Changeing The Forms Titlebar Icon

Apr 13, 2005


I created an icon for my database application and I would like to display it in each form's title bar. Is this possible? And if it is, how? A few years ago I learned a little Delphi programming, and there this is possible to do.


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Changeing Key Behaviour In Report

Aug 21, 2007

i have an Address textbox that has key behaviour as - new line in field. this allows me to put the complete address in one box, post code is another textbox. this is fine if i want to create window envelopes but - if i want the address to look as one long line in a report it wont work
since the address in the form takes up two lines -- only the first line shows in the address column of the table - hence only one row shows in the report that derives from that table SO =[Address]&" "&[PostCode] placed in the Source Code of the address only shows the first line plus post code . if i make the box deeper then it will show - but only as a second line - i want it all to be one line
can i get out of this and still keep the -new line in field- behaviour?
thanks in anticipation

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Changeing Feild In Table Annualy.

Oct 27, 2004

I have a feild in my table that I need to increase by 1 each year.


2004- needs to change to 2005- on 1/1/2005 and keep changeing each year after that.

I am sure this is simple but all my attempts at makeing a counter have failed thus far.

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Forms :: Tabbed Documents Icon On Caption Bar

May 25, 2015

Customizing the form with the following code


Public Declare Function LoadImage Lib "user32" _
Alias "LoadImageA" _
(ByVal hInst As Long, _
ByVal lpsz As String, _
ByVal un1 As Long, _
ByVal n1 As Long, _
ByVal n2 As Long, _
ByVal un2 As Long) _
As Long


I can load the little icon on the left on CaptionBar.It works very well on overlapping mode but no on Tabbed documents. How to works with tabbed documents mode?

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Forms :: Replace The Access Icon In Taskbar?

Nov 21, 2013

how I can replace the MS Access icon in the windows 7 taskbar at the bottom of my screen with my customized one. I already added under the access options the form and report icon and was hoping that this may solve the issue. But my own icon just pops up on the title bar of the main access screen, forms and the reports.

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Forms :: Change Form Icon Next To Caption?

Jun 12, 2014

how to change a form icon and make that icon embed to my database, I have tried the Application Icon property in Access Options but when I copy the database to other computer then the icon disappeared.

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Forms :: Impossible To Add Custom Icon To Button

May 23, 2015

I got an image bitmap that I want to use to customize my button. I got following error pop up."Image Generator" - "search key not found in any record".I'm using access 2013

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Forms :: Continuous Subform - Control To Display Image / Icon Based On Another Field

Jan 9, 2014

I have a continuous subform which queries a table of attachments. I'm using Access 2007 but not using the Attachment datatype; this DB will grow considerably and I don't want to waste precious space by filling it with bulky files. So instead, I have code which makes a copy of the attachment and adds the hyperlink (to the copy) to the table instead.

Now - I want to add a control to the subform to display an icon / image reflecting the file type of the attachment (Word doc, Excel s/s, PDF etc.)

But not sure how to go about it.

I was thinking I could use FileSystemObject.GetFileExtension at the point in the code where the attachment is added, and add a new field to my attachments table (i.e. translate "*.xls*" to "Excel", etc.) Then store / embed a handful of images for the core types I would expect and use an image control on the subform to display the image based on the value of that field.

But is that even possible / feasible?

Or, is there a handy API which can retrieve the icon associated with a file type based on what has been installed on the local machine (even if there is, there's still the problem of setting up the image control to display the appropriate icon specific to each record...)

Or, is there another control available which would be better suited to something like this than an Image control?

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Icon Most Wanted

Jan 25, 2006

Hello fellow users,

Just a quick note, i would like to know if anybody has come across any good internet site for download of icons ideally free ones.


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Office XP Icon Dll

Apr 5, 2006

Hello Folks, i was wondering whether any one knows any dll or file that stores office xp icons. I wanna extract them.

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Changing Icon For Mde!

Apr 24, 2006

hello guys,

firstly thanks to all the guys here without whose help, I would not have been able to finish my database. However, there remains one question to which I havent found a satisfactory answer. I have checked through all the threads here.

I have made an .mde for my application and I want to customize my application icon to my company icon. The DB by default shows the access icon which I would like to change.

The threads here deal with issues of changing the desktop shortcut icon or changing the icon for forms. These threads do not address the problem I am facing.

I want the icon to be changed from access icon to a customized icon.
I am using MS access 97.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. If there is a thread which I may have overlooked, plz point me out.
Thanks in advance

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Icon Troubles

Aug 19, 2007

Hi, this is my first message on this forum ;)!
I have a little problem with my Access 2000 (with 2003 too on another compuer), in fact when I put an icon on a page of my Tab Control, the background of that icon is white and not transparent (the file I use is an "ico" file and so it HAS a transparent background, anyway I treid all the possible file types); the strange thing is that when I put an icon on a button, the icon is shown properly. Here is an image of my problem:

Thank you,


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Can't Use The Toolbox Icon

Jan 24, 2006

I'm working on a user's database that needs some cleaning up; however, when I go into the "View" menu, the option to use the Toolbar is greyed out and I therefore can't utilize the Toolbar.

What do I have to do in order to have use of the Toolbar?

Thanks in advance.

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Icon Ghosting

Nov 13, 2006

when a toggle button object is selected on a form, it becomes ghosted. What property is changed? I want to reset all the other toggle button images when a new one is selected.

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Is It Possible To Do A Systray Icon?

