Can You INSERT INTO Table With SELECT.. UNION Queries

Mar 29, 2005

I have a UNION of two SELECT queries. It works very well but I need the end-user to be able to modify the data so I am using INSERT INTO tablename. This will work for one query at a time but if I try to use the UNION it reports “Syntax error in FROM clause”. Can you use UNION in this case or can anyone see my error?

The full statement is rather complex, I have added a few spaces and linebreaks to make it readable as follows:

INSERT INTO TableCompleteForMailing

SELECT [Address List].[FamilySurname] AS Surname,

[Address List].[DEARFirstnames] AS FirstName,

[Address List].[Mailing] AS Mailing,

[Address List].[Christmas Mailing] AS OtherMailing, [Address List].[Address 1] AS Address1,

[Address List].[Postcode] AS Postcode

FROM [Address List]


SELECT [Names].[LastName] AS Surname,

[Names].[FirstName] AS FirstName,

[Names].[MailingList] AS Mailing,

[Names].[Selected] AS OtherMailing,

[Address List].[Address 1] AS Address1,

[Address List].[Postcode] AS Postcode

FROM [Names],[Address List]

WHERE [Names].[AddressListID]=[Address List].[AddressListID]

ORDER BY Surname, FirstName;

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Difficulty Combining Insert Into Or Select Into With A Union, Please Help!

Jan 23, 2007

I am having difficulty getting a query to work, there's probably something really simple I'm missing. . . I can get the Union function to work but I can't get it to create a table for me. The basic query looks like this:

SELECT * FROM [Design] WHERE (Design.CID Not Like "*-*")
SELECT * FROM [Release] WHERE (Release.CID Not Like "*-*")

It works fine and shows me the table I want without the first line, but I would like it to input into a new or existing table. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Queries :: Basic Delete Insert Select Statement

Nov 8, 2013

what is wrong with the following statements. I'm new to access SQl. This would work in ms sql.

DELETE from Table1
INSERT INTO Table1(email, productid, datecreated, datesend) values ('adf', 5, '10/10/2012','10/10/2012')
Select * from Table1

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Insert Records Into Table Based On The Select Criteria From The First Table.

Mar 22, 2005


I have a small database with 4 tables that I am using for the current problem.
The tables are call, parents, mailman, orders.
Call and parents are related by the call ID (a primary key in the Call table.).
Mailman and orders are related by a Unique Id (a primary key in the mailman table.).

Forms involved are frmmain and frmsub.

Frmmain contains the call table information in the main form and parents information in the subform.

When a user enters a call with call ID and enters the operator name and parents information in the sub form,
When a user clicks the OK button on the main form, necessary changes should take place
if they enter the case type in the sub form part of parent information as ‘missing information’ or ‘missing link’ then the parent information with fields first name, lastname, case type, operator information should be inserted into mailman table in appropriate fields.

Simultaneously a record should be inserted into orders( after the record is first inserted into mailman, since both tables are linked with unique id) with the following information.
Orderid being autonumber.
Uniqueid from the mailman table.
Orderdate system date.
Ordertype should be “Mailman”

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Queries :: UNION / UNION ALL Query Crashed Access

Oct 24, 2013

I'm having a problem with a UNION / UNION ALL query.It seems there is a application crash fault when running the query that MS are aware of and have issued a hot fix. Unfortunately it will take my IT dept some time to check and install the hot fix If they agree to do it at all.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: MSACCESS.EXE
Application Version: 12.0.6606.1000


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Modules & VBA :: Allow User To Select Record From Subform And Add It To Table - Insert Statement

Jun 18, 2013

I have a sub form with staff records on it within a main form. I am trying to allow the user to select a record from the sub form and add it to a table, here is my code which, to me, looks correct. However it gives me an error saying "Syntax error in INSERT INTO"

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim sqlstr As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Forename = Nz(Forms!frm_Capex_Submission!frm_staffSub.Form.shy_forename, "")
Surname = Nz(Forms!frm_Capex_Submission!frm_staffSub.Form.shy_surname, "")

[Code] ....

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Pivot Table Won't Update From Union Queries

Jan 3, 2008

I searched the internet and this forum for the answer to this. I did find the exact question posted in this forum way back in 2002 but there was no reponse...

