Cannot See Existing Forms, Queries Etc.

Feb 1, 2007

Hi There,

I am trying to open an Access database which was created a few years ago... When I open it to edit one of the forms I fail to see the forms etc that are in there.

Is there a hot key you hold down when opening the database to be able to open Access in full edit mode showing all forms queries etc

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How To Find Pre-Existing Queries

Apr 5, 2008

Hi am a forensics student taking a course in Database management and we use microsoft access 2003. I opened an assignment already started in 03 format, I am now running access 2007 and I need to make modifications to a previous query but I can't find the query table. how do I view my pre made queries on the 2007 version?

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Query With Criteria On Two Existing Queries.

Aug 9, 2005

I am in need of help to sort out some records. I have tow existing queries I would like to combine and get one final set of records out of. They go like this:

Query 1. (unique #)
Lot Protocol Sample # 1 mth 2 mth 3 mth
X ABC 1 x x (check boxes)
Y ACD 2 x x

Query 2. (unique #)
Lot Protocol Sample # 1 mth 2 mth 3 mth
X ABC 1 8/8/05 9/8/05 10/8/05 (query performs
Y ACD 2 8/8/05 9/8/05 10/8/05 calculations)

What I am looking to retrive through the third query is this:

Query 3. (unique #)
Lot Protocol Sample # 1 mth 2 mth 3 mth
X ABC 1 8/8/05 9/8/05
Y ACD 2 8/8/05 10/8/05

Where the third query only shows the calculated dates when the check box is true. I have tried to go through the expression builder, but to no avail. I either get all records, like query 2 or I get nothing reported. I am not sure how to limit the records based on the check boxes.


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Queries :: Combo Box Won't Display Existing Values

Nov 28, 2013

I had a text box in a contacts DB form for the State field (Named txtState). It worked fine. I decided to replace it with a combo box. Now not only will it not display the existing values, but to rub salt in the wound it won't allow me to select from the drop down list. The error message that says that the field is too small for the value. I tried changing each of the yes/no properties one at a time but none of them change the outcome.

I have attached a couple of screenshots:


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Queries :: Populating New Field In Existing Database

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to add a new email field to my existing database of 900 employees. I have imported an excel worksheet of email addresses into a new table that has lastname, firstname, employee#, email. The primary key on the new table is email. The primary key on the employee table is employee#, and there is a new field titled email.

The email field in both tables are text fields. In running an append query, it either adds 900 to 27000 additional fields of email only or it says cannot complete because of key code violations. On the join properties I have clicked on #3 all records from source to only equal fields of destination.

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Queries :: Link External File To Existing Database?

Apr 30, 2013

Basically it's trying to take all the files in a given directory and add them into a existing database.

I have a database called Permit. the database has a field called "SEAL" and they will be creating an additional field "SCART" to hold the contents of the file that exist in the directory. Each image file, in directory, is named the same as a unique record in Permit.

Permit-SC might have unique record 532442
An image file would be name 532442.

If the image file matches a record in Permit the image should be added to permit in a field called "SCART". At this point I'm not certain if I want a link or the actual image included in the record. since there's a possibility of including the permit file on the website it might be cleaner to have it included.

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Queries :: DateAdd Function Using Existing Field Values

Nov 26, 2013

I have a query in design view that consists of two calculated fields at the moment. One of the calculated fields is supposed to add one year onto a value from another date/time field called "Last_Date."

The expression I've written in the "Field:" box in Query design view is

Expr 2: DateAdd('yyyy',1,[Last_Date])

When I try to run the Query it doesn't work! Access just prompts me to enter a parameter value for Last_Date.

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Queries :: Data Validation Of A Field In Existing Table

Aug 13, 2015

I'm trying to write a query that will validate a field in an existing table. I want the query to show where any of the 412,000 records fail this strict validation:


...where A is any letter A-Z and n is a digit 0-9

Clearly I can use the LEN function to check for invalid lengths (anything <>9), but I'm looking for a simple neat expression I can use that will check the format. Does an existing function already exist before I resort to writing my own function in VBA (again)?

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Queries :: Designing A Query To Normalize Existing Database

Dec 6, 2013

I am attempting to normalize an existing database. I've created the table structures necessary and now I'm designing a query that will update the new field in my primary table: "LabelBaseProduct" with the primary key from my new table: "tblBaseProduct" where the old field from my primary table: "tblLabels.BaseProduct" equals the description field from my new table: "tblBaseProduct.BaseProductDesc".

