Please can someone tell me how to change the back colour of a control when it has the focus and then revert to the original colour when it loses it. I have 35 controls on my form, so I need a function, rather than changing the colour with a subroutine evey time.
I have searched the site and haven't found whatI want-though I'm sure this question has been asked before.
Is there a way to change the back color of an active field in a form? Meaning, when I tab through my form and the field I tab to becomes active, the field turns white. This poses a problem because my form back color is black and my field text is white. When the field is active, I can't see the value in the field due to the back color defaulting to white. Does this make sense? Is there a way to change it?
How do I conditionally change the Back Color and Alternate Back Color based on the value of notes.FollowUpDate? I have a continuous form using the following code:
Code: Private Sub b_all_past_Click() Me.resultsFrame.SourceObject = "FollowUp_bystaff" Me.resultsFrame.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * From notes WHERE (((Notes.FollowUpDate) < Date()+1) And ((Notes.followup_person_id) = GetCurrentUserId()))ORDER BY notes.priority,(notes.FollowUpDate) DESC;" ' End Sub
I know you can use a "Conditional format" to change a color of a control in a report. What I am trying to do is change the whole line if a condition yields "True" of one control. I did it once before, but oops I didn't save my work. I am using the format [Entity]![IT]. Where "Entity" is either the department or vendor, and "IT" is for the IT department. I want the control "Name" to change color if "Entity" is true if "IT" is the data.
I am trying to change the button color on a subform if a related form data changes.Main form is products with a continuous subform with serial numbers of products i.e, serial number, location, price and a button to add addtional issues if there are any for this particular serial number (this will open up another form related to the serial number so I can add an issues if there are any).The reason I would like the button to be a different color is so I can quickly see if there are any additional notes been added to the serial number. Just in case you may ask why not add the field to the continuos form is that the issues and be quite lengthy and there may be lots of serial numbers on the form
I have built an automated procedure in VBA Access 2000 that is now great (thanks to a lot of downloaded help from this forum). I use the MSCOMM active-x control to talk to an instrument via the serial port.
Question: Is that control only working because I also have VB6 installed on this same computer? It seems to me that I tried something like this a year ago and could not get MSCOMM to work in Access, but at the same time, I didn't have great MSCOMM examples to go by. I do now as I could rob them from other programs my company has written in VB6.
I have both VB6 and Access 2000, but chose to develope this procedure in Accesss because of the heavy amount of data to store (and I know VBA much better than I do VB6). I thought Access is a natural. But now I am wondering if I will have problems distriubuting this database to other service offices that may not have a machine with VB6 on it?
Do they need just plot MSCOMM32.OCX in to their system32 directory?? :confused:
Please can someone advise me how I can link the date which I select in the calendar control to a date field in the form. I want to use the calendar instead of a combo box. It's probably simple....but then so am I! Help appreciated Richard
when i select a button from the active control menu and want to use that button for either next record, previuos record. attach macro, print, i am sure that was part of the menu when selecting the button. i am not seeing that menu when i select the button from the active control could you please tell me why
hi I want to set record selector on the form with a record number that I am founding it with this code: Code:Dim con As ADODB.ConnectionDim cmd As ADODB.CommandDim rst As ADODB.RecordsetSet con = New ADODB.ConnectionSet cmd = New ADODB.CommandSet rst = New ADODB.Recordsetcon.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & CurrentProject.Path & "hazineh-bime.mdb" & ";Persist Security Info=False" cmd.CommandText = "select * from table1 where salp=" & Val(Trim(Form_mainhazineh.sal.Value)) & " and mahp=" & (Trim(Form_mainhazineh.mah.Value)) & " " Set cmd.ActiveConnection = con rst.Open cmd, , 1, adLockReadOnly If rst.RecordCount = 1 Then ' found the record else end if I mean I want to change the active record on the form with another one . how can I do it?
Could anyone point me in the right direction re the Crystal Reports Active X viewer control and access forms. I loaded it onto a form in access 2000, but can't seem to find any meaningfull properties I can manipulate (especially the report source). I am thinking it works like any other active x control and I can manipulate properties through code, however, the main property I would think I need (source report) does not seem to exist. I have Crystal 10.0 loaded on my system.
