Can Convert A 2010 Database To 2007

May 10, 2014

I have a .accdb Access 2010 (new laptop) database I want to work on in Access 2007 (old desktop) - but it won't let me. Says "you must have at least version 14.000" But in 2010, when I do a File>Save database there aren't any other options other than .accdb.

Is there a way to do this?

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General :: Possible To Have Value In Excel 2010 Cell Used To Update Access 2010 Database

Apr 4, 2013

Is it possible to have a value in an excel 2010 cell be used to update an access 2010 db?

For example, if in a spreadsheet "test" cell A2=3 then in a db "test" a column "value" is 3. However, if the value in the spreadsheet changes so does the db.

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Convert 2007 To 2000

Mar 18, 2008

I have a trail version of access 2007 at home which I work on and i want to continue working on my database in 2000 at work. how can i convert it because when i try all hell break loose?


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Convert From Access 2003 To 2007

Dec 29, 2007

all my access 2003 project stoped working. i have massage that missing file DTE.OLB.

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General :: How To Access 2007 / 2010 Colour Picker

May 1, 2013

I've been updating the look of some of my db's and am trying to access the new style colour picker per Office 2007/10.

Up to now I have been using

Private Declare Function ChooseColorAPI Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "ChooseColorA" (pCHOOSECOLOR As ChooseColor) As Long

which displays the pre 2007 style.

I've looked all over the web but cannot find anything relating to the current style (other than using it from the ribbon or control properties), so not sure if I should be looking for a different function or a change to the ChooseColor type values.

All db's are running 32bit access and at the moment 32bit OS but will no doubt have OS upgrades to 64bit soon.

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Tables :: Copy Table Preferences From 2007 To 2010?

Jul 9, 2013

I recently upgraded from MS Access 2007 to 2010. I want to copy table preferences from the 2007 version into the 2010 version using the Import funtion. Will all of my queries, forms and reports remain compatible?

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Modules & VBA :: Replace Function In Access 2007 For HTML Email In Outlook 2010

Aug 4, 2014

My company recently upgraded our MS Office from 2007 to 2010 (except for Access).

Previously, when I had Access 2007 and Outlook 2007, I had a process that generated 50+ dynamic emails from an Outlook template file (.oft).

The code would loop through a listbox and replace the template's default text to a string of text specific to the selection in the listbox by utilizing the Replace() function on the MailItem .HTMLBody.

Since the upgrade to Outlook 2010, the code is able to run, however, the Replace() function is no longer working; Instead, each email that is generated maintains the template's default text.

The only thing that is not working is the Replace() function, all other aspects of the code work fine.

I've provided a simplified version of the code below:

Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objMailMessage As MailItem
Dim stBody As String
Set myOlApp = Outlook.Application
Set objMailMessage = myOlApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:UsersDesktop emplate.oft")

[Code] .....

I've recreated the template file in Outlook 2010, thinking that the template created with Outlook 2007 would be the culprit, but to no avail.

What could have changed from Outlook 2007 to Outlook 2010 that would render my previously valid code ineffective?

Are there certain references I need to enable in both Access and Outlook to allow VBA in Access modify the content in an Outlook email?

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Queries :: Access 2007 / 2010 - Combining Two Queries Into One?

Jan 24, 2014

I have two queries, one base upon the other. I would like to combine them (If Possible) into one query so I can embed them into a form or report. I have tried without success at finding the answer on the forum as well as searching the web.

The table lists employee numbers and dates they worked. I need a count of how many employees worked each year, based upon the paycheck date, not the actual date worked. Pay check dates are two weeks apart. An extreme example, is the first pay check date of 2010 was on 1/1/2010, but all the days worked were in 2009, this would have to be included in 2010 not 2009(See the query for further date calculation understanding). Anyway, the date calculations are not the issue here.

I only have one table, so if I am not mistaken, I can't use the WHERE (SELECT... JOIN) feature. I also was unsuccessful at using SQL DISTINCT.

I am running ACCESS 2010 Tables are ACCESS 2007.

OS is Windows 7 Ultimate.

I have included a same database with the queries. qryEmployeesAnually2 is the results I am trying to achieve.

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Open Database Through Webpage Or Convert To Web?

Dec 15, 2005

Right, I knew this day would arrive and have somewhat been dreading it but excited by the idea of a new development at the same time.

