Cascading Combos In Datasheet View

May 5, 2005

OK, here is the problem. I have the following tables:


and I am creating a form to view the items currently on consignment with the customer. I have the main form 'Consignment' that holds the CustomerID, ConsignID, DateStarted, Employee (SalesPerson), Inventory Interval, and Closed (Y/N)... The subform lists in datasheet view the records in form 'ConsignDetails' that have the same ConsignID. The controls on the subform are :


The ProductID is selected in a combobox from all products. The UnitPrice defaults to a DLookup() from the products table based on the ProductID, but can be changed and stored. The Quantity is a manual entry field. Color and Size are both supplier-dependent fields, in other words, the supplier of the product has unique Size and/or color codes or descriptions. I have no problem creating a combobox either in the AfterUpdate event of the ProductID or in the MouseDown event of the Color or Size field to limit the drop-down list to only those Colors/Sizes from the CompanyColors / CompanySizes tables with the same SupplierID as the Product in the first control.

So far so good, but here is where I am beating my head against the wall. Every time I choose a product from a different supplier, the Color and Size controls display ONLY the items from the current Supplier, not the items from the Supplier of the Product on their individual records. I have seen ways to make the combo popluate a locked textbox, hide the combo, and display only the text, but in a data entry application the user will be primarily on the keyboard, and the solutions seem to make it almost impossible to do without using the mouse over a continuous form.

I am using Access 2002 (ver 10.6501.6735) SP3 to create an ADP using MSDE to link to SQL7 tables....

Any help will be appreciated, I have spent almost two weeks trying different approaches and may be too close to the forest to see the trees.


Bruce Davis

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box In Same Datasheet View / Subform

Oct 10, 2014

Is there anyway that we can do cascading combobox in the same datasheet view of subform? Basically I'd like to filter "Account Name" based on "Plan#" selected in the same record of subform.

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Cascading Combos On Many-to-many

Mar 11, 2005


I am trying to find a solution for this many to many relation and combos! I ve managed to do the one-to-many as the Mile-o example but i have trouble getting the same result right on many-to-many relations

as you know access needs us to create an extra table for many-to-many relations! but the example talks about the current an the previous table! how can i have 3 cascading combos with many to many relations to each other???

i also have a fourth but this one is related as one to many with the 3rd!

for more information i have:

Many Cars-to-many Categories of brands of parts
Many Categories-to-Many Brands of parts
One Brand-to-Many parts

the many parts combo is also a record selector!

In the beginning I had one table of parts with 4 foreign keys then i changed it to the current one with the previous chain of relation ending to parts with one foreign key! is this better???

Thanx! I hope I made my proble as clear as i could :)

Please Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp :) :)

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3 Cascading Combos

Sep 28, 2005

Can anyone kindly help me with the attached
database. I need to synchronize 3 combo boxes.
based on the choice made in the previous box.
I have seen it done before using text fields but
not using numeric fields as in my case here and
without using queries.

I have set the RowSource for the 3 boxes on the
OpenForm event and have removed all my code

Thanks for your help

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Cascading Combos

Apr 2, 2006

I am new at programming in Access and I am writing a database for our church. I have 2 tables, one called “Donators” and the other “Donations”. In the Donators table I have their Last Name and First Name along with their address etc. In the Donations form I use a combo for the Last Name and a separate combo for the First Name. I did this so the person entering data doesn’t have to use a mouse but simply tab and type. Both combos are bound to the ID number. Without using a cascading combo, all First Names appear not just the ones relating to the Last Name. I checked the examples on cascading combos and tried them but without success. I could really use someone’s help. Thanks.

