Can Someone Give Me Some High Level 'pointers' ?

Oct 25, 2006

Can someone give me some high level 'pointers' ?

Simply (although not for me) I am trying to build a form that involves a unique identifying number being entered, a button being pressed and relevant field belonging to that unique identifying number being displayed in a subform.

For example, I might want to enter a customer number, press a button and all the orders made by that customer appear in a subform.

Any help gratefully received !


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Rusty Old Newbie Needs Helpful Pointers

Jun 16, 2006

I am hoping that someone can help me to get rolling with MS Access.

I have already pursued all of the usual avenues -- so far with little success, and (see below) am up against deadline problems.

I used Access a number of years ago, but I am very rusty on methodology and terminology -- I might as well admit to being a Newbie.

What I am trying to do is to develop a record-keeping system for a small (one-person) Mental Health Clinic.

I need to do this a.s.a.p., because our existing commercial software -- very expensive and unsatisfactory performance-wise -- will soon disappear, and I urgently need a viable replacement.

I have already built the following normalized Tables:

Table 1: Patients -- demographic information: patient name, clinic log number (as distinct from the indexed ID), address, phone, DOB etc.

Table 2: Visits -- appointment date/time, clinic log number, Diagnosis code, payment made, Cash/Check/Credit card etc.

I need to be able (using 'Queries' / 'Forms' / 'Reports' ?) to perform the following operations:

1. Input a new Patient, or edit existing Patient information.

2. Schedule a Patient appointment and prepare daily schedule reports (to call Patients in advance with a visit reminder).

3. Edit the Visits table with results (Diagnosis, payment, etc).

4. Summarize financial information for Tax purposes.

Any examples I could look at?

Suggestions on what to do next?

Thanks in advance,

Jim Hughes

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Report With Three Labels As Heading On One Level / Display Rest Of Headings On Another Level

Nov 21, 2011

I need to create a report that has three labels as a heading on one level and then it will display the rest of the headings on another level.

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High/Mid/Low Query

Sep 3, 2006

It must be me but:

I have a table with the column Grade and a column Grade_Group
In the column Grade I can give a value from 0 - 10 (pull-down).
When I grade between 0 and 3 I want the column Grade_Group to be updated to Low (easy, even I can do that with an update query).
But if the grading is between 4 and 7 the Grade_Group needs to be Mid and if the grading is between 8 and 10 High.
In this case I am able to create reports on High/Mid/Low criteria.
If I put this all in (one) query the query changes all data in the Grade_Group to Low, or I get a duplicate error because there is just one update field.
Someone, I searched the forums but nothing came up.
Thanks in advance!

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Display Low Avg And High

Aug 24, 2007

hello all,
i have a table that has 4 fields, i need to somehow store/display the highest value the lowest value and the avg of the 4 values. please help!!
i can either display them in a form or store them in my table?
what ever is easier

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Send Email With High Importance Using Access

Jan 12, 2007

Is there any code that will allow me to send an e-mail as "High Priority / High Importance" through Access?

Here is the code I am using currently:

Private Sub Save_Click()
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

Dim mail
Set mail = Nothing
' Send by connecting to port 25 of the SMTP server.
Dim iMsg
Dim iConf
Dim Flds
Dim strHTML

Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2

'==== A/R 60 Code Start ====
ElseIf Me![A/R Code] = "60" Then

Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

Set Flds = iConf.Fields
' Set the CDOSYS configuration fields to use port 25 on the SMTP server.
With Flds
.Item("") = cdoSendUsingPort
'ToDo: Enter name or IP address of remote SMTP server.
.Item("") = ""
.Item("") = 10
End With
' Build HTML for message body.
strHTML = "<HTML>"
strHTML = strHTML & "<HEAD>"
strHTML = strHTML & "<BODY>"
strHTML = strHTML & "This is an automated e-mail to let you know that <b><font color=#FF0000>" & [Name of Requestor] & "</b></font> from <b><font color=#FF0000>" & [Department of Requestor] & "</b></font> has submitted a new <b><font color=#FF0000>A/R " & [A/R Code] & "</b></font> request in PERD."
strHTML = strHTML & "</BODY>"
strHTML = strHTML & "</HTML>"
' Apply the settings to the message.
With iMsg
Set .Configuration = iConf
.To = "<>" 'ToDo: Enter a valid email address.
.Cc = "<>;<>"
.Bcc = "<>;<>"
.From = "PERD Request<>" 'ToDo: Enter a valid email address.
.Subject = "New A/R " & [A/R Code] & " Request"
.HTMLBody = strHTML
End With
' Clean up variables.
Set iMsg = Nothing
Set iConf = Nothing
Set Flds = Nothing
'==== A/R 60 Code End ====

