Can You Automatically Set A Forms's Margins In A2k.

Jan 19, 2006

I want to print a page with .5 magin instead of the typical 1 inch. I am using access 2000, so i can not use printer.leftmargin. Is there a way i can do this through code somehow instead of going into page setup on each users computer? If the page margin is set to larger than 1" it will print on 2 pages.

Anyone have any suggestions on whare to start? All i can find is how to adjust page margins in a report. Or with a later version of access.

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Is It Possible To Automatically Set The Report Page Margins (top, Buttom,left, Right)

Aug 19, 2007


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How To Set Margins In Combo Box

May 4, 2005

I have set individual margins inside text boxes in my app.

I want to set some white space inside the combo boxes, too, but that option isn't available in properties.

Is there a straightforward way to set inside margins on combo boxes?

Thanks in advance!

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!@#$ Page Margins ...

Mar 27, 2006

I have an Access 97 reporting DB.

On all other systems these reports print out fine.

I just set up this reporting system on a new computer and when I print, the reports print on two pages - second page had a tid bit of an order date.

On the other systems, all the page margins ( top, bottom, left & right ) are set to .25" and the column width is set to 8".

I also receive this message upon running the report:
The section width is greater then the page width, and there are no items in the additional space, so some pages may be blank.

If I manually move this Order Date field over it does not properly print in the Order Date box on the form fed document.

This report is printed to a OKI Microline 320 Turbo 9 pin dot matrix printer.

All my margins are at .25" EXCEPT for the right margin, which is at .416" ... WHICH I AM UNABLE TO CHANGE!! Why?

I have reinstalled the proper drivers for this printer and have up to Office SR-2 installed.

Why am I unable to change the right margin to .25", if all the other systems have this setting?

Any suggestions are muchly appreciated, as I am seriously frustrated with this situation .... if I have left out any pertinent info .. please send your questions my way ....


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I Keep Losing My Margins

Aug 18, 2006

Hi Everyone

I wonder if anyone can help me please.

I have a form that nearly fills an a4 sheet of paper when printed. For this reason I have to set the margins from 24.99 down to 5.

This is ok and the form works well and prints out properly about 75% of the time. Occasionaly when I open the form it has reverted back to the 24.99 margins which of course prints out on three sheets of paper and is all over the place.

Is ther a way to set the margins on load and can anyone suggest an appropriate bit of code.

Kindest regards


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Report Margins (Print Position)

Feb 6, 2008

Good morning all.

I have an annoyance!!! I have a few reports in the access database that I'd like to hard code the print margins so that when I send any database updates to users that have different printers, the margins all come out the same. So that I don't have to then go to each computer I've updated the database on, to open each report and reset the correct print margins.

Another annoyance - along the same lines: A report that previews correctly several times and then - for no reason, previews with larger margins and, hence, data is lost off the right.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Reports :: Different Report Margins On First Page?

Dec 30, 2013

I'm using Access 2003.

Is it possible to set the top margin on the first page of an Access report different from all the other pages?

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Reports :: Margins Change Between Computers

Apr 1, 2014

I design/maintain an Access database for a friend's business using my home computer. The printer he uses allows for much smaller margins than mine does, so anytime I edit a specific report that uses very small margins, my computer automatically increases them to the minimum margins my printer allows and when the business owner runs the report on his computer it spills on to extra pages.

Right now every time I make a change, I need to go directly to his computer and adjust the margins within the report after the new front end is uploaded.Is there any way around this, such as telling Access to ignore the printer's minimum margins?

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Reports :: Setting Margins To Print Labels

Jul 11, 2015

I am having a problem setting the margins to print labels in access. I go to page setup and change the margin size click ok and nothing happens to the label and when I go back to page setup the margins have returned to their original values. I have already selected the label printer and labels that im using.So im baffled as to why it wont accept margin values that don't cause the label to be printed over 3 labels.

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Modules & VBA :: Formatting Page Layout (Margins / Orientation)

Mar 21, 2014

I have the following code in a module to set certain formatting properties when exporting an Access 2010 query to Excel:

With xlApp
.Application.Selection.Font.Bold = True


This works perfect but now I need to set some of the page layout properties (margins, orientation, etc.)

I have tried adding this:

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.PaperSize = xlPaperA4
End With

But I get a complie error (Method or data member not found) on the .InchesToPoints part of the line.

But I get a complie error (Method or data member not found) on the .InchesToPoints part of the line.

