Changing Vertical Scroll Bar Position Of A Form With Code

Sep 15, 2004

Is there a way to change the vertical scroll bar position to always be at the top when I move from form to form. Right now, it will start at the top, but when I move to a different form and back, the vertical scroll bar is positioned in the center. I turned off the autocenter property of the form and saved it in the desired position, but that doesn't work. My form is maximized when it opens. I would greatly appreciate some help. This has been an annoyance for quite some time now.

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Form / Subform Vertical Scroll

Apr 3, 2014

I'm having a vertical scroll issue thats very strange. Most of the time I can scroll vertically fine, but every now and then it locks up and wont let me scroll down, especially with the mouse wheel. A couple of the engineers have had even weirder symptoms where they cant even scroll down using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

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Controlling Scroll Position When A Form Loads

Oct 20, 2004

I have been trying to make forms open scrolled to the top and have had very little success.

I found a function on the following site that works great as demonstrated and when I attach the following code to a text box the form scrolls to the top.

Private Sub Text98_Click()
Dim lngret As Long
lngret = fSetScrollBarPos(Me, 1)
End Sub

What I am trying to do is have the form scroll when it opens but by attaching the above code to the form's on_open event there is no effect.

What am I doing wrong.

Any ideas

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Forms :: How To Get Horizontal Scroll Position On A Form

Jan 9, 2015

I have a form in datasheet view, with the record ID column frozen and users typically scroll to the right to see certain columns. Different users scroll to a different position.

I dont have the option to reduce the number of columns or create separate forms for different users, - they all need to see all the columns but typically a user scrolls horizontally to see a certain set of columns most of the time. I want to save that position for the next time they open the form.

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Vertical/Horizontal Scroll Bar

Jan 6, 2006

Hi, In MS Access,

In the form design,

How can I change the Vertical Scroll bar color?
I want to keep it for using, but the color is always grey color.
How can I change the color of the scroll bar?


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Changing Startup Position Of Form

Sep 3, 2004

I am having a problem with my form. When it opens up, it is maximized, which is what I want. However, the vertical scroll bar on the right does not begin at the top of the form, but towards the bottom. I have to scroll up each time so that I can see the top of my form. Is there a way to make the form startup at the top of the form?

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Forms :: Moving Vertical Scroll Bar To Left Side?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a subform that�s in datasheet view, is there a way to align the vertical scroll bar to the left side?

Win 7
Access 2010

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Forms :: Scroll Bar Position With A Subform

May 22, 2013

I have a form that i have created with various tabs along the top, e.g. customer details, customer contact etc etc.I have a subform on one of the tabs.

That subform also has tabs on it.When clicking on the main form tab it goes to subform but the scroll bar moves down only to show the subform tab options. I have to keep scrolling back up to see the main form tab options.

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Modules & VBA :: Controlling Scroll Bar Position

Jul 5, 2013

So I've got a form:
- A set of unbound controls filters (using a dynamically-built WHERE statement) a subform in datatable view.
- A set of bound controls displays the currently selected subform record; the two reflect one another.
- A set of unbound checkboxes at the bottom allows the user to change which fields are displayed in the subform.

Turns out, all of this makes for a pretty big form. Some of the users have screens that will not fit the full form due to resolution settings, physical size, aspect ratio, etc. Whatever the reason, the result is one or both scrollbars appearing on the form.

The issue is this: Whenever the filter controls are changed, the form's Current event runs (because the After Update events for the filter controls all change the main form and subform's Recordsource). But the Current event causes the form to requery (or refresh?), meaning the focus returns to the control with Tab Index 1 (a "Home" button near the top of the form).

Thus, the form tends to "jump around" a lot when users are determining the records they want displayed.Is there a way to avoid this?

- Can I prevent the "Home" button from getting the focus during those times?
- Alternatively, can I set the position of the scroll bars so the user doesn't see that jumping around every time a control is updated? I found some interesting ideas that worked for continuous forms, but mine is a single form, so bookmarking methods won't solve my issue.