A visual of my tables:

tblLabels (Main table)
- LabelID
- BaseProduct (old field with text data)
- LabelBaseProduct (new field, needs to be updated with PK from tblBaseProduct)

tblBaseProduct (new table)
- BaseProductID (PK and FK to tblLabels)
- BaseProductDesc (Field that should be matched to tblLabels.BaseProduct)

I tried to design a query using design view of the query design and this is what I have:


UPDATE tblLabels, tblBaseProduct
SET tblLabels.LabelBaseProduct = [baseProductID]
WHERE (((tblLabels.BaseProduct)=[tblBaseProduct].[BaseProductDesc]));

When I attemted to run the query it told me that it was going to updated over a million records. I only have just short of 2k records in my database.

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Queries :: Printing Daily Report For Existing Members

Aug 11, 2015

I have a kids club which do lots of functions for kids, to monitor the members and who is in and out I did a small access data base with details of Start date of the function and end date for each member.

I want to make a daily report showing only the active members in today date only for example:

Jack have swimming every Saturday, Monday and Wednesday Between 14 July 2015 till 14 August 2015
Jill have swimming every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday Between 14 July 2015 till 14 August 2015

today is 11 August 2015 and I want to report to mention just who is active today only.

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Queries :: Updating / Adding New Records To Existing Tables

Jul 29, 2014

I have a table with more than 60 fields and need to update it with records from another Access file with a table with an identical data structure.

Is it better to run an update query or an append query (i would have to delete the original records in the target table first) or a union query?

If I run an update query I will have to manually add each field to the query.

The update query will not add 'new' records. If I run an append it is quicker because I can use the * to match all fields, but i will have to delete the 'old' records first, as both tables use autonumber for the PK so the PK ID will be the same in each table (will get a key violation error).

If I import the 'new' table and run a union query it will match the fields and add the new records, but then i will have to create new table from that query.

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Queries :: Writing Formula In Query On Existing Fields

Apr 14, 2015

I have a table linked to SQL Server 2014. As SQL Server 2014 does not support calculated fields I created a query to use formulas. Now I want to write formulas on the existing fields ( TotalMarks ) of table Not to create new fields.

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Queries :: Update Field Based On Existing Record Fields

Jun 3, 2013

I have a field called uniqueID which I would like to update based on 2 other fields that are already populated in my recordset (from running previous queries). I heard it is not possible to do an Update Select like shown below.

select max(uniqueID) from myTable where a = "value of field a from first record in record set" and b = "value of field b from first record in record set"

If it is true that I cannot do an Update Select then I am trying to do something in VBA. How can I Loop each row in the record set and store the values from fields a and b. I would obviously then need to pass those values into the sql above and store the result in a variable. I would then do a straight update to put the value of uniqueID into myTable.

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Queries :: Append Query To Check For Existing Values And Add Only Those Not Present

Oct 23, 2013

I have a database used to manage teaching assignments (which kid is assigned to which teacher so to speak). I have this relationship defined through three tables, a teacher table, a student table, both with unique ID's. The third table is used to define the assignment. Also, the kid table has an extra GroupID. The group ID is what is used to define. So in the definition table, Teacher 1 is assigned to Group 1, and so on (though their may be 20 kids in group 1). When a new teacher is added to the teacher table, I need it to add it to the corresponding field in the definition table. The groupID is in the table as an Autonumber so that will populate automatically.

I need to appendTeacherID to tblassignment (TeacherassignmentID) and have only one occurrence of the TeacherID. So, if I have teachers 1-8 listed, each assigned to a group# in the tblassignment, and I add Teacher 9, I need it to add Teacher 9's unique ID to the TeacherassignmentID field without adding 1-8 again. I can't figure out how to "check" for ID's 1-9 and add only those I've added to the teacher list that aren't already assigned to a group.

I've tried a few different SQL queries append/select queries but nothing seems to do what I need it to do....

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Queries :: Insert Into - Copy Records From Another Base Into Existing Table

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to copy records from another base into existing table in current base by:

DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO pivot (RFO_CLIENT_ID, FOLDER_DATE_CREATE, start_time, end_time) SELECT (RFO_CLIENT_ID, FOLDER_DATE_CREATE, start_time, end_time) FROM svod IN 'Z:NPSNPS - Operator - 1.accdb' ")

But it doesn't run. Says insert into syntax error.

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Forms :: Cannot Use Add Existing Field Button

Apr 9, 2013

I'm trying to include a field in a form by putting the form in the design view, however, when I try to press the button 'Add Existing Field' or 'Property Sheet' in the Tools group Access doesn't do anything.