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Cascading Combos With Many Entries

Feb 25, 2005

Right i have a project form which has a sub form of location

One project can have many locations

therefore it is nescarry to enter more than one location

Problem is with the cascading combo boxes i have for country to region to sub region, is that you can enter one fine, but if you enter another is deletes the information from the first entry

can anyone fix this please

i have uploaded a sample

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Multiple Cascading Combos

Mar 3, 2006

Hi All,

I have a query about cascading and combo boxes, which I was kindly, advised about previously. However, I’m stuck as to how to cascade using the selections from more than one combo box. Here are the tables involved

fld LineID (PK)


LineMachineID (PK)
LineID (FK)
MachineID (FK)

DTCategoryID (PK)

DTReasonID (PK)
CatReasonID (PK)
DTCategoryID (FK)
MachineID (FK)
DTReasonID (FK)

What I’m trying to do is create a form to enter downtime incidences and would like the downtime reason to be selected following a series of combo boxes. The first combo box selects the Line on which the downtime has occurred, using this, the next combo box selects the machine. I would like the category selected independently but then need the Downtime Reason selected based on the selections in the machine combo box and the category combo box. This is where I am having the problem.

I can get the machine combo box to display machines dependent on the Line selected and I can get the downtime reasons combo box to display machines dependent on either the machine selected or the category selected, but I don’t know how to get it to do it based on both.

e.g. the category may be mechanical, but there are reasons that are mechanical and specific to each machine.

Any help with this would be most appreciated.



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Cascading Combos Issue

Feb 9, 2005

Hi,I shall be grateful for any help.

My problem

Tbl Model

I have used cascading combos for Make and Model. They work fine. I have set up tblMake as follows:
I have make tblModel as follows:
I use these cascading combos on a form. The data from this form goes into the "Cars" table. I have set the "Column Bound", "Width" etc. to show the name of the car, not the number.
However, I have created a search form. This uses a SELECT...... case in the Row Source. The details of each car are shown in a unbound listbox. This select case is supposed to show "Make" and "Model", which it does, however - they are numbers!!!
Please can anyone let me know how to change it so it shows the actual names of the car.
Thank you

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When Using Cascading Combos - Requerying Other Fields

Oct 6, 2005

OK ive got my 2 vaguely working combos which select the surgery, and the staff.

On the same form I want a couple of tickboxes which show for example, whether a person attended the course, if they had to pay etc (all yes/no answers).

How do I get the tickbox to update? i have tried to requery it but nothing happens, it just stays as what the last thing done to it was.

SHould i be using a subform here do you think?

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Cascading Combos Not Working When In A Subform

Oct 7, 2005


Ive got my combos working fine now (thanks to all you kind folk on this forum!) but now that I have opened the main form (in which the combo box form is nested), once I have selected an item in the first one, and then click on the 2nd combo, a parameter box comes up saying "Forms!Training Record!Course_title_combo" and wants a value.

I cant see why this doesnt work when the form is nested, any ideas?


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Cascading Combos With Subform Problem

Oct 22, 2005

Hello to all !
I have this db where i wantto include 4 and if possible 5 cascading combos where the user can select records from a table and view them in a subform which is in datasheet view.
All is going well until i try to add the 4th combo.Then when i select the 4th combos selection the subform displays nothing.
If someone could point me to the right direction i would be most thankful.
I have attached the db.
Thx for all replies :)

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Cascading Combos On Continous Forms

May 12, 2006

Hi Guys,

I have two unbound cascading combo boxes on a form that limit the data for a stored field.

I am designing this as a subform to show software installed on a PC (hence the need to have a continuous form). As the manufacturer, software package and edition are already stored in my database, I am storing only the ID of the edition to limit duplicating data.

I would like to show the values in the cascading combos that relate to the edition ID stored as well as filtering the edition ID using the combo boxes (i guess a filter and a reverse lookup)

Please see attached pic. First record was entered as Microsoft Autoroute. New record for Manufacturer Frontier, change the previous records combos.

Thanks for you help


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Cascading Combos: Changing Which Field Is Displayed Once Selected

Oct 6, 2005

I have set up a form which has 2 combos.

Combo A pulls from a query which gets surgery address1, address2, and surgeryID. It displays only the first 2 fields.

Combo B gets info from a query getting staff firstname, surname, title, staffID and surgeryID, and shows the first 3 fields.

I have the following code in the afterupdate of box A (surgery_combo)

Private Sub surgery_combo_AfterUpdate()
staff_combo = 0
End Sub


The queries seem to work fine, as box B displays the staff that work at each surgery. However on selecting a staff member, you can only SELECT the ones who have a salutation (mr/mrs etc) in the first column. And when you DO select this - the combo shows a most unhelpful "Mr" whereas I want the name there.

