Can Anyone Recommend Me Some Good Books?

Dec 6, 2006

I don't want to buy something just because some guy on Amazon says it's so awesome that I have to buy this book!! :P

Anyway here are some things that I am looking at learning:

Visual Basic

Any GOOD book recommendations would be great, and much appreciated. Thank you!

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Recommend A Tutorial To Print Records Please?

Mar 8, 2007

I'm using Access 2000.
I currently use a form to enter my customer details. As soon as the info is entered I need to send out a "thank you for joining" letter, but I can't figure out how to print out a single field, it prints them all.

Ideally I'd like to have a button on the form so I can print it out on a template.

Can anyone recommend a good tutorial on how to do this, or offer any advice please?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks

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Access Books?!

Dec 14, 2006

Hello all Access gurus and wizards,
Hope this is the right area to post this...

Just wanted your opinion on a good Access book, possibly complete with training CD. I would like to have something that's pretty comprehensive in terms of topics, from basics to 'advanced'.

My background:

I've taken a couple Access online courses myself, so I'm pretty familiar with the very basics of it (creating tables from scratch, importing excel to table, linking text delimited, basic select queries and very beginning of action query like append query, forms, basic switchboard using wizard).

I've used access personally at work, creating some reports myself from scratch (meaning from linking stage to final report).

The only book I have is Using Access 2000 by Roger Jennings (I think it's by Que publishing). After I bought the book I realized it's more of a reference book for the experts, so I need something more 'down to earth' for somebody my level.

I personally would like to learn more about (or at least familiarize myself) with action queries, macros, perhaps just some basics about commands/VBAs (enough to at least know or benefit more from this great forum), linking datawarehouse, etc.

I came across 'step by step Microsoft Access'..I think it was $19.95, which I might purchase, but I would welcome additional comments/suggestions.

P.S. Bob Larson- I'm in Portland too.

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Access Books

Dec 12, 2007


I want to purchase an easy guide to Access 2003, does anyone know of any good books out there that are simple to understand??


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Books For Access Developer...

Feb 16, 2006


I need some good books for Access developers.. I want to what Access really can do.. I know create tables and queries.. How about create stored procedures and triggers using VBA in Access? Or any other more complex tasks in Access. I want to know more about this.


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Tips Needed: Access Books, Graphs, PDF

Jun 26, 2005


I am about to start a project where I must link an Access front-end database to an Oracle backend. I have about a year of Access development behind me now, and now here is the next challenge.

What I have to do is create analyses of data and output the data mainly in the form of diagrams (i.e. graphs or charts). I have seen how this can be done with Automation in Access in a book by Alison Balter (Mastering Access 2000 Development), by controlling the Excel object etc.

Here are my 2 questions:

1. I am considering buying another book on Access now, something that will contain more examples/methods for presenting information as a graph with the help of Excel. Should I stick to buying an Access book, or should I look into getting something that is more Excel programming oriented, i.e. something like an “Excel programmers compendium”? Any recommendations/tips to get me started would be appreciated.

2. The users want the graphs that I produce to be saved as a .PDF automatically at the push of a button in the Access GUI. How is this done? Do I need special software, or can I use something like PDFWriter to automatically convert the Excel graphs into .PDF’s?

Thanks in advance for the tips and have a nice day! :)


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Queries :: Show All Books Not Borrowed By A Reader

Aug 23, 2013

How can I show by query all the books that has not been borrowed by a chosen reader?

My query setup is:

Table 1 readers( name etc.)
Table 2 books (name etc)
Table 3 Table of borrowing dates linked by 1 to many link to tables 1 and 2

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Modules & VBA :: How To Divide / Distribute Books To Boxes

Apr 18, 2015

I have a list that shows how many books we have for each PO No. (Sorted by PO No.) Like below:


PO-0001 12
PO-0002 15
PO-0003 26

Now I would like to distribute/divide these different books to boxes and each box gets maximum 10 books. Like below list:


0001 BOOK 1~10 PO-0001
0002 BOOK 11~12 PO-0001
0002 BOOK 1~8 PO-0002
0003 BOOK 9~15 PO-0002
0003 BOOK 1~3 PO-0003
0004 BOOK 4~13 PO-0003
0005 BOOK 14~23 PO-0003

Format is not important in the list2, for example in Box 0002 we have book 11~12 means (book 11 of 12 +book 12 of 12) in po-0001

+ book 1 of 15 until book 8 of 15) in po-0002

books have bookno, for example for po-0001 we have 12 different books it means we have bookno (1 of 12) until (12 of 12) for this po no.

How I can produce automatically list 2 from list 1 by query or coding.

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Good Practice Or Bad?

