Change Form From Read Only To Edit

Feb 14, 2007

I have a form I open in “Read Only” mode (via a macro). I’d like to add a button to the form that would allow editing of the record (i.e., the default would be "read only" unless the button is clicked).


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Modules & VBA :: Form Bound To ADODB Recordset Is Read Only - Cannot Edit?

Sep 4, 2013

I can't make edits with ADODB recordset bound to my form.

Access 2010 linking to SQL Server 2008.

Simple form bound to a single table.

Connection string works fine.

Code is as below (cursor etc is set using enums btw).

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
If g1OpenRecordset(rst, "tblName", rrOpenKeyset, rrLockOptimistic, False) = False Then
Cancel = True
Exit Sub

[Code] ...

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Forms :: Button To Change Form From View To Edit

Mar 12, 2014

I have created a form in Access 2010 that opens in view only mode. I do this as I do not want data being changed in error. There are times when the user may need to edit some data on the form.

Any way to place an "Edit" button on the form that allows the user to edit the current record? I thought about creating two sepasrate forms, but I really don't want to maintain two of them.

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Read Only, Can't Change Records In Query

Jul 26, 2005

Ok, been puzzled by this one.
I have a form with a subform in it. The subform is based on a query. It shows all my active staff. On the form i have a button that (atleast i would like that it does that) when clicked it sets the field "selected" on true on the subform.

The code behind the button works just fine, but i always get an error stating, can't change data, database or object is read only. Funny thing is, when i click on the checkbox "selected" in the subform behind each staff member, i can set it to true. Why does it not work? I tried it with selecting the query itself (qerWerknemersActief instead of tblWerknemers) and also not working. Here's the code, hope someone has a clue. Oh, in each form everything is set on yes except adding records, so it's not that change records is set to no.

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Dim strSQL As Variant

strSQL = "SELECT tblWerknemers.Id, tblWerknemers.Werknemer, tblWerknemers.Selectie, tblWerknemers.Actief " & _
"FROM tblWerknemers " & _
"WHERE (((tblWerknemers.Actief)= True));"

Set db = CurrentDb

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenForwardOnly)
Do Until rs.EOF
rs!Selectie = True

Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Call Form_frmBeheerDeelnemers.Requery

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Change Font Size Of Sql Edit Window?

Nov 15, 2006

I'm running MS Access 2003. My SQL editing window has a really small font size. How do I change this window's default font size? Is it in tools or options?

Help!!!!!!! I'm going blind!!!!!!:confused:

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for being willing to help out!!

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Form Read Only Unless..

Aug 22, 2005

How do you make all the labels in your form read-only unless the user clicks edit form or add new record?


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Making A Form Read Only

Jun 26, 2007

I have a form which I need to make read only. On Access 98 it used to ask how I wanted to open and view the form in edit mode or view. I cant find this option in 2003 anyone got a quick answer? Many Thanks

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Read Only Form (Problem)

Aug 18, 2005

I created a button that opens a form with a specific data in a 'read-only form'. The first one is using macro, and the other one is using visual basic. The problem is that that button opens the right form with the right data (based on the linkcriteria), but the format of the opened form is still editable. Can anybody help with my problem, please?


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Can't Edit Form

Sep 8, 2006

I have a form called contractors. It works exactly like I want it but it won't let me edit it. The form is based on a query. I have checked the query as stated to do on some areas of this forum and I am able to change it by typing something in a field and it also updates the form for me but I can't edit the form directly. I have allow edits, allow deletions, allow additions set to yes and I have no locks on it. Any ideas?

I have also checked help in access on this to no avail. I am attaching the database so somebody can hopefully help me.


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Can't Edit My Form

May 1, 2007

hi all,

i have created a small application for my assignment using ms access. i apply several function to dis system. initially it works but then i dono why suddenly it came out wif an error sound which mean u cant even edit anything in the sounds ridiculous but dis happened to dis system. i have checked all the properties settings for that form. i compared wif my previous system which i didnt apply the complex function which just pull some data from database. all seems ok wif the settings for the new one...

can anyone tell me what was my problem?

