Change Plus Sign Relationship From One Table To Another

Sep 11, 2012

I have a table that is joined to two tables. When I view it in Access 2010 the plus sign is set to one table. How can I make it view the other relationship?

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How To Change Table Relationship?

Oct 26, 2004

I have a table that is related to another table one to one. I need this table to be a one to many relationship. When I right click on the link to edit the relationship, I can't figure out what I need to do to change it to one to many. I have clicked on everything and I can't get it to change. Please help me.

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Tables :: Change Table Relationship Column

Aug 18, 2013

When I originally created my access database, I used a text field/column to connect 2 tables together. I would like to change this to reference the Primary Key/ID column instead of the text field.

Is there an easy way to go about doing this? My original thought was to create some vba code to replace the data in the column of the sub table with the autonumber in the primary table but I cannot figure out how to do it.

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Forms :: Make A Multiple Item Form / Sign In Sign Out

Jan 8, 2015

My teacher instructs me to make a 'multiple item form' in regards to signing in and signing out of a dentist ( my scenario)...The fields i have are : Appointment ID, dentistID, Appointment time, Appointment Date and customerID..i have created have the multiple item form and i am now displayed with the fields.

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Tables :: Getting Relationship Error When Try To Change Datatype

Oct 15, 2014

I'm in datasheet design view and I'm trying to change the data type of a cell and add a lookup. When I try to change the datatype I get an error which says I need to remove a relationship first - except I did. I deleted all the relationships, saved and closed the relationship view and closed and reopened the table.

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Can The % Sign Be Used In An Access Db??

Oct 6, 2005

Can anyone tell me if the % sign can be used, and if it cant is there any other way around this?

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Displaying The & Sign

Aug 23, 2006

Hi I would like to know if it is possible to display the & sign. I need to beable to use this both in form titles and on command buttons. When ik type it in as a caption it is displayed but as soon as I come out of edit mode I am left with a _ in place of the &

any help would be great. Thanks Paul Evans

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Sign Problem Using Time

Jan 8, 2007

I have the following in a select query

TimeLeft: CDate([FinishingTime]-Time())

If FinishingTime is LESS than Time() I want it to show a negative sign to show that the time has past. How do I do this?

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Small Question About The '&' Sign

Jan 10, 2005

Hey all,

just have a small question...

Normally in a form if you use the '&' in front of a objectname or something like that it will underline the first following letter meaning you can use the 'ALT + letter' combination to use it.

Now I want to use the '&' sign in a label, without having it do anything like that. I just want it to display the sign, anyone have any ideas on how to do this?



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Adding New Columns Of Sign

Oct 14, 2013

I have table with one of the columns with number (amount) that can be positive or negative.

I want to add new column of sign - 'H' for positive or 'S' for negative.

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Problems Getting The Currency Sign To Display Using The Nz

Nov 15, 2006


I have a problem displaying the £ sign in my query. Instead of the query displaying £448.87 it displays 448.87.

You can see from the below image that the value of AllCost is £448.87 and I don't understand why its displaying 448.87 when I run the other query called All Cost 2. The Nz function is used to display £0.00 if the AllCost field is null.

The below image is when I run the "All Cost 2" query


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Sign In To Access Using Username And Password

Oct 19, 2014

I want to create a user name and password in to access my data base

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Make-Table Query With Relationship To New Table

May 31, 2005

I've got a problem with a make-table query that creates a new table which is then populated with new values that relate back to the original table the trouble is the make-table won't run with that relationship in place.

Is there a way to delete the relationship then reinstate it after the query? or any other way round that someone can think of.

Thank You

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Data Entry Question: Sign Reversal

Mar 23, 2005

Is there a way to reverse the sign of a numerical field at data entry time and store the negative results...i.e. a quantity field (shipments) keyed as +100 to be stored as -100? I have tried several input mask solutions but none worked.
Thanks for any help or suggestions from an Access novice.

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Can A Table Have A Relationship With Itself?

Jun 6, 2005

How can I have table data refer to other data in the same table? For example: If I have a table of people I know, and I want to 'link' family members together, and these other family members are also listed in the table of people I know.
Table: People
Field#1: PersonID
Field#2: PersonName
Field#3: FamilyMember1 (using the PersonID)
Field#4: FamilyMember2 (using the PersonID)

I hope I've explained myself clearly.
Thanks for any help.

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Table Relationship

Aug 29, 2006

Hi, I have 2 related. In the first table I have a primary key number and another ID number.

On the 2nd table which is related by the PrimKey I want the ID number to come up automatically. I can't remember how to do this. Can anyone help?


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Table Relationship

Feb 1, 2007

Hey guys

Access rookie here (and I mean ROOKIE).

I have two tables.

One with details of people's information (mothers).

We also need to enter information for their babies.

Basically I have set up a form with the info for the mother's details, and she has a Mother ID. The baby also has an ID which should be the same as the mothers (linking the two tables).