I have tried to search on the web for possible solution but I haven't found one yet but I did read about disabling the shift-key feature which may have something to do with it.

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Forms :: Add New Record Or Select Existing

Sep 30, 2014

First Access 2013 form being created. (i may not use proper termonology but trying).

tbl_Clients (PK=clientID auto#)-holds details of each client (Lname/Fname/MName/addr/preferences etc)
tbl_Encounters (PK=encounterID auto#)-could have many encounters for each client.
tbl_followup (PK=followupID auto#)-some encounters need followup, some don't, some encounters have many followups.

Have a form linking to tbl_Client, with subform to tbl_encounters (going to create another form for followups-haven't got that far yet). I would like to try to avoid duplicate clients in the tbl_Client, so when the form is opened they could look for client if not there add new. However for the existing client if say the address changed i want them to be able to do that. (i could get rid of dups in a query/report based on matching certain fields etc, however i'd like to avoid it in the first place).

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Forms :: Updating Existing Record In A Form

Mar 19, 2014

I'm having difficulty updating an existing record in my form. I can enter a docket number on my form and when i hit my button (Find Docket) it brings up all the customers info (name, date, invoice, vat, total, etc.) What i want to do then is be able to amend/update the record. Just wondering do i need to put vba code in my save button and how to code it and is it similar to my find data code below.

Here is my save function code:

Function SaveData() As Boolean
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Skips Delivered")

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Output To Existing Excel Spreadsheet

Apr 24, 2013

I guess you've all heard this one before, but I'm relatively new to Access, and was wondering if there was a way to export data from a form to an already existing Excel spreadsheet via a form button. Is this even possible in MS Office 2007, or even at all?

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Forms :: Linking Existing Form To New Table

May 1, 2015

Each month I receive a new excel spreadsheet (alpha Roster), Last month I created a form so that I can track certain things off of the Table (spreadsheet), I just received the new Spreadsheet for this month and was wondering if I can use the existing form and how hard it is to link it to the new spreadsheet? Is that even possible? I don't want to have to re create the form every month, I would like to just bring the new alpha roster in and be ready to work.

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Forms :: Add Field Data To Existing Table Row?

Dec 21, 2014

I have a form (frmCompany) which has two combo boxes (cmbCompany and cmbCity) which is used to add field data into a table (tblCompany). The Company field is the only required field the other is optional.

In some cases I may wish to add a City, at a later date, to an existing Company using frmCompany. I now select the company from the cmbCompany combo box then add the city to cmbCity. The problem is that when I close the form I get two companies in the table with same name, one has a city and one does not.

How can I add a new City to an existing Company, using the form, without adding a new Company?

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Forms :: Adding Subform To Existing Form

Apr 3, 2014

I'm having a bit of a problem with a database I'm trying to create, what I am trying to do is create a database to handle jobs in an IT workshop. The idea is that you generate the job card and then at the bottom you have a section to enter in the parts that are required for the job, and then have a report that prints out a list of all the parts required for all the jobs under a heading of the job card number.

The problem I am having is how to add this sub form / table to the job card sheet. I tried putting in a sub table, but that wont let me make additions to it, and I tried putting on a form but that wont retain more than one entry per job card (I have put it on continuous form).

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Forms :: Dragging Existing Form Onto Tab Control

May 2, 2013

I have read where you can drag fields onto the tab pages to create a form or you can place a subform onto a tab page, but can you drag an existing form onto a tab page?

I have done it and it is working, but I just wanted to know if this is ok to do or would it lead to problems.

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Forms :: Save Existing Form Data As New Record

Nov 14, 2014

I want to open an existing record via a form and then edit that data but save the form as a new record. Basically a form used for handover/takeover process where most of the data remains the same but the new form is the basis for the next handover/takeover.

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Forms :: How To Change Default Message Of Existing Table

Jan 7, 2014

How to change the default message of Exist table. the message shows like as. I wanna change this. How can i will do this?

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Forms :: Incremental Numbering From Existing Number Sequence

Aug 28, 2013

I have a Primary Key field named Member ID(Number format) in a Table named Mail List. The field is populated with existing ID numbers and my need is to use my Member Entry Form to increment by 1 from the last entry.

I have gleaned from other references that this can easily be achieved by the following entry in the Default Value of the property sheet for the relevant field;

=DMax("Member ID","Mail List")+1

The Form saves without error but when I attempt to add a new record in the entry form, the ID Number reads "#Error".

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