I have tried using .Priority = "High" and .Importance = "High", but I keep getting an error stating this object property is invalid. What can I use to set a priority (Low, Normal, High) on the e-mail using the above code?

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Converting To 2007 From 2003 - High Cpu Usage

Dec 11, 2007

This is very strange. I have converted two computers from 2003 to 2007. I have also installed 5 2007's on to new computers. All of these are Professional XP sp2 setups. I copied over a database to woek on those computers. Originally the performance was very good, on all of the computers (but not the lowest specified converted laptop ) exitting from a form containing a subform takes 37 seconds. The word Calculating... is on the status bar. The laptop takes 3 seconds par with what it used to do.

I have transferred the 'Data' database, the 'Apps' database, Utility.mda and another .MDA. I have also transferred all the Reference executables to one of the other computers. This has not made a jot of improvement.

Has anyone any pointers. I have exhausted all the resources trying to find a solution to this one.

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Tables :: Autonumber Field - Cannot Add Record That Is Not High Number

Feb 18, 2013

I have a table with an autonumber field, which of course is indexed with no duplicates. Twice in recent days it has attempted to add a record with an autonumber that is not the high number - it is about 20 numbers below the high number. So we get a 'can't add this record' error.

I can fix this by copying the table to a temporary table and then copying it it back. Then the autonumber works correctly.

What can I do to prevent this? By the way we updated to Access 2010 a couple of weeks ago, but the data is still Access 2003. We are reluctant to update the data yet in case it causes more problems.

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Please Help - I Give Up!!!

Dec 21, 2006

I couldn't find a similar question already answered and I am stuck at home due to the blizzard here in Denver Colorado so I can't get any other resources to help. I am working on a select query where I am using two table's and another select query to pull information.



- Fiscal Year
- Company Code
- Account Number
- SumofAmt CoCd currency
- Cabinet

Currently the join properties include: from SAP DETAIL TABLE the Company Code and Account Number to the HOLDINGS HASH QUERY #3 SAP and ACCNTNUM, from HOLDINGS HASH QUERY #3 SAP and ACCNTNUM to the HOLDINGS HASH CGAAP ADJUSTMENT TABLE SAP and ACCNTNUM.

There are three things that I am trying to accomplish with this query. The first is pulling down the SAP and ACCNTNUM fields which works fine. The second is pulling down the SumOfAmt CoCd currency and SumOfSumOfAS_OF_BOOK_VALUE_4TH which matches the SAP and ACCNTNUM fields which works fine.

What I'm trying to do for the third is to only pull the SUM VALUE from the HOLDINGS HASH CGAAP ADJUSTMENT TABLE that matches the SAP and ACCNTNUM fields and also where the AS_OF_DATE from the HOLDINGS HASH QUERY #3 is between the BEGIN DATE and END DATE from the HOLDINGS HASH CGAAP ADJUSTMENT TABLE.

This query will then be the output for a report.

In order to accomplish the third task I have tried to complete a SELECT statement and a IIF statement that have not worked. I am sure the select statement would work but I just can't figure it out. Any help would be very very much appreciated.


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Trying To Give Each Occurance An ID

Sep 6, 2006

Hi Guys, Ive been struggling to create a query, I wonder if anyone knew how to do this.

I have data setup basically like this: -

Code Customer
A CustA
A CustB
B CustC
C CustD
D CustH
D CustI
E CustE
F CustF
G CustG

Is there a way i can make a count work to show like this: -

Code ID Customer
A 1 CustA
A 2 CustB
B 1 CustC
C 1 CustD
D 1 CustH
D 2 CustI
E 1 CustE
F 1 CustF
G 1 CustG

So if there is more than one customer, the ID will accumulate until the code changes so it will revert back to one again.

Hope someone knows how to do this.