We have a database within the school on our server that staff would like to be able to access at home through the internet. They will need to be able to view, add and edit data. What is my best way of doing this for someone who has never done this before?

Is it possible just to put a link on a website? or do I have to covert?

Is the MSAcces dataaccess pages something i should look at? Should I use VB.NET? ASP.NET?Frontpage? Everyone seems to have a different take on this from the forum but most of the advice was quite old. So what do you all think out there?

And How can I learn really really fast? Any online tutorials or Books people can suggest would be ever so helpful as well.

Thanks alot in advance for any support you are able to give me with regards my best route of action.

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Convert Access Database To Spanish

Dec 29, 2006

I have a request to convert a Microsoft Access 2000 database from english to spanish. Can this be done easily?

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How To Convert Database (query) To Web Page

Feb 24, 2013

1. how to convert an access database (query) to a web page.
2. what knowleage we should learn ?(php,asp....)

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Re-linking A SQL Database To Access 2010?

Jan 26, 2013

Connect an existing Access project to a different SQL Server database and the instructions are so simple however when I get to On the file tab click SERVER to open the Data Link Properties Dialogue, there isn't a SERVER option to click on.

My SQL server was on my local machine because I use Goldmine PE 9.2. I moved the SQL server to a different machine, I can connect to it, I can use it with Goldmine, all is well from my local machine except when ever I use my .accdb file, since the SQL server has been moved, I have to login with each request by the access file. This is sometimes six and seven times per session, waiting, error message, logging in, waiting, error message, logging in until it has all it needs to produce my required lists. It's mind numbing and I can't for the life of me find where I can reconnect to the SQL database so I don't have to do this so many times per session.

In Access 2010 32bit running windows 7 64bit. How do I find the datalink properties to connect my .accdb to a different sql database?

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Program Working In Access 2007 Not Working In Access 2010 Due To Missing OCX File

Dec 27, 2014

I have a program that runs under access 2007 that I use at my work. We will soon be updating to MS office 2010 and the program will not work now because a calender file .ocx was removed from access 2010. Is there a way to get the 2007 .ocx file to work in access 2010?The program I am using is a relatively simple stand-alone and unsupported app that we use to request patient arrival and departure from various radiology tests inside a hospital. No reports are made from the app other than the number of patient transports for the day.

The app is placed on a common drive accessed from any pc in the hospital. No special permissions are required. But our app does use the calendar, time and date functions in access 2007. When I tried the app on a pc with access 2010, it basically says it (access) cannot open the app because a .ocx file is not present.Is there a way to make the access 2010 calendar file work in access 2007?

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General :: Access 2010 - Database Only Working In PC?

Aug 27, 2014

I am Using Access 2010 Version. I have created a Database which consists of Linked Tables (from remote Server), Queries and a Form.

I am using Form to search the required Data. Every thing is working in My PC. But, when the Database file is trying to open from my colleague PC. It is not working. I mean, The Form is opening but when I click the Button nothing is happening. My Colleague is using 2007 Version of MS Access.

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How To Set Permissions In Access 2010 For Key Checkout Database

Mar 22, 2013

I want to set permissions in Access, how can I restrict an employee in my key checkout database from checking out keys that are not in their department. What kind of table do i create or is it visual basic coding?

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General :: Publishing Access Database On Web - Convert To HTML?

Feb 1, 2013

I have small program in access database which contains about 100 cca tables, querys, forms, macros in total. Customer which both program from me, wants me to enable him to access this program not just from work, it wants to access it from home or when he is on business trip from hotel etc.

I am little confused how to achieve this and what are my options? I assume I have to set by database somewhere on server and so my customer could access it any time? Do I have to upsize access database to SQL express or similar?

Also, one more important question: is it possible to "convert" access database into HTML code or similar so it could be accessed via web browser without need to install microsoft access and with freedom that it can be opened from any type of PC OS (Linux, Mac etc)?

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2007 - Split Database

Jan 9, 2008

I have a relatively small database of approx 28 MB - for 5 users max on Access 2007 -since the upgrade from '97 I have noticed a significant degradation in performance over the network - not so much on my machine which is the server/host machine but on the clients. All are Pentium/Celeron processors and recently I have beefed up the working memory to approx. 750MB/ 1GB on all these machines.