When updating an Excel Pivot table using an Access Union Query as it's source, I receive the message "[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too Few Parameters".

I found a rather elegant solution here ( Unfortunately, this appears only to work for Access 2003. Does anyone have a solution for Access 2000?

Perhaps I should insist that our IT department upgrade. :p

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

- Matt

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Queries :: Update Table With The Value Of Union Query

Sep 25, 2013

I have a table with a field I want to update with the value of a Union Query

The field I want to update is Yes/No format and I can update using 0 or -1 OK.

However, when I link in the union query (and check that I only have 1 update result which is either 0 or -1) I get an error message saying that Operation must use an updatable query.

I guess this is referring to the Union Query (although I am trying to update the table and not the query.

In short - I want to update a table based on the value of a union query.

UPDATE tbl_StaMe_NGR_Subscription INNER JOIN qry_QDF_QRYDEF1 ON (tbl_StaMe_NGR_Subscription.EmailType = qry_QDF_QRYDEF1.Type) AND (tbl_StaMe_NGR_Subscription.AgentEmail = qry_QDF_QRYDEF1.Email)

SET tbl_StaMe_NGR_Subscription.Subscribed = [Subscription];

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Queries :: Unpivot Table With Union Query

Feb 2, 2014

I am using below Union Query to unpivot attached table. Basically this is a table with some clothes and their sizes (in yellow). Now my problem is that below query works well only when all sizes are in the same row but as per attachment I may have them potentially over three different rows.

I can determine which row is for which item based on size range column (in red) but I still do not know how to modify my query to look at different rows depending on value of size range column, especially that as you can see there are multiple values pointing out to the same size range i.e. 0-6 and 1-4 point out to Size Range 1.

Unfortunately I cannot change the layout of the table to have all sizes in one row

Select Field1, Field2, "0" as Size,Field3 as Qty from orderform where Field3 > 0;
Union All Select Field1, Field2, "1" as Size, Field4 as Qty from orderform where Field4 > 0;
Union All Select Field1, Field2, "2" as Size, Field5 as Qty from orderform where Field5 > 0;
Union All Select Field1, Field2, "3" as Size, Field6 as Qty from orderform where Field6 > 0;
Union All Select Field1, Field2, "4" as Size, Field7 as Qty from orderform where Field7 > 0;
Union All Select Field1, Field2, "5" as Size, Field8 as Qty from orderform where Field8 > 0;
Union All Select Field1, Field2, "6" as Size, Field9 as Qty from orderform where Field9 > 0;

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General :: Combining Make Table With Union Queries

Aug 13, 2013

Wondering whether it is possible to use the 'Make Table' function in conjunction with a union query. My early attempts have failed and I am relatively new to Access.

I am using Access 2010.

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Help With A UNION Select Please

Sep 15, 2005

I have a query that requires a selection from my list box "[Forms]![ViewReports]![ListFilterName]"

I have a list box with a UNION so that I can query all contacts. The bound column is one.

SELECT 0,"<<ALL","TEAM MEMBERS>>" from Contacts UNION (SELECT Contacts.ID, Contacts.[First Name], Contacts.[Last Name] FROM Contacts ORDER BY [Last Name]);


The list is not ordering by last name.

The query does not assume all contacts when "<<ALL","TEAM MEMBERS>>" is selected.

Where did I go wrong? What's missing?

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Union Select Query (What Am I Doing Wrong)

May 28, 2006

Please see attached database

If you open the form called people you will see a command button
Called add charge once pressed will open a form called charge

On the Bill To combo Box I have the following Union Select Query

SELECT PrimaryInsurance, PersonID FROM tblpeople UNION Select SecondaryInsurance, PersonID FROM tblPeople

What I want the bill to combo box to display is only the Insurances that are related to the
Patient that the charge is for and not to display other patients insurances

Any Ideas

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Union Query - Possible For User To Select Tables ?

Jun 28, 2006

I have Access2003 and a problem creating a simple method of constructing a union query.

I am using a commercial paradox databse that has a habit of creating a new table every time a certain action is performed. There is currently a set of 160 tables with identical fields. The database allows me to view data in these tables individually. I would like to pull the information together, from between 20 and 30 specific tables at any one time, and view the data in one table.