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About Ready To Give Up On Access

May 12, 2005

I work at a Phamaceutical company in the US (based in London) and have a database that tracks atypical events. It has normally about 10 concurrent users and continually (once a week sometimes more sometimes less) corrupts. I have spent a lot of time validating the database writing the user requirements, functioanal and design specs as well as a 150 page IOPQ.

It is a split database with both front and back ends on a file server. I know this is not the best way to do it but the database is frequently updated with requests for new reports etc and I am not sure how to push down the front ends to all the use pcs. The database is about 40 mb.

I like the database. It is fully audit trailed and does what I need it to do, but the corruption thing is driving me batty. I have the jetutils with the viewer to see who is in the db (by pc name) and then I cross reference that to the person in the db and call them to get out. It is a real pain in the arse and I am just about ready to agree with the IT guys that Access is not a multi user database.

Should I scrap Access and go to SQL Server?

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Can I Add A Column To A Table And Give It A Name Using VBA?

Feb 22, 2008

Hi all

I am currently building a holiday planner for my employers and I would like to try and display the days of the year as rows and the staff as columns (Fields). When someone adds a new member of staff, I would like it to also add them to the calendar table as a new column and name the column the same as the individuals name. Is this possible using VBA or SQL string?

If anyone has a better idea as to how I can display the forthcoming holidays for a team I would really appreciate your comments.



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How To Give A Commit Statement In VBA?

Mar 6, 2007


Do i have to give a commit statement when i update tables in backend(insert, delete,update) from a form, say when user clicks submit, it takes the data in fields and inserts it into the table , but till now i never did that but i could see all data when i queried the table, but i am not sure if that would be right, if i have to give Commit, how do i do that using VBA?

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks so much in advance!

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Copy A Query And Give New Name

Mar 11, 2015

I have Access 2010 and I have a query that I want to take a copy of, save as and call it call it something else in the same database.

For example "query1" I want to save as and call it "query2" .

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Diff Expresions Should Give Same Result But Don't!

Sep 22, 2006

I've got a table in which there are 20 numeric columns. For one report, I want to add all of the data in those columns together. I used the expression:

Seats: Sum(DailyActivity!PkgSeq01Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgSeq 02Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgSeq03Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgS eq04Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgSeq05Cnt+DailyActivity!Pk gSeq06Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgSeq07Cnt+DailyActivity! PkgSeq08Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgSeq09Cnt+DailyActivit y!PkgSeq10Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgSeq11Cnt+DailyActiv ity!PkgSeq12Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgSeq13Cnt+DailyAct ivity!PkgSeq14Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgSeq15Cnt+DailyA ctivity!PkgSeq16Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgSeq17Cnt+Dail yActivity!PkgSeq18Cnt+DailyActivity!PkgSeq19Cnt+Da ilyActivity!PkgSeq20Cnt)

Where dailyactivity is the name of the table, and pkgseq01cnt is the name of the first column, etc.

The expression returns the number 961.

If i make a query where i sum all of the columns individually, and then a query based off of that query where i add all of the sumed columns together, i get the number 965. (which, as far as i can tell, is the right number)
the expression in the second of those querries is:

Seats: Sum([seat]![SumOfPkgSeq01Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq02Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq03Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq04Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq05Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq06Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq07Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq08Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq09Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq10Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq11Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq12Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq13Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq14Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq15Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq16Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq17Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq18Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq19Cnt]+[seat]![SumOfPkgSeq20Cnt])

where 'seat' is the name of the first query that sums the columns.

I think those two ways should both come up with the same number - but i can't figure out why the first way is missing four! there are thousands of rows so it is hard to go through the table itself. Also, in both of those ways, the querry includes a 'where' column which limits it to rows where another column equals a certain word - but that's relatively straight forward - dont' know why that would make it different.

any ideas?

Thanks! It's driving me crazy!

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Making Query Give Me Anything For Dates BETWEEN 10/01 And 10/15

Nov 10, 2006


I'm trying to write a query that will display my data for anything that has a date between 10/01 and 10/15. I went into the "Build" area and looked at the "functions" available but none of them sound right - and the one book I have on Access is not so great.

Can someone help me with the correct formula?


