Change Field Color

Dec 5, 2006

I have a similar problem, I'm fairly new to ACCESS and am learning it is vastly different than EXCEL that we use (we are upgrading to ACCESS to track our "in" and "out". I have set up a ACCESS database to track our barge loading and pumping, on the delay we enter reason for the delay but if no delay occurs it is left blank. How can I get the field to change colors if information is entered and left alone if none is entered.
Quote: Originally Posted by shamrog12 Make sure to dim recItem1Value and backg in the appropriate area

Try this:
Code:<%recItem1Value = lcase(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecItem1").Value)backg = ""Select Case recItem1Value Case "x" backg = " style=""background-color:red;"" " Case Else backg = ""End Select%><!-- whatever code here... //--><td<%=backg%> nowrap><input name="txtField1" type="text" onChange="RecUpdate value="<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecItem1").Value)%>" size="4"></td>

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Change The Back Color Of An Active Field

Jan 11, 2005

Is there a way to change the back color of an active field in a form? Meaning, when I tab through my form and the field I tab to becomes active, the field turns white. This poses a problem because my form back color is black and my field text is white. When the field is active, I can't see the value in the field due to the back color defaulting to white. Does this make sense? Is there a way to change it?

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Reports :: Change Text Of A Field To Blue Color If A Certain Condition Is Met

Oct 8, 2014

I have a report which I would like to change the text of a field blue if a certain condition is met. What I want to happen on this report is if a specific field has an "Active" - then it will be in Blue text, otherwise it is in black text.

I have gone into the report ->in the Details section -> put a procedure in the On Format event. The code I have been trying is:

If Analysis_Status = Active Then
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlue
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Change Color Of Substring In Rich Text Field

Aug 14, 2013

I'm using Access 2010. I'm passing a string into the OpenArgs of my report - works fine. In the report there are 3 rich text fields which may contain the text I passed in, and if so I want to change the color of that text to red so it stands out.

The value passed to the report changes so I'll need to use VBA in the detail's format section to check each of the 3 rich text fields.

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Change Field Background Color Based On Query Results

Jun 24, 2014

I would like to change the background color of a field that is the result of a Unique Values query. I am trying to get a list of invoices where all the line items are approved. I can't seem to get it to work the way I want because if even one invoice line item is approved it will show up as approved.

Is there a way to change the background color of the invoice field to red if ANY of the Approved line items are = False

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Reports :: Change Font Color Based On True / False Value Of Another Field

Jun 28, 2013

In access report, I'm trying to change color of text in specific records based on the true/false value in another record. Works in forms using conditional formatting, but won't seem to work in a report.

Here's what works in forms : IIf([2009 Symposium]=true, forecolor=255 ....this changes the records to red.

But using the same expression in a report doesn't change the text color.

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Forms :: Continuous Form - One Field Change Background Color / Current Record

Jul 28, 2014

in a continuous form i want to click on one record and have the one field change the background colour to highlight it. When I use the code: Field. BackColor = vbYellow it changes the background on all the records. Is there a code to say only for the record with focus?

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Forms :: Change Button Color After Data Change

Apr 5, 2014

I am trying to change the button color on a subform if a related form data changes.Main form is products with a continuous subform with serial numbers of products i.e, serial number, location, price and a button to add addtional issues if there are any for this particular serial number (this will open up another form related to the serial number so I can add an issues if there are any).The reason I would like the button to be a different color is so I can quickly see if there are any additional notes been added to the serial number. Just in case you may ask why not add the field to the continuos form is that the issues and be quite lengthy and there may be lots of serial numbers on the form

2346 location warehouse price 29.99 (button - green)
2347 location shop price 29.99 (button - red)

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Forms :: Change Text Color On A Form If Text In Field Contain Certain Word

Jul 12, 2013

I have a Form Display Data in my Access Database, which is working really well. However, users was asking if there is a way we can make Font Color Could/would change if The text in A field or Any field in my display form contained the word "SAD or MAD". Is there code for such thing in display form?..

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How To Change Button Color?

Mar 23, 2005

I'm trying to add some life to my form by using some different colors, but I can't figure out how to change the color of a button. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks

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Change Color In A Text Box

Nov 21, 2005

On a form how can i get the text to change to red if the number is Greater than 500 and blue if the number is less than 500, the text box is populated via a query


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DAP Help!! -- How To Change Color Of Background

Sep 21, 2006

I have a Data Access Page that I need some help with some of the code.

I need to do a comparison to see if the TimeStamp Control is less than one hour old. If it is, it should have the background turn red. If not it should stay white.

Form = BLine_Messaging
Control = TimeStamp

Code:<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onload or=window><!--If (BLine_Messaging.TimeStamp.value > DateAdd("H", -1, Date)) THEN"white"else"red"end if --></SCRIPT>

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Way To Change Background Color

Aug 26, 2015

I have installed Windows 10 & Office 13.The Background color of MS Access 13 is white in color which is irritating. Is there a way to change the background color?

