Cannot Hide DB Window With Custom Icon

Jun 27, 2005

In Access, Tools->Start... I uncheck the "Show Database Window" checkbox to hide the database window when the database opens.

When I enter an icon to be used for the program, the hide DB window utility cease to work on Windows 2000, but not on Windows XP, e.g. the DB window is shown when opening the database on a Window 2000 system.

Any suggestions on how to solve this?

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General :: Custom Database Icon

Oct 17, 2014

Creating and installing a custom icon for my database but I'm still seeing the access icon. I've done these things:

-I made a 32x32 bitmap in photoshop.
-I saved it in the same folder as my database.
-I opened access 2007 with my database
-I went to access options/current database/application options/application icon and browsed for my bitmap.
-Clicked on use as form and report icon.
-Closed everything and reopened my database.

I couldn't see my icon anywhere in explorer, access or my desktop shortcut for my database.I repeated all this except I put the bitmap into an online icon creator and downloaded an .icon for win vista and win 7 which I selected as above.

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Forms :: Impossible To Add Custom Icon To Button

May 23, 2015

I got an image bitmap that I want to use to customize my button. I got following error pop up."Image Generator" - "search key not found in any record".I'm using access 2013

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Cant See Tables Queries Etc When I Click Database Window ICON

Aug 11, 2006

Hi Folks

This is driving me mad.

I cant see the tables , queries etc , forms, reports when I click the Database window icon on the toolbar.

I need to add some more fileds to my tables etc

I have form that shows via startup.

Here is a screenshot of my problem :-

I cant seem to resolve this :confused: :confused: :confused:

Any help appreciated



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Reports :: Remove Restore Window Icon On Report Menu Bar

May 2, 2013

I have created a custom menu used on my reports which contains all the icons I need and anchored them to the right side of the report. I have been able to remove the min, max and the close icons from the default report menu bar at the top right hand side as well as the "Ask A Question" dropdown. But I am not able to remove the "Restore window" button that comes with the report print preview.

How do I remove the "Restore Window" icon from the report's menu bar?

I'm using Access 2003...

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Hide Property Window

May 29, 2006

hi guys,
easy question.
when the DB is open a login form comes up. The issue is that the properties window for that form comes too.
any suggestion? thx max.

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Hide Database Window

May 9, 2006

I need to find a way to not allow users to access the backend by using the database window. Is there a way I can password protect this?


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Hide Database Window

Feb 23, 2007

I am looking to minimize the access window when my database is opened. I already set it to do that from the startup menu, but all that did was open my specified form on open. I want it to actually only show my form w/ acces on the startup tray. Any suggestions?

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Hide Objects Window On StartUp

Feb 9, 2006

How can I hide the objects window on startup. I did it before witha command, but I cant remember how!

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Hide Access Background Window

Jan 31, 2013

I am using Access 2010 and trying to hide the background access window, so that only my forms are visible to the end users.

After researching, I found these VBA codes, but I always get an error. I have changed all my forms & reports to Pop-up and Modal. This is the code that I use on OnLoad of the Main (first form):

Private Sub Form_Load()
Const SW_HIDE = 0

[Code] ....

When I open my the database- the mian window is still there and I get an error

"The espression On Load you entered as the even property setting produced the following error: Only comments may appear after End Sub, End Function or End Property.

*The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Even Procedure].
*There may have been an error evaluating the function, event or macro.

Do I have to change any thing in File-> Options?

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Hide Access Window Task Bar And Reports

Nov 15, 2005


I've been using Dev Avish's excellent code shown within the sample database section to hide access windows. I've taken his call fsetAccessWindow function and set it to 1 or normal in two separate databases. Both databases seem to work slightly differently. The idea is that opening the database produces one Visible instance of access on the taskbar which is the purple standard graphic (Access 2000 / Windows 2000). With the first database I have set up reports through the active x control as required when using dev's code and even when I hit the report button the user is only aware of one visible instance of access as the purple colour graphic.

I am trying to implement the same code in a second database and have copied the code from the previous database into this database. It works great for the forms however there is a slight glitch when report forms are accessed. Rather than remaining with the purple access part on the task bar the task bar section is split into two between the form and the report. In the previous database users would not notice that the report had been opened at all. (although technically it was still running in the backrground)

I have checked most of the properties between the two database forms and they would appear to be the same..

Has anyone got any ideas why the taskbar is behaving differently between these two databases there must be some difference between my set up but as yet cannot find it??

Thanks Mark

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Hide/Unhide Database Window With VBA Code

Oct 6, 2006


I woul like to programatically (with VBA code) hide and unhide the database window.

In Access 97, this can be done with Tools > Startup > Display database window box (check/uncheck).

But I would like my program does that himself : when the user launches the application, the database window should be hidden and when he leaves, the database window should be shown again.