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Reports :: Can Report / Printer Margins Be Changed At Runtime

Nov 10, 2013

Access 2007 RUNTIME.I have 2 different printers, 1 for invoices A5 & one for general use A4.

I use


and can change printers & some stuff but can't change margins.

Is there a way to change these margins via VBA that can be set in RUNTIME.

Like now, I have just had thousands of invoices pre-printed layout but the company managed to move the margin 5mm over so I have to program my MDB reports to reflect that.

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Automatically Resizing Forms

Feb 20, 2006


I'm doing a database with several pop-up forms, but however small i make them ,they always resize to give a fairly large border around the controls onthe far right and bottom. Everytime i try and shrink it, in code with the Form.Width property, and in the design view, they always resize back again.

Any help would be great.


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Updating Forms Automatically

Apr 29, 2008

I'm fairly new to access and using access 2003.
I have a main table and 3 other lookup tables. i have created the form using the main table. there are about ten fields.
what i need is, when i select one field, another four fields should automatically update.
is this possible? if it is possible how do i go about doing it?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Automatically Clear Checkboxes Next Day?

Apr 6, 2015

I already have a form where I can enter data.

In that form I would like to have different check-boxes (three of them), representing actions done that day.

Let's say each form represents a contact, and I need check-boxes for:

- Called
- E-mailed
- Visited

This is something I am now able to do. But.... I would like these check-boxes to be cleared automatically the next day.

So when the database is opened the next day, these check-boxes start unchecked.

And I would also like that as soon I check a check-box on a certain day, there is an entry for that action and date is being entered in the record of that contact, so I am able to check later on what day, what action was performed.

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Forms :: Subform Not Saving Automatically

Dec 23, 2013

I have one problem with subforms. I have one bound main form and two bound subforms: one subform is used to display existing records in datasheet view while another is used to enter new records in form view, but this latter subform for new records will not save automatically, nor will it save by using the me.refresh or me.dirty=true in the unload event of the subform control. The parent child relationship is intact. I can even see the primary key of the new row in the subform but it does not appear in the table that the subform is based on. This primary key adds by one automatically.

I have struggled and finally made work a combo box in the main form that finds existing records but also is able to add new records when the value entered is not on the list. Below is the code I used. I am not sure if this code is overriding Access's save ability of the subform?

Private Sub Combo316_AfterUpdate()
Dim n As String
gblvariable = cbobox

n = DLookup("ID", "[Customers Extended]", "[Customer Name] = '" & Me!Combo316 & "'")

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Automatically Update Unbound Box

Jul 28, 2014

why my vba code wouldn't work.I have a scorecard form, and what I wanted to do on a form was that if a user enters a number in a bound box (to a table), it would automatically update an unbound box. So I coded it as this.

Private Sub SupplierCorrectiveActionRequests_Enter()
If [Request] = 0 Then [Text30] = 100
Elseif [Request] = 1 Then [Text30] = 75
Elseif [Request] = 2 Then [Text30] = 50
Elseif [Request] = 3 Then [Text30] = 25
Elseif [Request] >= 4 Then [Text30] = 0
End Sub

But it throws an error that there cannot be Then if there are no ifs, weird.Another problem I had is that I'm using a continuous form, and whenever I scroll down there seems to be a visual bug,is there any way to do that without changing the theme?

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Forms :: How To Refresh A Field Automatically

Feb 25, 2015

I have a form which has a field named VendorID it gets data from the following query

SELECT TOP 2 V.VendorID, V.VendorName, COUNT(A.ClaimNumber) AS Total_assignment, V.VendorStatus
dbo.VendorAssignment A ON V.VendorID = A.VendorID
GROUP BY V.VendorID, V.VendorName, V.VendorStatus
HAVING (V.VendorStatus = N'Active')

So, if we look at the code it should give me top 2 by ascending , but whats happening here is once i refresh it gives me top 2 and it stays the same until and unless i go to view mode and come back to the form mode( refresh) again. automatic code or something which can make this one update automatically?

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Forms :: Automatically Insert Object To OLE

Apr 10, 2014

I have Ms Access table with OLE Object column. So I am using form to handle this table. I want to store word documents in this column. Now, to add new item I should right click on OLE field, then choose "Insert object", then choose Microsoft Word Document.

How can I to automate this process? How can I automatically insert empty word document on adding new item?

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Forms :: How To Make A Popup Go Away Automatically

Jan 20, 2015

I had used a form to come up as a popup, and on that popup, the person can chose a report to go to (button). Is there a way that once they chose the button they want, to make the popup to go away automatically?