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How To Change The Background Color Of A Selected Row

Oct 25, 2005

:confused: <b>Hi all, can Access highlight the selected rows in table just like the spreadsheet in Excel??

Many thanks,

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Change Color Of Active Control

Apr 12, 2005

Please can someone tell me how to change the back colour of a control when it has the focus and then revert to the original colour when it loses it. I have 35 controls on my form, so I need a function, rather than changing the colour with a subroutine evey time.

I have searched the site and haven't found whatI want-though I'm sure this question has been asked before.

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Change Text Color In A Combo Box

Feb 5, 2006

I have a report card program that I use in my classroom. The program calculates letter grades for various sub categories.

For example, under the Primary Category Math, the computer will calculate a letter grade based on assignment scores and place the grade into a combo box for the sub category "Able to use a graphing calculator."

If I override the grade the program calculated for a student, I would like the text in the combo box to change to red for that student only. Then I can go back and quickly see which grades I have manually changed.

I just cannot seem to figure out the logic to use VBA that would check to see if a user has changed individual combo boxes.

Thanks ahead of time for any ideas.

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Change Color Of Record Selector

May 11, 2006

I set the white background color. But, the record selector is grey color. Can I change the white color of the record selector bar?

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Change Color Of A Combo Box...dynamically

Sep 28, 2006

What I want is in the combo box, I have a couple of options, say 1,2 and 3.
And I want the combo box to come up with different color when different option is selected.

I thought I have found out a way, with the following code to onClick:

If me.field.text = "1" Then me.field.backcolor = 255

The problem is, it's being shown on a continuous form.
And it changes the color on all the records. not just the one I am on.

Any thoughts?

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Change Button Color Text

Sep 8, 2004

I have an option group of buttons. Is there a way to change the text color of the chosen button?

Thank in advance - John

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Change Background Color Of Text Box?

Aug 26, 2003

I need to change the background colour of a text box after a change to the field has been made?


Make: IBM (Background Color Grey - Default)

User makes a change to Make ..

Make: Toshiba - (Background Color changes to Yellow )

I'm trying to code this with the OnChange option on the TextBox but can't see to find the right code.

I was using Application.SetOption"Background", colour value with no success

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Negative Color Change In Reports

Oct 3, 2006

How do you change negative number to red in a report's text box? i am thinking it is an iff statement in the control source field but running into issues.

Is there a way to change all Negative nubmers to red in a Report? That is, do i have to change all text boxes individually?

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MS Access Barchart Color Change Using VBA

Nov 14, 2011

I have created a MS Access barchart by running a query. X axix has user name and y axis has counts. I would like to change every bar's color based on the x axis user name value .Is there a way to do that using vba code in MS Access barcharts.

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How To Change Font Color In A Form

May 16, 2014

All I want to do is change the font color and weight of a couple of columns in a form. No conditions or change when button is pressed or anything like that. Just be blue and stay blue.

I've tried making it a memo, rich-text field and it didn't work.

It works fine in the "member details" form, but not the "member list" form.

Member Details:

Member List:

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Change Color Of Box On Report Based Off Value

Jan 29, 2014

What I'm trying to do is make it so that a certain area of my Detail area in my report changes colors based on whether or not a field name for each record is set to "Yes". The effect I wanted was produced easily enough by creating a Rectangle, coloring it Red, and setting it to not visible.

Putting RedBox.Visible = True in the Report On Load procedure works just fine. The problem I am having is attaching a condition to it.


If Me.FormatBox.Value = "Yes" Then
RedBox.Visible = True
End If

This compiles ok, but doesnt do anything to the actual report. Will it not work because the report has x amount of FormatBox's because it gets replicated for each record that is displayed? I should also note that I tried using a DL Lookup within my If statement and that didnt work either. That just colors all the boxes red and ignores the check.

Dim TestVar As String
TestVar = DLookup("Priority", "Table_Lancaster_Dispatch", "Priority = 'Yes'")
If TestVar = "Yes" Then
RedBox.Visible = True
End If

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Change Color On Excel Sheet From Access

Nov 15, 2007


I have access query opening in excel. After it opens i would like everywher where where is says "no", to make next 2 cells BLUE.

The code below is doing it, but it's taking few minutes.
is there any way to speed it up ?

'shading non-matching items
With objActiveWkb.Worksheets("Reconciliation Sheet").Range("b5:ak500")
Set c = .Find("No", , , xlWhole, , , True)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
sAddress = c.Address
c.Offset(, -2).Resize(, 3).Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
c.Offset(, -2).Resize(, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 33
Set c = .FindNext(c)
Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> sAddress
End If
End With

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On Click Change Form Background Color?

Apr 30, 2006

I searched around but i couldnt really find or atleast understand how to do what i want to do. I want upon the user clicking on a checkbox for the background of the form to change to a set color?

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