Is it possible to amend this hidden table? It is for my ODBC links, I would like to amend (enmass) where it is linked to and the table name. If I could amend this table, it would only take seconds.
Hola senor y senora. I'm new here. I am currently working on MS Access Project and I needed help from you guys. :o I have done smoothly so far, but now I'm stuck at this query:
SELECT [MSysObjects].[Name] AS ObjectName FROM MSysObjects WHERE (((IIF(Left([Name],4)="mis_",[Name],""))<>"")) GROUP BY [MSysObjects].[Name],Left([Name],4),[MSysObjects].[Type] HAVING (((Left([Name],4))<>"MSys") AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=1)) OR (((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768)) ORDER BY [MSysObjects].[Name];
Previously, there was somebody doing this project, and so I have to sort of enhance this project by moving a few buttons here and there. That query lists out all the tables that had been filtered. So, I am stuck now on what does the query actually means. I also had tried the query by creating a fake Query and type out the SQL but I still cannot understand how am I to go about re-using the query. Do hope anyone of you could help me out and explain to me. (Pardon me if I really sound ignorant. :o )
I've got a workaround for the SQL of obtaining a count of tables matching a certain name-style. Ideally, I want to use the Like function (sql2) as it codes more simply, but found that the query doesn't work. As a workaround, I rewrote with a string comparison using the Left function sql1.
My question is: What is wrong with sql2?
When I paste the SQL into the Query Designer it works, yet when I debug in module code form, it fails.
Any ideas?
Private Function getTableName(strName As String) As String
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose ' This function is used to create a new table name. First it looks up ' all the table names in the database matching the passed in variable ' name, and then returns an incremented version of the name. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Returns ' Table name as string. '---------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim sql1 As String, sql2 As String, rst As New ADODB.Recordset, n As Byte
' Get number of characters for passed-in variable. n = Len(strName)
sql1 = "SELECT Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE left(Name," & n & ")=left('" & strName & _ "'," & n & ") AND (Type=1)"
sql2 = "SELECT Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE (Name Like '" & strName & "*') AND (Type=1)"
In the midst of importing and deleting forms and the underlying code, I've got some rogue forms in the MSysObjects table that I want to get rid of, but can't figure out how. They look just like regular forms in the table, but have names like "~TMPCLP411521", and some of the controls are in there, too, with names like "~sq_c~TMPCLP411521~sq_ccboPayTypeID". Can anybody help me get rid of these things? Or am I stuck with them? Thanks.
I have big problem with connection between ODBC and Access 2007. Everything is linked correctly but I have problem with separator in decimal field. In my country this separator is "," not ".". I found information about connection in MSysObjects.connect table that
I found somewhere that I need to change NUM value from NLS (default) to MS. Do you know how to edit this value? For example Access 2007 see value "123.8" (so it is in my country "123,8" ) like "1238"
Is there a way whereby I, or another user, can amend the ‘TOP’ value of a query via a Combo or Text box entry on a form? I have searched this Forum for a solution to this very problem but have had no success. I understand how to achieve this via the queries ‘SQL’ view but cant figure out a way to do it by the way that I have already described!!
Your advice or a ‘pointer’ in the right direction would be extremely well received.
I set up several combo boxes to display Tables from msysobjects. The record source is using a WHERE clause to display certain tables both Linked and Local. Occasionally, when clicking the dropdown arrow, the box only displays local tables. This situation seems not to matter whether tables have been newly linked or unlinked. despite having both a me.requery and a me.refresh in the code and/or even clicking the Refresh All button on the ribbon menu, the form does not seem to update the combo box to display both linked and local tables.
In further testing, it seems that it is not a form issue because I took the SQL statement I used as the record source and created a new query with the sql string. The query behaved the same as the combo box, only listing out local tables.
My current work around is to close the database and reopen, then all is well. Hopefully there is another way to get the linked tables listed without this drastic step.
Don't think it's necessary, but here is the sql statement. Type 6 is linked.
Code: SELECT FROM msysobjects WHERE msysobjects.[flags] = 0 AND msysobjects.[type] in (1, 6) AND Right([name],7)<>'_SOURCE' AND Right([name],4)<>'_OUT' AND not in ('tblImport','tblImportFormats','tblUniversal') OR msysobjects.database=gblprojectname() ORDER BY, Right([name],7);
Due to software licensing restrictions, my (Access 2007) development pc is NOT (may not be) connected to the network.The user pc's are all connected to the network.The network pc's only gets Access 2007 Runtime.The Front-end accde will be located at C:mydbFE heFE.accde on each user's pc.The Back-end will be located at X:mydbBE heBE.accdb (network share).
Currently (during development) the Front-end and Back-end is at C:mydbDEVFE and C:mydbDEVBE respectively - on my development pc, and the linked tables are pointing to C:mydebDEVBE.Now that I'm ready to distribute the database to the user pc's, I obviously need the Front-end's Linked Tables to point to X:mydbBE heBE.accdb
Where does Access2007 store the path to the Linked-Tables ? Is there a way I can change this path manually before making the accde ?I noticed that the path to the linked tables appear in the (hidden) MSysObjects table, but I do not want to mess with it until I know what the solution is.