I have linked the tables in a an access database and would go about viewing the data by creating a union query containing each of the tables of interest. Then appending the info in these tables to a new table.

Unfortunately manually adjusting the SQL expression is a bit cumbersome to say the least I am wondering if it possible to select the tables of interest from a List Box on a simple form and have those selected inserted into the union query ?

Alternatively, the table names are actually a field within a different table. Another field within this table actually determines whether they will be of interest. So ideally I could query that table to tell me which tables need to appear in the union query. Again I would like the union query generated automatically as a result of that query.

I am confident, perhaps without good reason , that this must be possible ....

any help much appreciated.

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General :: Union With Select And Crosstab Query

Oct 9, 2013

I am trying to get a report that shows both column totals and row totals.

I have a crosstab query that gives me the Row totals along with the crosstab data.

I have read on a previous post [URL] ....

That I can union the crosstab to a select query which should get me what I want, but to be honest I am lost.

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Insert Into Table Where Source Is Another Table And Form

Feb 3, 2015

If you want to use a "DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO" command to insert data in a table and the data to insert comes from a table and a form, could this be done in one pass?

So...writing a record wit 4 values from table1 together with a additional value from a textbox in table2 as 5 values.

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Insert Data From Queries To A Table

Apr 29, 2008

Is it possible to select some data in queries in the same db to a table?

Many thanks!

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Queries :: Insert Query Result Into A Table

Jul 19, 2013

there is a query which i made which counts data from two tables RAUTH AND PERS

SELECT RAUTH.coy, RAUTH.Auth, Count(RAUTH.coy) AS Held
FROM pers INNER JOIN RAUTH ON pers.coy = RAUTH.coy

THERE IS A BLANK FIELD NAMED HELD in table RAUTH i want to update the held result which i quired into HELD fiedl of RAUTH table where COY (Field) is COY field of PERS table

RAUTH table structure

Coy Auth Held

Tata 12
Dell 11
HP 21
Opera 11
Bangour 10
pers table

Persno Name Coy Qual

124578 Gita Tata Bsc
235689 Sonu Dell BA
748596 Kiran HP BCA
459687 Sony Tata MCA
965214 Baiju Bangour CCNA
963656 Ashok Opera MCA

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Queries :: Insert Query Result Into Table Column

Jul 19, 2013

How to take the results of query and copy them to a column in a table?

I am using sharepoint and ms access together, and Sharpoint in this instance will not reference the result of the query. I can only use table fields with Sharepoint...major pain....

Example, I need riders name, weight and height from the column in ALL INfo query to automatically fill the column table in ALL Info

queryreservations!AllINfo.value=tablereservations! Allinfo.value

and how to loop through records that are not filled out already?

seems like it should be a simple Do.command but I am not sure how to code it..

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Queries :: Insert Into Subtable For Each Record In Main Table

Nov 27, 2013

I have a sub table that acts as a revision history for the items in my main table. I've just finished uploading all the records into the main table and now I want to insert one record into the subtable for each record in the main table to start the history with the record creation.

The sub table looks like this:

- RevID (auto Number / primary Key)
- RevDate (date of revision)
- RevName (Who made the revision)
- RevDesc (What revision was made)
- RevAuthorized (Who authorized the revision)
- RevLabel (Foreign key to the primary table)

The info I want to insert is:

RevID - Auto Number
RevDate - 11/27/2013
RevName - 3
RevDesc - "Added Label to database"
RevAuthorized - 1
RevLabel - (One for each record ID in tblLabels)

I suspect that I want to start with an insert into statement, something along the lines of:


Insert into tblRevisions (Revdate, RevName, RevDesc, RevAuthorized, RevLabel)
Values ("11/27/2013",3,"Added label to database", 1, ?)

I'm not sure how to indicate that there should be one label for each Record in tblLabels or that revLabel value should match the ID from tblLabels though.

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Queries :: SQL Stored Procedure - INSERT Statement On Single Table

Jan 6, 2014

SQL stored procedure which is simple INSERT statement on a single table 'tblSOF'

-- ================================================
-- Template generated from Template Explorer using:
-- Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL
-- Use the Specify Values for Template Parameters
-- command (Ctrl-Shift-M) to fill in the parameter values below.

