filled out first than form B gets filled out. Each has a name box as well as a birthdate box and a few other similar text fields. However, each form also has a few distinctive fields. I was wondering how I could input the common information in Form A to Form B so the user of Form B does not have to spend time retyping the name and birthdates again. In other words, I want to synchronize the similar records between the two forms. I would like the values to appear in a table as well. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me with the visual basic code. Thank You.
I would like to create a command button on my form that copies values from 5 fields in the current record into a new record leaving all the other fields blank except for the new record ID.
The fields that contain the data that I want copied into a new form are: