Change User In Run Time (without Restarting Access)

Mar 8, 2007

Hey guys!

There is any possibility of changing user on the run without restart ms-access and prompt for user again?


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More Than A User To Access The Db At The Same Time

Mar 14, 2007

Hi all
How are you?
I have a small problem...
I have an access db called MainDB, which has tables, queries, data entry form. This db (MainDB) is located in the network server.
I have another access db called BranchDB. This db (BranchDB) has no tables, it has linked tables to those tables from the MainDB, and it has the forms for view only (No Data Entry).
The problem is that users from there local machines can not access the BranchDB at the same time.
What can I do?
Your help will be highly appreciated.

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First Time Access User Needing Help

Jan 18, 2008

I am a teacher using Access 2007 for the first time.
I have downloaded and created a Student Info database which contains details of nationality, guardian's contact info, etc.
I also have an Attendance Excel Sheet which calculates daily / monthly attendance in its most basic form.
How do I link the cells that show the current attendance of each student to the Access db? Can I link it so that it appears on the db forms / tables / individual student page?
Please advise.
I'd appreciate the coming to me in painfully simple steps.
I teach English and Humanities and am not well versed in computer language ... although I enjoy its challenges and use a lot of it for teaching and administratie purposes.
Thanking you in advance,

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Change Logon Info At Running Time(using Ms Access)

Feb 28, 2007

hi there,
I'd like to ask the solution for my problem.
I made a new project using ms access 2003,crystal report 9, and visual studio 2005.

I just made a simple access dbase with 1 table(Table 1) and protected with password, o I forgot this table has 2 field(id and desc).
After that I made simple report that using DAO connectivity(save data with report option is disabled).

At last I made simple program(windows app) using visual studio 2005.
I put the CrystalReportViewer component, and these is the code :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace prj
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

private void crystalReportViewer1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\Report1.rpt";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.UserID = "Admin";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.Password = "12";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\db.mdb";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.ServerName = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\db.mdb";

and the problem is when I move the access database file to other location, the viewer shows a box to be confirmed by my UserID and password,
my question is how must I write in the program so that the box doesnt come out.


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Forms :: Change Textbox Color On Form In Access 2013 For Dyslexic User

Apr 29, 2014

I have a new staff member in my office that has informed me that she has a degree of dyslexia. To assist her I've trialled changing the textboxes on one form in my Access 2013 application to a light pink color & this has instantly worked for her to read/input text.

Is there a way to automatically change each textbox to light pink on every form in my application on startup based on user login (say using an IIF statement in the OnLoad event of the startup form).

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Modules & VBA :: How To Give User Limited Time Access To Certain Forms

Aug 26, 2013

I have database that i am working on , i want to give a user a time limited accsess ( one week ) to the reports section for example !!

after a certain date he will require a password or the report button will be inactive ...

-at program start up , it will check for today's date if it is greater or equal to (lets say ) 24-9-2013 then it will change a field in an X table from "yes" to "no" ,

-after that the code will check table X for the yes no field , if yes then open Form A if no then open form B / or make report button inactive

how to do that in VB ... and is there is a better way to do it ? can it be done in the macro builder ?

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Restarting The Application

Aug 17, 2007

Wow, been a while since I've had to ask a question here. But I've been looking for a solution (if it's possible) to restart the open database app I've been working on.

I have a form in which I create and set a database property. In order for it to take affect, the database has to be reopened. Sure, this can be done manually, but I'd like it to be automatic. Just like when you use the compact and repair tool; the database closes and reopens. I've tried the OpenCurrentDatabase method, but of course, I can't close the current one before the code runs.

Any suggestions?



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Restarting Custom # Each Year Using Dmax Function

Jan 18, 2007

I have been racking my brain trying to get this to work with no success :(

I have read through these 2 posts numerous times trying to apply the coding/methodolgy and can't seem to get it fine tuned.

Here is the structure I need to use for the number:


What I need is for the 00001 section to reset to 0 each year so the numbers will look like such:


AR-CR-2008-00003 etc....

I have the code working great to generate the different sections.
I have a table with 3 fields (seperating the number) and 1 field that is the combined number. The fields are:

FormatID (Text field),YearID (Text field),BaseID (Number field ) (These are populated using a form called "Test")

FormatID = AR-CR- (This is set as the default format/value)
YearID = 2007- (I have this obtained automatically using code in the default
value of the data tab) =Right(Date(),4) & "-"

BaseID = 00001 (Sequential by +1)

I have a button on the form called "Save" which I have placed this code in the "On-Click" event.
Private Sub Save_Click()
If IsNull(Me![BaseID]) Then
Me![BaseID] = Format(Nz(DMax("[BaseID]", "[tblTest]"), 0) + 1, "00000")
End If
Me![CustID] = [FormatID] & [DateID] & Format([BaseID], "00000")
End Sub

What I can't figure out is how to get the Base ID to restart with 00001 at the beginning of each year? What am I doing wrong?