Oct 10, 2007

I trying to find out if it is possible to have a systray icon load when you start a access database or form? This way I could do pop up messages and icon changes thru out running access. Any advice, links, or imput would be great. Thanks !

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Modifying An Icon's Properties

Mar 21, 2006

I have an Access database split into FE/BE. For the front end, each user has his own directory on the lan. The directory is named with the UserName.

I've created an installation program in Access. It basically installs the icon on the user's desktop using Environ("UserName"). It also installs an Excel file the program needs on the hard drive.

Here's the problem...Right now, the installation program grabs the shortcut off the lan and installs it, but that shortcut has one user's UserName hard coded as the target. That one piece of information needs to change for each person. Is there a way for the program to modify the target based on the username of the person running the installation program? Without this piece, I need to visit every user after he runs the installation program and modify the properties of the new icon to point to his specific directory.

Thanks for any help you can provide!!

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When Specifiying An Application Icon...

May 11, 2006

I can't hide the database window...but when I take out the application icon, I can hide the database window.

Why can't I do both at the same time?:confused:

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Wrong Access Icon

Dec 10, 2006

hi all,
this morning i installed the ms access 2000 runtime and then i uninstalled it.
After that i had some problems and there was no other choice than uninstall and install the office 97.
Now for some reason the access 97 works BUT the mdb files have a notepad icon instead the access 97 icon.
however, if i see the icon's properties under OPEN WITH the icon is the correct one.

can u hlp me?
thx in advance, 4 your time, max.

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Access And Clipboard Icon

Jun 24, 2007

i would like to add an icon clip board to the database i created.
how do i do that??
thanks in advance for your help

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Icon As DEFAULT, When Embedding PDF's

Dec 12, 2007

In an attempt to keep the aged and wise users of the DB from overlooking the "display as Icon" cbo when embedding PDF's, and thus finding them unaware of attached documents, I'm searching for a way to select this by default to eliminate the problem altogether.(leban's didn't seem to say anything helpful on the matter)

Any ideas, virtual-mentors?

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MS Access Developer Icon

Feb 3, 2008

I have installed Access Developer Extensions and Access Runtime but still I can not see the "developer" option in menu. Can someone please help me to find this option.


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Shortcut Icon Lost Its Way....

Mar 7, 2008

A problem I have seen a couple times has come up again... Wondering if anyone knows why this happens?
This is always with a split DB.... Using "Remote Access"..... The user signs on, a shortcut to the Frontend of the application is there...... But when clicked... nothing.
I personally did not load this one onto the clients server, but I believe the administrator has done this to use a bit of group security abilities. I think he has put the Frontend in their "Documents" folder and then puts a shortcut to the frontend on their remote desktop (Server)....... But time after time it loses the path to the frontend....or maybe doesn't recognize that it is an mdb file....Not sure. Anyone had this come up before??

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Remove Form Icon

Feb 9, 2006

I read some solutions to replacing a default Access icon for forms. However, I was wondering if there is a simple solutioin to removing them all together without causing an error?

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Referring To The Application Icon Using Code

Jan 2, 2008

Hello all...Happy New Year!!

I have obtained some VB code shown below which adds an icon to the windows task bar as I intend to put some additional code behind this that displays messages near the clock when something happens in the database.
The problem I have is that the code does add an icon but the icon is literally blank. i.e. it makes an additional icon space but does not display any picture.
The code is not actually for VBA so I need to tweak it. I am struggling with telling it which icon to display. Does anyone know how to refer to the application icon using code??

The code I am working on is: (there is also a module but I will post this if you need it.)

Private Sub AddTrayIcon()


' nid.cdSize is always Len(nid)
nid.cbSize = Len(nid)
' Parent window - this is the window that will process the icon events
nid.hWnd = frmSystray.hWnd
' Icon identifier
nid.uID = 0
' We want to receive messages, show the icon and have a tooltip
' The message we will receive on an icon event
nid.uCallbackMessage = 1024
' The icon to display
nid.hIcon = frmSystray.Icon
' Our tooltip
nid.szTip = "Always terminate the tooltip with vbNullChar" & vbNullChar

' Add the icon to the System Tray
Shell_NotifyIconA NIM_ADD, nid

' Prevent further adding
cmdAddIcon.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdAddIcon_Click()
End Sub


This is the code that is the problem. I dont think VBA has this function so I need to tell it where to find the .ico file I use for my database.
Thanks folks.

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Display Icon In Each Record In Subform.

Sep 19, 2005

I don't know if this is the right place to post this but here goes.
How do you display an icon or image in a field in a subform in Access2003?
I tried inserting an image into a field with its data type set to OLE Object.
This doesn't work. I insert a bitmap or icon file (*.ico) into the table. When I open up the subform the field displays the word "Package" for Bitmap image".
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you :D

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Query Only Works Through Clicking On Icon

Oct 1, 2007

i posted about this the other day, thought i sorted it and now it keeps coming back to haunt me

i have an append query in my database it is based on 3 other queries

when the query is run using vb

DBEngine(0)(0).Execute "QRY_ImportDuplicatesTopLevel", dbFailOnError

or by putting its sql into a string and executing using CurrentProject.Connection.Execute strSQL

i get an error message saying too few paramters - expected one

i'm fairly used to these messages which mean that in the query is a non existent or misspelt field and i find them by running the query in the query viewer and letting access highlight the missing / misspelt field

the weird part is that when i run this query as a stored object by clicking on its icon i get no error and the query does the job it is supposed to do

does anyonw have any idea why this situation could occur?

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