Change Primary Location Of Access Database?

Jun 3, 2013

I created a database that I want to move to a server for others to access. When they open it, it says invalid path. It's looking for my desktop. How do I get this whole database moved to a shared location on a server?

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Database Location Change

Jul 21, 2015

I use Access 2013, and have an Access Database in which one of my Tables is linked to a SharePoint site (SharePoint 2010). The database is in my computer, but I will be required to shift it into another computer onto a network drive. I want to know if doing this will affect the table's link or data exchange between the table and its linked list on SharePoint

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Moving Database - How To Change Path To New Location

Jan 10, 2013

I am new to Microsoft access. I have a database moved from another computer. it is split into the backend and the front end..

However, when i click on the forms in the front end, I get an error message. It is trying to use a path from the old computer, to the database, but its on a different computer.

So, this brings me to my question, how do i change the path, to the new location

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Access Doesn't Allow Change Primary Key In A Linked Table

Sep 28, 2015

Currently we have a web based order taking/inventory system. Every night they export a .db to an FTP server and every morning I download it (I automated this part, it replaces the older file). I link to this database (using SQLlite3 to ODBC driver) from an Access database for specifically this purpose.

When I originally created it I had to go through every table and create a unique identifier. Unfortunately I chose poorly in some cases. I can't figure out how to get those primary keys changed to the correct ones. I've tried recreating the ODBC connection, tried a new database and new ODBC connection, tried killing the connection waiting a day (for the new .db to download) and recreating the connection and trying it in a new database.I know access doesn't allow you the change the primary key in a linked table.

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Modules & VBA :: Microsoft Access Linked Tables Dialog Box If Database Move To Another Location

Mar 17, 2014

I have a question that I have a Microsoft Access database (.accdb) front-end/backend split and I want to give the database to my company client. As we have the different path for the backend/frontend linked. I want some code that will popup if the database location is not found and popup with the dialog so the user then select the backend and it would be ready and there is no need to popup each time the database open, it would run once it did not find the last linked path.

Also I have tried the code of Dev Ashish URL.... but unfortunately it would ask everytime to refresh the table links and I only want to run the process of linking tables when the database start and the linked path not found.

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Change Datatbase Location

Oct 31, 2007


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Forms :: Access Database Primary Key Hyperlink

Jul 29, 2014

We are using access 2010, I have a blank form that produces an ID number for the specific record when saved. then i have other forms where the ID field is hyperlinked to the original form that was entered. I now have 2 users that are unable to open the hyperlinked form. when i login as them im able to open the hyperlinked form.

Private Sub ID_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_Catcher_1
DoCmd.OpenForm "NewRequestForm", , , "ID= " & Me.ID, acFormEdit


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Forms :: Using Form To Update Location Change Of Inventory?

Dec 2, 2013

I have an inventory of equipment that is assigned to different locations. When repair is needed, the equipment is brought in and swapped with a loaner. How can I update on a form the location change from "A" to "Shop" that will show up on the related equipment table? I have "Location" in the table, but don't know if I need something to the effect of "NewLocation" to assist in showing the equipment swap.

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Change The Number Of (Location) Field To The Actual Name On Report

Mar 8, 2015

="Summary for " & "'Location' = " & " " & [Location] & " (" & Count(*) & " " & IIf(Count(*)=1,"detail record","detail records") & ")"

NOTE: I need the number of the location to convert to the name instead i.e. 6 to Delaware.

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How To Access Ms-Access WorkGroup Tables To Change Database Login Password

Apr 13, 2007

This is Kishore, working on VB Project which is using MS-Access95 as backend.
Now, i want to change the Database login Password.
Could anyone guide me in this context.


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How Do You Change Primary Key?

May 31, 2006

How would I go about changing the primary key to a different field in a table? :o Thanks for any help!

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Change Of Primary Key

Jun 28, 2007

How do I reassign a new PK for may tables.. they're already related and there about 2,000 records on the Main Table and like 6000 records on the related table.... I used a wrong PK and I want to create a new (long Integer Auto-Number) but I don't want to lose what I've done already.