I have a query which calculates and original amount, looks to see if there is an increase or a decrease in the amount, and if it's an increase, it adds the original amount to the amount of the increase, and gives a "revised" amount. If it's a decrease, it subracts the original amount from the amount of the decrease, and gives a "revised" amount as well. This works fine for the line item, as long as there's only one Revision to the line item.
What I need it to do, and I'm not sure if I should still be doing this at a query stage, or if it should be coded, is, if there is more than one revision to the line item, it needs to look at the new "revised" amount (from the first revision), and then add the increase or subtract the decrease from the revised amount, and give a new "revised" amount, instead of taking it from the original amount.
example of what it's doing now.
Rev #1 Orginal line item - $4,300 Increase - $500 New Revised amount - $4,800 Rev #2 Original line item - $4,300 Increase - $50 New Revised amount - $4,350
What it should be doing.
Rev #1 Orginal line item - $4,300 Increase - $500 New Revised amount - $4,800 Rev #2 Revised Line item - $4,800 Increase - $50 New Revised amount - $4,850
I need to have it look to see if the revision # is higher than 1, and then look at the revised amount, and do the increase or decrease at that time, and then give another "revised" amount.
Is this doable? And if so, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the Expression that I have in my query to calculate my "revised" amount. It looks at the original amount, and looks to see if it's an increase, and if it is, it adds it to the revision amount, and gives a new total for the line item, otherwise it sees that it's a decrease, and it subtracts the revision amount from the original, and gives an new total.
New Amount: IIf(tblRevisions![Increase?]=True,[revision Amount]+[Line Item Amount],[Line Item Amount]-[Revision Amount])
I have a form that has four text boxes populated by a combo selection on a prior form; on the form in question, these four text boxes are locked, however there is a command button to allow users to amend the information in these boxes - all works fine, however the changes they make are only applied to the current record. On occasion, it would be useful if these changes were able to be sent back to the source table to amend it.
Giving the option would be easy enough with a Yes/No message box, but is there a way with some code to amend the source record of the combo?
I have a find duplicates query with the following SQL:
Code: SELECT tblData.Vendor, tblData.[Loccurramount EUE], tblData.Last4, tblData.ID, tblData.Line, tblData.CoCd, tblData.[Document record number], tblData.PurchDoc, tblData.Reference, tblData.Curr, tblData.[Entry dte], tblData.Status, tblData.Version, tblData.Outcome FROM tblData WHERE (((tblData.Vendor) In (SELECT [Vendor] FROM [tblData] As Tmp GROUP BY [Vendor],[Loccurramount EUE],[Last4] HAVING Count(*)>1 And [Loccurramount EUE] = [tblData].[Loccurramount EUE] And [Last4] = [tblData].[Last4]))) ORDER BY tblData.Vendor, tblData.[Loccurramount EUE], tblData.Last4;
This works fine however I want to add another clause to the WHERE and I'm not sure how. At the moment the query highlights duplicates where the Vendor, Loccurramount EUE and Last4 match. I want to further restrict it so that it only finds duplicates where the Vendor, Loccurramount EUE and Last4 match BUT the number shown in version Does Not Match
So if two records have the same details for Vendor, Loccurramount EUE and Last4 and also have the same Version number then they don't show in the result.
I now want to change where it says "Qry BM to Management" to "Qry Tom to Management",
Example with Command Query:
Again Textbox Contains Tom
Query has been copied but now i want to change the following SQL string from where it says Bhavins Table to Toms Table
INSERT INTO [Management Table] (Postcode) SELECT [Bhavins Table].Postcode FROM [Bhavins Table];
Im not sure if this is possible but i would like to know as adding a new user to my Database takes me about 10-15 minutes but I know what im doing (copy paste change specific parts of Queires and points of forms etc ) but i need to make it easy for management to add new Users....
I have a db that is having some strange speed issues on some very basic queries. Objects that have a rowsource/recordsource with a SQL statment in particular are really slow to populate. Likewise on deactivate/activate the report query seems to reload. I've put breakpoints in every object event with no stops out of the ordinary, and nothing seems unusual.
While I know MSysObjects is a user read-only table, I came across some records that reference objects that no longer exist in the front-end. Is this table cumulative? Is there any way to purge the deprecated records? I tried to turn on then turn off autocorrect features hoping that would trigger it to repopulate, but no luck.
I'm thinking this may be the source of the issue. Perhaps if it is looking for an object that it can not find (especially the ~sq_ unsaved queries) then it's looking to the wrong place on a lostfocus/activate/deactivate or similar event.
Some history on this file, it has been through many versions of Access starting with 2003, which I think is part of the issue as well. Shy of looping every object and replicating the read-write properties, I'm not sure where else to go with this.
I'm trying to create a function to update and amend records in a table.
The update part works and updates existing records with new data but I'm getting an error with the insert part.
Run time error 3078 The Microsoft Office Access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'FALSE'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.
Nothing called 'FALSE' so not sure what that means?