Can Some One Explain This Expression To Me Please?

Mar 6, 2008

Month Number: Mid([Date],4,2)

I also have the SQL that goes with the query:

SELECT Mid([Date],4,2) AS [Month Number], Count(tblOrders.Order_Number) AS CountOfOrders, Sum(tblBikes.Price) AS SumOfPrice, Format([Date],"mmmm") AS [Month Name]
FROM tblOrders INNER JOIN (tblBikes INNER JOIN [Order/Product] ON tblBikes.Model_Number = [Order/Product].Model_Number) ON tblOrders.Order_Number = [Order/Product].Order_Number
GROUP BY Mid([Date],4,2), Format([Date],"mmmm");


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I'm Not Quite Sure How To Explain This

Aug 24, 2007

I am building a database that will tell the company what items to dispatch to the customer first. It’s a food company. So getting products out on time is important. I will try explain it. Say the food company makes a batch of 30 apple tarts. This collection of products has a set batch number with all the relevant information attached. For exampleBatch no 4457 - qty 30 - created 10/10/07 - use by 10/11/07 Batch no 4458 - qty 30 - created 11/10/07 - use by 11/11/07Now lets say customer (joe Bloggs) orders 35 apple tartsThe food company wants to take all the first batch (4457) and 5 from the second batch (4458) The will have an order sheet with the followingApple tart batch 4457 - 30Apple tart batch 4458 - 5 After the order is gathered it will be given an order number of say order 8897The company can now go back and look at order 8897 and see what was shipped in that order and what the batch numbers where for all products. Any help would be greatly appreciatedAlan

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Help Explain Code

Apr 6, 2007

Can someone explain what the following code does.Thanks in advance

Set dbUser = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set rsUser = dbUser.OpenRecordset("SELECT User.UserName FROM [User]WHERE (((User.UserName)='" + txtUserName + "'))")

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Explain Query

Oct 17, 2006

Hi all,

I was recently asked to rewrite some stuff and i was wondering if the query below can be expressed with just ( SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY ) Instead of JOIN.
Someone else wrote the query below and Joins always confuse me ...
Thanks in advance

SELECT Grpoffic.CODE, Evoter.precinct, Evoter.grp, IIf( Is Not Null,,evoter.[activator code]) AS ballot,, Evoter.[date voted] AS [voted date], Evoter.certnum AS [voter id],, Evoter.address, Evoter.[ev location] AS [Location voted], Vote_status.status, AB_CODE_reason.reason AS [absentee reason]
FROM Vote_status, AB_CODE_reason RIGHT JOIN (Evoter INNER JOIN Grpoffic ON (Evoter.precinct = Grpoffic.pct) AND (Evoter.grp = Grpoffic.grp)) ON AB_CODE_reason.code = Evoter.reason
ORDER BY Grpoffic.CODE, Evoter.precinct, Evoter.grp,;

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Could Any One Explain This Code For Me ?

Aug 11, 2005

Hi expert. could any one explain this code for me. I do not understand some parts of it. I know the output but not some parts of the code.Thanks

Code:Private Sub processButton_Click() Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject <------ Dim io As Scripting.TextStream <------ Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim fld As DAO.Field '''Declreaing our variables Dim strBase As String Dim strInsert As String Dim strFields As String Dim strValues As String Dim strTemp As String Dim strFile As String Dim strName As String Set db = CurrentDb() Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(Me![ComboBox]) strBase = "INSERT INTO " & Me![ComboBox] & "({%1}) VALUES ({%2})" <------ strName = "c:" & Me!ComboBox & " Data.sql" With rst <------ While Not .EOF strValues = "" <------ If Len(strFields) = 0 Then For Each fld In .Fields If Len(strFields) > 0 Then strFields = strFields & "," & fld.Name & "" Else '''strFields = "[" & fld.Name & "]" strFields = "" & fld.Name & "" End If Next fld strInsert = Replace(strBase, "{%1}", strFields) End If For Each fld In .Fields If Len(strValues) > 0 Then strValues = strValues & "," End If If IsNull(fld.Value) Then strValues = strValues & "null" Else v = fld.Value Select Case fld.Type Case dbMemo, dbText, dbChar strValues = strValues & "'" & v & "'" Case dbDate strValues = strValues & "#" & v & "#" Case Else strValues = strValues & v End Select End If Next fld strTemp = Replace(strInsert, "{%2}", strValues) strFile = strFile & strTemp & vbNewLine .MoveNext Wend rst.Close End With If Len(strFile) > 0 Then Set io = fso.CreateTextFile(strName) io.Write strFile io.Close End If End Sub