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Edit Form To Appear Blank

Apr 27, 2007

I have searched the forum and didnt find an answer to this.
I have an Edit Form. When it is opened, it displays the first record.
I have a Combo Box where I select the specified ID and the relevant record is displayed in the form.
What I want is that the Edit Form should be appear blank. The record data should appear only when I select the relevant ID in the Combo Box.
How do I achieve this? Please help.

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Form Lookup For Edit

Feb 21, 2005

I want to be able to choose a record from the combo box and then the rest of the fields fill in themselves... Also some of the fields are in a subform but are all linked to the entry in the combo box... can someone help me ? :confused:

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Open Form For Edit

Jul 1, 2005

Hi. I created a form to be used for editing records. It displays ALL records in a "Files" table that match the BoxNo entered on a previous form. The record source is a query which has a relationship between the tblBoxes (one) and tblFiles (many). The records are showing in the form correctly but it will not allow me to edit.

I have set the allow edit, addition, deletion properties of the form to YES, and data entry to NO. Fields are not locked, and they have active tab stops. I also tried using VBA and set the datamode to edit.

Help please!?!

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Edit Records On Form

Feb 8, 2006

Hi, I have a form where i would like to bring up various records for editing. This part is not a problem. BUT. If a user accidentally changes something and doesn't know what it used to be then i need to have a "cancel" button which will undo the edit so to speak. I am not sure of the best place to do this ?

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Cancel Out Of Edit Form

Nov 1, 2006

I have a form with avout 4 fields based upon a query to allow user to edit an entry if needed.
I want to put a cancel button on so that if they change their mind after having changed a field it reverts to its original value - so for instance they decide to change a land line phone number to a mobile, exit the field but then have a brain storm and decide not to do this so hit the cancel button.
At the moment my cancel button just closes the form (and accepts the overwrite) which would be fine if I am using ADO but not if I am using a bound form.
I am sure there is a simple answer (since I cannot be the only person who thinks this option might be a good idea). I am just not sure how to look for it.
Any thoughts or ideas?

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Form Drop Down / Edit Box

Apr 26, 2007

I have a form with a combo box drop down, next to it I have an edit button. If the agent is not in the drop down list, I would like to press the edit button and add a new agent. This works but it does not show up in the list unless I do the edit before I hit the arrow on the drop down box.

I have a macro on the edit button to OpenForm and Requery.

I would like to be able to press the edit button, make the change/addition, when I close this go back to the dropdown and have the new/or changed value seen in the drop down.

Is this possible? If so, how do I make this happen?

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Change One Form Causing Change Other

Jul 2, 2005

I have not done much work in later version of Access. Now I found if I change a design in one form and similar forms (names are different) which are linked to the same tables got changed as well without openning them up and making changes. Is this something new with Access 2003?

Thank you very much for help.

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Can I Somehow Edit A Table Through A Form Which Uses Subqueries?

Dec 19, 2006

Short version of question:

My research has shown that Access will not allow edits through a form that 1) has subqueries in its SELECT clause, or 2) uses aggregation such as First(). Is there any tricky way around this?

Long version of question:

I have a database form that shows an overview of orders for products (it's based on a query that pulls all current orders from the big table). I would like to handle both of these on each row:

Show where we built it last time, and
Allow the user to select where it will be built this time.

The problem is that I cannot figure a way to change the form/query such that it doesn't aggregate to find out where we built it last time, or doesn't rely on subqueries that do just that.

But I feel like there should be some way to do it--since each row displayed does rely on one and only one record in the complete table of orders. Which obviously is the record I want to update.

Is there something I can do that will accomplish this? I really do not want to have to make the user open up another form to see last time or choose this time.

Thanks in advance!!

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Edit Previous Entries Using Form - Odd...

Jun 14, 2005

I'm working on a pre-existing form. When I open the form, I am able to enter new data and this data gets stored in the database fine. If I close that form and reopen it, I cannot view past entries or edit them. I know of a property (Allow Additions, Allow Edits, Allow Delete) which can change this behaviour, but these seem to do nothing for this form. I have them all set on yes and it behaves as I've described. Ideally, I would like to allow edits of previous data.