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Change Primary Key And Update Data?

Jul 25, 2007


Firstly, I am very much self-taught on access, so there are several gaping holes in my knowledge, and my database structure is probably not wonderful! I have been learning as I go along, so in the initial stages I have built in several problems which I am now discovering!

My db is designed to track suggestions - i have a table where the idea, progress etc is stored [tblIdeasBank]. This contains an 'originator' (person's name) which is linked to a second table, where the names are stored [tblPeople].

Originally I set up tblPeople with the Primary Key as FullName (e.g. Joe Bloggs) (guaranteed to be unique with the small number of people that would be involved), and a second field called InitialLastName (e.g. J Bloggs). It is this second field that is stored in the tblIdeasBank. Data verification came from the user having to select a name from a drop down box, so there is no actual 'relationship' between the tables. (Didn't realise how useful they were at the time!)

The db has been so successful :confused: that it is now going to be rolled out across the company, which gives me two problems. To populate all the names, I need to import them from Excel, where I will have FirstName and LastName. I have now realised that it would be more sensible to just store these, and create InitialLastName where needed. Also, I may well have duplicate names, so I need to create a unique ID, and a proper relationship. (Yes, I know I should have done that in the first place).

So, I have:

.FullName (Primary Key)

.Originator (stored as InitialLastName)

And I would like:

.PersonID (Primary Key)

.IdeaID (Primary Key)
.Originator (stored as PersonID)

With a One-Many relationship from PersonID to Originator

Any ideas how I would go about doing this and changing the Originator for each idea from InitialLastName to the relevant PersonID number, without corrupting the data?

I have searched through Google and various groups, but cannot find a useful answer, so any pointers gratefully appreciated!



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Change Primary Key To Auto Number?

Nov 19, 2011

Can I change the primary key currently set to my products description to an auto number? I'm trying to make things right, also does the foreign key get an auto number?

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Queries :: Make Only One Change In Mdb Access Database With Lot Of Rows

Nov 7, 2013

I need to make only one change in my mdb access database with lot of rows.For example, I have two columns: "num1" and "num2" with numbers and need to create new column (as a text) according the rule: num1 # num2....That means if the numbers in num1= 12 and num2= 1,3312, thenthe text in new column should be: 12 # 1,3312.

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Change Primary Key / Data In Related Table

Oct 18, 2011

I am new to access 2010. I need to change the primary key in a table ("stations", Primary key is "station number"), because future entries will result in double entries for this primary key.

I have another table ("species&stations") which has records of Species for each "station number".

So I created a new Primary key for the "stations" table, now called "species id", being a bit better in defining a unique station (as it contains the year and the species number, i.e. "451_2010")

Now the table "species&stations" references/(is in relationship with) the old primary key, identifying a station number for each record.

How do I get it to recognise the new primary key from the "stations" table, and keeping the records (over 1000...) with all there info.

Approach so far: I tried to create a new field in "species&stations", which should look up the new primary key from "stations" and then autofill the field. i did not manage this though

I attached a screenshot to make the relationships more clear!

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Link To New Database Location

Jun 18, 2015

During a system upgrade, our database was migrated to a new server. How do I change Access 2007 to link to the new location instead of defaulting to the old location?

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Modules & VBA :: Database Is In A Trusted Location

Feb 7, 2014

how to stop this error from occuring. "Potential Security Concern" I get this everytime a query runs that is creating a file for exporting. The database is in a trusted location, the query is a make table query if that makes a difference.

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General :: Changing Database Location For Sharing

Dec 29, 2014

In the past I have only done data input into Access databases that have already been created. They have been simple text fields only. I was hired on contract to finish data input for a database that serves to catalogue material resources. The database itself was supposed to have been completed by a former contractor but I'm discovering bits and pieces that weren't finished. I don't have any background in IT or coding.