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Please Explain This Code

Oct 11, 2006

I am trying to figure out how this code actually works. In the Field I see the following code:


In the Criteria I see: Like Date()
I know what the "LIke Date() does but what im trying to figure out what is the connection to the above....

Any Help would be greatly greatly appreciated!

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Help With A Query... Hard To Explain

Mar 29, 2008

Hi all!, i would really appriciate it if you could help me out. I have this complex query... in one table i have dates and costs associated that show when fuel was put into the system

such as:
1/1/2008 -- $200
1/20/2008 - $100
1/25/2008 - $150

I then have another table that has data when fuel was taken out of the system
such as:
1/2/2008 -- ($50)
1/3/2008 -- ($20)
1/4/2008 -- ($10)

what i need is a query that is able to show a running tab on the fuel tank and how much fuel is in it...

so for example if it could spit out a result such as
1/1/2008 -- $200
1/2/2008 -- $150
1/3/2008 -- $130
1/4/2008 -- $120

If this is convoluted i can upload a little database..

Thanks! (Here is the current query i am using but its not working right.

SELECT DatePart("yyyy",[purchase_Date]) AS AYear, DatePart("m",[Purchase_Date]) AS AMonth, DatePart("d",[Purchase_Date]) AS ADay, DSum("gallons_purchased","purchase_fuel_tbl","DatePart('d', [purchase_Date])<=" & [ADay] & " And DatePart('m',
[purchase_Date])<=" & [AMonth] & " And DatePart('yyyy',
[purchase_Date])<=" & [AYear] & "") AS RunTot, fuel_use_tbl.fuel_date, fuel_use_tbl.external_ID, fuel_use_tbl.gallons, [RunTot]-[fuel_use_tbl].[gallons] AS cur_Value
FROM (tank_tbl RIGHT JOIN purchase_fuel_tbl ON tank_tbl.tank_ID = purchase_fuel_tbl.tank_ID) LEFT JOIN fuel_use_tbl ON tank_tbl.tank_ID = fuel_use_tbl.tank_ID
GROUP BY DatePart("yyyy",[purchase_Date]), DatePart("m",[Purchase_Date]), DatePart("d",[Purchase_Date]), fuel_use_tbl.fuel_date, fuel_use_tbl.external_ID, fuel_use_tbl.gallons
ORDER BY DatePart("yyyy",[purchase_Date]), DatePart("m",[Purchase_Date]), DatePart("d",[Purchase_Date]);

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One Line Code Can Someone Explain Please?

Sep 5, 2006

I saw this code and was wondering how does it actually work?
I saw it in/connected to a textbox.

Private Sub savetime_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

End Sub

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Difficult To Explain Yet Simple Problem...!

Dec 1, 2005

Hi all

I have a financial database that gets downloaded transactions off the internet from our accounts. The problem is that the transaction payer/payee is not always unique and needs to be classified. This is easy done using If statements but I really want to enter parts of the string into a table and have a query return a category for this payer/payee. Example:
to be recognised as: car parts

or with this tranaction:
look for "mini mart" and return supermarket

This step will make classifying transactions a lot simpler and user friendly.

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Can Someone Please Explain Basic Query Logic To Me?

May 11, 2006

I am not sure if I understand this...

I have MainTable, on which I base MainForm. I would like to have MainForm show only the records that have a null value in CertainField. If I write NullQuery to select only those records, can I redirect MainForm to NullQuery? Well, I know I can do that... but how does MainTable get updated with new records if MainForm is based on NullQuery????