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Changing Vertical Text On A Report

Oct 2, 2005

Not sure if this is possible but I have a few text boxes on a report set to vertical yes under properties. They print fine, but on the pre-printed forms I'm using they print upside down. Is there a way to realign they way the text prints when using the vertical yes setting? I really need they text to be inverted. I'm I asking an impossible question? Thanks..

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2007 - Scroll Listbox Back To Top Without Changing Selections

Jan 29, 2014

I have a listbox which is populated by a query from a table.

I also have a sub which allows users to quickly select multiple items from the listbox (based on a pre-defined criteria) rather than scrolling through and selecting them manually / individually

The sub works fine but when it is finished, the listbox is automatically scrolled to the bottom (or, rather, to the last selected item)

I would like to have the listbox scroll back to the very top once all of the appropriate items have been selected.

(I could loop through the listbox items in reverse - or 'bottom-up' - in the code but that would only have the desired effect if the topmost item was selected. I want it scrolled to the top regardless of whether the topmost item is selected or not).

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Set Web Control Scroll Bar Value - Code / Macro

Sep 8, 2014

I have a Web Browser Control which displays the location of premise from a table using Bing. The Control itself isn't large enough to show the entire Bing page, so it has vertical and horizontal scroll bars.

It's vertical position is fine, but I'd like it to by default display from the far right hand side as opposed to the left. I'm guessing there's a way to set the ScrollValue (or similar) of the horizontal bar in code, but am unsure what to do. Or perhaps there's a really simple way and I'm missing it.

I've done quite a bit of searching, but keep coming up for solutions for List / Combo boxes etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Changing Record Source On A Form - 2 Different Outcomes Using Same Bit Of Code?

Apr 28, 2015

I'm changing a record source on a form when the user clicks a "save" button.

I'm doing this to store a value from the current form in a table that is not part of the default form query.

This works fine.

I have a separate button on my form called "Home", when the user clicks this button it requerys the current form which triggers the before update event to run, this in turn brings up a message box which asks the user if they want to save or not. If they click yes then it runs the SaveButton click() code.

For some reason when the user presses the save button and then exits, everything works but if a user presses the “home” button which triggers the save button then it brings up the “2107 The Value you entered doesn’t meet the validation rule defined for the field or control.” Runtime error and stops on the change recordsource command.

Why triggering the same code directly from a button or indirectly from a before update event has two different outcomes.

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Forms :: Subform Scroll Bar Scroll To Bottom?

Apr 25, 2013

I have a form and in the form is a subform. When I add a record with the following code, the subform detail scrolls in such a way that you can't see the record you just added...only a single blank new record. Can you set the scroll position so that I can see all the previous records including the one I just added?

Private Sub Add_PROJ_RECORD()
On Error GoTo Err_Add_Click
Me.PROJECT_DATA.Locked = False
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Exit Sub

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Changing Code Via Text Box

Nov 25, 2005

in my Access database there is quite a bit of VBA code.
I have set my LAN and file path in some of this code but will need to change it when this database will get to other users using a different LAN and path.

Is there a way I can avoid them to open the code and manually change this information?
I was thinking of some sort of text box where they will write their path (ex. \S01000sharedoffice*.*) and use a cmdbutton to overwrite the existing path?


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Help Changing Default Sort Code

Mar 1, 2005

I am trying to set the default sort code to something other than the primary key. Example- Book Code is Primary Key but I want the table to be sorted by Title. I have went into properties and used the Order By property and typed 'Book.Title' however when I view the datasheet, Book Code is still the 1st column??? Is it still being sorted by Title??

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Changing Property Settings By Code

Dec 2, 2006

This is getting into some stratospheric territory for me.