I thought maybe the SQL query controlling the data wasn't returning any entries, therefore no entries would be displayed. So I saved the query and opened it up to see how many entries it did find. And it found all that it should have, so I know that the SQL statement controlling the form is what I want it to be.

So my question is this: are there anymore properties or values that I don't know about, that would control the mentioned behaviour of the form? Maybe something somewhere that I'm missing, that would make the form add only?

Thanks in advance for any help. Kevygee

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Searching Particular Record To Edit In Form

Jul 19, 2005

I have a form that assigns an Auto Reference Number to each record. Now the records are later edited. Is there a way that I can have the user enter the Reference number and come directly to that particular record that needs to be changed in the form. Like a dialog box that asks Enter Reference Number or something.

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Edit An Exisiting Record From A Form

Aug 11, 2005

I'd like to set up a form that allows you to enter a unique number for a record and then automatically change the value for one or more fields in that record.

I have a large number of records that I only need to add values to two fields so am looking to make a shorter form with the ultimate ail of doing this with a barcode reader.

I thought I could just add a line like:

Me.controlvaluetochangename.Value = "newvalue"

to and event property like after update and it would change the name for that record. Instead it created a new record with that value.

How do I go about changing the existing value?


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How Create Form That Allows You To Edit But Not Add New Records.

Mar 30, 2006

I guess this is a fairly basic one. I have a form that allows people to edit records, but I want to prevent people from adding new records on this form. I thought that if I put 'no' in the 'Allow additions' property, I would achieve this end, but when I do this, all the input boxes dissappear.
appreciate help

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Create Record With VBA, Edit With Form

Mar 11, 2008

I have the following code on a combo box in a form that creates a new record in the table Products if it doesn't already exist:

Code:Private Sub comProduct_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer) Dim strSQL As String 'Exit this sub if the combo box is cleared If NewData = "" Then Exit Sub strSQL = "Insert Into Products ([Product]) " & _"values ('" & NewData & "');" CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError Response = acDataErrAdded End Sub

It creates a new record and inputs the appropriate value into the Product field, however then it goes to the next record and when I try to edit other fields, it does so on a new record.

So, for example, I wanted to set the Product field to ProductA and the Brand field to BrandB and the Size field to 200, it produces two separate records like this (code box used for formatting):

Code:Product | Brand | Size |ProductA BrandB 200

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Form Data Entry, Add Only No Edit

Jun 29, 2006

Hi guys,

I've got a table (called table1), which a select query (called qryTable1) read it and is referenced in a form (called frmTable1).

So now my form display fields of the query of the table.

On the form, below the text boxs for data entry, there is a subform that displays the entire table - table1.

I've done this so I can see some fields of the old data, that helps me to enter new ones. Hope u follow so far...
This where I'm stuck. When I was half way entering data in the top section of the form (ie using text boxes), if I go to the subform below to copy some values from a field, ACCESS then either adds a new or edit the record. I'm wondering if there is a way to stop ACCESS automatically doing this? I want to be able to add a record when THE add record button is depressed, and that's the only way to add record.

Please do help..

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Forms :: Edit Data Through Form

Apr 23, 2013

I have a simple data base with 2 tables. One table is the pertinent Employee data. That includes a EmployeeID that I contrived myself with the first 4 letters of the FIRST NAME and the first 3 letters of the LAST NAME.

how to make the program do that automatically when I enter the employee's first and last name.I have a form that sits overtop this table to populate the data. It's got some test date in it now c/w hand and manually calculated EmployeeID.

So now I figured out how to make the program do that calculation automatically. So why when I cruse over the records and tab through the fields and the form shows the new EmployeeID, it doesn't update the table for that field?

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Forms :: Autofill Form And Allow To Edit

Nov 9, 2013

I have 2 tables StudySchedule and ExamSchedule.StudySchedule contains the detail information of opening classes of many different periods. I need to create a form that can:

1. let the user choose a period

2. form will generates automatically exam schedules of the opening classes of the chosen using the relevant information in StudySchedule. Those entries will be saved in ExamSchedule.

3. Note that there are 8 fields of the exam schedules generated/counted from some fields of StudySchedule. The 3 other fields of the exam schedules need to be entered by the users. User must also have the ability to edit the generated fields.

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