Center Form When Maximize

Aug 21, 2005

When i make the maximized on opening by docmd.maximize, coud i get the form centered too?
right now im just adding form space on the leftside so it comes somewhere in the middle but if somone has a diffrent ressolution then it wont work as well.

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Modules & VBA :: Offset Center Pop-up Form

Jan 21, 2015

I am using the below code to centre a popup form, both horizontally and vertically. All my non-popup forms are 25cm wide. It looks weird that the popup forms appear on the centre of the screen, when the centre of the form is more towards the left. This is especially true in widescreens. How can I alter this code, so that the popup form appears on the centre (horizontally only) of the first 25cm of the screen.

25 cm = 9.8425 in = 14173 twips = 945 pixels

' API declarations:
#If Win64 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Function apiGetClientRect Lib "user32" Alias "GetClientRect" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As typRect) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function apiGetWindowRect Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowRect" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As typRect) As Long


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Maximize Form On Load

May 22, 2006

I have some trouble getting a form to open maximized. This form is opening from a switchboard that is centered and not sizable. After clicking on a command button in the switchboard the form I am having trouble with opens in its own window, but I cannot get it to maximize automatically. I have been to every setting I know on the form properties but for some reason nothing seems to be able to get that form to open maximized.:confused:



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Maximize Form On Load

Nov 14, 2006

how to maximize the form when you load it?

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Is There Anyway To Auto Maximize A Form On Load?

Feb 28, 2005

I want my Switchboard, and all subsequent forms to be maximized on that the form name doesn't show. Is that possible?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Close Form And Maximize Another

Dec 9, 2013

im try to close a form called "new job" and re-maxmise Form "main switch board"

i have manage to get my pop up form "main switch Board to minmise with Macro but unsure how to recall it when "new job" closed

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Forms :: Maximize Form On Load

Nov 2, 2013

I'm a newbie using Access 2007.I am trying to make things as easy as possible for the user of a database that I have been working on. The users maximum screen resolution is 1600 x 900 and I want to have specific forms automatically "maximise" to fit the screen.I have set the Form property "Fit to Screen=Yes" but it does not do what I am expecting and want.I also have "Auto Resize=Yes"

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Auto Center

May 19, 2006

Why is it that auto center doesn't auto centre? Yes it centres horizontally - but not vertically. Does anyone know how to actually center horizontally and vertically i.e centre!? (I have used both spellings in order to appeal to a larger audience!)

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Call Center Operation

Feb 25, 2008

Hello All,

I have a call center and Im trying to work out a call que.

I have 8 operators.

10000 records that need to be called.

I'm trying to create a query that will select the first record avilable from my table. when the next operator has completed his call do the same thing and so on without duplication of efforts.

Any help would be appreciated


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Auto Center Forms & Reports

Mar 19, 2007

I have quite a few forms and reports in a database that are pop-up and modal. I've also auto centered them so they do not jump all over the screen. However, these forms and reports are centering when you open them but move whenver you close them. I am hiding the database window, which usually means that it minimizes to the upper left corner of the desktop screen. These forms then wind up closing or relocating to where the minimized database window is. Is there any way to fix this problem so that the users see centered forms and reports every time they are using the program?:eek: Thank you

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Modules & VBA :: How To Center Logo In HTML Code

Jul 22, 2015

I'm try to centre a logo image in the middle of email but I having issue doing it doesn't seem to matter what I try I can't seem to get it to do what I want . The code below works but doesn't centre the image

Dim txtLogoURL As String 'this is for your logo
txtLogoURL = "C:UsersDellPicturesoie_transparent.png"
strHTML = strHTML & "<p>"
strHTML = strHTML & "<a href=""""><img border=""0"" src=" _
& txtLogoURL & "' align='Centre' width =200" & " alt=""testing"" /></a>"

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Reports :: Center Check Box Under Label On Report In Access 2007

Mar 21, 2013

I have created a report with the report wizard in Access 2007 that includes a check box. The check box is located under the label but to the far left side. How can I center the check box under the label?

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Maximize Problem

Jul 12, 2006

I have in the Form_Load() event, the following command:

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

It has been fine for several weeks, and today, when I open the form, it does not maximize. Also, there are a few other commands that are not working, connected to macros, plus an "Exit" button that was created using the wizard. I checked all of the code and macros for accuracy and nothing seems to be wrong. I have no idea where to begin looking.

Any clues, helps or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Maximize Reports

Sep 27, 2004

I have read several tips to maximize my reports. The common one is the DoCmd.Maximize. However, when I type this into "On Open" on the properties window in the design mode I get the error message "Can't find the Macro "DoCmd".

How do I fix this?


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Reports :: Call Center - Creating A Report To Show All Associates Under Error Type?

May 23, 2014

The database is to track and evaluate call center associate phone calls. I created yes/no fields for multiple common errors (accurate/complete, Security, and client experience. and under each are @ 20 common errors)

(the problem is that I did not create a seperate table for each main category which I think might have made things easier)

Now what I am trying to do is create a report that allows me to show (or select) an error and have it show all the associates that had that error in a given time frame.

I already have a report to show all associates and all the errors that each had in a certain time frame. (so vertically I have associate detail and horizontal I have error detail).

is there a way, without creating 25 separate reports, to show all associates under an error type?

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DoCmd.Maximize... Not Working

Apr 27, 2006

I have tried using the following code to maximize my form on open but it is not working, any ideas?

