Changing Colors With Check Boxes

Feb 21, 2005

I have a simple form with 3 check boxes. I want to write a vb code that will change the color of a box if a box is selected.

Table Name: tbl_main
Form Name: frm_color
Field Names: [check_red] [check_blue] [check_yellow]
Box Names: 'box_red' 'box_blue' 'box_yellow' (all currently translucent)

If someone checks the [check_red] field I want the 'box_red' to go from translucent background to a red background, and when unchecked to go back to translucent. Same with the Blue & Yellow boxes.

I have made a simple database and attached it for an example. Thank you all.

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Changing Colors In A Field Automatically

Mar 15, 2005

Hi everyone,

The problem I'm having is I need to have the background of a field change color depending on what's contained within the field. There's only three possible entries in the field: active, inactive, and a blank entry. I need it to show green if the field contains "active", red if the field is "inactive" or is blank (I also want the blank fields to show inactive, but that's niether here or there right now.)

I've been trying to get it to work with an if then statement, and setoption to change the background. I've had no luck with any of it, though.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Changing Colors For Each Line In Form

Sep 3, 2004

Is there any way to change the color of a field based on the value of a field.

I know how to do this for a single form but I need to do it for a Continuous Form
(each line may be a different value and have a different color.)

Is there some event that happens before each line displays???


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Forms :: Changing Multiple Text Boxes To Combo Boxes?

Mar 14, 2014

there is a way to convert multiple text boxes to combo boxes all at once, rather than right clicking on them one at a time, and selecting Change to.

I have a form with about 50 fields and most of them need to be converted to combo boxes. I'd always done it manually one at a time up to this point, but I'm trying to build up my learning and look for smarter ways to do things.

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Queries :: Query By Form With Check Boxes / Combo Boxes Not Working

Mar 25, 2013

Attached I have a database that I've been working on which has a form called "frmCriteriaSearch". It is based off of the qryCriteriaListBoxUpdate query. I am trying to get the listbox in the second tab of the results section to work. It queries fine for the checkboxes, but I cannot get the comboboxes to affect the query (unless a checkbox has already been selected)

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Forms :: Search Form Using Both Combo Boxes And Check Boxes

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to make a search option in my form header. Right now I have two unbound combo boxes (CboAccountsfilter and cboCourseName) that I can use to filter my records. Currently, I can use the drop down for CboAccountsfilter and a list of accounts will appear. When I select one, the corresponding Course Names will appear in cboCourseName. This works fine...Code below. I would like to take the filtering a step farther and add checkboxes to filter the data. I my form, there currently exist several check boxes (yes/no)...(Priority, Rep Top Target, Manager Top Target, ect). I would like to have the option to use a check box to filter. I.E if I had a checkbox in my header called PriorityFilter, if checked it would only bring up those records that met the two combo boxes criteria and was a priority.

Below is the code I have so doesnt have anything for the checkbox because I am at a lost of how to get started.

Private Sub CboAccountsfilter_Change()
End Sub


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New Text Boxes And Check Boxes Don't Work

Apr 24, 2008

I added some new controls into existing form. I made sure I added those new control names to Table source as well. For some reason, I dont get the values either in the form or in table. Please help. Thanks.
By the way, how can I attach an attachment in this forum. This if first time for me in this forum.

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Check Boxes And Text Boxes

Jun 9, 2005

I have a form with a check box among other itmes. What I want to happen is, when the user checks the check box, I want the text box to the right of it to be made visible and to let the user write text. But I only want this text box to be visible when the check box is checked. The check box is if the user wish to put a comment in the form, he will click the check box and then I want my text box to appear so that he may write the comment in the text box. Please help with this. Thanks

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Changing Color After Option Group Check

Nov 30, 2006

I was wondering if anyone can help.
Please see attached jpg
I need to change the background color of the lead status box when one of the options is selected. i.e. when warm (amber) when Hot (red)

Can anyone help please?

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Changing A TxtBox To A Check Box Or Similar, Based On A Field In Db

Feb 22, 2006


I have

Form with 3 list boxes.
1st LB populates 2nd etc.

The 3rd LB value chooses a field.
The Fieldname Table has field "Field Type"

I want to change the Text box next to the List box to this entry in the Db.

Ie. If I choose a field in the LB, say "Done?", then to update that field it needs to offer me a "yes/no" field type
Therefore it changes the TextBox to a Checkbox (or combo with Yes and No as options)

Any ideas?

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Changing Color On Multiple Text Boxes

Jan 18, 2005

I have about 25 text boxes on my form that use the dcount or count functions to obtain a number. (Text boxes are labeled 'Text1' through 'Text25')
When the value of the textbox is 0, I would like to have the color of the text box turn red.

Is there a way I can do this using a for loop? Or a with statement?

Checking each one individually just seems like poor programming.
Any thoughts? Ideas?
Thank you.

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Check Boxes

Jan 2, 2006

In my tables I have set a field to Yes/No and the format to be True/False.
When I activate the table it shows the field as a checkbox, however when I create a List Box on a form to that table it displays the fields as True/False, how can I get the list box to also display the field as a checkbox.


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Sum Of Check Boxes

Jun 9, 2005

I want to sum together the number of check boxes checked. The problem is that Sum gives a negative number. What shuold I do?