Mar 9, 2006

A developer where I am contracted to constructs his If statements like this:
If Day(Now()) <> 1 Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_06c_Get_CurMon_Rebates"

Instead of like this:
If Day(Now()) <> 1 Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_06c_Get_CurMon_Rebates"
End If

All on one line and no end if needed. I didn't even know that would work.
Is this good or bad practice from a coding standpoint? Any Pitfalls?

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Need A Good Tutorial

Jan 26, 2006

I have been selected to do a project by my department head. It involves programming an Access database to do various things. It has to have forms and all that good stuff. I'm trying to get the higher powers to get a web server for me to do this as a web application, but I may need to fall back on the Access idea. So I need a good tutorial on programming in an Access environment. I know it uses VB and I am pretty decent when it comes to programming with that language. What I need help with is how to do certain things like close a form using an onclick event or to print a report. There's a lot I need to be able to relearn so if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it much. I'm doing this for a Commander in the US Navy...(several ranks above me ) I need to be able to pull this off!!

Thanks much,


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Good Access Book

Apr 3, 2006

I am looking for a good Access Book. At work, I have "Access for Dummies" and "Access2000 Step by Step". Are either of these good, bad, etc. What would you recommend. I am a begginner, but know some things, so I don't want something for real beginners.

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Access Good For A Project?

Mar 5, 2007

Hello for one of my System Development Methodiology classes I have to develop something that will keep track of several projects that a local hospital has going on. We are to develop this in access and it should be able to show how far till completion a project is and several people should be able to update the database.

I usually do not use access and do not know much about it but is an access database able to be updated simultaneously and remotely? If so were could I be directed to find out more about.

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Good VBA Book, Any Idea?

May 9, 2007

I really need to learn how to code in VBA for access. Can someone direct me to a good VBA Book?

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Know A Good Guide To Query Syntax?

Sep 12, 2006

I'm new to Access and have been learning how to use it for the better part of a year. I've done all the Microsoft online tutorials relevant to the work I need to do with it, and gotten a few books out of the library besides. In general, I self-teach very well given a good resource.

Here's my problem: the main area in which I need to be proficient is running queries, and I cannot find a good, comprehensive explanation of how to construct expressions or set up calculated fields.

In case I'm not clear (I've had quite a time just figuring out what to call what I need), I'll give you an example. I was able to arrange a short tutorial with someone in another department. As part of a query, she used the following statement in the "Field" section to convert date information stored as mm/dd/yyyy into just the year:

Year: IIf([referraldate]<#1/1/2003#,"2002",IIf([referraldate] Between #12/31/2002# And #1/1/2004#,"2003",IIf([referraldate] Between #12/31/2003# And #1/1/2005#,"2004",IIf([referraldate] Between #12/31/2004# And #1/1/2006#,"2005",IIf([referraldate] Between #12/31/2005# And #1/1/2007#,"2006")))))

This is the kind of thing I want to learn how to do. Unfortunately, the Microsoft tutorials don't do much more that give examples of different expressions and functions; I feel like I've been given a handful of sample sentences, a few nouns, and a few verbs--and then told to go speak English.

What I need is a comprehensive guide that not only gives me the building blocks of expressions, but tells me how to combine them into a syntactically meaningful statement--so I know what order things go in, where commas and parentheses should be, etc. Both online or print materials are fine--I've been looking on my own, but with no luck.

Thanks for your help!

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Good Place To Share Database.

Dec 3, 2004

Can anyone recommend a good place to upload a database so others can access it.

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Is Access A Good Idea For My Project?

Feb 13, 2007

Hi! I have a client who wants a training tracking software built that will allow for simultaneous use by up to 850 users. Is Access a good idea, or should I use SQL, and if yes to SQL, can you point me to some great documentation supporting this? Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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Any Good Links For An Auto DB Admin Prog

Jun 9, 2006

Does anyone have an updated link to a free utility download that will auto create a backup of my database as well as do a compact and repair at a scheduled time each week. Maybe twice a week if possible! :p

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Can Anyone Suggest Some Good Access Aptitude Tests

Jul 19, 2007

In my current, new position, I have been asked to look into the possibility of finding out if there exists some good tests available to test how much skill someone has with Access.

Do you know of any existing tests or websites that do testing like that? If not, I may have to create one for us, but I didn't want to have to totally reinvent things if something good already exists.

Also, if something doesn't already exist, maybe we could get some people here to contribute to a thread with potential questions to ask.

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Any Good Book That Have Examples Of Code, Function, Etc

Feb 15, 2008

Just wondering if anyone new of any books that contain examples of code, functions, syntax, etc. I would like to have a good reference that I could go to instead of searching the internet everytime I need to try something new.

Thanks in advance.

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Good Sights For Command Buttons And Other Images

Feb 25, 2005

Just looking for any good places to find unique command buttons i could use in my application.