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Linking Forms (and Automatically Creating New Record)

Apr 26, 2006

Please forgive me if I don't explain everything properly, I am relatively new to Access.

I have two tables with the following information:

PK: volunteer_ID (autonumber)
name, address, school, etc

PK: scholarship_ID (autonumber)
description (text)
amount (currency)
FK: volunteer_ID (number)

One scholarship can be awarded to only one volunteer.
I have a form to enter all the volunteer information. At the bottom of the form, I would like to place a button to open a new form to award a scholarship to this volunteer. I believe I need to link the forms in the following manner:

VOLUNTEER.volunteer_ID = SCHOLARSHIP.volunteer_ID

The problem is this: The forms are not linked properly because in order to assign a volunteer to a scholarship, the scholarship must already exist. So when I click the button to open the scholarship form, the scholarship form is empty and the volunteer_ID defaults to "0".

I think this could be fixed by somehow making my button create a new scholarship_ID in the scholarship form and THEN linking the volunteer_ID fields.

Does this seem like a solution? If so, how would I implement it? I have a screenshot to help. Thank you in advance for your help.

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Forms :: Have A Field In A Form That Is Populated Automatically

May 22, 2015

I have a number of tables in my database, and they're linked in with a form. I'd like to have a field in a form that's populated automatically based on what's inputted in a different field.For example, I've got one table with names and descriptions on widgets (name in column A, description in column B).

Widget 1 This widget is blue
Widget 2 This widget is green
Widget 3 This widget is yellow

When I'm in my form, I want when I select Widget 1 to have the corresponding text (This widget is blue) appear in a field below.

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Forms :: Automatically Add New Record If Field Is Equal To Certain Value?

May 26, 2014

A have an OrderDetail form where I add the articles to a specific order. My articles can be ordered with 4 different attributes and one of them cost more than the others. If they want the article that cost more, I would like access to add a new record with some information.

4 different attributes to my articles. (A, B, C, D)
if ArticleAttribute = A then Null
if ArticleAttribute = B then Null
if ArticleAttribute = C then Null
if ArticleAttribute = D then add NewRecord with ArticleId = X

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Forms :: Other Fields To Find Data Automatically

Nov 13, 2014

In a form I have Two fields (which are of interest):

1) EmployeesName which is a lookup from another table named

TBLEmployees that contains two Fields

2) Second Field named EmployeesNumber which currently also using a lookup from table named TBLEmployees

if possible what I want to try and do when I select EmplyeeName from the dropdown list of names I want the EmplyeeNumber to be inserted into this field automatically rather than searching through the dropdown list again is this possible?

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Forms :: Automatically Clear Fields Between Entries?

Dec 23, 2013

I have made a form with a subform to search for existing records based on inputting a postcode then selecting the relevant address from the subform which then fills the form with details of that chosen record ready to issue a further package linked to that original record.

To prevent errors and confusion by the users I coded the following:

Private Sub CmdFindAddress_Click()
If IsNull(Me.TxtPostcode) Then
MsgBox "You need a Postcode to use this button. Please type one in."

[Code] ....

'Where the postcode entered does not exist in records or if there is a mistake typing in the postcode, below will remove residual record details from previous postcode ready for a new postcode search:

For Each ctlCurr In Me.Controls
If ctlCurr.Tag = "clear" Then
ctlCurr = Null
End If
Next ctlCurr
End Sub

The problem is that if I test the system by inputting a postcode where I know there are no records, the CtlCurr is highlighted and the error message is:

Compile error: variable not defined

This does not happen if I have already selected a postcode so the record fields are filled and then change the postcode - so the record fields are cleared.

Previously, entering a postcode which did not match existing records generated the "there are no records...." error message instead. How do I define CtlCurr?

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Forms :: How To Create A Field In Table Automatically

Jun 29, 2015

I have a form and it has a field as question. I also have a field as I'd in this form from the same table that is autonumber. I want that for each field the question will be created automatically in the table as below:

Is epm ( my Id field) is created
Is epm and is created are string

They should also include Id number of each row. So It would be like:

Is epm -1 implemented
Is epm-2 implemented
For each row

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Forms :: Update One Form Automatically Upon Fields On Another

Oct 7, 2013

I would like to update the Previous Education tab based on values on the Courses tab.The aim of this is to keep a clients previous education upto date in order to append it to a CV etc.

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