How do I change the column that the combo displays once selected?

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How Do I Show The Subform As Form View Instead Of Datasheet View :confused:

Jul 19, 2007

See title :)

I have seen that in some sample db's rightclicking the mouse showed the menu with an option to check or uncheck the dataview option, unchecked the formview was applied, but when i 'just' import the subform, i cannot find somewhere the possibility to change from dataview to formview.

Maybe someone can help me with this, probably very simple(?), question?

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Forms :: From Pivot View To Filtered Datasheet View

Nov 14, 2013

I want to "zoom" to the underliyng data from pivot view. When in excel someone doubleclicks a field in a pivot table, it automatically creates a table containing all the lines that field were made up from. I want to achieve the same behaviour in Access.I started to think towards a VBA coda, that could be initiated from the form's double click event. It should go to datasheet view with the prpoer filter criterias.

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I Want Datasheet View... Why Does It Keep Showing Form View?

Apr 6, 2006

I have a form which is opened with a filter from another form. For some reason it views the form in form view, although it was set up as datasheet view. I even went to the form properties and the default was datasheet and i made it not to allow other views. This still didnt solve it. I want it to be in datasheet view because i want to show multiple records at the same time.

If u kno how i could resolve this please offer ur help


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Datasheet View

Nov 3, 2006

when you select the Data sheet View you display error messages in the Accounts Sub reports fields.

The database has been included as a reference:
Forms- Double click Accounts Form By Discipline -data sheet view

Under Current balance,Spent, and Encumbered Columns you get error message instead of the actuall totals.

Please tell me how to correct this prolsdms

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Datasheet View

Aug 20, 2004

Is it possible to switch the view of a subform to datasheet when a command button on the mainform is selected?

I know it is something involving acFormDS...but I cant figure out the rest of the code! I appreciate your help in advance!

(P.S. I know you can right click the form and select datasheet. Unfortunately there are not many people here that are familiar with MS Access and I dont trust that they will know this)

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Datasheet View

Jun 18, 2007

I am reviewing a program that in datasheet view has '+' signs in the left-hand column -- it displays rows of companies. When I select a '+' another 'sub-datasheet view' of employees of that company appears, partially covering the original datasheet view of companies.
Is this the way sub-forms look in datasheet view or is something else involved?

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Datasheet View In Subform

Jul 17, 2006

Hi. I am trying to create subform in datasheet view with one column (total 3)as drop down list. Is this doable? Thanks.

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Querying A Datasheet View

Apr 25, 2007

Is it possible to do a query of the datasheet view of a subform? If so, how does one go about it.


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OnLoad View As Datasheet

Mar 9, 2005


i have created subforms and set the Default View to Datasheet
Now i have a form where i am adding command buttons on it to load those subforms but They are not Loading it as DATASHEET VIEW.
Any Clue?


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Subform Datasheet View

Jan 5, 2006

I have a subform that is in databsheet view. When the user logs in to the db it sets the global variable with the group level they have.

I would like a column to be hidden for a certain group of users and have tried the following.

On the subform opening event i have

if vlevel = "engineer" then

me.Hours.columnhidden = True


me.Hours.columnhidden = False

End If

And i have done the same on the Main Form open event identifying the subform by Form!Subform![Hours].columnhidden = True

But neither worked.

Can any suggest something.

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Datasheet View In A Subform

Jul 25, 2006

Can anyone tell me how to manipulate a single cell in a datasheet view, or if it is even possible?

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Mimick Datasheet View

Mar 10, 2006

I have two Access files. One is just forms which I use as a front end app. The other is the database that I store all my tables/data/etc...

I want to run a query to display data from these tables and display it in like a datasheet view. I know how to do this if it was all the same Access file, but not how to do it with two separate files.



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Getting Rid Of The Row Header In Datasheet View?

Nov 17, 2013

I am trying to get rid of the row header (the little square next to a record) when in datasheet view.

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