I have also attached an image showing the increment change if I was to change the year to 2008 how it just incriments the last numbers instead of resetting to 00001.

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Consecutive Invoice Numbers, Restarting Each Month

Oct 14, 2005

Hi there,
Some scene setting to my problem. I have a corporate system numbering invoices consecutively globally. For a subsidiary in Poland this presents a problem - all invoices for the subsidiary must be consecutive. ie. where the globally issued invoices for Poland might be 1,4,5,7 these need to be renumbered before issue in Poland.

It gets more complicated as the Polish Office standard is to invoice in the format "PL/Year/Month/Number" with the Number restarting from 1 for each month.

My database is very simple.
Table 1 = Link table to Oracle corporate data
Table 2 = Local table of invoices already produced (Global invoice number and date recorded)

I have a filter to find all new invoices (unmatched items), a report to print them and an Append query to populate the new items to the Local table.

My challenge: (1) to recreate the Polish numbering scheme and (2) have it consistently when existing data goes up to mid month and a new append operation has to follow the invoice number sequence.

Any ideas? I guess Autonumber is no good and I have little array experience.


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Tables :: Increment Number For Related Records Restarting At 0 For Each Parent

Sep 18, 2012

I have two tables, Articles and Versions, related 1 to many. In my Versions table I want to set up a field that will start at 0 for the first version record related to an article record, and as version records are added in relation to that same article record I want it to increment by 1, no gaps. It ideally would be editable. It will not likely count above 5.

The result would be

article1 version0
article1 version1
article1 version2
article2 version0
article2 version1
article2 version2
article2 version3

What's the best way to accomplish this?

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User Change Image On Form

Sep 25, 2005

Wonder if you guys can help, I have searched the forums, but can't find an exact match to my query...

... i want my users to see a coloured image on their form to alert them to the status of a record in the database.

I have 3 very small bitmap images (named red, amber and green and stored directly next to my database ). I want to allow users to change which image should display on any given record by choosing either from a combo-box or radio buttons located next to the 'image space' on the same form. This image change will then save when the database is closed and remain until it is changed to another staus by a subsequent user at a later date.

Any ideas greatly appreciated (I'm currently at [I]'dimwit' level with coding)


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Forms :: DB Open Does Not Change User

Jun 24, 2014

Using Access 2007 DB windows 7..Main form on open of db collects the username from the environ. text Field(networkid) is populated on form from the function

1. On Open of DB it opens with a frmuserid which contains a text box holding the network ID which is derived from function fosusername()
2. The value of Forms!frmuserid!networkid (frmuserid! is the form that opens when the DB is 1st opened) is populated with the fosusername() in the networkid text box

I seem to only be having the issue of the db opeing with my network ID no matter who opens the db. Somehow I need to shut off that 1st ID when close db or update the form field on open.

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Modules & VBA :: User Change Password

Jun 22, 2015

So I have a login system established with loginID, passwords, and different user types. I also have a User Change Password form. However, this form only allows the user to change their password to something new. Also, for some reason the form only allows the first user in the table (ID#1) to be changed regardless of who is logged in. I was using an embedded Macro. I need to be able to have the old password entered and verified before the password can be changed to something new.

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How To Change Group Membership Of User

Jun 10, 2012

I have to change a group membership of one user in an multi user access database. As I see its no possibility to change it in the backend (in X.ldb file) nor in frontend.

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Modules & VBA :: Change / Reset User Password

Jul 10, 2014

I have this code to change user password

Private Sub Command3_Click()
If IsNull(Me.cboEmployee) Or Me.cboEmployee = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If

[Code] ....

But it doesnt change the password....

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General :: Need To Change A User Created Menu

Aug 6, 2014

I have a database that was created in Access 2003. I'm using this MDB in Access 2010.I need to change a user created menu. The update involves changing an existing entry and adding a new menu item. The menu looks like:

Time Entry
Time Spread

I need the "Time Spread" to change to "Time Spread Daily" with a changed macro name. After that a new menu entry is "Time Spread Monthly". This menu will run a new macro that will display a form.I think the only way to do that in 2010 is to use VBA.

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More Than One User At A Time?

Feb 5, 2008

Okay, i need to know if there is a way so that more than one person can be in an access database at one time. Both need to be able to edit, add, delete, etc. within the database.

Is this possible? :confused:

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First Time User Please Help

Dec 21, 2007

Hi I am a first time access user so i would like you to go easy on me. I work in an export firm where I have to maintain Order Dispatch schedules for different customers with different products. I becomes very difficult as at the moment I am using Excel andd have to maintain different files for each customer. I was hoping if a common base for the same can be created in access so that i am able to input all data pertaining to different customes in a single table and get reports of the same according to my need.

Awaiting for a reply. Plz help.