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Check Boxes

Sep 27, 2005

This seems like an easy question.

I created a check box on a form. The problem is once the box is checked, it cannot be unchecked. Seems like there should be some validation running in the background that checks the state of the check box.

I have the value of the check box to equal 1.

If the field is null, then clicking on the check box assigns the value and turns on the check mark.

If the field is already 1, then clicking on the check box deletes the value and unchecks the box.

Can someone provide me with the vba code that makes the check box operate correctly? I appreciate your help.



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Check Boxes

Sep 28, 2004

Is there a way to make sure that one of two box is checked. And if one is checked the other could not be. For example. If I have a check box called Father and one called mother. If father was checked Mother could not be checked, and visversa.

Thank You


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Check Boxes

Apr 11, 2005

If a check box is true/checked, how do I make it invisible on a report?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Check Boxes

May 4, 2006

I have 4 check boxes represent 4 grade levels. When I click on a grade I have a query run for me a list of all 9th graders or 10th graders or both together.
When I run the form for the first time, all four boxes are check, when I unclick all of them and I click which ones I want the form does not work. But if I leave them click the report will work. Basically what is happening is when I unclick them, the lose their value.
I have the check box set up with a Default Value as "09" or "10" base on what Grade Level there is.
So my two questions are, how do I keep the value of the check boxes after I unclick and click again and Secondly, is there a way to have the boxes unchecked when I run the program?

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Check Boxes

Feb 5, 2008

I have a column which are check boxes to indicate whether plants are available for sale or not. The problem is how do i put code or symbol in to check all boxes or to uncheck all boxes.

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Forms :: Changing Combo Boxes To Option Groups?

Dec 11, 2013

I've created a form using the form wizard and all of the fields show up as combo boxes. I would like to change a couple of them to option groups with radio buttons. Is there anyway to do this without deleting the fields and making the option boxes from scratch? The reason I ask is because when I do the option boxes from scratch with the wizard, it alters the way the information shows up in the datasheet (it's a split form).

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How To Count Check Boxes??

Jul 14, 2005

I have a table that contains the following fields:
male - yes/no
female - yes/no
number of kids

I need to create a query that will give me the count of males and females and sum of number of kids - all grouped by township.

I have created 3 separate queries that calculate each part and they work. My question is how do I display the results of all these queries in one report, all grouped by townships?

Or if there's a way to create one query that will add all of this up? when I tried to create one query, the check boxes were not calculated properly, because Access did not distinguish between filled and empty checkboxes and would just count them all...

Any ideas or suggestions would be really appreciated.

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Count Up Check Boxes

Jul 29, 2007

I was just wondering if there is any way that I can create a query to find all of the records which have a tick box checked.

There is a tick box on each form and I want to know what I type in the 'Criteria' box is Query Design so that I can quickly and easily search for all those which are checked.

I know that in a normal query, to search for a particular object you can type it in (e.g. 'Mugs' - will find all the records under the name of 'Mugs' when typed under the right heading) but i'm unsure of what to type in under the 'Target' heading to make it find all those which are checked.

Any ideas. . .

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Yes/no Check Boxes In Query

Sep 19, 2007

I have a form I am creating from a query that has numerous yes/no checkboxes. I have been able to enter over 2/3rds of the yes/no boxes. However, I'm trying to enter the last of these into the form, and they suddenly change to text boxes. When I go back and check the query, they have also changed to text boxes there as well. I've checked and re-entered the data from the table to the query and finally to the form again. Same thing happens everytime. Any idea what's going on here?
Thank you ~

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Counting Check Boxes (Yes / No)

Jun 19, 2005

hi guys
i have 2 questions
how can i count selected or not selected checkbox fields (yes/No) in a tex box ?!
( for example we have a 2 yes/no fields that are Male and another Female , and i want to make a form that shows number of males and number of females that selected in a text box )

how can i make a search form that when i chose check boxes and then Search button it will show me the list of selected checkbox that selected in main form

( for example if we have 3 checkboxes 1.(low) 2.(mid) 3.(high) in main database and form , and if i want to make a search form that shows me list of enterees that is (Mid) )

thanks alot

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Check Boxes On A Subform

Aug 19, 2005

Good Day Everyone :)

I appologize that this may be a very remedial question, and that many previous threads pertained to the general topic of check boxes, but as I am new to the world of access, I did not find any threads which i could apply to my following question.
I would greatly appreciate any help and guidance :)

What I am trying to accomplish is to set up a subform in which each record is linked to a check box. The check box would be used to select unique records for an upcomming search.
My problem: the check box which i have added to the subform (from the toolbox) is linked to all of the records. That is to say that when I check one box it checks all of the all boxes as well. :eek:

Is there any SQL language which i should be applying here?

Suggestions are much appreciated :)

Thanks a million in advance,

~ N' Take care ~ :)

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Check Boxes On A Form

Jun 1, 2006

Hi All,

I have a form with a series of check boxes (see image below). The check box is always in the top left had corner and is very small. Does any one know if it is possible to:

a. Have the check box in the centre
b. Enlarge the check box, so the tick itself appears larger




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Speaking Of Check Boxes

Jul 13, 2006

what if i dont want a user to be able to select check box 2 if check box 1 isnt select

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