Cannot Copy Forms

May 28, 2006

I cannot copy Forms from one db to another db. I can copy everything else, report, queries, tables, etc.
When I "export" the Form, it appears to copy. However, it does not appear in the directory where it should be. If I recopy, it says "its already there and ask to overide the present Form. Still no soap. How can you copy Forms from one db to another? This sucks big time!
Please help if you can.

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Cannot Copy Forms

May 28, 2006

I cannot copy Forms from one db to another db. I can copy everything else, report, queries, tables, etc.
When I "export" the Form, it appears to copy. However, it does not appear in the directory where it should be. If I recopy, it says "its already there and ask to overide the present Form. Still no soap. How can you copy Forms from one db to another? This sucks big time!
Please help if you can.

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Copy Forms/query Across Db

Jan 22, 2008


If two developers are working on two seperate databases, is it possible to merge the work done in both database together, that i mean to say is, can we export the form/report/query from one database and import it in the other ?


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Forms :: Copy Second Field?

Jan 3, 2015

After the Portfolio Code has been chosen how can I place the "Broker Code" into the field = Broker

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Copy Form Format To All Forms ?

Jan 2, 2006

Hi i have just created my own form format and i want all my other forms to have the same format is there anyway of doing this ?


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Forms In Copy Of Front End Don't Work.

Nov 30, 2005

I have a project. There is an back end database sitting on a network share. And there is a copy of the front end for each of the users also sitting on the network share. (Ideally I would like the front end to sit on the user's local drive, but we can't trust them update the front end every time we change the code behind the form, and I don't know how to force the code change out to their drives.)

Anyway, So we have these files sitting on the network shared drive. When I do an update, I change my copy of the front-end, and after I test the change and see that it works, I then use windows explorer to copy my frontend MDB file, and paste that over the user's front-end file.

That was working fine. But about two or three months ago, if I copy and paste the files, then the user can't open the form in the pasted copy. That is about the time I was "upgraded" to Windows XP. So I had someone still on Windows 2000 do the copy and paste, and that worked. But about a month ago, with no change in that person's PC, his pasted copies no longer work.

When I say no longer work, I mean you can open the MDB file with no error, but when you try to open the form, the pointer becomes the busy pointer, but the form never opens. (Well, the longest anyone has let the machine sit is about an hour before killing access from the task list.)

So, now, I have to go to each person, and do the copy paste on their PC, and so far, that is working.

Any idea what is going on here and how I can fix it?


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Forms :: Copy And Paste To Form

Jul 26, 2013

I can not seem to paste text into a text box on an access 2010 form. I am however able to paste the text in a word document.

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Forms :: How To Copy Fields From 1 Record To The Next

Aug 6, 2013

I have fields on a form for the Date, the Start time and the Finish time. These won't change for the next 120 records. So, upon opening a new record, I'd like the Date and times to appear there already. But here is the crux: After about 120 entries, the date and Time changes, for the next 120 entries. So, once the 'batch' is finished, or I close access, the values do not need to be remembered until I enter a new record.

I copied something like the following from a book and tried running it with various modifications, just for the Date to start with, but no luck. (It did strike me as too simple for something, clearly, as unbelievably TRICKY as my problem...) I did find quite a few posts on this here but none seemed to work for me, or made sense to me in the slightest. (I did mention that I'm a complete rookie, didn't I?)

Private Sub Acquired_date_AfterUpdate()
Me!Acquired_date.DefaultValue = "'" & Me!Acquired_date.Value & "'"
End Sub

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Forms :: Copy Data From On Field Into Another

Jan 10, 2015

I would like to copy the Data from the field PORTFOLIO CODE into the field BUYSELL.

I would like to copy the CURRENCY Data in the field STOCK EXCHANGE into the field CURRENCY

We use MS Access 2007.

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Forms :: Copy From Previous Record?

Jun 2, 2015

I found and pasted some code which copies records from the previous record on the form. Seems to work well, but I was wondering if there is an issue with the copying of the first field which is a combo box?

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Forms :: Copy Data To New Record

Jul 4, 2014

Currently I have created a data base and form. I am at a point where I need to copy data from one record specific field to a different field in the new record all while creating a new record.

Create a new record

Copy field in LastWeekInfo current record
New record ThisWeekinfo field

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Forms :: Copy Record Within The Subsorm

Mar 26, 2014

I have uploaded a small database. I keep track of payments for people who receive a language proficiency allowance. Usually the members receive this allowance for two years. Sometimes they receive it for one year.

Lang Level DateQuaFrom DateQuaTo DatePd From DatePd To
Hindi Inter 15-Dec-12 14-Dec-14 15-Dec-12 14-Dec-13
Hindi Inter 15-Dec-12 14-Dec-14 15-Dec-13 14-Dec-14

There is a field called NoOfPays . If this field value is 2 in the first record then I want it to insert a second record as shown above. How do I do it. I tried to append but it is not working.

Now copying the record with the maxID is not correct.

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Forms :: Copy One Form Field From Another

Nov 4, 2013

I have form with the following fields

Added by
Agent Name
Sign on
AgencyName (From another table)
PCC (From another table)

I need to copy the data from first AgencyName to second AgencyName and first PCCto second PCC

how can I do this with macro?