Even so, on occasion, I might type something in a field on a form - Access seems to 'fall asleep' for 10 seconds or so and then wake up again. Indeed, the window caption states (Not responding) .... This is not happening all the time but enough that when it does happen it is particulalry frustrating. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

I am thinking of splitting the database into a front / back end to resolve this issue but perhaps it is not a network traffic problem / the database isnt really that big considering others that I have read about on the forum that run into 100 of MBs! - can anyone suggest this a sensible idea / or could I regret at a later date?

Thanks for any help/suggestions you may have.


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General :: Importing TXT File Into Database - Access 2010

Apr 3, 2014

I am having difficulty importing a large txt file into my database, due to the first column containing a * prefix. normally i would just go through the document and delete it, but this file is quite large at over 100k records.

Is there anyway of importing this file in access 2010 and telling access to ignore the first column?

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General :: Access (2010) - Database Creating Backup By Itself

Jun 13, 2013

Why Access (2010) database is creating backup copy by itself?

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Modules & VBA :: Securing Access 2010 Split Database?

Dec 9, 2013

I have a split db with tables in the back end and my forms, reports, code etc. in the front end.

I encrypted the back end with a password. That worked fine.

I deleted and relinked my tables to the encrypted back end. That worked fine as well.

I have a function that will disable the shift key bypass. If I run that in my front end db then I can't save it as an accde because I can't get to the HOME screen. If I save it as an accde first then I can't run my 'disable shift key bypass' function because I can't get to the modules!

How can I secure a split Access 2010 database so that the user cannot execute shift bypass on the front end or make any changes to the code?

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Insert Link To Music In Database - Access 2010

Jun 22, 2015

I am making a database of MP3 songs. I want to include a link to each song and be able to play the song from the database by clicking on the link.

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Access 2010 - Modifying Forms In Split Database

May 11, 2012

I have a access 2010 split database and i need to modify one form on the front end (it is an accde file). However, when i open the Front end, i cannot find the possibility to go into the form design mode.

How do i need to do it? do i need to restart from the unsplit database?

The both the front end and the back end are password protected.

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Hosting Access 2010 Database On Windows Server?

Jun 17, 2012

I have a database which is now reasonably finished and am looking slightly ahead at how it can be accessed by the staff. The first clinic has two stations that need constant access to it, namely the clinic area and the reception area.The second clinic is about 3 kilometers distance away from the main clinic and will also need constant access which, I presume,would be by hosting the database on a Windows based Server, to which all three locations would connect and then be able to use the database directly. When I say Windows Server I mean as could be used to host a web site on the Internet rather than use of an internal Intranet system.

Should I split the database and only host the backend part on the server (i.e. the tables)?Does the whole database need to be uploaded to the Windows Server?Is any other software required to make this work?I presume that I would need to introduce record locking? Is this easily done and, if so, how?

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Creating Word 2010 Charts Using Access Database

May 23, 2014

I am using an Access 2003 database to create a Word report that contains Graphs. We have since moved to Office 2010, and now the vba code will not select the graph and populate the data, i presume this is because the data is no longer in a datasheet but Excel itself.

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Modules & VBA :: Convert To Excel Files And Import Into Access Database

Aug 7, 2015

I have files that have extension of TSV which are text files but viewable in exel. I figured out a way for the user to click on a button in Access which does the following

1. Run Macro in Excel: The macro prompts the user to select the TSV file. After selection, macro opens the employee.tsv file in the excel (with excel being invisible) and saves it as employee.xls

Sub SaveTSVtoXLS()
Dim myPath As String
Dim myString As Variant
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)

[Code] .....

2. Imports the Excel file (employee.xls) into two tables: tblEmployee and tblDepartment using the following codes.

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "qryDepartment", selectFile, True - 1, "A1:C2"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "qryEmployee", selectFile, True - 1, "A1:AE2"

Everything is working flawless except that the user has to select the file three times:

1 time for the tsv
2 times for the xls file

Is there a way that the user can select the file only once (tsv file) or at least only twice one of the tsv file and the other for the xls file?

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Extension For Access 2007 Database.

Aug 21, 2006

Greeting All,
I am trying the beta version of Access 2007 and realize that when converting Access 97 to Access 2007, the new db in Access 2007 has an extension of .accdb. I rename the db file name to xxxxx.mdb and the VB app fails to recognize it.

Is there any way to convert the xxxx.accdb (Access 2007 beta) to xxxx.mdb so that I can try my app against the Access 2007 db?????

Thank you for your time,


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