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Form_Open


Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Form_Open

End Sub

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No Minimize, Maximize, Or Resize

Apr 3, 2008

Ok, this seems really lame to have to post this but in Access2007 none of my form or table windows have Mininize, Maximize, or the ability to resize. There is a Close X but nothing else. Being used to Access2003, I am used to being able to resize the windows or at least minimize them. The properties panel has control for these items but they do not appear when I set the properties to yes.

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Forms :: Maximize When Opened By Macro?

Feb 19, 2014

I have a form that maximizes when it loads and that works fine, but when I run a macro to open it the command is bypassed. Is there a way around this?

I've tried setting the code to run on different events (open/activate) but that didn't change anything.

The reason I want a Macro to open it is so I can set the property to Add only, perhaps there's another way I can do that, perhaps as part on the form open event in VBA instead?

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Modules & VBA :: Maximize And Minimize Forms

Feb 27, 2014

I have a Form [frmLogon] which opens on db open to allow users to logon, once they have entered their username and password they click a cmdbutton which then minimises [frmLogon] and opens form [Navigation Menu].

On close of form [Navigation Menu] how can I get [frmLogon] to restore to its original open state from being minimised.By the way i have to keep [frmLogon] open as it provides an OpenArgs reference to another form for security data!

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General :: Start Up / Doesn't Show Minimize And Maximize Button

Sep 1, 2012

I created autoexec macrro. But when i open the form as a dialog box it doesn't show minimize and maximize button.. it only shows close button so what should i do..Also i want to create the log in form as well..So here is what i want

1) when i open the database it shows me log in box and if i put right password and username

- if i put wrong password it should keep promoting me until i put right login details and this login shouldn't be displaying the close button otherwise users can easily access through database.

2) the navigation form should be pop up.

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Reports :: Display Report In Popup Window And Maximize In Print Preview Layout

Dec 22, 2013

I have created a report with a subreport for my database. The user selects the project for which he/she wants to see a report. Once the project is selected, the report is displayed in a popup window and maximized in the print preview layout. This allows the user to view and read the report. Once this is done, there are no buttons or menus on the screen that allows the user to send the report to a printer or file.

Other than the report, there are minimize / maximize and close buttons at the top right of the window and page selection buttons at the bottom left of the window. If the user wants to print the report, they must either hit ctrl-P or right click the mouse on the screen to display a menu from which the user can select print to open a print dialog box. Is there any way to add a button or menu to the print preview that appears on the screen to make printing easier?

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Forms :: Button In Form To Open Different Form And Chose A Customer Based On Last Form

Mar 26, 2013

Basically I have a Customer Form, which I have a New party button on it,this button opens up the party form to a new party, what I would like it to do is open up a new party but make the new party for the customer I had selected in the previous form.I have tried the GoTo macro's but cannot seem to get it to work.

I am thinking on clicking the button it will need to get the Customer ID, and then open the party form, create new party, and paste in the Customer ID, which then updates the Name - Date - Address - Company Fields.

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Forms :: Opening A Form From Another Form Via Combo And Auto Loading Form Data?

Apr 14, 2015

I have been tasked with creating a tool to analyse mobile phone bill data and present the analysis, and our recommendation, to a customers. Being new to Access (other than basic tuition) this has been a slow uphill task, which is finally nearing completion, however there is a problem which I have not yet been able to overcome.

The requirement is for the DB to open first on a splash screen (lets call it Form A) with fancy picture where our customer is selected from a combo box, the customer is then telephoned, a linked computer screen is established and our staff then click "Go" to proceed to a second form (Form B) showing an account overview and more details.

The problem I have is when "Go" is clicked, the second form loads via on click event, and even populates the correct customer in its combo box. Unfortunately that is as far as it gets - the combo does not look up the information. The customer needs to be selected again for the subforms and subreports to load with the customer overview. To clarify, form B just sits there blank until the customer is re-selcted from the combo box in form B.

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Forms :: Send Data From Pop-up Form To Main Form (sub-sub Form)

Aug 27, 2014

On the form: User enters first name, then last name. Upon updating the last name field, I would like another form to pop-up and display all the people with that same first name and last name that the user just entered.

On the pop-up form: All of the matching first names/last names are listed with a button control beside each record that says 'Select'. The user clicks the select button beside the record he/she wants. This pop-up form closes and all of the data from this selected record is now showing on the original form.

So far, I have a query/form that pops up only showing the matching first/last names. I'm having a hard time getting my original form to auto-populate with that record that the user selects on the pop-up.

(Also my main form is actually a sub-sub form - so in my trials I could've been massacring my syntax trying to point to it.)

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General :: Create A User Form With Sub Form Using Form Wizard?

Aug 10, 2013

I am trying to create a user form with sub form using the form wizard. I have only 2 tables, Employee (main table) and Vacation (subform table). I pick the fields from Employee Table then fields fro Vacation, but the wizard treat the Vacation as main form and Employee as sub form.

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Open Previous Form From Current Form Sub Form

May 7, 2005

I have a fault form which the user enters details of a fault. When the fault form is submitted the data is saved in the relevant table and the form is cleared so that the user can enter the next fault. On the fault form i have a subform which displays the faults previously entered by the user. I want the user to be able to click on an entry in the subform and open the orignal fault form and see the data that had been entered. How can i create this functionality??

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