Essentially I have a form_A with several tab's and then one list control box in each of those tabs. At present if you double click on any item within the control boxes your taken to another form_B with info about that item and when you close that from down again if refreshes form_A.
Is it possible to only refresh the specific list control box that is active instead of refreshing the whole form ?
I'm trying to add some life to my form by using some different colors, but I can't figure out how to change the color of a button. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks
On a form how can i get the text to change to red if the number is Greater than 500 and blue if the number is less than 500, the text box is populated via a query
I have a Data Access Page that I need some help with some of the code.
I need to do a comparison to see if the TimeStamp Control is less than one hour old. If it is, it should have the background turn red. If not it should stay white.
Form = BLine_Messaging Control = TimeStamp
Code:<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onload or=window><!--If (BLine_Messaging.TimeStamp.value > DateAdd("H", -1, Date)) THEN"white"else"red"end if --></SCRIPT>
I have a similar problem, I'm fairly new to ACCESS and am learning it is vastly different than EXCEL that we use (we are upgrading to ACCESS to track our "in" and "out". I have set up a ACCESS database to track our barge loading and pumping, on the delay we enter reason for the delay but if no delay occurs it is left blank. How can I get the field to change colors if information is entered and left alone if none is entered. Quote: Originally Posted by shamrog12 Make sure to dim recItem1Value and backg in the appropriate area
Try this: Code:<%recItem1Value = lcase(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecItem1").Value)backg = ""Select Case recItem1Value Case "x" backg = " style=""background-color:red;"" " Case Else backg = ""End Select%><!-- whatever code here... //--><td<%=backg%> nowrap><input name="txtField1" type="text" onChange="RecUpdate value="<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecItem1").Value)%>" size="4"></td>
I have installed Windows 10 & Office 13.The Background color of MS Access 13 is white in color which is irritating. Is there a way to change the background color?
I've got a little box covering up a drop down arrow on a combo control that resides on a tab control. The problem is that, since the Back Color property isn't available for a tab control, I have no idea what color it is...which is what the color of my box object (rectangle technically) needs to be so as to blend in. It looks a little garrish with it standing out there...
Any ideas what the default color of the tab page background is? Using Access 2003.
I have a form with the standard light grey background. I insert a tab control, and the default back color is white. I set the BackStyle to Transparent, and it still displays as white.
Am I missing something here, I want the back color of the tab control to be the same as my form.
Now, what's really odd, is in this project it creates tab controls as white, but if I open an old project of mine, it creates tab controls with the same light grey back ground of the form.
I believe thats the proper word for it. Attached is a screenshot of a section of the database that I have started working on. It is to track placement for a college. Its my first ever and I am fairly good at making things look good, but as far as function - I am terrible.
I can change the raised box that the tab control sits on to a dark maroon when someone has a felony (so it notifies the user of this status)
Private Sub Form_Current() If [Felony] = True Then Felonybox.BackStyle = 1 Felonybox.BackColor = RGB(159, 19, 44) Else Felonybox.BackStyle = 1 Felonybox.BackColor = RGB(208, 207, 202) End If
End Sub
I also have this done on After_Update.
I am trying to change the font on the Tab Control to Red when this occurs as well (only change the 'Criminal History CONFIDENTIAL' to red). I can not find this option anywhere, is this something that has been done or CAN be done?
How do I change the background color of a tab or can you? The form that I am looking at has a tab button, but it looks like a normal form for the background. It has the grid and has a color for the background. I have designed a new form and added a tab control. But the background is grey and I would like to change it. Please help, if you can. Thanks.
I have a report card program that I use in my classroom. The program calculates letter grades for various sub categories.
For example, under the Primary Category Math, the computer will calculate a letter grade based on assignment scores and place the grade into a combo box for the sub category "Able to use a graphing calculator."
If I override the grade the program calculated for a student, I would like the text in the combo box to change to red for that student only. Then I can go back and quickly see which grades I have manually changed.
I just cannot seem to figure out the logic to use VBA that would check to see if a user has changed individual combo boxes.