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Forms :: Copy Info Into New Form

Apr 9, 2013

I have a [New Job Number] form in my database. In this [New Job Number] form, I have a [Purchase Orders] subform showing all open Purchase Orders. I have a button in the [New Job Number] form to open another form called [New Purchase Order]. How can I transfer all of that information from [New Job Number] into the [New Purchase Order] form through a macro? I don't know how to use VBA. Also I do know how to use basic Macros, though.

The fields I would like to transfer from [New Job Number] into [New Purchase Order] are JobName, JobNumber, and CustomerAccountNumber.

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Forms :: Using Combobox Value To Copy Whole Record?

Dec 3, 2014

Let's say, I'm updating a record, and I have a combo-box that says transfer and another combo-box that states "where to?" - or words to those effect.

Each record has a field for credit value and a field for debit value.

When I've finished entering the current record, I want to run code that fires the event, so, copies all the data from one record, to create a new record, BUT...

1) changes the "where to" from the old record to "From" in the new record.
2) changes either the credit or debit value, to the opposite in the new record?

I would like to do this from a sub-form. I can copy a whole record, no problem, but can't seem to change field values.

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Forms :: Copy Data From One Field To Another?

Jun 20, 2014

I have a single table / single form on the form we are entering amounts in two fields

Split Net Values
Total Net Value

We then have a further two fields

Split Gross Value - which is a calculated field based on Split Net Value plus 20%
Total Gross Value - which is a calculated field based on
Total Net Value plus 20%

I have a further two fields

Actual Split Gross Value
Actual Gross Value

I need to copy the Split Gross Value into the Actual Split Gross Value but still be able to amend the figure.

Also need to copy the Total Gross Value to the Actual Gross Value and yet again be able to amend the figure.

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Forms :: Copy Field In Form?

Jul 6, 2014

I have records that can be use several times and they dont change and record that change everey time. I want to be able to copy all records but also to locked older records to prevent users to change them.

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Forms :: Copy Data From A Form To Another

Jun 4, 2013

I've got a database for safety accidents/incidents. I've a table for incidents and another for employers with fields:

tablename:tblEmployers, formname:frmEmployers

In the Incidents form, i've a button which loads the frmEmployers with datasheet view.

Is it possible, by clicking/dbclicking on specific employer, his data (empid, fullname, etc) to autofill/copy to the same fields in form of incidents and save the record?

I've tried with combobox selection(Employers fullname) and autofield, but record didn't save the autofill data.

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Forms :: Copy Caption To Clipboard

Apr 15, 2014

I am trying to copy a caption from a form to the clipboard so that I can later paste it into another application.

The code I have found via a search on this website 1) Clears the clipboard and then 2) copies the caption from a nominated field. 2) doesn't work as I sure I have the statements wrong.

Call EmptyClipboard

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy

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Forms :: Copy Search Result Into Textbox

Aug 5, 2013

I have a quote form that has a button which opens a simple search form with just one textbox which gives the results in a subform. (the search is for the company name and the subform results give the company name with the full address (company, add1, add2, town, county, postcode)

I would like to have a button on the search form, to copy the correct result into a textbox on the quote.Until now I have just had a cmbox on the quote with the companies and addresses listed. Unfortunately, the users are not checking this list to see if the company already exists and are adding a new company but with slightly different information, so I am getting multi companies. (i.e, smith ltd, smith limited, or Hants, Hampshire etc).

I need a button on the main search form that copies the company name from the search results subform and copies it into a textbox on the quote.I have tried this on a button but it doesn't like it:

Forms![quotes test].[company].Value = Me![COMBINED SEARCH subform].[company name]

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Forms :: Copy Value Of Text Field Into Another Form

Jul 8, 2015

My problem is that I want to copy the value of a text-field of form frmSnippet into another text field of form frmChange. But this is not possible, Access tells me that it can't find the form frmChange. But it's there, I checked the name.

My code looks like this:

Const cstrForm As String = "frmChange"
Dim strNr As String
If CurrentProject.AllForms(cstrForm).IsLoaded Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, cstrForm
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm cstrForm, WindowMode:=acDialog

Forms!frmChange![txtSAPNr] = Me![txtSAPNr]

Why I get the runtime error 2450?

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Forms :: Command Button To Copy Certain Fields?

Apr 10, 2013

I currently have a form for a handover process and am looking to have a button to ideally take a section of inputted information from the form and place this into an email.


Are my fields, this goes up to 4.

I want to copy all these fields from my form, ideally into a new email but if not possible then atleast just to clipboard, is there any way to do this?

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Forms :: Copy Table In Currently Opened MDB File

Jan 8, 2014

How can copy table from another mdb file in current opened mdb file? If copy table is exist in current file table will be replaced.

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Forms :: Button To Copy Field To Clipboard

Mar 10, 2014

I'm after a macro or something to allow me to map a button on a form so that when it's pressed it copy's a certain field to the clipboard?

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Forms :: Copy Data From Combo Box To A Field

Jan 5, 2015

We have been trying to copy data from a combo box to a field without any success.

Private Sub PortfolioCode_AfterUpdate()
' From the combo box "PortfolioCodek" Place the field data into Column # 1
Me.PortfolioCode = Me.Broker.Column(1)
End Sub

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Forms :: How To Copy And Paste From Header Into Body

Dec 30, 2013

I placed all of the fields in the Form Header. I found this when I tried to view the form in Form View I could not scroll down because of the scroll bars were missing even though the properties indicated they were both enabled.

My question is how do I move everything from the Form Header into the body? When I right click on the form and try to deselect Form Header I get a warning message saying everything will be deleted. how to copy and paste?!

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