I am trying to change the visibility property of a label and corresponding text box, based on the contents of a different combo box. cboHow is a combo box that uses a value list as its row source, since the content of the list won't change. There are three fields that I need when the content of cboHow = "FIS". Otherwise I don't need them and I don't want to see them. My code is below:

Private Sub txtFISDepartmentNumber_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If cboHow <> "FIS" Then
lblFISDepartmentNumber.Visible = False
txtFISDepartmentNumber.Visible = False
Else: lblFISDepartmentNumber.Visible = True
txtFISDepartmentNumber.Visible = True
End Sub

At the moment there is no error code, but the label and text field don't respond by becoming visible/invisible when the contents of cboHow changes. Do I put this code with the txtFISDepartmentNumber or in cboHow? and do I use BeforeUpdate or AfterUpdate? Should I have a separate If..Then..Else for the label and the text box?

I have been playing around with this for several hours now and seem to be going in circles.

I am using A2K

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Changing Field Attributes In Code

Jan 24, 2007

I know that I can use an Alter Table query to add table fields from code.

But what if I just want to change a field from being Required or Not Required, or perhaps change the field width of a text field?

How do I do that from VBA?

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Changing Access Code Page On Web Server

Oct 10, 2004

When I send a database to server it changes all of my special charters to unicod charterset, I suposed that server is on american charter set, I would like it to change to central europien windows - 1250 code page, is it posible and how? it is very importand to me.

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Forms :: Vertical ScrollBar Of Subreport (on Main Form) Not Shown

Jul 16, 2015

I have a main form with a subreport.

Mainform width is 22"(Maximum)
Subreport Wdth is also 22" (Maximum)

When i run the mainform, the subreport shows correctly but the vertical scrollbar is at most right side of main form so i have to scroll main form horizontally first to access the vertical scroll bar of subreport.

To solve, changing subreport orientation to right-to-left shows vertical scroll bar at most left but still if i scroll horizontally on mainform, that scrollbar hides as its not freezed.

Consider ActiveX Control of Microsoft ScrollBars 2.0 .....

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Forms :: Three-Level Navigation Form - First Two In Horizontal And Third In Vertical Orientation

Sep 20, 2014

How to Creating a Three-Level Navigation Form, First and second level must be in horizontal orientation, third level desirable be to vertical orientation and dependent of level 2.

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Position A Form

May 22, 2007

I have a Logo which is actually startup form. I need a code to position this statrup form on near to bottom right corner of access window in all resolution. How ever at present I am using code :

Res = GetScreenResolution()

If Res = "800x600" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 9600, 5600
ElseIf Res = "1024x768" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 13000, 8000
ElseIf Res = "1152x864" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 14500, 9500
ElseIf Res = "1280x720" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 16200, 7200
ElseIf Res = "1280x768" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 16200, 7800
ElseIf Res = "1280x1024" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 16200, 11400

End If

But some times user use the application on different resulotion other then mentioned in code, the position of startup form looks awkward.



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General :: How To Make Form Controls Change Size / Position As Form Is Resized

Jul 24, 2013

how to make my form controls change size / position as my form is resized / loaded on a computer with a different resolution. Several of the tutorials out there suggest putting code on the "on resize" property of the form. When I looked at the Northwind database to try to mimic their code however, it looks like they must be doing something different as there is no on resize code under the form properties and I was unable to find the code they do use.

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How To Recenter The Form Position

Jul 17, 2007

I want when the form ativate to reput it in the center of the screen. is there any property to do this in the code, as the autocenter is set only in the design view


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Position Of Cursor On New Record On A Form

Aug 21, 2006

I'm trying to ensure that each time a new record is opened in a form, that the cursor is positioned in the first control/field... I have this throughout most of my application but not in a few individual forms.

I know I've done something in the past to ensure that this happens, but I can't remember what it was...


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Coming Back From Report - Form Out Of Position

Jun 23, 2006

hi i have a button that loads a report. If i then close the report the form, which is set with no border/no max/min/close/non movable and opens maximised, places itself off centre. I want it to stay maximised full screen. The only work around i currently have is when the use moves the mouse over the form it maximises itself. Will this then be calling this function everytime the mouse moves(cant be very efficient). is there a better way to maximise the form Immediately after closing the report.

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