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Stylish Forms That Actually Look Good And Are User Friendly

May 9, 2006

I searched google for sample databases and most forms are rather primitive... Currently there are some features to make more user-friendly forms that I have yet to find in excess:

1. Stop updating record automatically :
For some strange reason access auto-update the records the user change in a form. What I want is to only update records when the user press the "SAVE" button. This could allows better validation without forcing the user to remain trapped in an entry.

2. Better error messages
Instead of annoying pop-up telling the user that he made an error, I want something like an ErrorProvider Component that tells what error the user made with a small symbol (!) which provides the explanation of the error when you over the mouse on it.

3. Using different formats for different columns in a datasheet form
For some reason it is not possible to assign a special backcolor for some field that are locked to indicate they are locked if you use a datasheet form. This needlessly confuses users who hammer their keyboard trying to enter info in locked fields and have no feedback ( except maybe an incredibly annoying pop-up window ) to tell them not to enter data there.

4. Better excel-style features for datasheet forms :
Good way to annoy users : prevent a way to cut and paste multiple rows/columns of information in datasheet. If you try to paste more than one column at the same time it just doesn't work.

Also why is it impossible to make the title of field to take more than 1 row ? I mean it sure looks dumb to have

Number of tax report

Instead of

Number of
tax report

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Looking For Good Tutorial On Feeding A Site With A Database.

Oct 25, 2004

I am very new to ASP and Access. I need to learn how to create a database full of images and text to feed dozens of webpages for a new site I am doing. I have googled many times and can't really find what I am looking for. I've come across ADO several times. Is this similar to what I am looking for? Thanks.

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Good Or Bad Idea? Text Box In Main Table Or Other?

Dec 1, 2004

I would like to add a textbox to my main form so that users can enter in some extra data regarding the job they are working on. This text box should tie to the current record of the main database, tableJobLog.

Is it best to keep this textbox as a field in the main database, tableJobLog? Or should I create a separate table (perhaps tableJobNotes) with just this text field and link the two tables?

I would think that having it in the main table would make the table grow considerably in size after some time.

If creating a separate table is better, I would need some guidance on how to do this.

Thank you very much.

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Is Trimming Field Size Where Suitable Good Practice?

Jun 6, 2007

If I have a DB with several tables containing thousands of records, and most of those records only ever need say 8 characters, does anyone know if changing the field size from default 255 chars to 8 chars will actually benefits the the DB?

Potential benefits I'm thinking may occur are reduced filesize and maybe some speed?

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Setting Up Good Report Menus For End Users - A Lot Of Reports!

May 25, 2005

I am working on stream lining reports for my application, so that I don't have a huge maze of menus.

I am open to any ideas of how to best set this up. Right now I have a report menu with about 8 command buttons. Some take them to a criteria form for that report, others straight to the report, and others to another menu with a whole other set of buttons for more reports.

I have looked at organizing the "categories" of reports that I have.

I see that I have Candidate reports and Hire reports. This is because this application is for people who apply for a job. Once the information is entered on the entry side, there are a number of things to report on.

One idea is to make a statistics report menu for all of the summary reports. These are counts of candidates under certain groups, like what office they applied to, what departmen, or what date they applied. Then these counts exist for hires as well, and what they were hired to, and what date they started.

I also have detail reports showing the people information as candidates or hires, grouped by these such factors.

If anyone can help me to organize the best method for making these reports available to the user, I would really appreciate it.

One thought would be a form with 2 combo boxes and a preview button.

I am thinking that this could work for the statistic report menu. My database is normalized, so I can't use their names in the combos. I would want to have 1 combo for choosing candidate or hire, as that report that they want. Then the next combo would be the factor to report them on. Office, department, application source, etc

I have summary report for candidates and for hires. parallel reports, but one for (ie) all candidates by the office that they applied to. Then I would have one for all hired candidates (were hired) by the office that they were hired to. Same with department, and many others.

If anyone can help me to either how best to do this process, whether my thought is a good way to go, or if there is a better set up that I should try. I am open to anything here!

Thanks. :D

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Reports :: Subform Good In PrintPreview But Doesn't Print?

May 28, 2013

I have a report with 2 subforms. The Main report is Client info. Sub1 has ContactNotes for each client. It is in the detail section of Main, is in continuous mode, and is related to Main thru key ClientID. This prints good. Sub2 is a signature block for the report. It is unrelated. It looks at the "Initials" field in ContactNotes, uses the date range and ClientID that Sub1 uses, and develops a list of the Clinicians that had contact with the client. their names and cert's are in a list form with a line for their signatures. This is working correctly and shows in print preview but will not print. I have put it in the reportfooter on Main, in the reportfooter of Sub1, it calculates properly and shows in print preview but will not print!!!

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