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Pulling My Hair Out! Hope I Can Explain

Jul 16, 2005

Let see if I can explain my goal. I've been fighting with this for some time with no resolve. In the included DB has a table that represents the fields that will be queried in the real DB. It shows records of one of many employees that were "tested" (shopped) on a date and whether it was a successfull shop or not. My goal is in three parts.

1)A query that goes through each employee and returns the records with the check box in SuccessYes checked (Yes) back to the last unchecked box, not including the unchecked box. In the example given the last (most recent) 5 records would be returned. If the shop of date 1/18/2005 was not checked, it would only return the last 2 records. Basically, I'm looking for a way to have a report that shows everyone's current successes in a row. It could be any number.

2)A query very similar but it returns only those employees that have the current successes in a row totalling 5 and where the field "Award5_Paid" is NOT checked (they have not been paid their reward). From there it should be easy to do one for the 10 in a row.

3)If I've got a form open (or...?) where I can place a command button, that when clicked, it appends the selected records with checks in the appropriate boxes for being paid. Example: If a set of employees come up in the query with 5 successfull shops in a row because the "Award5_Paid" field is unchecked, then I need to pay them. Click the button and the Award5_Paid field gets checked in THOSE RECORDS ONLY so that the next time I run the query, they won't show up and get paid twice. Issue? What's the coding or SQL or ??? that's run when clicked.

I hope that makes sense. I've been running around in circle trying to figure this one out. Maybe it can't be done, but if it can, I know some of you know how.
As always, thanks for the assistance.


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I Think This Is A Real Noobie Question But Can Someoen Explain?

Sep 16, 2005

Hi, i know i have done this before but its been so long and i know its real simple so here goes:

Say i have a record in a table and i want to add records to that record in another table does simply creating a relationship between the two tables make sure the information is relevant to that record and how do i add more than 1 tables information to a form so i could show the record from the first table and say all of that persons orders from another table?

Thanks for your assistance

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Writing An Expression In The Expression Builder

Jun 8, 2005

Good day all

Heres what im trying to do:

in one textfield i have =Count(*)

this returns all the records in my db.

now i want to split it up. i want to count all the records for each month.
my field name is datein_now but its just a normal textfield and not a date field.
example in field: 05/02/02 10:24:31 AM.
also got a datein textfield:05/02/02
i had
Count(*) where datein_now between 05/05/01 and 05/05/31

please help


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Expression Help

Mar 15, 2006


I'm using this expression...


I want to add to it the ability to exclude five one week periods which are school vacations.

How can I do that?



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Expression Help

Oct 22, 2006



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Help With Expression

Jun 11, 2007

I have got the following code as an expression for a report:

=Int(([Amount])/50000)*50000 & " - " & Int((([Amount])/50000)+1)*50000

How do I get it to pick figures greater than 50,000 and then figures greater than 100,000 plus?

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Any Help With This Expression?

Jun 25, 2007

I need help setting up an expression. I need to set the default value = date + 2. But this also needs to take into account working days. I am just having problems with the syntax for this, as i would normally do this in VBA and do not have much experience with Expression Builder. And yes it does have to be done in Expression Builder.

I know this is horribly wrong... thats why I am asking for help.
IIf ((WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2, Date)) = 1, (DateAdd("d", 3, Date)),(DateAdd("d", 2, Date))) OR IIf (WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2, Date)) = 7, (DateAdd("d", 4, Date)),(DateAdd("d", 2, Date))) OR IIf (WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2, Date)) < 7 AND IIf (WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2, Date)) > 1, (DateAdd ("d", 2, Date),(DateAdd("d", 2, Date)))

I need 3 If statements:
1 for if its Saterday
1 for if its Sunday
1 for if its neither.

