Chane The Color Of The Last Entry In Text Box

Oct 29, 2005

Greetings to all,

How can I change the color for example to red for the last entries in a text box field. Note that I'm using the following code (After Update) to stamp the date, time, and the person who has done the entry.

Dim s As String
Dim ss As String
s = Status.Value & "."
ss = s & " " & crlf$ & "Updated by: " & Assigned.Value & crlf$ & ". on " & Now
End If
End Sub

I need only the newer entries or update in the text field to be in red and the upper previous entries in the same filed change back to black whenenver newer updates occurs.

I appreciate your help as always.

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Forms :: Change Text Color On A Form If Text In Field Contain Certain Word

Jul 12, 2013

I have a Form Display Data in my Access Database, which is working really well. However, users was asking if there is a way we can make Font Color Could/would change if The text in A field or Any field in my display form contained the word "SAD or MAD". Is there code for such thing in display form?..

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Color Of The Text In Table

Mar 16, 2005

I want to change the color of the text in my table. it is blue and it is not so user friendly and I want it to be black. Need your attention .Thanks

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Changing The Color Of A Text Box

Dec 21, 2004

This is very close to the label question that I also have posted. I am trying to get my report to have the back ground of some text boxes turn yellow if they are populated. I can get them to turn yellow, but they turn yellow whether they are populated or not. I have the code in the Report Open event. Here is some of the code that I have.

If Not IsNull(MMSJob) Then
MMSJob.BackColor = 65535
MMSJob.BackColor = vbWhite
End If

Can anyone help me?


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Change Color In A Text Box

Nov 21, 2005

On a form how can i get the text to change to red if the number is Greater than 500 and blue if the number is less than 500, the text box is populated via a query


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Change Text Color In A Combo Box

Feb 5, 2006

I have a report card program that I use in my classroom. The program calculates letter grades for various sub categories.

For example, under the Primary Category Math, the computer will calculate a letter grade based on assignment scores and place the grade into a combo box for the sub category "Able to use a graphing calculator."

If I override the grade the program calculated for a student, I would like the text in the combo box to change to red for that student only. Then I can go back and quickly see which grades I have manually changed.

I just cannot seem to figure out the logic to use VBA that would check to see if a user has changed individual combo boxes.

Thanks ahead of time for any ideas.

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Change Button Color Text

Sep 8, 2004

I have an option group of buttons. Is there a way to change the text color of the chosen button?

Thank in advance - John

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Change Background Color Of Text Box?

Aug 26, 2003

I need to change the background colour of a text box after a change to the field has been made?


Make: IBM (Background Color Grey - Default)

User makes a change to Make ..

Make: Toshiba - (Background Color changes to Yellow )

I'm trying to code this with the OnChange option on the TextBox but can't see to find the right code.

I was using Application.SetOption"Background", colour value with no success

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Code To Change Color Of Text On Combo Box

Dec 30, 2004

I have two forms sourced from one table. if the address of a client has changed then there is a Command button that opens a form to enter the previous address.

What I want is for the text on the command button to change to red if there is a previous address filled in. I have seen it done but cannot copy the code. What I have is on the OnCurrent event of the (main form)

Dim InColor As Integer

Me.[Command126].Forecolor=(And what I want to say here is "If the field previousaddress is not null then ...)*255

Any ideas??? (I wanted to have the database completed before the New Year (less than 12 hours to go!!!)

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Changing Color On Multiple Text Boxes

Jan 18, 2005

I have about 25 text boxes on my form that use the dcount or count functions to obtain a number. (Text boxes are labeled 'Text1' through 'Text25')
When the value of the textbox is 0, I would like to have the color of the text box turn red.

Is there a way I can do this using a for loop? Or a with statement?

Checking each one individually just seems like poor programming.
Any thoughts? Ideas?
Thank you.

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Forms :: Changing Color Of Text On Labels

Aug 14, 2015

I have three labels that I can't change the text color. I must have them locked or something. What should I check?

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Text Color For Urgent Or Important Items

Jul 2, 2012

How do I set the text color in one field as Black for regular records & a different color for Special records?

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Limit Text Entry Based On Another Text Box

Sep 8, 2004


I'd like to know if this is possible and if so, how to do it.

I have a couple of text fields, let's say text1 and text2. I would like the following functionality:

if text1 = "somevalue"
then allow entry into text2
else disable entry into text2

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Forms :: Expression To Change Color Of Text According To Date?

Jun 26, 2013

I am attempting to create an expression that will change the font to red if it is an overdue date. It will be on a form with the records showing.

My datebase is for entering, changing, and searching for information dealing with orientation dates, contacts, and associations. My data sheet holds the company name, employee name, date of orientation, due date (orientations are completed annually), contact employee, and status. I would like the date, when opening the form, to show red if it is past due. how to create an expresion to return the status as "Current" or "Overdue", as I am still unsure which method I want to use.

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Modules & VBA :: Text Font Color Based On Tab Selected?

Aug 8, 2014

We have a navigation page with 5 tabs and several navigation buttons underneath their respective tabs linking to reports.