[Code] ....

I am stumped with the following error.

Error: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertINTO_tblSOF_sp, Line 80 Incorrect syntax near ')'.

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Queries :: Insert Multiple Groups Of Text Fields In Table

Feb 17, 2015

I am trying to do is to make a for loop to insert multiple text fields in on table.

Depending on the counter (Zaehler) it should insert that representing text field. for example if Zeahler is 1 it should input whatever is inside the text field KVP_Kfm1 if its 2 then it should input the textfield KVP_Kfm2 and so on. here is the code that I'm trying to work but sadly it wont.I believe that the mistake is that my syntax is wrong but i cant figure out what is right.

For Zaehler = 0 To (Forms!frmCMP!txtAuslaufjahr - Forms!frmCMP!txtAnlaufjahr)
SQL = "INSERT INTO tblLifecycle_Projektion(ID_Berichtstand, KVP_Kfm, KV P_technisch, AeJ, MoPf, skAe, MiBst, Sonstige_Effekte, " & _
"KVP_technisch_FTR, KVP_Kfm_FTR, AeJ_FTR, MoPf_FTR, sk Ae_FTR, Sonstige_Effekte_FTR, Jahr) VALUES " & _

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Insert Into - Copy Records From Another Base Into Existing Table

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to copy records from another base into existing table in current base by:

DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO pivot (RFO_CLIENT_ID, FOLDER_DATE_CREATE, start_time, end_time) SELECT (RFO_CLIENT_ID, FOLDER_DATE_CREATE, start_time, end_time) FROM svod IN 'Z:NPSNPS - Operator - 1.accdb' ")

But it doesn't run. Says insert into syntax error.

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Tables :: Use Insert Into Command To Insert Filepath Into Table That Adds Blank Label

Aug 28, 2014

I am at work, and I have acquired a database that prints labels. They now want the database to be coded so that after certain labels are printed the database will print a blank label. I have the code figured out as a Do While statement in order to print the blank label. The problem I am having is that I am trying to use the Insert Into command to insert the filepath into the table that adds the blank label.

|DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Rod_tmakLabels ( Print, [Order] ) SELECT Yes AS Expr1, 'Rods Labels' AS Expr2"|

If I run the above command, it just adds the text "Rods Labels" at the end of the table. Is there anyway with the INSERT INTO command that I can insert the new label between the 2nd and 3rd row and add another row? Or is the command designed only to add a new row to the end? I haven't had any luck searching for this yet.

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Insert... ; Select @@identity

Feb 19, 2006

I work with project access (*.adp)

I want to know if it possible to take the last ID after the sql INSERT QUERY

my code:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO missionFather ....."
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL


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Insert Into ... Select Error

Nov 2, 2005

I`m trying to insert some rows of the table [Produse finite dbo_SC03XX00] into the table [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00].

So, I tryed to run the following queries:

A) INSERT INTO [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00] ( [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00].SC33001, [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00].SC33002, [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00].SC33003, [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00].SC33005)
VALUES (select [Produse finite dbo_SC03XX00].SC03001,'01','000000000999',5000 from [Produse finite dbo_SC03XX00]);

But, when I want to save the query I get the following error:

"Syntax error. in query expression 'select [Produse finite dbo_SC03XX00].SC03001'"

B) INSERT INTO [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00] ( [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00].SC33001, [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00].SC33002, [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00].SC33003, [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00].SC33005)
VALUES select [Produse finite dbo_SC03XX00].SC03001,'01','000000000999',5000 from [Produse finite dbo_SC03XX00];

and I get the error:

"Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement."

I thought that the select query might be wrong, so I tested it:

"select [Produse finite dbo_SC03XX00].SC03001,'01','000000000999',5000 from [Produse finite dbo_SC03XX00]"

and it runs correctly.

How can I solve the problem? How can I insert the specified rows from the table [Produse finite dbo_SC03XX00] into the table [Loturi dbo_SC33XX00]?

Thank you in advance.

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Mar 1, 2007

I was wondering if you can an INSERT SELECT statement for 2 tables w/ different data source?

Like one's from Oracle and the other's from Access?

Please help :D

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