When I enter the info into the form for the mothers details, I hit the command button that opens the baby's details, however it has not created a baby ID that is the same as the mother's ID, therefore there is no relationship. If I enter in the baby id, and fill out the form - I goto the table and see that it has made the link and the information is complete. However, I don't want to have to enter the ID each time.....I just want the mother's ID to carry accross to the baby's ID field, hence linking the two.

Why isn't this working?

Thanks for your help!


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Cannot Add Another Table And Relationship

Mar 7, 2007

Hi there,

Hope you can help...

I am having problems with a current database i have designed which was initally for Products/Stock. I now want to intergrate Services into the equation. I have attached a proposed design, but whenever i add the Services table and relationship, everything, in the sense of data disappears.

I can upload my Database if needs be.


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One To Many Table Relationship

Jul 19, 2007

I'm having trouble modeling a relationship in a database. I need conceptual help. Here is an abstract description: A Class has several common attributes, but there are some attributes that differentiate different instances of this Class. For example, this Class may have x fields. ClassB will have those same fields and several others, so Class B will have (x+y) fields. Class C will also have x fields and an additonal Z fields for a total of (x+z) fields. x and y may be the same number or not, but they will certainly not be the same type of fields. See attached for picture.

My thinking is that since all the classes have x fields in common, why not have super class in its own table (ClassA), and have two (or more) tables composed of y and z fields respectively. The primary key (A1, lets say autonumbered) in the ClassA table would also be the primary key in ClassB and ClassC tables.

My goal is is have a subform within a form, where the form has all the fields from ClassA and the subform will have all the fields from either ClassB or ClassC depending on another field in ClassA (A2, text type for example). In essence, the layout of the subform would change depending on the value of A2 from the ClassA table.

Can this even be done. I think I'm missing something here. Would anyone care to offer advice?

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What Table Relationship?

Feb 19, 2008

Hi, I have these two tables

ent_HorseName (PK)


I have no records in horse_information yet. I need it so that when a record is added to the first table then whatever is added to ent_HorseName is added to inf_HorseName. So I want all the records from horse_entries in horse_information. I want to be able to add to horse_information without that record being added to horse_entries. What kind of relationship should I use. Thanks

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Table Relationship

Sep 30, 2004

I have a form to insert data into the table1 of the db.mdb file.

In db.mdb file I have two tables one is table1 and other is table2 now the fields in both table are as follow


ID (AutoNumber)
Name (Text)
Roll No. (Number)
Class (Text)
Address (Text)
Result (Text)

ID (AutoNumber)
Roll No. (Text)
Result (Text)

Now I want that whenever that data is posted into table1 then table2 should autoupdate the corresponding data.

Please guide me how this is possible?

With Regards.

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General :: Package And Sign ACCDB - Digital Signature

Jan 29, 2014

I have an accdb built using Access 2013 that will run with in 2010 Runtime. I am about ready to distribute the application, and am starting to do some research.

When I attempt to package and sign the db using the feature in Access 2013 it asks for me to "Confirm Certificate".

Before I go buy one I want to 1) try to create on myself and 2) learn about some good places to buy them.

1) I created a "Self-Signed" certificate using IIS, but the certificate doesn't show up on the list of certs when I attempt to package and sign the accdb. Is there a way to use a "Self-Signed" certificate to package my accdb?

2) If purchasing a SSL is the only option. Where is the best place to buy a SSL that I can use to package and sign accdbs from Access 2013?

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Queries :: Button To Display Current Time (Sign In And Out)

Jan 27, 2015

I have created a button to display the current time ( sign in and out).

It works fine with this code Me.field = time$

However i need a code beneath it to run the actual query that will display this time onto the table...

I have attached an image of one of the query, I need it to run.

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Forms :: Add Percentage Sign To A Text Field Without Changing Value

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to add a percentage sign (%) after a number I get from a table, thus the number 1,5 should display 1,5% and NOT 150%.

I am using the Format Property of the text field.

I tried #,##% which converted the value to a percentage (1,5 became 150%) Then I tried #,##"%" and #,##\% Access ignored both and changed the value in the property field to #,##% Using the Format function is not an option because it is a bound field which should be editable.

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Relationship Table For Other Objects

Sep 18, 2005

I am looking for an easier way to confirm that all a queries that are in a database are being used by the database. I started going through each and every one and it is taking for ever!

I have tried the documenter and either I cannot understand it properly or it does not contain the information that I am looking for.

An example might be I have a query called qryOne. I want to see where it is being used so I am looking for a “list” that says

qryOne = rptOne
qryOne = rptSix
qryOne = rptEightySix

Obviously these are just made up names, but I hope you understand what I am looking for. In essence a relationship table for queries, forms and reports.

Thanks for your help

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Table Relationship Theory

Aug 2, 2006

I was hoping to get pointed in the direction of some relationship theory. I am new at this and was wondering when, where and how to implement relationships into a DB. I am sure this has a lot of good uses, but I am failing to understand it completely. Any and all help is appreciated.


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