In the main part of the navigation page we have 17 search parameters (text boxes and combo boxes)that the user can use to sort through all the reports we have in the different tabs.

What we would like to do is to have the label text to change to "red" if one of the 17 fields are "required", remain "black" if it is included in the report but not a mandatory search parameter, or turn "light grey" if that parameter is not included in that report.

For example:

My search parameters are: people, phone, and cars

If I were looking at a report of people that included addresses, phones, and phone would be required search parameters. However, even though I can search by car, it is not in this particular report and the label text should be greyed out. (If the actual text box could go inactive that would be even better).

I have read about buttons being turned colors based on a drop down box choice, but I have not been able to find anything about using a navigation tab subform button to make the colors change in the main navigation form.

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Tables :: Table Rich Text Column Color

Sep 27, 2014

how I can set a color on table column formatted as rich text and memo. For instance this table has 4 different columns of remarks, one from each engineering operating center. Remarks_1, Remarks_2, Remarks_3 and Remarks_4. Each one of the 4 operating centers enters the remarks in one of these fields. On the Dashboard report, what I do is I get all these 4 fields and merge in 1 because the report is already narrow due to several other columns as well. So there is a report combining all data : =Remarks_1& " -"&Remarks_2&" - "&Remarks_3&" - "&Remarks_4 under Remarks.

The point is that the Dashboard has colorcode, Orange for Remarks_1, Red for Remarks_2, Blue for Remarks_3 and Green for Remarks_4. All these fields are memo on rich text format. On the form I have set the color of each field, however the color doesn't get set on the table as well, but only on the form fields. How can I set a defined color to each field on the table? And also when I get all data in one column, I would see all different colors.

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Forms :: Color Text Field Based On Value Of Combo Box

Feb 28, 2015

I have a table named ColorValues with the following three fields:

- ID
- MunsellCode
- RGBValue

30 fields from another table called Color_Analysis are linked to the above with one to many relationships (I've already thought of other ways to normalize data, but this is the most efficient, so no need to go into this topic).

Now, I've constructed a form for Color_Analysis and all 30 fields recording color are included as combo boxes bounded on the ID in ColorValues and displaying the MunsellCode for the user. I've also created unbounded text fields next to the combo boxes and want to use them to display the color that the user selected in the ComboBox. The question is how do I do this?

Essentially I need a piece of code that picks up the value of the combo box (this is essentially the ID in ColorValues), looks up that value in the ID column of the ColorValues table and uses the corresponding RGBValue of the same table as the .BackColor for the unbounded text field.

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Reports :: Change Text Of A Field To Blue Color If A Certain Condition Is Met

Oct 8, 2014

I have a report which I would like to change the text of a field blue if a certain condition is met. What I want to happen on this report is if a specific field has an "Active" - then it will be in Blue text, otherwise it is in black text.

I have gone into the report ->in the Details section -> put a procedure in the On Format event. The code I have been trying is:

If Analysis_Status = Active Then
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlue
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Change Color Of Substring In Rich Text Field

Aug 14, 2013

I'm using Access 2010. I'm passing a string into the OpenArgs of my report - works fine. In the report there are 3 rich text fields which may contain the text I passed in, and if so I want to change the color of that text to red so it stands out.

The value passed to the report changes so I'll need to use VBA in the detail's format section to check each of the 3 rich text fields.

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Forms :: Text Box Background Color Depending On Its Value In Continuous Form

Jul 13, 2013

In Access 2007 (or 2010 , 2013), in a continuous form, I want to change the background colour of a text box depending on its value. Obviously, for each record, the color can be different.

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Forms :: Label For A Text Box To Read B&W Or Color For Database Of Photographs

Jun 19, 2013

I would like the label for a text box to read "B&W or Color" for a database of photographs.

Access will not accept the ampersand. Since this is just a label, I thought I could get away with using this symbol.

Is there a way to get the label to accept the ampersand?

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Reports :: Changing Background Color And Text Format Simultaneously

Sep 8, 2013

How do I change the background colors and text formatting in all of the reports in one database at the same time? If this is not possible, is there an easier way to change the report formatting without going through every report?

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Changing Text Color In Access Table Data Field

Oct 31, 2013

I'm trying to change Selected text color in an Access data Field. I want the change to be permanent and show up in reports.

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Forms :: Unbound Listbox - Change Text Color To Differentiate Between Current And Past

Apr 24, 2014

I have an unbound listbox on a form which displays a list of staff, both past and present, based on an SQL query.

I want to be able to differentiate between current and past staff using different colors, i.e. Black text for current employees and red for employees who have left, based on a field (True/False) in the original staff table.

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Forms :: Text Field Entry

Dec 23, 2014

Why is it that whenever I link a blank text field from my contacts database that it shows the first contact in my table? and how can i change that?

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Connect Between Entry And Text Box Fields

Oct 28, 2013

I have a form that has a 3 column: ID, first name and last name.

And I also have a table that have a same column (ID, first name and last name).

I want that when i write the ID, access fill the first name and last name fields in a right data - the first and last names of ID entry

if my table like that:
last name
first name


When I write in form in ID text box: 123456, in last name field appear Elen and in first name appear Miki.

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