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Subdatasheet Not Sufficient, Please Give Alternative

Dec 28, 2004

What I am doing, is I have various products with 5 basic fields. I then wanted to add an array of text fields to 2 of those original 5 basic fields. I attempted to do this with a subdatasheet, however, a subdatasheet is not record specific, is not directed to a specific field, and really does not do anything that I want.

Say that the basic field is ProductDescription. I want one column of fields to correlate to it, like below.
Is blue
Is large
Is heavy
Is strong

Each product will have a different amount of varying descriptor fields. Once understand how to incorporate this with my project, I then will need to understand how to add the subdatasheet to a report easily. Thanks for any help,

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General :: No More Records Available To Give Message

Dec 11, 2013

I have a table that is a list of available UPC codes that through forms are being assigned to several different tables (types of items). When the UPC code is assigned, there is a yes/no box which is checked. I need to have a message box appear when the last of these UPC codes has been used (or better yet perhaps when there are a specific number left - such as 10 - so the user isn't all of a sudden locked out of any more work).

It could even be triggered when a specific UPC code is reached - they will be in numerical order (ignoring the check digit). Is there anyway to do this globally or would the check need to be on each form as the UPC is assigned?

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Adding 2 Fields To Give The Default Of 3rd Field

Jun 15, 2006

Hi people,

May I know how to add 2 fields.

My table has 3 columns

Field1 Field2 Field3

The value of field3 = field2 + field1 (the formate of field1, field2 n field3 are currency)

how do I indicate that the value of field3 is depended on the value of field2 n field1

is it under the default value of field3(in the TABLE design view)that i indicate field2 + field1?

thank u

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Please Give Me Feedback On My Table Structure, Will It Work?

May 2, 2007

Hello dear experts!
Will this table structure work? - Please help!
I need to be able to see if certain members have paid subscription, see if stakeholders have paid for their room bookings, etc. Will it work, does it look ok to you?

Im trying to brush up my normalisation skills and logic.

Please click the link below to see my ER-D:


Thanks, Very much, Ant...

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Counting With A Query To Give Results On Report

Dec 18, 2007

I have a query that pulls up information on employees when they receive warning notices. I would like the query to give me some type of warning (report, email, etc.) when an employee has three or more notices.

Can someone help me with this?

- Thanks in advance!

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Query On Form. (combo Box To Give Criterea)

Mar 22, 2006

I have changed my approach for my database, and i think a query is what i needed all along. But i am not sure how to go about it.

Is it possible to have query results on a form?

more precise, i have a table full products, alot of information per product (about 30-50 fields)

The amount of actual products isn't many probably around 10, and it's likely to stay at around 10 products.

Can i have a drop down list listing all the products, so it looks these up from the product table, you select the product, that product field value becomes the criterea for the query, and all the associated form fields get filled out to do with the product selected.

To summarise, can i have this all done in a form? so it's easy for staff to simple go the to product drop down list, select a product, all the info relating to the product is then displayed on the form.

hopefully i have made sense with my post.

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Forms :: Non Matching Records To Give Message Box?

Dec 11, 2013

I have two tables, categories and items. I have a form that is linked to the categories table and a subform that is linked to the items table. The user selects a category on the main form then an item to add to the category on the subform. (all of this is functioning correctly - but you need to understand for my question.)

Both the form and the subform have a text box that displays a record from their respective table, for the example we will call this color.

What I need to do is create code that checks the color text box from the category (main form) against the text box for the item (subform) and if they are not a match I need to display a message box - from where I can then add the necessary actions.

EDIT: note this is not a query on an entire table or 2 it is just comparing the two text boxes on the form and subform

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Forms :: Can't Give Conditions On Validation Rule?

Jun 1, 2015

Can't we give conditions on Validation Rules? (Like IIf)

IIf(getusername()=[Log_Resource],Between DateAdd("d",-1,Date()) And Date(),Between DateAdd("d",-2,Date()) And Date())

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Reports :: Give Control A Unique Criteria

Apr 15, 2015

I have a report that is filtered like Year_ = "2014/15".

Say for example on this report it contains two text boxes:

Text box 1 has a control source of "March_T"
Text box 2 has a control source of "Aprril_T"

How can I make text box 1 be filtered by Year_ = "2014/15" and text box 2 be filtered by Year_ = "2015/16"?

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Forms :: How To Give User Authority On One Button

Apr 27, 2014

how to give someone authority on one button in form

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