So, this database eventually has to be shared in a "locked" format so that other entities can view our resources (like a catalogue) without changing them. My next step is to add images to each of the items being catalogued (there are about 100 images). The former contractor began a table labeled "Pictures" in which there are 2 columns: PictureID and PicturePath, the latter being a path starting with C:. The issue is, his picture paths include the hard drive name so that it looks like this:C:HardDrivePicturesPictureID.jpg

I need the database and its images to be share-able on other computers. And I need to use relative paths to connect the images to the database so I'm not tremendously increasing the size of the database.does the location/path of the database need to be changed so it can be shared, and if so how do I do that?

Second question: I have all the images I will be using in a folder on my desktop; how do I save them in a "fixed subdirectory" of the database so that they get moved with it whenever it is sent out to another user?

If I change the database name as I'm working on it (I've been saving a new database each day, so that if I screw up something I can go back to the most recent working one) will that mess up my picture paths?

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General :: Split Database - Unable To Find Table Location

Mar 24, 2014

I'm having a problem with a database that i had split. While creating teh database, i had it stored on my personal drive at work, but wanted to move it to the shared drive so the data could be stored there. this is to deal with cross site network connectivity issues that we encountered with another database here at work.

When splitting the database, i split it on my personal drive and then dragged the back end to the common drive. I realized my error, but when attempting to correct it, i somehow have two of the same file, and no back end?

I receive the error on the attached document when attempting to access any of the tables or information in either of the files, the "back end" that i placed on teh drive, and the "front end" that i have on my personal drive.

I also tried to relink the tables through the linked table manager, but receive the same error when attempting that.

Is there a way to recover from this? I had backed up my file by making a copy prior to splitting, but somewhere in this process, this became linked to these and is having the same issue. Is there a way to recover the old "unsplit" version? I cannot copy over all of teh tables, etc. because i get the same error as earlier.

I can attach a copy of my database for reference...

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General :: Database Opens As Read Only When Opened From Shared Location

Jul 15, 2012

We have a database on a PC located on our network. The database is located in this computer's shared folder. Another database grabs data from this database occasionally. We're running into a problem where we cannot open the DB located in the shared folder (permissions granted) without it being a read only instance even with no users accessing the DB.

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General :: Database Design - Stock Tracking / Set Up Table For Each Location

Sep 10, 2012

I am planning my new DB and am contemplating the best design. It will be used for warehouse stock rotation and control of pallets. I want to track each pallet (product/time in/time out etc) to each pallet space within the warehouse. There are a total of 400 pallet spaces or 'locations' as i will refer to them as.

Now, would it be possible for me to have a table set up for each location? Will access object to having 400 tables in my data base?? Is there a limit?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Button With Special Functionality - File Location In Database Path

May 28, 2014

In the access form I want to add a button with a special functionality.

After clicking "Select file" button special window should be open (or something else). It should give user a possibility of files locating (doc, pdf, rtf, txt ...).

After selecting the file and confirm the choice in the table "File_location" in database path to the file should be saved .

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General :: Access Runtime BE Location

Apr 11, 2013

In Microsoft article 291264, it says "In a run-time application, the front-end and back-end databases must be stored in the same folder."Is that really true or am I misconstruing the article?I want to use runtime clients with a split back end on a share drive.

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Add A Trusted Location With Access 2007 Runtime

Oct 2, 2007

How in the world do I add a trusted location with only the Runtime version of Access 2007 installed on the PC?

I am in the process of distributing some new runtime-only applications; how do I stop the irritating "potential security risk" warning from coming up everytime the user logs in??? I can't figure out how to get to the "trust center" with only Access Runtime installed. Users don't have any other 2007 applications like Word or Excel either, and are running Windows XP, NOT Vista.

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Importing Excel File(variable Location) To Access

Mar 15, 2005

Excuse me!
i would like to know how to use browse function (like in windowXP) to select the excel file i want instead of using transferspreadsheet code.


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