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Time Out For User

Aug 27, 2005

Is there a way to automaticaly close a database after it has been open for a period of time? I am having trouble with users leaving their database open after use. This causes a problem when they shut down their computers at the end of the day not knowing that the database is still open. What I want to do is to set it so that after mayby an hour of inactivity on the database, the database opens a warning message. The user can then click on the warning message to continue working on the database or the database would automatically closes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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General :: Access Multi User Database - Error On Only One User

Apr 24, 2013

I have a multi user database in Access 2000 that is on a server. The individual users have shortcuts pointing towards the server instance. One user and one user only when opening the shortcut gets the error "you do not have exclusive rights to the database" .

All other users can enter the database with no error box. I have checked the advanced setting under options and they are correct. Ironically if you go to start and open access then navigate to the database shortcut. It opens with no error.

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Forms :: Change Value In Textbox - Capture User Login

Apr 12, 2014

I would like to put a text box (user) and checkbox (check100) on a form, that when the checkbox is not checked the value in Gender switches. In an AfterUpdate I would use a code to capture the user login.

Private Sub Check100_AfterUpdate()
Me.User = Environ("UserName")
If Me.check100 = 0 AND Me.Gender.Value = "Male" THEN
Me.Gender.Value = "Female"
ElseIf Me.check100 = 0 AND Me.Gender.Value = "Female" Then
Me.Gender.Value = "male"
End If
End Sub

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Reports :: Allow User To Change Where On The Page Label Print

Mar 19, 2014

I've got a report that spits out a barcoded label for items on my inventory. What I'd like to know, is if there is a way in 2010 to allow the user to select where on the page for the label to print.

I found a way that looks like it worked for 2007, but it required enabling ADO, which I am not able to do on my work computer.

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Modules & VBA :: Allow User To Change Default Checkbox Values?

Jun 20, 2013

I've got a form (frmEdit) that allows users to search tblMain for records using a bunch of unbound controls and a dynamically created SQL statement. Search results are displayed in a subform (subMain), and the current record in the subform is displayed in a set of bound controls on frmEdit.

Now the important bit: There is a set of unbound checkboxes on my form that allow the user to change which fields are visible in subMain. This is accomplished by the following:

Private Sub chkName_AfterUpdate()
If Me.chkName = 0 Then
Me.subMain.Form.CorrespondingField.ColumnHidden = True
Me.subMain.Form.CorrespondingField.ColumnHidden = False
End If
End Sub

Certain fields are visible by default, but the user may want to change which fields those are. Here's what I've done so far to accomplish this:

Created a button (btnChangeDefaults) that opens a form (frmChangeDefaults)

Put checkboxes for each table field on frmChangeDefaults

Put a "Cancel" button (btnCancel)* and "Done" button (btnDone)** on frmChangeDefaults.

*btnCancel just closes frmChangeDefaults without making any changes to frmChangeDefaults or frmEdit

**btnDone changes Forms.frmEdit.Form.chkName.DefaultValue to Me.CorrespondingCheckBox.Value and then closes frmChangeDefaults

This all seems to work quite well, actually. Debugging confirms that the default values of the checkboxes on frmEdit are indeed changed when I click btnDone. But when I close frmEdit and re-open it, the default values return to what they were prior. This happens even when:

I close frmEdit using DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmEdit", acSaveYes

I close frmEdit after using DoCmd.Save acForm, "FrmEdit"

I save frmEdit manually by right-clicking and pressing save

What am I missing here?

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Queries :: Select Change ID From Changes Made To User Accounts

Jun 12, 2013

I have a few tables, one of which stores a record of changes made to user accounts, and some of those changes are linked to a "multichange" table for when I have made the same change to multiple accounts.

What I am trying to do is select the change_id from my changes table, with a limit of 1 as I only want one result (it will always be the same) but I am using this query and getting a syntax error telling me I have a missing operator.

SQL_SELECT = "SELECT change_id from dbo_user_change where username = '" & username & "' AND change_type = 'new account' LIMIT 1"
Set qresults = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL_SELECT)
Do While Not qresults.EOF
multichange_id = qresults.Fields(1)

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Lock Database Back End For Any User To Change Data?

Jun 27, 2014

using the "back-end" and "front-end", how to put a password also in the "back-end"? is to lock the database "backend" for anyone to change the data?

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Change Values In Several Records At The Same Time

Oct 30, 2005

Hi all!
This is kind of a philosophical question :)

I’m doing some changes to a “CRM”-database, and need to make a function that changes values in several records in one operation. The problem is, I have now idea on how to approach this problem.

One example; I have made a simple invoice function in my db, which works well. But now I send a lot more invoices then when I made the function. I’ve made a form, which prints the invoices, and I can print several in one “operation”. How can I, in the same operation, also change the status of the invoice record so that it says “Printed”?

If you have any suggestions on the method e.t.c.? Thank you!
(I'm using Access 2000)

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