In VBA I would do something like this:
If WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2. Date)) = 1 Then Box = Date() + 3
If WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2. Date)) = 2 Then Box = Date() + 4
If WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2. Date)) > 1 And WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2. Date)) < 7 Then Box = Date() + 2

Please any assistance would be appreciated

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Expression Help

Feb 11, 2008

Hi All,

could i get some advise on an expression i need in a query?

i have 5 fields

i need another field that will give a value on a condition. the condition is that if LabsDed isNull, MatsDed will be divided by Ttreat otherwise LabsDed will be divided instead. can this be done? if so, how could i do it?

many thanks,


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Expression Help

Jun 14, 2006

I need an expression for a table. I'm making a game database and for the ID input I need an expression.

For example if have a XBOX game I want the ID to be X1 or X2 etc, same goes for pc games, GameCube games: PC1 or PC2, NGC1 or NGC92 etc.

I thougt it would be "X???" Or "PC???", but that doesn't work.
Does someone knows?

Please help.

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IIF Expression

Jan 9, 2007


Maybe i am totally confused but here is initially what i have and what i want to do.

I currently have a db for carrer development-- i have three fields

Last Review Date
Next Discussion Due

My next discussion due is on the fly-- i did a dateadd (by one year) from the last review date to get the current result for the next disussion due--

here is what i want to do with the status and am confused with how to do it--
i want the status to have three options-- completed,overdue and upcoming--
i want these to be autogenerated but am unable to find what expression i need-- as the IIf expression only gives the option of two possible results--

so how would i go about doing the expression with having three possible outcomes?

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IIF Expression

Nov 10, 2005

I am trying to execute a query that calculates a retail pricing off the whsl pricing. This is the excel calculation i use: =IF(F2<10,(SUM(F2*4)),(SUM(F2*2))). I changed the IF to IIF, and replaced "F2" with "[WHSL PRICE].

However, I am getting an error that the "category" expression is not included in the function (when I have all the fields in the query) or the function if I have just the field I am trying to calculate in the query. Can somone help me understand what I am doing wrong.

I would also like this calculation to save in the table, if possible. As I use this information to update my fields in my web database.

Best Regards,


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Expression HELP!!

Mar 1, 2006

Ok, I have a query that has a range of number for 1 - 126, I need and an expression that will flag sub-ranges in the list of numbers.

Example I want to group or flag results 0-25 as one group, 26-50 as another, 50 - 75 and 76 -100.

Any ideas? I statred with an IF than expression, but I can't figure how to indicate each range.


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Expression Sum IIf

Mar 3, 2006

;) I want to create a field named ErrorCases that sums the rows meeting the following conditions: The row has a ValidityReason = 2 and for the same row ExpValidity is either null or 3. I want a count of the rows meeting these condtions.

Here is the formula I have constructed that does not work.

ErrorCases: Sum(IIf(([ValidityReason]="2" And [ExpValidity] Is Null) Or ([ValidityReason]="2" And [ExpValidity]="3"),1,0))

Any suggestions?

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IIf Expression

Jun 1, 2006

I having some trouble trying to use an expression in my query,
I have 3 indivisual exoressions in 3 fields I which work perfectly, however I want only 1 field produced so I tried placing 1 after the other as below:

Sector: IIf([SpacePos]=3,Left([PostalCode],[SpacePos]) & Mid([PostalCode],[SpacePos]+1,1)),IIf([SpacePos]=4,Left([PostalCode],[SpacePos])+"" & Mid([PostalCode],[SpacePos]+1,1)),IIf([SpacePos]=5,Left([PostalCode],[SpacePos]-1) & Mid([PostalCode],[SpacePos]+1,1))

I have also tried Or inbetween them but no luck either, I get the "contains invalid syntax" errors etc.
Any advise appricated

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Jun 23, 2006

How can i write an expression in a query field that will return the following text; "A","B","C","P" and "F" Base on another field when the values of that field are <=44.44, between 44.45 and 54.44, Between 54.45 and 64.44, Between 64.45 and 74.44 and above 74.45 respectively?

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Fix The Expression

Jul 20, 2006

How do I fix this to specify each table
Description: [level] & " " & [room] & " " & IIf(IsNull([direction]),[location],[direction] & " " & [location] & " " & [fixture] & " " & [note])

Description: [level] [level table] & " " & [room] [room table] DOESNT WORK


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