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General :: Hide Database Window And Appear Once Closed

Jan 20, 2014

I have a database and I need it so once the database file is launched the Database window & tool bars are hidden so people cannot see them. Along with that once the operator clicks on "Exit" on the main menu I would want it to close the database but display all of the Windows / Tool Bars again.

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General :: Remove Or Hide File Tab On Custom Ribbon

Apr 23, 2013

In Access 2010 I made a custom ribbon.The File Tab still gives users access to features that should not be available to them such as: Compact & Repair, Encrypt etc.I spent a few hours looking for a solution but found none that works.It does not seem to be possible to hide the File Tab, but is there a way to hide the options it reveals?

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Forms :: Disable Or Hide Minimize / Restore And Close Window Buttons On A Form

Mar 9, 2014

I need to disable or hide the restore, minimize and close window buttons found in the top right hand corner of a form.

I navigation buttons that controls open, close etc already set up.

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Automated Access Launch Causing Access Window To Fail To Hide

Jul 10, 2006

I have been using "fSetAccessWindow (SW_HIDDEN)" in the open event of my
main switchboard to hide the grey Access screen from being visible behind
forms, reports, etc in this db. But when I started using a .vbs script file
to launch the db, the Access window stopped being hidden. (The reason I use
the script for launching is that it temporarily sets the db's security level
to 1 which stops the macro security warning from coming up.) Apparently MS
knows about this happening and released a technique to rectify the situation,
but I don't understand their instructions. It looks like they expect one to
have more understanding than I have. Could someone help me get this
impliemented? Here is the article:

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Help: Pass Argument From Child Window To Parent Window?

Feb 15, 2005


I have a parent window which upon clicking on a button will pop-up a child window containing a listbox. The listbox recordsource is a subset of the parent window. I want the user to select a record from the listbox which will load the selected record onto the parent window.

How does one pass argument back from child window to parent window?

From parent window to child window, I used
docmd.openform ,,,,,,[argument] and me.openargs in the child window

thanks in advance.

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Icon Most Wanted

Jan 25, 2006

Hello fellow users,

Just a quick note, i would like to know if anybody has come across any good internet site for download of icons ideally free ones.


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Office XP Icon Dll

Apr 5, 2006

Hello Folks, i was wondering whether any one knows any dll or file that stores office xp icons. I wanna extract them.

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Changing Icon For Mde!

Apr 24, 2006

hello guys,

firstly thanks to all the guys here without whose help, I would not have been able to finish my database. However, there remains one question to which I havent found a satisfactory answer. I have checked through all the threads here.

I have made an .mde for my application and I want to customize my application icon to my company icon. The DB by default shows the access icon which I would like to change.

The threads here deal with issues of changing the desktop shortcut icon or changing the icon for forms. These threads do not address the problem I am facing.

I want the icon to be changed from access icon to a customized icon.
I am using MS access 97.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. If there is a thread which I may have overlooked, plz point me out.
Thanks in advance

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Icon Troubles

Aug 19, 2007

Hi, this is my first message on this forum ;)!
I have a little problem with my Access 2000 (with 2003 too on another compuer), in fact when I put an icon on a page of my Tab Control, the background of that icon is white and not transparent (the file I use is an "ico" file and so it HAS a transparent background, anyway I treid all the possible file types); the strange thing is that when I put an icon on a button, the icon is shown properly. Here is an image of my problem:

Thank you,


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Can't Use The Toolbox Icon

Jan 24, 2006

I'm working on a user's database that needs some cleaning up; however, when I go into the "View" menu, the option to use the Toolbar is greyed out and I therefore can't utilize the Toolbar.

What do I have to do in order to have use of the Toolbar?

Thanks in advance.

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Icon Ghosting

Nov 13, 2006

when a toggle button object is selected on a form, it becomes ghosted. What property is changed? I want to reset all the other toggle button images when a new one is selected.

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Is It Possible To Do A Systray Icon?

Oct 10, 2007

I trying to find out if it is possible to have a systray icon load when you start a access database or form? This way I could do pop up messages and icon changes thru out running access. Any advice, links, or imput would be great. Thanks !

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Modifying An Icon's Properties

Mar 21, 2006

I have an Access database split into FE/BE. For the front end, each user has his own directory on the lan. The directory is named with the UserName.

I've created an installation program in Access. It basically installs the icon on the user's desktop using Environ("UserName"). It also installs an Excel file the program needs on the hard drive.

Here's the problem...Right now, the installation program grabs the shortcut off the lan and installs it, but that shortcut has one user's UserName hard coded as the target. That one piece of information needs to change for each person. Is there a way for the program to modify the target based on the username of the person running the installation program? Without this piece, I need to visit every user after he runs the installation program and modify the properties of the new icon to point to his specific directory.

Thanks for any help you can provide!!

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When Specifiying An Application Icon...

May 11, 2006

I can't hide the database window...but when I take out the application icon, I can hide the database window.

Why can't I do both at the same time?:confused:

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